Cleansing Day

Cleansing Day

Cleansing Day (The one day we all had to endure)


A regular occurrence at St Petri's the collage I attend, it occurred at the end of each month mandatorily and no one was excluded from it unless one was confined to the infirmary on that day and then was performed on one prior to discharge. St Petri's had an excellent well known reputation for Education and a high standard of personal grooming instruction but also had a strict program of physical exercise with an emphasis on nutritional as well as internal well being.

All of some 200 attendee's at the collage over the coming week would have to rotate through the infirmary for treatment and having been informed the day before provoking a restless night the day had arrived for my roommates and I, needless to say more than a few butterflies were doing the rounds of stomachs in the room today wile we were all familiar with the treatment it still was an ordeal in some ways for some.

My roommates were Scott, Nicholas, David and me, my name is Teagan. Nicholas and I have known one another for some time and had formed a very strong bond, we found we had a lot in common shared likes and dislikes and enjoyed each others company to the point were we were becoming closer than mere brothers.

Cleansing day was of the utmost importance for our health so says our teachings, clean mind, clean body, and clean spirit forms a strong base from which the ultimate success can be achieved and a shore sign of corruption of such ideals was among other's... CONSTIPATION!! and we will learn of the necessity of a clean body we are all to receive great benefit from the procedure!

I always find it coincidental that every month about this time we all mysteriously and simultaneously develop a bad case of constipation that needs to be cured.

It was time to report to the infirmary in our summer sport uniform as Instructed without delay, on arrival we paused outside the waiting room door and gave ourselves the once over for neatness then Nick turned to open the door and we all filed in and sat down in the chairs lining the wall.

We were welcomed by one of the Nurses with a smile, her desk being just across the room from us, the room all the cleanings to place in was next door on these days it was known by all as the cleansing room. It was larger than the waiting room and had a curtain that hung from the ceiling which spanned a section of the room, concealed behind of which was the receiving benches, there were two of these items of furniture next to each other against the back wall.

These were where we were destined to end up, the benches were of a sturdy design of wood and finished with a high gloss and padded with leather. At one end the legs were as you would expect for an exam table but at the "business" end the leg's were spread outward like an upside down V configuration with leather straps at ankle height from the floor.

The bench top extended back some way and had a half circle shape removed from it with its inside circumference suitably padded in the same dark brown leather. Further forward of this was another larger leather strap and buckle situated were ones lower back would be to keep the patient still.

These cleansing's were always a communal affair and so we were given our enemas in pairs, I rather like the idea as I love the sounds the other makes as the solution flows into their bowels. We were in somewhat of a daze sitting there waiting in silence until startled by the Nurse suddenly standing up behind her desk and announced...

“Nickolas and David, would you follow me please?"


Rowen 4 years ago  
biggomer 4 years ago