The Paramedic's Brother-In-Law

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Dr. Ward Scott knocked on Meghan’s door Thursday morning following rounds. “Knock, knock!”

Meghan turned off the TV. “Hi Dr. Scott.”

“How are you feeling, kiddo?” Dr. Scott pulled over the stool and took a seat.

“Really good. I didn’t realize how sick I felt until I started feeling better, if that makes sense.”

Ward nodded. “Actually, it does. Especially for a diagnosis such as yours. Most patients with Addison’s have vague, nonspecific symptoms that accrue over time until they hit a crisis and get diagnosed.”

Meghan nodded. “I think that’s an accurate description.”

Ward smiled. “Actually, I came in to ask you a question.”

“Oh, really?” Meghan cocked her head. “What’s your question?”

Ward smiled. “How’d you like to go home?”

A smile blossomed on Meghan’s face. “I’d love to go home! When?”

“How about this afternoon?” Ward chuckled. “Think you can wait that long?”

“Sure,” she nodded, beaming. “I get to go home!”

“Dr. Woodruff approved your discharge this morning, so we just need to get the paperwork done. Give me a couple of hours, okay?”

“Sure, Dr. Ward. Oooh, I’m so excited!” Meghan bounced in the bed, making Ward chuckle again. “Go call that brother-in-law of yours, and I’ll get things wrapped up on my end. Later, Meghan!” Ward headed for the door.

Meghan picked up her cell phone as Dr. Scott left and hesitated. Who should I call first? she wondered. She thought for a moment, glancing at the time, before calling down to the ER.

County Medical ER, can you hold?

“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Meghan listened to elevator music for several minutes before the phone was answered again.

County Medical ER. How can I help you?

“Uh, hi. Is Dr. Branston on duty today?”

Yes, he is. Do you need to speak with him?


He’s with a patient at the moment. I can place you on hold, or I can take a message and have him call you back.

“I’ll wait,” Meghan decided. She was put back on hold, and the music started up again. It took several minutes, but Mitch finally came to the phone.

Dr. Branston speaking.

“Hey, Mitch!”

Well, hey yourself, Meghan! What’s up?

“I got great news – they’re sending me home!” She was giddy with excitement.

Really? That’s awesome! Do you have a ride home?

“Not yet. I’m trying to get that arranged now, starting with you,” she confessed.

I’m stuck here until 7 tonight, and Kelsey rode in with me. We’d be happy to get you, but it’d be late.

“Hmmm. Well, let me see what if anyone else is available. If not, I’ll page and let you know.” Meghan said, a little disappointed.

Are you planning to go back to your apartment? It might be easier for you if you spent a couple nights with us until you’re back on your feet.

“I hadn’t given it much thought,” Meghan confessed. “I need to go home anyway. I’ve got to get clothes ready for Saturday, and I still need to chat with Fred about that.”

Why don’t you have whoever is picking you up run you over to your apartment. Pack a bag or two, and come back to our place. You still have the key?

“Yeah, I still have it. Okay, I’ll do that. I may be home before you, then.”

That’s fine. You’re welcome to whichever of the guest rooms you want, although I’ll warn you that the beds probably aren’t made.

Meghan chuckled. “That’s fine. If I need a nap, I know where to find a comfy couch.”

Okay, then. Text me when you arrive, if you would.

“Will do! I’ll let you go. Thanks, Mitch.” The call ended, and Meghan hung up the phone. She wondered who else to call. She looked again at the clock and did some mental calculations. Hoping Fred’s class would be on break, she called his cell phone, but it went to voicemail. Disappointed, she left a message for him to call her back.

She was about to call Rick when the man himself walked into her room. “Good morning, Meghan! How are you today?”

“I was about to call you,” she smiled.

“Really?” Rick pulled over a chair. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Well, I was going to pass on some information and ask for a favor.”

“Another favor? I dunno…” Rick winked at her. “What’s your favor?”

“Well, I’ll start with the information,” Meghan said. “I’m getting discharged today!”

“You are? That’s great!” Rick’s smile was huge. “Any idea as to what time?”

“Dr. Scott said it’d be sometime this afternoon.”

“Do you have a ride home lined up?” Rick asked.

“That was the favor I needed to ask you,” Meghan replied, smiling.

“Hmmm. I’ll have to think about it.” He winked at her. “I can definitely give you a ride.”

“Great! I appreciate it. I talked to Mitch, but he and Kelsey probably won’t be leaving until after 7 tonight.”

Rick nodded in understanding. “Will you be staying at your place or theirs?”

“Well, Mitch pretty much insisted that I stay with them, at least for a few nights. I need to swing by my apartment, though, and pack some stuff. Would you mind?”

He smiled reassuringly. “I don’t mind at all.” He looked at his watch. “Tell you what. I have an errand that I need to run. Why don’t I go do that, and I’ll be back right after lunch. Then we can wait together until they kick you out of here, okay?”

Meghan laughed. “Sounds great. I’ll try to bug them for a time frame, and send you a text.”

“Deal. See you in a couple hours!” Rick smiled, winked, and headed for the door.


It was around 7 pm before Fred finally had time to call Meghan. She, by this time, had been discharged, and Rick had taken her first to her apartment to pack a couple of bags, took her out to dinner, and finally dropped her off at Mitch’s house. Having already communicated with Mitch, he was taking Kelsey out for a bite before they returned home.

Meghan’s phone rang, and she picked it up. “Meghan McCoy speaking.”

Hey there, kiddo. What’s up? Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner.

“No worries,” she assured him. “I knew you had class today. How’s the hand?”

This confounded splint itches, but it’s okay. I go next week to have the stitches taken out and a cast put on. How are you feeling? About to go stir-crazy in the hospital?

“Actually, no. I got to go home this afternoon.”

Really? That’s great! So, I take it you’re feeling better?

“Yeah, I am. Hey, do you have a few minutes to chat about Saturday?” Meghan asked, reaching for a thick folder she’d set down on the coffee table.

Sure. What about it? Are you planning to be there?

“I’d better be,” she chuckled. “You won’t believe the bargaining that took place with my doctor to get him to allow it. I had to promise to have a doctor on-premises just in case, and I have to have an assistant who can help me if needed.”

Sheesh! Maybe you should have gotten Derek to fill in for you.

Meghan curled her lip and made a negative sound. “No, I prefer to handle it myself. You’ll be there to help me cover anything with the facilities, and we both know the runners handle most of the paperwork collection. As far as having a doctor on site, well, let’s just say we have a couple of volunteers to play patient this time.” She smiled.

Fred laughed. I’d be shaking my head in amazement if anyone but you had told me that. Who’d you get? Your brother-in-law and who else?

“I got my friend, Rick Brant, who happens to be an orthopedist. I’m thinking this is going to be fun,” she smirked.

Tell him to bring pants he doesn’t mind getting cut, Fred advised. One of the trauma scenarios involves an open tib-fib fracture.

“Oh, that’s perfect,” Meghan laughed. “What about for Mitch? He said his only requirement is that he doesn’t want to be backboarded.”

Hmmm. Maybe a splinting station or a respiratory scenario, then. I’ll have to read through the scenarios again. Who’s in charge of the makeup this go around?

Meghan flipped through her volunteer roster. “I think Stacey is going to head that one up. I’ve got Brad, Mark, Robert, Kiki, Stacy, Peter, Joy, Sharon, Roy, Chet, and Kelly on the list for adjudicators. Sam and Stacy’s two teens are going to be my runners, and Roy’s wife Margaret has agreed to handle the canteen and keep everyone supplied.”

How many volunteers do you have for patients? Do we have enough live bodies, or do I need to get some help to pull the mannequins out of the attic?

Meghan pulled out her volunteer sheet, added Rick and Mitch’s names to it, and counted. “Hmmm. I have…six people right now. I might help out some, probably with the backboard station. Might want to grab a couple of mannequins, though. I’ll try to call around and see if I can find a few more warm bodies.”

Sounds like a plan. Anything else you need? Are you picking up the food and bringing it, or is Margaret doing that?

Meghan groaned. “I hadn’t gotten there yet. I need to call the donut shop and get all of that arranged. Good thing I have a free day tomorrow to tie up all of these loose ends.”

If you need help, ask for it, Fred said, seriously. I might be down a hand, but I can still help take a load off of you. We don’t need you back in the hospital over this.

“I’m good,” Meghan reassured him. “And I’ll definitely ask if I need to. Let me see what I can get done before noon tomorrow, and we’ll touch base again. When would be a good time to call?”

Try me after 1 pm. A few of the students wanted to come in and do skills practice in the morning.

“Okay, I’ll do that,” she agreed. They chatted a few more minutes before hanging up.

Meghan sat on the couch and stared at her phone for a minute before shifting her gaze to stare at the folder. She wished she knew how to pull off everything in such a short time span. Usually she devoted a full week to tying up all of the loose ends, and now she was down to one day.

Okay, it’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get on the phone and start calling in favors. Meghan pulled up her contacts list and started scrolling. Stan. She punched in the call.

“Hey Stan? It’s Meghan. I need your help….”


Meghan made three phone calls that evening, and added more names to her list of volunteers. She dialed her last number as Mitch and Kelsey arrived home. She waved and put the phone up to her ear.

“Hey, Brad, it’s Meghan.”

Meghan! How are you feeling, little sis?

Meghan chuckled. “Pretty good, thank you.”

Are they still holding you hostage in the hospital?

“No,” she giggled. “I escaped this afternoon.”

Really? That’s great! So, what’s up?

“Brad, I need your help.”

You’ve already roped me into adjudicating Saturday.

“Yeah, I know. But I need more help with a couple of things.”

Sure thing, little sis. What do you need help with?

Meghan looked at her to-do list. “First, we need to pull down a couple of the mannequins from the attic. Could you get your guys to do that? Otherwise, Fred will try to do it himself.”

The heck he will! I will make sure we do that first-thing in the morning. Okay, what else is on your list?

Meghan smiled. “I could really use another 3-4 volunteers to be mock patients. Tell them that I provide donuts and drinks in the morning, and pizza and soda for lunch.”

Laughter came over the phone. I think you just spoke their language. Okay, I’ll see who I can wrangle. What time do they need to be where?

“Tell them to report to the EMS classroom by 8, and plan to be there until 2 pm. No EMS study materials, and phones have to be put away while they’re working for me. I’m planning to swing by the school tomorrow afternoon so I can get as much of the setup done as possible. I can pop in to your class if you want.”

Sounds good. Listen, I need to go. I’ll see you tomorrow?

“Sure thing, Brad, thanks.”

No problem, little sis. Later!


Dragonflies369 3 years ago  
TimTammies 3 years ago