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An Unrelated Incident

Chapter 29

Trisha did not return Zoey to the living room. Instead, she picked Brandi and Lana up and took them to the kitchen where Zoey was already strapped into her seat with a bib. She likewise locked Brandi and Lana into their highchairs with colorful, cartoon print bibs.

For Zoey, lunch was a bowl of mac and cheese. For Brandi and Lana, it was a jar of yellow goo. Brandi and Lana were both facing Trisha and she was spooning huge amounts into their mouths. Some of it got on their chins and on their cheeks. It was a messy way to eat.

Whatever it was, wasn't bad but the texture forewarned that it was likely going to make them use their diapers. It tasted a little like banana yogurt but it was thicker. Lana bet she had mixed it with a fiber supplement or a laxative. She could already feel this morning's bottle demanding to be let out of her bladder. It had enough solids to make something happen on the other end, too.

Lana squirmed in her seat. It was uncomfortable to be so full, to need to pee and still be fed when you weren't hungry. Despite the pressure, she held off a bit longer. When Trisha finally stopped forcing goo into their mouths, she cleaned them up and put all the babies down for a nap in the adult-sized playpen in the living room.

Zoey was the model child and fell asleep in less than a minute. Lana and Brandi put their heads down. They closed their eyes but neither was sleepy. With nothing to do and no other options, Brandi was soon asleep, softly snoring. Lana closed her eyes and drifted off, too.

Lana dreamed she was at home, still in university. She had left class and desperately needed to visit the bathroom between classes. She barely made it into a stall and sat on the toilet to relieve herself. It was a great relief to make it in time.

In a blow to her maturity, when she was awakened by Trisha for a diaper check, it was indeed wet. It was a dream but she really was wet. She was angry with herself. You never use the bathroom in a dream. It always turns out badly.

Brandi was awake now. Trisha was pleased that all of her babies had wet their diapers. That meant Brandi had used the diaper too. None were about to be changed though. That would have been too easy. Of course, Zoey was wet. She was always wet. Was that what Trisha intended for us?

Lana asked Brandi, “Did you have to pee?”

Brandi shook her head yes. They were locked into thick, thirsty diapers and the woman was going to make them use them for everything. It was insanity to force a fully capable adult to wear and use a diaper.

Nothing else to do, Brandi, Lana and Zoey played with dollies and blocks. The twins didn't want to but there was no other resource available. Lana mumbled a stream of consciousness. Things we know: babies, diapers, mommies, wetting, messing, loss of bodily control. What am I not seeing?

Mind numb from boredom, Lana napped off and on. Zoey was doing likewise. Brandi simply stared at the ceiling. Eyes were open but she disengaged her mind. She was looking forward to dinner so they could least have interaction.

Mercifully, Trisha came to bring the babies to the kitchen table. For Zoey, Trisha had prepared spaghetti and meatballs. The twins only received more of the two-liter bottles of diaper juice. Brandi had a hard time holding hers. Trisha noticed.

“Brandi, if you promise to be a good girl, Mommy will give you back your hands and voice,” said Trisha, “Can you be as good as your sisters?”

Brandi shook her head to confirm she would behave. Trisha opened her phone and set Brandi's nanobots to normal again. Immediately, her arms firmed up and her jaw repositioned. Brandi smiled at Mommy.

“Your welcome, Honey,” said Trisha.

Brandi picked up the bottle and started sucking the contents down. What she wouldn't give for another slice of that pizza from yesterday. On second thought, if it required another suppository, no thanks. She was feeling a bit gassy. She tried to ease a fart out but it trumpeted her actions.

Trisha said, “Oh, is Brandi having a bit of colic? It's OK, Sweety, babies can't help what comes out of them. Let Mommy burp you.”

Trisha released Brandi from the highchair and sat the baby on her lap. Trisha bounced the baby and patted her back. Brandi found it comforting but the pressure in her stomach was still uncomfortable. As another gas pocket felt ready to escape, Brandi burped and more.

It wasn't simply gas that Brandi expelled. She messed her diaper uncontrollably. Her eyes showed the shock she felt as it spread across her bottom. Things happened so easily and so fast that she wasn't prepared for it. It wasn't like last night when she fought it and eventually lost. It happened without her knowing. Trisha patted the baby's bottom, confirming a large bowel movement was now filling the baby girl's diaper.

Trisha praised her, “That's a good girl. Get all that bad tummy feeling out of your bottom.”

Lana was sure she was nearing the same nasty end of a struggle she couldn't win. Zoey giggled and pointed at the baby in Trisha's lap. The thing that Brandi discovered was that she not only had her arms and voice back but her legs felt 100% normal again. This was an accident she thought. Mommy went too far when she returned things to normal. Brandi would not let on.


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