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Views: 1585 Created: 2020.07.31 Updated: 2020.07.31

Patient Files - Book #1 - Andrew Winters

Part 2 - Andrew Winters

Later tonight, we’re supposed to go to the Lazy River, even though we’re supposed to be hitting up La Jolla Cove tomorrow.

I don’t really know. It was Fargo’s weird idea, but it’s whatever.

Most of the afternoon, I spend lying on one of the couches in the hotel lounge with a warming pad over my stomach and a big bottle of Fiji water. If I do end up going out, I want to be feeling well for it... And I certainly don’t want to crap my pants in the pool, either. If the pool closes between that and Redd O'Reilly getting so drunk that he throws up in the water, it’s gonna be Redd that does it.

The others are around, just chatting and pregaming. They didn’t want to totally ditch me, but they did want me to get my rest, so they’re nearby in case I need them. They’ve given me some tea to have with my water. Pillows to support my neck.

For the most part, I’m comfortable.

That is, until the suppository kicks in.

Hunter wasn’t lying when he said I’d feel it. Because I’m feeling it.

I’m getting cramps again, but not in the same way I was earlier. It hurts, but this time, it’s hurting because I really... Really have to poop.

Groaning to myself, I toss the warming pad aside, roll myself from the couch, and shuffle into the nearest bathroom. Trying to relax, I lower my pants and my boxers, and I sit down a minute...

Still try to relax.

God, these cramps hurt.

Nothing’s coming out, though. It’s literally just cramps.

Why am I not able to go? Shouldn’t I just be able to take a dump like normal?

Either way, my stomach needs everything out. It feels like I’m actually having a baby now. That medicine was really stimulating.

Hoping to relieve the cramps and maybe expedite the process a little bit, I push a little. Just a little bit.

It doesn’t relieve the cramps. Pushing just makes me feel like I need to poop more. But nothing’s coming out.

It feels like there’s something that needs to come out. But nothing’s coming out.

What the hell is going on with me right now?

I don’t give up, though. I stay on the toilet. I continue to push some. When nothing comes out with small pushes, I push a little harder. I pull my knees into my chest, resting my feet on the toilet seat and push again.

But it just gets worse. The cramps are making me nearly fold over in pain, and I’m sitting here desperately needing to poop, but nothing’s coming out.

Eventually, I feel myself tearing up from the pain, sweating like an animal and breathing heavily with exhaustion. I can’t do it... It’s not working. The suppository just started giving me contractions, but everything’s still stuck.

I try one more time. I grip onto the waistband of my shorts, grit my jaw, and I push. Everything hurts after how hard I’ve pushed. My sphincter, my stomach, my head.

And it’s not even worth it. Nothing’s come out, and my stomach is still cramping up.

Bloody hell.

I sit on the toilet with my head in my hands for a bit, losing track of how long I’ve been in the bathroom, when there’s a knock on the door. That catches my attention.

“Hey, Andy. You okay in there?” It’s Oliver.

Though, seconds later, there’s another, more obnoxious knock on the door. “Hurry up! I gotta pee!” That one is Redd’s voice. “You know, if you get in the pool, being submerged in water makes the feeling of having to poop go away.”

There’s a laugh from Redd, and someone else. Two others, actually. I think it’s Fargo and Luke Orange.

“What’s he supposed to do then, mate? Hold whatever hasn’t come out yet for the whole drive there?” Fargo says. “You can wait, my man. We don’t leave for another ten minutes and we have to wait for Nadia and Marina anyways.”

I hear a stumble. “You’re not helping anything, Luke,” I hear Oliver say, though, I don’t know what Luke just did.

Alright. I think now’s a good time to give up.

Wiping myself, I get off the toilet, pull myself back together, and wash up at the sink. The whole time, I’m nearly hunched over with the pain, and when I try to wipe the tears of pain out of my eyes, they just come back.

Goddamn. This is hell.

When I open the doors, the other guys look shocked at the state I’m in. I don’t blame them. I’m on the brink of tears, red in the face, sweating. It’s great.

“Oh jeez, man,” Luke mutters, eyes worried. “You don’t have to push so hard, Andy. You shouldn’t have to push that hard.”

Redd seems concerned as well, even though he’s already a bit tipsy. “You okay?” he asks gently. “I’m sorry man, you didn’t need to rush it, I know you’re feeling sick.”

I take a deep breath, and I wipe the sweat from my forehead. “It didn’t work, Oliver,” I say. “Well... It did. I’m getting the feeling of having to go, I just... I can’t.”

Oliver holds out an arm, and I embrace it, letting him wrap an arm around my belly. “You okay?” he asks softly, keeping his voice close to my ear. “What’s hurting?”

I sniffle. “Ugh... I feel like I’m having a baby,” I say.

Wincing, Fargo swoops in and grabs my other arm, propping me up on his shoulders as he holds my stomach the same way Oliver is. “Ooh, I’m so sorry, mate,” he says. “Tummy trouble is tough. What did the doctor say to do if the medicine isn’t working?”

Oliver frowns. “ER, Hunter said,” he explains. “There’s something more than just the peristalsis problem if he still can’t go.”

Luke perks up, nudging Oliver in the arm. He leans into his ear, and mutters something for a bit... Oliver’s nodding, clearly taking it in. Looking back up, Luke nods. “I know you hate that, so I’ll take him.”

Oliver grins. “Lifesaver,” he says to Luke. “Suppository is one thing, that’s a whole other ballgame.”

He removes his arm from my stomach for half a minute to grab onto Luke’s hand, and the two of them touch shoulders.

Luke then claps. “Okay, Andy. I’m gonna be taking you to the ER, alright? Stay here with Oliver and Fargo; I’m gonna pull my car around,” he says.

I groan, resting my head on Oliver’s shoulder. “Okay,” I answer.

While Luke’s gone, Oliver, Fargo and Redd just try to talk to me to keep my mind off the pain. It’s helping... It is, I’m just overtaken by huge cramps every once in a while.

We then see Luke pull up in front of the hotel with his car.

“Can we trust you for thirty seconds in here?” Fargo asks Redd jokingly.

“Yeah, yeah. Nothing’s gonna happen, mate. I’m not that drunk,” Redd says. He then looks at me, frowning again. “Good luck, mate. Feel better. We’ll be thinking of you tonight.”

I manage a grin through the pain before Fargo and Oliver help me outside. The two of them sit me down in the passenger seat, then Oliver nestles my hands comfortably against my stomach.

“Get better soon, Andy,” Fargo tells me. “It sucks, but it’ll all be over before you know it.”

Again, I try to smile. “Thanks, Fargo,” I mutter.

Oliver leans down and gives me a good hug. “Take care of him, Luke, hear me?” he says firmly.

Luke just laughs. “Of course I’ll take care of him,” he says.

Oliver then looks to me. “You’ll be alright, Andy,” he says. “Stay strong in there for me.”

I nuzzle my face into his shoulder. “Thanks mate,” I say.

With that, Fargo and Oliver head back inside, and Luke and I head off.

We barely even leave the parking lot when my cramps start up again. I cry out, frantically trying to lean my seat back. Everything burns more than I thought it could burn. After this, I don’t ever envision myself getting pregnant.

“Breathe, Andy,” Luke reminds me. “Breathe like it’s a baby.”

Huh. Must be common knowledge. Or maybe Luke knows this for some other reason.

Either way, I lean my head back, and I go back to breathing like I’m in labor. Same as earlier. It helps a bit, I suppose. Still gotta shit myself, but it helps the pain.

Eventually, I can sit without writhing, and Luke notices too.

“Better?” he asks, ignoring the backlash from other drivers as he blatantly runs a red light.

I nod. “Yeah, a bit.” I take another minute to breathe it off, but then I turn to him again, desperate to take my mind off of the pain. “Oliver okay?”

Luke laughs. “Yeah, Oliver’s fine. Just the procedure you’re probably gonna have to go through would probably freak him out a bit,” he says.

I can’t help but smirk. “Do tell,” I say.

“Well, if it was still a peristalsis problem and it’s simple as the suppository not working enough, Hunter would probably hook you up to this machine with electrodes on your belly. Right over your digestive system and your colon,” he explains. “Then he’d send small electric shocks to put you through labor and startle your colon back into being able to poop. That’s one thing.” Luke laughs again. “But, that doesn’t seem to be the problem here. I think Hunter’s gonna give you an enema, to be blatant. And I really don’t think Oliver wants to look at that.”

I laugh too. “Poor Oliver. No wonder you stepped in so quick,” I tease Luke, giving him a slap on the shoulder.

Truth be told, Luke found out that he has a bit of an... Enema fetish. He discovered that when he was sick in his hotel room with a similar problem that I currently have. One of the wrestling team’s female nurses had to come by and take care of him... Took his rectal temperature and gave him two full enemas so he could go to the bathroom. Luke pretended to hate it all, but he was jacking it as soon as the nurse left. Something about it just feels good and sensual to him, I guess. Maybe it’s the feeling of being so full, maybe it’s being filled up from his butt. I’m pretty sure this one time, Luke made himself a Tinder account, just to find a temporary partner to “play doctor” with him.

That being said, if anyone would be the best person to stand by me when I’m getting an enema in the Emergency Room, it’d be Luke. He can handle it all.

When we get there, Luke parks the car in the Emergency Room garage, and helps me walk into the building. It isn’t that far... I can just barely stay upright on my own at this point. Hell, even with Luke’s help, I can’t bend above the waist without my whole midsection feeling like it’s being tugged.

At the receptionist desk, Luke helps me rest an arm on the counter, and he keeps his one arm wrapped underneath my stomach. Just frees up one of his hands to sign anything for me in case that’s needed.

The receptionist gets right on with helping us out. “Good evening, how can I help you?” she asks very professionally.

“Hey. Uh, my friend’s been having some trouble here. He got checked out earlier by Dr. Woodsen, and he was told to come back here if his treatment wasn’t working out,” Luke explains for me. “He’s still having some pain, so... We’re back to see Dr. Woodsen.”

The receptionist nods gently. “Ah, yes. Dr. Woodsen did say he may be expecting a patient he had earlier today,” she says. She turns to her computer for a moment, then back up at us. “Yep! Dr. Woodsen is expecting a Mr. Winters, it appears. What’s your friend’s name here?”

Luke gives my shoulder a soft pat. “Sounds right. This is Mr. Winters right here,” he says. “Andrew Winters.”

“Wonderful. I’ll send Dr. Woodsen a page to let him know that Mr. Winters is back for another visit,” the receptionist says. “He’s just going to be finishing up with his current patient, and then he’ll be open to see your friend here. The two of you can take a seat; just let me know if he needs any water or anything.”

After getting me checked in officially with my insurance card and all, Luke sits down in a nearby bench so that I’ll be able to sit in a position that’ll be comfortable for my hurting stomach. I find myself sitting with my back straight, legs tucked in and spread at the hip. Probably not an attractive position to be sitting in with all these other people around, but it’s helping me, in a weird way.

As Luke suggested, while I’m not going through a contraction, I just try to take long, heavy breaths to keep the extra pain down as much as possible.

Luke pats my shoulder. “You okay still?” he asks.

I just nod, trying to focus on my breathing so I’m not thinking about how much my stomach hurts.

“Good,” Luke says. “You got warm hands?”

I grab his hand so he can feel the temperature 一 I can’t tell myself.

Luke chuckles. “Yeah, you’ve got pretty warm hands, my dude,” he says. “Here, try sliding them under your shirt there. Rub your belly a little bit; it might help with the cramps.”

Desperate to feel better, I try just that. I give my belly a series of slow, circular rubs, keeping up with the breathing. It definitely starts working out the tension.

“That’s it,” Luke says. “That’ll help you a little under Hunter’s ready for ya.”

Thankfully for me, there’s a young, female nurse in the doorway. A nursing student, probably. She looks up from the list in her hands. “Um, Mr. Andrew Winters? Dr. Woodsen’s patient?” she says.

Luke pats my shoulder. “Alright, brother, that’s you,” he says. “Let’s get you up on your feet here.”

He helps me from the bench, then assists me in standing up and walking to meet the nurse.

She smiles. “Hi,” she says, looking to me. “I’m guessing that you’re Mr. Winters?”

I nod, feeling bad I’m in too much discomfort and trying to focus on walking to properly greet her in return.

The nurse frowns. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Winters. I can only imagine how much pain you’re in,” she says, beginning to lead Luke and I to an exam room. “Well, Dr. Woodsen asked me to find you and bring you to an exam room so you’ll have somewhere comfortable to lie down while you wait for him. He’s almost done with his current patient, so he’ll be with you very, very soon, okay?”

I manage a grin. “Thank you, pretty lass.”

She giggles softly, and I see her blushing.

The second we’re in the exam room, Luke helps me collapse down onto the exam bed. It’s a little different than the one in the physician’s office; it’s more like a bed than a table, so it’s probably a bit more comfortable to lie down on.

“There you go, Mr. Winters. Just lie down,” the nurse says. “Dr. Woodsen also told me to let you know that you should lie in any position 一 whatever’s comfortable for you. He understands that you’re in a lot of pain.” She begins to go through a cabinet under the sink. “Before you do that... Dr. Woodsen just wants you to wear a gown. All your clothes can come off except for your socks, and you can cover up a little with this gown.” She passes it to me; looks to me like a paper exam gown that’s folded very neatly into a square. “Opening can go in the back. Have your friend help you out so you don’t have to get up.”

I nod. “Alright. Thank you, dearest,” I say.

The nurse grins. “Of course, Mr. Winters,” she says. “Feel better! The doctor will be with you very shortly, I promise.” Then she heads back out, and allows me some privacy. I’m going to need it.

With that, I sigh heavily. Gotta get naked again, I guess.

Like before, I take off all of my clothes with Luke’s help, setting them aside with him. Seeing as Hunter’s going to be doing something a little less dignifying, he at least offered me something to cover my naked body with. I appreciate the thought.

I unfold the gown and spread it out over myself, putting my arms through the openings for them, and using the plastic tie to hold it at least a little bit closed in back. Then, as Hunter allowed, I collapse onto my back, and pull my knees into my chest, taking a deep breath.

“That a bit better for you?” Luke asks, sitting in the chair by the bed.

I breathe out through my tight lips. “A little bit,” I mutter. I squeeze my eyes shut. “Bloody hell. I have to shit so bad.”

Luke frowns, patting my shoulder again. “I know, bro. I know how much this sucks,” he says. “It’ll get better. Hunter knows what’s going to help you best.”

Again, it isn’t much longer, just like the nurse promised. Within about twenty minutes to a half hour 一 which feels the same because I’m in such agony 一 Hunter comes in to see me. With him, he has a young, male nurse I don’t think I’ve ever met before. Unlike earlier today, he isn’t wearing the business-casual getup under his lab coat. Rather, he has on a set of mint green Emergency Room scrubs. Makes more sense in the setting, I guess. If it gets dirty from blood or vomit, it doesn’t matter that much.

Hunter smiles, though, he has a worried expression on his face. “Hello again, Andy,” he greets me. “It’s unfortunate that we have to meet again so soon under these circumstances. I’m sorry that you’re still not feeling very well.”

I sigh softly, lidding my eyes and nodding. “It’s okay,” I say softly.

Hunter nods politely in Luke’s direction. “And it’s very good to see you Luke. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?” he says with a smile.

Luke laughs. “Sure has,” he says. “Good to see you.”

Hunter turns to his nurse, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Gentlemen, this is Brad. He’s about to graduate from nursing school, and he’s going to be shadowing me tonight,” he explains. “Andy, are you alright if Brad helps me take care of you?”

I nod. The guy seems smart and gentle enough. Doesn’t seem phased by the way I’m lying down and the fact that he can see straight up my gown and to my delicate region. “That’s alright,” I assure him. “It’s a pleasure, Brad.”

The nurse smiles a very handsome grin. “Nice meeting you too, Mr. Winters.” He was taught to be very professional as well, it seems like.

Hunter sits down in his stool, and takes out my file... It looks like a continuation of the one he made earlier today. “So what seems to be going on?” he asks. “Can you describe the pain you’re in? Can you tell if the suppository kicked in okay?”

I sigh, hugging my knees a little closer to my chest. “Yeah... Yeah, the suppository kicked in fine. I really have to go to the bathroom, I’m in so much pain because of how badly I have to go,” I say. “I just... I was on the toilet for a while, but I... I still can’t...” I look towards Brad to make sure I’m not going to say a word that he’s not used to dealing with.

Hunter nods softly as a go-ahead. “It’s okay,” he reassures me.

Again, I sigh, taking a deep breath. “I still can’t poop,” I admit. “It won’t come out. I... I tried just relaxing. Just trying to focus... I tried to push...” I shake my head. “Wouldn’t work.”

“Hmm... Sounds to me like we’re dealing with that other problem I mentioned,” Hunter says. “Since the suppository kicked in, your perialstasis problem seems to be solved. You’re having some pretty bad cramps, huh?”

I just nod.

Hunter writes something down into his notebook. “Yeah... Yeah, I can tell. You’ve taken to a position that’s soothing the tummy aches,” he takes note. “Well... Since nothing is still coming out, it’s most likely because your stool is very dehydrated. Too dehydrated to come out, even if you’re pushing. That’s why you’re so cramped 一 your body really has to go, and it’s trying to push everything out. It’s just that nothing will come out.”

Hm. That explains the pain, then.

“Not to worry; we can get you completely fixed and out of this rough spot in no time,” Hunter continues. “Tell you what: let’s give you another brief checkup. Just make sure you’re still okay. I’ll have Brad conduct it and I’ll stand by and supervise... Take some notes. Then I’ll go ahead and feel your belly again, have another listen to what’s going on now. And from there, I’ll be able to determine what we need to do from there. Alright?”

I take a deep breath. “Alright.”

“Great. Brad, why don’t you go ahead and start taking a look at Andy here?”

I uncurl myself for a moment, and with Luke’s help, I sit up as much as I can so that Brad can examine me. Just like Hunter did earlier, he conducts a regular physical exam. He checks my eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Feels my lymph nodes, listens to my heart and lungs with his stethoscope. While he does that, he vocalizes what’s going on to Hunter, and Hunter writes it down into his notebook.

Then Hunter takes over the examination, and has me lie down on my back, legs out straight. Like before, he feels my stomach... It causes some pressure when he presses down, and it almost makes the cramps even more intense with the pressure he applies. He says that it’s because the suppository is indeed working, and I’m experiencing cramps that the stimulants are putting my bowels through. When he has a listen with his stethoscope, he gets the full idea of what’s going on.

“Ah, yep. Your bowels are pushing... But that stool does not want to go through,” Hunter explains. “You’ve got some impaction going on, Andy.” Again, he falls quiet, just taking another moment to listen before taking his stethoscope off and putting it back around his neck.

“It’s just as I thought,” Hunter says. “Before the suppository, you were having a bit of both problems combined. Now that one problem is cleared up, I can begin to take care of the other, and you should start to feel much better. Alright?”

I nod, collapsing back with a sharp breath in between my teeth and pulling my knees into my chest again.

Hunter frowns, patting my leg. “Now, I know this isn’t going to be pleasant,” he continues. “But before I begin treatment, I want to perform a very brief rectal exam. Very brief, as unobtrusive as possible. I just need to make sure that this is, without a doubt, the problem we are dealing with, because if I give you the treatment I have in mind with a larger problem at hand like fissures or a growth in your colon, then that might hurt you a bit more than you are right now. Alright, Andy? This is completely preventative.”

I turn to look at Luke, who frowns as well and places a supportive hand over my arm. He’ll be here. He’s handled it all, at this point... And liked it, the weird sicko.

“I understand,” I tell Hunter.

With my compliance, Hunter begins to get himself ready. He has Brad help him pull on a pair of gloves... An interesting type, this time. Instead of latex, it looks like they’re skin-tight rubber 一 the kind surgeons wear. Brad holds the glove open, and Hunter simply puts his hand into it. Keeps the whole glove sterile, I suppose. Again, that icon snap makes my dick jump with some sort of weird excitement... Thankfully, it’s hidden by the paper gown.

Hunter takes out a bottle of lubricant, and I hear him uncap it with a pop. Sitting down on his stool, he begins to squeeze a small amount of lube onto his index finger. “Go ahead and stay in that position if it’s comfortable on your stomach,” he says. “We’ve done a rectal exam on you before, haven’t we?”

I take a deep breath, and hold onto Luke’s hand for comfort. “Yeah...” I breathe.

Hunter wheels himself between my legs at the end of the bed. “Very good. You’ll know just what to expect 一 there might be just a little bit more pressure than normal because of the impaction that’s going on,” he says. He very gently pushes my legs a little further out to the sides, just so that he can see what’s going on below. “It’s going to be a little cold.”

As promised, I feel a brief chill as Hunter applies the lube to the outer ring of my anus. I breathe out again through tight lips, looking and making eye contact with Luke. He nods softly. “It’s alright, you know what’s happening,” he reassures me.

“Alright, Andy. Take a deep breath in...”

I do. I breathe in really deep.

“Good. And another deep breath out.”

As I breathe out all the air in my lungs, I feel Hunter’s finger slide nice and easily inside of me. Again, like the suppository and the applicator, there’s some pressure. It doesn’t hurt, not really. I just feel Hunter’s finger inside of me.

“Right, perfect. Let’s feel what’s going on,” Hunter mutters softly. There’s an odd sort of pain as Hunter starts feeling what’s going on. It doesn’t necessarily hurt, it’s just that there’s even more pressure than before.

“Alright... I see. I just feel a bit of standard impaction going on. Nothing that’s overly serious; just might cause some trouble if it doesn’t come out soon,” Hunter explains. I figure it’s so that both Brad and I know what’s going on. “Okay... That’s that. Let me just finish up making sure your cavity feels normal. Are you okay, Andy?”

I nod, breathing deeply again.

Again, there’s some pressure as Hunter feels around inside of me. Thankfully, he’s very brief with it. “Okay, alright. Upper rectal wall... Feels okay. Lower wall... And the prostate. Wonderful. Everything’s okay. I don’t feel any sort of fissures that are causing the constipation. It’s solely because of dehydration in the colon.”

With that, Hunter begins to withdraw his finger. Naturally, I feel myself tense up. This time, it’s because the cramps are still really prominent... I still really have to poop. Hunter knows that’s the case... That I really need something to come out so I have some sort of relief. He allows me to push.

Hunter removes his dirty gloves, examining the context on the finger that was just inside of me. Not seeing anything unusual like blood or something 一 just the normal stool 一 he throws them into the trash. He then turns towards me and clears his throat.

“Well, Andy. The good news is that I have a cure for you. We’ll get you to poop and you’ll be feeling better in no time,” he says with a grin. “I can’t promise you’ll be too happy with the treatment, however. Brad and I are going to be running a few enemas through you. While that isn’t the most comfortable of options, it’s going to help you feel so much better. Alright?”

I sigh, closing my eyes briefly. Thank God that Luke’s with me. I don’t know if I would make it through otherwise. I just nod in response.

“Wonderful. You’ll be feeling much better before you know it,” Hunter reassures me. Placing a hand on Brad’s shoulder, he turns to his nurse. “Can you do me a favor, Brad? I’m going to ask you to go into the prep room and start getting together the equipment we need to prepare an enema. You remember what we need, don’t you?”

Brad nods. “Sure do, doctor,” he says.

Hunter smiles, giving him another hearty slap. “Great,” he says before Brad heads off. “While he’s doing that, Andy, I’m going to take a rectal temperature briefly. I don’t believe I’ve done that for you before, so I’ll go ahead and explain. It’s a lot easier than my finger because it’s a lot thinner. Again, you can stay in that position for now, if it’s helping. And what I’m checking for is the internal temperature of your body so we can run the enema at the same temperature. If it’s too cold at all, you might get cramps. And I know that’ll be the last thing that you want with the pain you’re already in.”

I nod in understanding. I’m just glad he wants to be accurate to keep me out of pain.

Luke pats my shoulder. “You okay? You ever have this before?” he asks.

I just take a deep breath and shake my head.

“It’s much easier than a digital rectal exam,” Luke says. “It’s thin, and it doesn’t move around. Slides right in.”

Hunter comes back with a thermometer probe attached to a monitor by a cord. I notice that I’ve definitely seen thermometers like this one before... Only they were blue. This one’s red. Hunter prepares it by clicking a plastic cover over the probe, and it turns on with a beep.

He then sits on the stool between my legs again, tearing open a packet of lubricant. He slides in the probe to slick it up, then quickly takes it back out.

“You still have a little bit of lube on your anus here, so there shouldn’t be too much resistance,” Hunter tells me. Again, he pushes my knees out to the side a little bit further, then gets down between my legs. “Just like before; it’s going to be a little cold. There’s also going to be a bit more of a poke in your bottom than a press against your anus, okay? Take a deep breath in.”

Just like before, I take in a deep breath.

“And breathe out...”

As I breathe out, I feel a bit of a quick poke against my butthole, then something easily sliding in. I try to stay relaxed, keeping my anus unclenched.

Then we just wait here a minute for it to detect my internal temperature.

I must be breathing heavy and slow without noticing because Hunter nods in approval. “That’s it, Andy. Just keep up with the breathing,” he praises me. “Relax. It won’t take too long at all.”

Thankfully, he’s right. It’s only about fifteen seconds. Then there’s a series of beeps letting Hunter know that it’s finished.

Hunter takes the thermometer out again, and just like before, he allows me to push a little to relieve the feeling of having to poop. Then, he goes ahead to peer at the screen.

“Alright, Andy. You have a temperature of 99.7,” he explains. “A little bit higher than normal, but it’s nothing we need to be concerned about. It’s most likely your body knowing there’s something wrong. Rectal temperatures are a bit higher than normal anyways.”

After discarding the probe cover to the thermometer, Hunter uses a tissue to wipe the lube from my ass. “Very well. I’m going to bring this temperature to the prep room. Make sure we heat the water to be the same temperature as your colon,” he explains. “Now, just lie here. Relax, okay? I won’t be long; Brad and I are going to make an enema solution, and we’ll come right back to take care of you. Luke’s right here... You know what to do when you have cramps.” Hunter pats my knee and grins. “Okay?”

I nod, breathing through tight lips. “Alright.”

With that, Hunter heads out of the room, leaving just Luke and I.

Luke rubs my shoulder softly again. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks.

I sigh. “I think so,” I mutter, rolling my head to look at him. “I just... I really...” I squeeze my eyes shut as another wave of pain surges through, gritting my teeth in discomfort. “Dammit, I just have to take a dump. If I could just shit, it probably wouldn’t hurt so much.”

He frowns, patting my head. “I know. I understand,” he says gently. “Well, listen. They’re gonna run the enema through ya... And you’re gonna feel a whole lot better once it comes out.”

I grab his hand again, and I squeeze it hard. “Damn... I hope so,” I whimper. “This is hell. I didn’t think not being able to shit would suck so much.”

As promised, Hunter and Brad don’t take very long at all. They come back into the exam room within ten minutes. Brad’s wheeling an IV pole with him, and attached to it is a clear, vinyl bag. Looks like it’s just filled with clear water that’s been warmed, but I’m sure there’s other stuff mixed into it. I also notice Hunter’s holding onto some clear tubing... He’s also got a tub of Vaseline with him.

I swallow hard... Try not to panic when I see it. I even avert my eyes towards Luke.

“Alright, Andy,” Hunter says softly as Brad parks the IV pole on the left side of the bed. “This here is an eight-ounce enema. It isn’t too much, since we’re going to be running three of these through you.” As he explains to me, Hunter begins attaching the proper tubing to the bag, making sure it’s clamped properly as he does it. “The first one is very simple. Just some warm water that matches your body temperature, and some glycerine. The purpose of this one is just to begin to loosen things up inside of you... Encourage a bowel movement; that’s what the glycerine is for. Something very gentle, but disruptive to the stool.

“Now, what’s going to happen is that we’re going to have you lie down on your left side, and we’ll put the tubing inside of your rectum. Not too far; no more than four inches. It won’t hurt, especially since we’ll slick up your sphincter with Vaseline. We’ll run the solution into you... Have you take all eight ounces. Then we’ll have you just stay lying down on your side for about ten minutes; make sure the solution soaks into your colon. It won’t be very comfortable, since you’ll be very full, but we certainly need it to take the full effect. And once that time’s up, you can head into the bathroom and expel. The first one won’t get rid of everything, but it’s definitely going to help the process. After you’re done in the bathroom, you’ll be able to take a five-minute break before we run the next one through you. Alright?”

I take a deep breath. It sounds like a lot. I’ve never had an enema before, but it sounds daunting. I’m nervous, admittedly. But I know that Luke’s right here. Luke knows what to expect more than I do, so I can at least try to feel comfortable.

Hunter strokes my hair gently. “I know it’s overwhelming, and I can only imagine how embarrassed you are. But it’s all going to help. I promise you that you’re going to feel so much better when it’s all over,” he reassures me. “You trust me, don’t you?”

I nod. “Yeah... Yeah, I do,” I say, voice weak.

Hunter grins softly. “Wonderful. Now, let’s get you feeling better, okay?” He looks up to Brad. “Here, we’re going to put on some clean gloves, alright, Brad?”

They do... A nice, clean pair of surgical gloves. Per usual, the snapping and pulling of the rubber is giving me a weird excitement in that particular region. Maybe even more so than it had been before.

“Okay, Andy. I know this position is probably the most comfortable for the pain, but we’re going to have you roll onto your left side,” Hunter says gently. With his help, I put my legs back out straight, and lie down on my side facing Luke. Much like earlier, he has me bend my left leg just slightly, then crosses my right leg over. Brad then covers my backside up with a white sheet, which he then folds over to expose just my backside.

“I’m sure you’d appreciate a little privacy, Mr. Winters, huh?” he says softly.

I look over my shoulder at him briefly. “Yes, very much. Thank you, Brad.”

Hunter wheels over his stool, taking a seat, and Brad joins him on the other side as well. He opens the tub of Vaseline, offering it to Brad. “Now, just to make sure he isn’t uncomfortable when we enter the tubing into his rectum we’re going to slick him up a little bit with Vaseline,” he explains. “Just take a small amount onto your finger... Yep, just like that. And what you’re going to do is coat his outer anus nice and well. Then with what you have left over, you’re going to enter his rectum just enough, and coat just the sphincter muscle. You don’t have to go too far in; just enough so that it slicks up his entrance and the tubing won’t cause him any discomfort.”

With the amount of Vaseline he took, Brad kneels down beside the bed, and he begins to do as Hunter instructed him. I feel an oiliness between my cheeks, right over my anus. Brad is very gentle with it... I can tell he’s trying hard not to hurt me.

I then feel him pressing against it, like he’s trying to go inside, but he’s hesitating a bit.

“It’s alright. You won’t hurt him,” Hunter reassures him. “Ask him to take a deep breath.”

Brad nods. “Okay. Just, uh, take a slow deep breath, Mr. Winters,” he reminds me. “Relax, alright? I’m not going to hurt you.”

As Brad asked of me, I take in a nice slow deep breath. As I do, I feel a series of pokes as his fingertip enters my rectum, making sure he coats the entire sphincter. It’s a little uncomfortable, but it certainly isn’t unbearable. I just breathe through it. Take Luke’s hand when he offers it to me and give it a squeeze.

“Good, Mr. Winters. Keep breathing,” Brad tells me.

What a smart kid. He’ll make a wonderful nurse.

Brad finishes up within a few moments, and he withdraws his finger.

“Good, Brad. Go on and put on a fresh pair of gloves,” Hunter tells him. He then pats my side very gently. “Alright, Andy. I’m going to enter the tube inside of your rectum, alright? It’s going to feel a bit different, since it’s thin and bendy. If something’s poking you, let me know. It’s going to slide right inside of you, of course, since we just lubricated you with the Vaseline. Are you ready?”

I close my eyes, knitting my brow. And I just nod softly. I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be, I suppose.

Luke gives my hands a squeeze, knowing I need it.

“Take a deep breath in, Andy,” Hunter whispers softly, trying to keep me calm.

I do. I breathe in really deep.

“And out,” Hunter says.

I let it out nice and slow. As I do, I feel the tubing slide right into me with no problems at all. Not far, as promised. Just four inches.

“Perfect. You’re going to feel the warm water. Keep breathing,” Hunter says.

I hear a sharp clicking noise as Hunter releases the clamp from the tubing. Next thing I feel is a rush of warm water filling me up from the inside. It starts in my rectum, of course, but it makes its way to my stomach.

It shocks me at first. I squeeze my eyes shut a bit, grabbing hard onto Luke’s hand.

He knows I’m not used to it at all yet. He squeezes my hand back, telling me gently. “Just relax. It’s gonna feel different, just try to relax through it,” he coaches me through it. “Might even feel a little good, if you just relax enough and let it do its job.”

I manage to laugh at him. “I don’t know about that one, brother. I think enemas are an acquired taste,” I mutter breathily through the odd, new feeling. Luke just chuckles, ruffling my hair a bit.

I then feel as Hunter pats my side. “How’s it treating you so far?” he asks. “You don’t have any cramping from it, do you?”

Breathing softly, I shake my head. “No... Not any cramps from the water,” I say.

“Good,” Hunter replies, eyeing the enema bag. “You’re okay, Andy. Keep up the good work.”

I stay lying down, letting the warm water fill me up, albeit in the least dignifying way. It doesn’t bother me, I suppose, or cause any pain. I just breathe. Keep my eyes closed. Try not to mind it too much.

Eventually, I feel myself becoming bloated in the stomach. I’m very full at this point. So full I can’t look over my shoulder to see how much fluid is left in the bag. All I know is that the feeling of seriously needing to take a dump is coming back faster than I can deal with it.

Trying to look over my shoulder, I whimper. “Hunter, I... I’m really full,” I tell him.

Hunter frowns, giving my shoulder a gentle rub. “We’re almost there, Andy,” he says softly. “Just a little bit of the bag left, I promise. You’re a real champ.”

I take a big breath, and allow Luke to squeeze my hands again. “I know being full can be tough if you’re not used to it,” he says. “Breathe through it. Really breathe through it. Put your hands over your stomach, if it helps.”

I take his advice. Let go of one of his hands and place it over my stomach, trying to let the warmth cut down on the bloated feeling. It certainly warms things out, but I’ve still gotta shit really bad now. Hopefully letting things settle isn’t too painful, because I already have to go pretty bad.

But I try to tough it out. Take the rest of the bag. And I know I’ve made it when there’s a click again, and Hunter reclamps the tube. “Very well done, Andy. The first bag’s inside of you,” he reassures me. “Just hold on for another little bit while it soaks in. Breathe. You’re going to have to poop, but just hold on for a little bit. I’ll leave in the tube so it’s a little easier for you to hold.”

I try to take some long, heavy breaths to help with the feeling of struggling to hold the water in. Lying down on my side, in the way that my intestines fall, make it a lot easier. I don’t think I’d be able to hold it as well if I was standing. At least now I can just close my eyes. Focus really hard on not shitting myself.

Luke pats my shoulder to grab my attention momentarily. “You doing okay?” he asks.

Breathing out in the midst of the exercise I have going on, I keep my eyes closed and nod in response to him.

“Good. I know you can handle it. Keep up that breathing,” he reminds me.

It isn’t long, I suppose. I can hold it all for the ten minutes just fine, so long as I’m focusing on not spilling. Keeping my butthole clenched so I don’t leak, either. And eventually, I make it.

“You made it, Andy. Ten minutes are up,” Hunter says. Very gently, Hunter pulls the tubing out of my butt. “Let’s get you to sit up nice and slow here.”

With both Hunter’s help and Luke’s, I sit up nice and slowly until I’m sitting on my butt. I have to clench my anus a little tighter in this position. And, ugh... I feel the water sloshing in my stomach as I move. It kind of hurts a little.

“That’s it. That’s it, Andy. Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Hunter says.

As I stand up, still nice and slow, Brad hands me a packet of Cottonelle wet wipes. “Here, you might want to wipe with these first to get the worst of it,” he suggests.

I sigh with relief. “Thank you, Brad,” I say.

And with that, I run to the bathroom in the exam room. I have to go, for real this time.

The second I’m in the bathroom, I spread my gown open in back, sit myself on the toilet, and I start expelling myself. At first, it’s mostly just the water. Definitely a weird feeling. More like urinating than defecating.

Then I actually — after days of not being able to — poop. It unfortunately isn’t very satisfying; it hurts my sphincter a bit, and the cramps are forcing it all out and it makes my stomach hurt even worse.

Even if it doesn’t feel too good now, it surely will later.

I’m on the toilet for a while. Maybe ten minutes before everything that wants to come out with the water comes out. I stay sitting, and wipe myself with a few wet wipes; get the worst of it, as Brad suggested. Then I wipe up the rest with regular toilet paper, and I flush everything and wash my hands well before heading into the exam room again. I don’t want to see what just came out of me.

Hunter gives me a soft look when I come out of the bathroom. “Are you still alright?” he asks.

I nod as Luke helps me sit down on the bed again, lying comfortably on my back with my legs propped up and spread at the hip just a little. “I’m okay,” I mutter.

“Good,” Hunter says. “Lie down for a few minutes and relax. Brad and I will be getting the next enema ready, alright?” With that, he and his nurse head out of the room again, leaving just Luke and I.

Luke grabs onto my hand again, and I interlock my fingers with his. “Feel better at all?” he asks. “I know it’s a work in progress.”

I sigh. “I don’t know yet. I can’t really tell,” I say.

Luke pats my stomach gently over the paper gown. “It’s alright. It’ll be a bit before you start feeling better,” he reassures me. “It won’t feel like it at first, but it is helping to flush you out.”

Again, for the next bit, I lie down on the bed. Try to relax. Talk to Luke to keep my mind off of things for a while.

Eventually, within time, Hunter and Brad come back with the IV pole again. They have another enema bag with it, and it looks different from the other one. The water in this one is a little more cloudy... Looks like it has some soap bubbles gathered at the very top too.

“Alright, Andy. This one’s the rough one, unfortunately,” he says. “It’s another batch of warm water heated to your body temperature and a little bit more glycerine; a little less than we put through you before, but it’s still in there. But this one also has a few tablespoons of Castile soap — Dr. Bronner’s brand, since it’s proven to work very well as a constipation reliever. The purpose of the soap is to irritate your bowels, and essentially give you diarrhea to evacuate the stool that’s caught up inside of you.” He reaches over and slowly rubs my stomach. “I won’t lie, Andy. You will experience some rough cramps, and when you’ve finished that bag, you’re going to have a hard time trying to hold it in. I know... I understand. Let me be the first to tell you the few experiences I’ve had with Castile soap enemas were not pleasant, mate. I cried like a wuss. I’m sure Luke will tell you the same.” He chuckles, looking over his shoulder at his nurse. “I don’t know about Brad.”

Brad laughs. “Ah, can’t say I have,” he says.

Either way, Hunter smiles warmly, eyes holding sympathy. “Regardless. You can do it. Breathe like you’re in labor when the cramps take over. Try to hold it in the best you can, and you’ll be just fine. It’ll be over before you know it,” he reassures me. “Okay? You still trust me?”

My breathing catches, and tears come into my eyes. “Yes,” I say.

So Brad and Hunter prep me once again once I’m lying down properly on my side; Vaseline to slick up my asshole. They put the tube inside of me. Ask me to take a deep breath as they start the water again.

And at first, it isn’t unlike the one from before. I feel the warm water inside of me. Fills me from my rectum until my stomach. Hell, I think I’m used to it now. I can take nearly half the bag with no issue, so I have a good lookout for the rest of it.

Until the soap kicks in.

Then I start getting burning cramps. Burning. I squeeze Luke’s hand until every one of his knuckles crack, and I nearly curl up in pain. I think I start attempting to tense up my butthole so hard that the tubing starts to get squeezed out. There’s a slight leak.

Next thing I feel is Hunter taking a gentle hold of the tubing between his index finger and his thumb, slowly guiding it back in. “Ahh, I know, I know. Don’t clench too hard, alright? I know it’s tough,” he tells me gently.

Luke uses his other hand to ruffle through my hair. “You okay? The cramps that bad?” he asks gently.

I nod, seething in pain through my teeth. “Really bloody bad,” I mutter, barely able to speak as my breathing turns hard.

Luke winces. “Hm. That sounds about right,” he asks. “Try to breathe. Breathe. It’s all you can do.”

I try. I try to breathe like I was instructed. Two short breaths followed by a long breath out. Like I’m in labor. But I can only manage a few long, panting breaths before I just can’t. I’m reduced to short, pained breaths, gritting my teeth.

Time just seems to slow down a whole lot. I sit tight for as long as I goddamn can, but it’s just so hard with how much it hurts. It’s like claws tearing through the inside of my midsection.

Within another few minutes that feel like hours, it becomes unbearable. This stuff needs to come out. Not only am I suffering insane cramps, but I am so full. So full. I can barely handle it.

“Hunter... Hunter, I... I... I’m full,” I groan. “I’m done... I have to be done... I’m too full...”

Hunter frowns, trying to calm me down by patting my hip. “I know. I’m sorry, Andy,” he tells me gently. “Just a little bit more of the bag. You’re almost there.”

I let out a whimper. “Aw, no, Hunter, I can’t... I can’t,” I say in exasperation.

Luke rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. “You can, Andy. Hunter’s right; there isn’t much left at all,” he tells me. “Maybe just one more minute. One more minute and you’ll have taken the whole bag. Count down in your head; it helps.”

I try it, I really do. Between squeezing my eyes shut and breathing extremely hard through my teeth, I try to count down the minute. Though, it seems more like a thing to pass the time more than anything. I think I count twenty-six three times before realizing and moving onto twenty-seven.

When I’m at about forty-one, I hear a frothy draining sound from the bag, and that’s how I know there’s no more water. Just the soap suds left.

“Good, Andy. Really good. I knew you could do it,” Hunter tells me gently, clamping the tubing once again. “Just hold it another ten minutes just like last time and I’ll let you go to the bathroom. I know that it’s rough and I know you’re uncomfortable. Just ten minutes, that’s all.”

I squeak in pain, feeling tears come to my eyes as I hold Luke’s hand with a vice grip. “No, no, no, I can’t, I can’t!” I find myself dry-sobbing. “I can’t hold it that long, I have to go now!”

Hunter just sighs, reaching over and giving my shoulder a comfort-pat. I even hear a quiet, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Winters” from Brad. Hunter then quietly explains to Brad what aspects of this enema are leaving me in so much pain, and what the next steps are after I am allowed to expel it.

Luke takes over with trying to comfort me. He cups my face in one hand, trying to get me to look at him. “Hey. You’re okay,” he tells me.

I let out a weak, helpless noise. “I can’t do it, Luke, I have to go,” I mutter. “I-I’m gonna shit myself...”

“You’re okay,” Luke reminds me with a soft, sing-songy breath.

I just respond with another growl of pain. I have to clench my asshole extremely hard, because if I don’t, I’m going to lose it. Then there’s a very realistic chance that Hunter’s going to have to give me another one.

Luke’s amazing, though. He sings softly to me to distract me from the pain... Mostly Guns ‘n’ Roses, I think. Every once in a while, he’ll pause in his song, hitting me with some sort of interesting Guns ‘n’ Roses fact. Anything he can think of, it seems like. I didn’t know any of those ones, either. Listening to him is kind of helping though... Even though I’m still barely hanging on and my sphincter is quivering, I can focus most of my attention on Luke’s voice.

Though, it still seems like a long, long while — almost hours, even though it was only ten minutes — Hunter comes over. “Okay, Andy. I’m going to take this tube out of your rectum,” he explains. “I know you really, really have to go, so I need you to clench as soon as it comes out until you make it to the toilet. You will leak a little bit, but if you clench, you’ll be okay. I just don’t want you to have an accident. Okay?”

I nod. “O-okay.”

With that, Hunter slowly removes the tubing from my rectum. When it’s out, I feel a slight dribble of water. But I clench myself again, nice and tight.

“Alright, good. Good,” Hunter praises me, looking at Luke. “Let’s get him up. Quick.”

With that, both of them help me sit up from my side, just like before. A cramp surges through my stomach, and I cry out, not knowing how much longer I can hold it for.

As soon as I’m up, Hunter pats my shoulder. “Alright! Run to the bathroom. Run,” he says.

He doesn’t have to tell me twice.

I snatch up the pack of wet wipes, get up off the bed, and I run my ass to the bathroom. I just barely make it to the toilet, but as soon as I sit, I expel.

This is rough. It’s almost exclusively diarrhea. The cramps are violent. I think I start crying because of how much it hurts coming out. Both my ass and my stomach burn.

Well, at least I’m probably very, very clean now. Definitely not constipated anymore.

Even after all the water is gone, I sit for a minute. Just in case. I just shit so much that it still feels like I still have to.

But when I’ve been sitting for about five minutes and nothing else comes out, I decide I’m good. Wipe up with a few wet wipes... Clean myself up with toilet paper. Wash my hands even better than I did last time, and head back out.

Hunched over, I sit myself back down on the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes. Hunter frowns.

“It’s almost over, Andy. Just one more. You’re essentially completely cleaned out,” he says. “You’ll be glad to know that the last enema I have to give you is very easy. It’s nothing but warm water to clean up the soap. Make sure you won’t have any more in there that might cause diarrhea during the night. I’m sure that you’re all set with that.”

I try to laugh, but I’m so exhausted that it’s just a whistled breath. Luke notices, placing a hand over my forehead.

“Here. Lie down for a few minutes. You deserve a break,” Hunter says. “Brad and I will be back shortly.”

Again, they leave, and it’s just Luke and I for a short while. He reaches over, wiping the tears from my face. “Sorry, man. I know that probably sucked,” he says softly.

I sigh softly, sniffling and wiping the tears from the corners of my eyes that Luke missed. “Not your fault,” I reassure him. But again, I sigh deeply, exhausted after that. “Yeah. It sucked though. It sucked ass.”

Luke pats my shoulder. “Well, Hunter’s right. This last one is super easy,” he tells me. “Just warm water. Nothing else. When it comes out, it’ll be way more like peeing out of your butt, since I doubt you need to poop anymore.”

I rub my eyes. “Nah. I don’t think I need to poop again ever.”

Considering this enema doesn’t have much to it, Hunter and Brad are back within a few minutes. In addition to the bag filled with clear-as-day water, I notice Brad also has a blister packet of little, orange pills. Not suppositories... Just pills.

“Okay, champ. This is it, then I’ll leave you alone. I promise,” Hunter tells me gently. “Let’s get you onto your side one more time.”

Seeing as I’m pretty weak and tired, Luke has to help me roll from my back to my left side. I wince in the process, because sudden movements cause a bit of cramping.

After I’ve got my right leg over my left, Hunter spreads my cheeks slightly, taking a brief look between them. “Hm... Looks like you have a little bit of irritation around the anus from that last expulsion,” he points out. “Not an issue at all. I’m certainly not worried, I don’t even think it needs any ointment. It should clear up in a few days, Andy, though, if you find that your anus bleeds significantly after wiping, come talk to me again and I’ll give you some medicine to put on it.”

I just nod, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

One more time, Hunter has Brad slick up my sphincter again with some more Vaseline. They slide the tube into my rectum, and begin running the water through me. While it certainly is the most gentle of the three, my stomach still hurts from the other two, so it still doesn’t feel too great.

Seeing as I’ve been quiet the whole time, Luke brushes the jet black hair from my shoulders and rubs my back. “Hm. You know, I’d ask you if just the plain water feels any good,” he says with a chuckle. “But I know that you probably don’t feel all too well after the ones with glycerine and soap. Won’t turn ya on as much.”

Normally I’d give him shit for that, but I’m just too exhausted. My response to him is a heavy breath out.

Luke makes a soft breathing noise, brushing my hair back over my shoulder. “I know, bro. You’re almost done.”

While this one is pretty easy, I still know when I’m starting to feel full. My stomach is groaning, and it feels rather sore, like I really am in labor. I groan, closing my eyes and clutching onto Luke’s wrist. He knows what’s up, placing his other hand over mine.

“Hold on, my guy,” he reassures me. “Almost there. Just a little more.”

Since I’m not writhing in pain like I was last time, it really is over relatively quickly. Hunter removes the tubing from my butt once again, and takes down the enema bag.

“Perfect, Andy. I knew you’d be able to take them all just fine. You’ll start feeling better in no time,” Hunter tells me. “Here, since this is just a pure cleansing enema, Luke and I will help you lie down on your back. This makes sure that your entire colon is washed out nice and thoroughly.”

Both Luke and Hunter help me roll from my side onto my back. My knees are propped up and spread slightly at the hip. Again, I feel the water sloshing around inside of me when I move, and it makes me feel a little nauseous. Nothing too terrible though.

“There. Much better, huh?” Hunter says. Seeing my knees apart, he pushes them back together. “I’m just going to go ahead and close your legs, if you don’t mind. Having spread legs can make it tempting to push, and again, I’d hate for you to have an accident.”

From here... It’s mostly smooth sailing. I can hold this enema just fine. While it doesn’t feel comfortable, it’s not causing me pain. I lie here on my back, hold Luke’s hand for comfort. And before I know it, ten minutes are up. Luke helps me sit up by supporting my back from behind, then I swing my legs over the side of the bed. Stand up, and head into the bathroom.

Sitting down on the toilet, I just have to simply push, and everything comes out normally. Luke was right; the only thing that comes out of me is water. I am pretty much cleaned out. Like the first enema, having nothing but water comes out is a bit strange, but it doesn’t hurt.

Once all the water is out, I find I don’t even need the wet wipes. I can just clean myself up with toilet paper and I feel perfectly fine. Then I wash my hands, of course, and shuffle back out to the exam room. I still feel pretty cramped after everything I just went through. Very tired, too.

When I take a seat on the exam bed, I find Brad and Hunter at the counter. Hunter is explaining something to his nurse, and I realize he’s separating one of those pill blisters.

Seeing as I’m back, Hunter comes over with the pill, and he also has a bottle of Nestle Lifewater. He hands both to me.

“Here you are, Andy,” Hunter says. “This here is a Dulcolax pill. Not a suppository like I have you before. This is one I’m going to have you swallow down, and it’s going to help add some moisture to your colon. The enemas did help re-hydrate, but this will make absolutely sure.” He then shakes the water bottle slightly. “Take that medicine with this, and after that, I want you to drink this whole bottle okay? You can take your time with it and relax, but I just want to make sure that you didn’t lose any water and become dehydrated when the enemas came out.” Grinning gently he pats my shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

I sigh softly, trying my hand at smiling in return. “I’m okay, I think,” I say. “I’m just... Tired.”

Hunter nods. “I understand. It’s a lot, and I know you weren’t feeling good,” he says. “Brad and I will allow you to take that pill. Have a few minutes to yourself to finish up that water. Relax. And we’ll be back to check on you and decide what should happen with you next.”

Brad and Hunter leave once again to do some other work while I’m drinking my water. As I was instructed, I swallow down the pill with a big sip of water. Easy enough. Certainly easier than having to take a pill up the butt.

After that, I just lie back on the bed. Talk to Luke, mostly about what the others have been doing while we were here. All the while, I make sure to take a few sips of water every now and then. Feels good. It’s cooling. I certainly needed something cooling after losing all that water in my body to diarrhea.

Eventually, I finish my water, and I feel so, so exhausted. I place my head down against the pillow, and try to relax. Actually, I find myself relaxing so much that I find my eyelids becoming weights... My head is really heavy, too. Hmm. I forget when we got here, but I know that it must be pretty late by now.

Considering Luke is here and Hunter said he would be giving me a while to myself, I figure that a short nap can’t hurt.


Lance29 4 years ago  
BigBoy 4 years ago  
superego 4 years ago