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A sports exam to remember!

Chapter 4

At 5:28, Brandon was walking in the door of the office. He was met by the receptionist who’s voice he had recognized from talking to her on the phone. She was very attractive, a few years older than Brandon. She spoke very softly to him, asking some general information, and gave him some forms to fill out. Brandon sat down, noticed that the waiting room was vacant, and went to work on his forms. The forms went through some detailed history and asking about any previous or current symptoms. Most of Brandon’s form was “No” but when he got close to the end, there were questions about his digestive tract. “Any abdominal pain, constipation, rectal bleeding, burning, or hemorrhoids?” Brandon had had some slight discomfort, had not had a BM in two days and did remember that the last time that he did have a BM there was a streak of red when he wiped. He chocked it up to something that he had eaten, and the fact that he had not been eating a very balanced diet the past few weeks with everything going on lately. He marked “Yes” and finished the form. Just as he was marking the last question, he heard a door open.

“Brandon Jones”, he heard. He looked up to find a tall, slim blonde with well developed breast in her tight V-neck scrub top, showing just enough, but not too much, of her cleavage. Brandon noticed her gorgeous figure immediately and froze for a minute before quickly arising from his chair after almost stumbling and quickly scrambled to meet her at the doorway. “Hi! I’m Sarah. Follow me.” Sarah led Brandon through the doorway around the corner and down the hallway. Brandon followed, noticing Sarah’s well-defined figure and bottom in her tight scrub pants.

Sarah led Brandon into a rather moderately sized exam room. Brandon surveyed the room. An exam table in the middle of the room, a set of cabinets and a sink to the left, along with a shorter countertop with exam stool under it, he assumed for them to use as a desk, two chairs along the right wall and an old fashion scale with the slider bar on top and the slider to measure height.

Sarah directed Brandon to the exam table where she asked him to remove his hoodie so that she could measure his blood pressure. Sarah gently grabbed Brandon’s arm, raised it until he had his wrist almost in her arm pit and placed the cuff around his arm. Brandon could tell that he was getting slightly nervous by this. Sarah was so close to him; he was feeling the silky material of her scrubs. She was also close enough that he could smell her perfume, she smelled incredible!

The blood pressure cuff pumped tightly. After a minute, the cuff released and Sarah stepped back with a slightly puzzled look. “Your blood pressure is kinda high for your age and build” Sarah said. Brandon replied, “I’m a bit nervous. Does that have anything to do with it?” Sarah replied “It can. We’ll have to recheck it again later.” Sarah continued by taking Brandon’s pulse, which she noted to be slightly elevated as well and his oral temperature. Sarah jotted some notes on the paper chart that she had set on the desk and headed towards the door. She stopped before closing the door and said “Go ahead and get undressed and put your clothes in the chair. Casey will be in in just a minute to do your exam.” Brandon sat appalled for a minute but yelled rather loudly just before Sarah got to latch the door. “Wait!” Sarah opened door again. “I have to take everything off?” Brandon asked. “You may leave your underwear on if you’d like for now but take everything else off.” Sarah replied. “Uh, ok. I thought that I was supposed to see Dr. Chen” Brandon blurted out. “Dr. Chen is out this week. Casey is our physician assistant. She is wonderful and will take very good care of you.”


bratwurst 2 years ago  
n/a 2 years ago