
Views: 548 Created: 2009.12.19 Updated: 2009.12.19

Bad Dream

Chapter 4

“Wake up sleepy head. It’s already morning.”

Connie slowly woke up, “A dream. Let it be one big dream.” she thought. As she opened her eyes she saw she was still looking out through bars. She looked up at her mother and tried to tell her to drop the bars, but it was all muffled. Then Connie remembered the pacifier. She spit it out and asked to be let out again.

“Sure thing baby, and I think that binky is very cute.”

Connie groaned, “Not now mom. I don’t feel very good.”

“Oh, well if you feel up to it I’ve got some breakfast for you. Come down when you’re ready sweetie.”

Connie didn’t reply as her mother left. Instead she stood up and immediately un-taped her diaper. “I’m not wearing this one downstairs this time.” she decided on wearing a pair of pajamas for the day and while she put them on she took stock of her room. “New pink paint on walls, new decorations on the windows, and- Shit!” Her computer was gone. She rushed over to where it used to be and found an empty padded table. The chair looked more like a step stool then anything else now. Connie felt rage build and before she could stop herself she dropped onto the floor and threw a temper tantrum. She kicked and pounded her fists till her body ached and sat up. She wiped snot off her face and tried to bring her emotions under control again. “Fuck this. I’ve got to get out of here.“ She went to the kitchen and ate what looked like the exact same cereal again. When her mother asked what she wanted her to get at the store Connie surprised her. “Can I go with you today mommy?”

Her mother seemed shocked, “Really?” She stared down at her coffee for a second, “Well sure you can. I’d like that very much.”

Connie thanked her and went to get ready for the day. As she dressed she was suddenly overcome by a very strong need to pee. She ran for the bathroom as fast as she could and nearly peed her pants. “What the hell was that all about?” she wondered. Deep down she knew it was getting worse. That it had felt worse then the last time. She hung her head down between her knees and tried not to cry. Then she heard something, and looked into the hall to see her mother staring at her. To her embarrassment she realized her mother had seen her run for the bathroom.

“Did you make it to the potty Connie?” she sweetly asked.

Connie felt fresh shame as she listened to her mother, “Yeah. I’m not a child you know.”

“Well maybe you should wear a diaper out today. Just in case you know...”

Connie wanted to scream at her mother for saying that she should be in diapers during the day, but she knew she was trying to help. “I’ll think about it mommy.” But instead of a diaper, Connie grabbed a rather thick maxi pad and carefully stuck it in her panties. “This ought to help. She pulled her panties up and was surprised at how much it felt like she was wearing a diaper.

“Connie! Let’s get a move on girl!”

Connie felt a childish urge to run and she did, straight out the door and into the car. She buckled herself in tightly and waited for her mother to get in. When she did, Connie smiled at her, “Who needs to get a move on again?”

Her mother started the car, “If only I had half your energy.”

The drive to the store was quick. But for Connie it seemed even faster. Watching everything zoom past the car filled her with wonder and joy. She kept her face glued to the window the whole time. When they pulled into the parking lot she unbuckled and almost jumped out of the car. She already had a basket ready before her mother had her feet on the ground.

“Geez Connie. Slow down, this isn’t a race.”

Connie didn’t care she felt so excited to be out and away from the house. She kept pushing the cart ahead of her mother and waiting a few seconds for her to catch up. “Come on slowpoke! Let’s get shopping!” Her mother just shook her head and kept telling her to relax. They were about halfway through the store when Connie needed to get to a bathroom again. She started hopping on one foot, “Mommy! Potty!”

Her mother looked taken aback by the childish outburst, “What?”

“I need to pee! Where’s the potty.” She took off running in the direction her mother pointed. The door slammed open when she hit it with her thigh and she darted towards an open stall. Connie didn’t even take time to check the seat or close the door behind her. She pulled her pants off and dropped on the seat. She moaned in relief as she relaxed and let go in the toilet. After finishing and wiping she stood and yanked her panties back up. “Waa! Cold!” She pulled them back down and checked her pad. It was very obviously wet. “Ah shit.” She peeled the pad out and without thinking about it dropped it in the toilet. “I guess I waited to long.” She said.

Connie heard the door to the room open and quickly pulled her panties and pants back up. Then she heard her mother’s voice. “Is everything okay Connie?”

“Yeah, fine. Just held it to long.”

“Well then let’s go. I don’t want to spend all day here ya know.”

Connie looked back towards the toilet as she followed her mother out, “Yeah. That would be horrible.” she said under her breath.

After finishing off most of the rest of her list her mother stopped and doubled checked what she had left. “All right. Frozen foods and we’re done.”

Connie kept silent as she pushed the nearly full cart. So far her mother hadn’t said anything about diapers. She watched silently as her mother grabbed frozen corn and some fries. Then several TV dinners. After one final check they started walking towards the checkout. Connie started to feel happy, “Maybe I was supposed to break the chain. Maybe everything will be alright now.” She smiled and started pushing the basket faster. Then her mother motioned for her to stop, then pointed towards the left. Connie followed the finger with her eyes. “What?” But then she saw it. The baby section.

“Do you need any protection? Or are you set for a few days?”

Connie looked nervously towards the floor. “I.... Um... I’m set. No need for any. I’m getting better at it now.”

Her mother looked at her suspiciously but nodded anyways. “Fine Connie. Why don’t you go use the restroom while I check out?”

Connie was glad to get away from her mother and any thought of buying more diapers. She also realized she kind of did need to use the bathroom anyways She used the same stall as before, but this time she wasn’t in a hurry and spent extra time wiping the seat and closing the stall door. Connie watched between her legs as the stream came out and splashed into the bowl. She pushed a few times after it ended to make sure she had every drop gone, then wiped. She checked her panties before she pulled her pants up, and was happy to find them dry. “Maybe I was just nervous last time and the stress caused the accident.” she said quietly. “I guess I’ll have to be more careful for a few days till this is over.” She found her mother in lane ten and helped her unload the cart onto the belt. As she unloaded she kept an eye out for anything baby related. Finally the cart was empty and she had seen nothing of the sort. “Awesome. Nothing at all!” she said a little too loudly.”

“What do you mean nothing Connie? This is enough for a month if we don’t pig out!”

“Oh..” she stammered. “I was day dreaming about something else. Sorry.”

Her mother looked closely at her, “Well you do look kind of tired. You’ve been acting so odd lately, maybe you should take a nap when we get home. That should make you feel better.”

Connie looked at her mother, she did feel tired now. “I guess. I felt so good coming in here, but now that I think about it I do feel tired. My legs are aching.” By now the clerk was almost done checking them out, Connie really felt like sitting down. Her legs felt like she had run a marathon. “I guess I’ve been sitting around to much lately.” she wondered. But she couldn’t shake the idea that it was related to the diaper thing. And hoped it wasn’t a sign of something worse to come. She was to tired to push the basket to the car, and she barely helped put any of the bags in the car before sitting down in the front seat and closing her eyes.


“Connie dear.... Wake up.”

Connie stirred and told her mother, “Go away. I’ll get up later.”

“Honey. You’re still in the car. You need to get in the house.”

Connie cracked open an eye, and started to stand up, but her mother stopped her before she started to walk to the house. “Errr... Fine.” she yawned sleepily.

Her mother held out a sweater. “I think you should wrap this around your waist before you walk in.” Connie was still half asleep and did as she was told without question. Her mother then grabbed one of her hands and guided her into the house. She stopped her just inside the front door and pulled off her shoes, then pulled her into her room. Connie didn’t complain or tell her mother to stop. She just let her take care of everything. Her mother wouldn’t let her sit on the crib when they got in her room. Instead she stripped her pants and undies off and told her to stand while she got something else. Connie stood silently, and just before she started to get in bed her mother returned and started wiping her vagina and butt with a warm moist towel. “There we go baby. Mommy will make it all better.” Connie smiled as she heard that.

Finally she was allowed to lay down, she immediately fell asleep and started snoring while her mother finished dressing her for bed.


Connie tossed and turned during the day and into the night. The horrible nightmare filled with dark shadows and diaper wielding monsters was exactly the same. As she fought to get away from the shadow that held her she felt warmth running down her legs, then a horrible smell hit her nose. “Nooo! I didn’t shit myself! Noo!” But she could feel a mass pushing against her butt cheeks. And she couldn’t deny what had happened. She felt a need to fight back and swung her arms at the monster. They just passed right through as the dream faded and she awoke.

Connie stayed still and didn’t move. She was lying on her side and she thought her diaper was still dry. She held her breath as she lightly squeezed the diaper between her legs. “Dry!” she yelled. Her voice was muffled by something stuck in her mouth, and without thinking about it she spit out a pacifier. Connie immediately sat up and spread her legs to make sure. She stuck her hand down the front, then gingerly did the same in the back.. “Clean and dry!” she yelled as loud as she could. She was hopping on her knees around the crib when her mother came in.

“What’s wrong Connie?” she asked with concern.

“My diapee is clean! No peepee or poopies mommy!” she said excitedly.

Connie’s mother looked very happy as she unlatched the side of the crib and reached in to give her a hug. “That’s great! Now you’re a big girl!”

Connie was holding her mother’s hands and dancing with her in a circle. “Awesome, I guess this whole diaper nightmare is over!” Connie stopped dancing and happily ripped the diaper off her body. She dropped it in the trash and danced over towards her dresser. As she reached in for a pair of panties she happened to glance at her clock. She stopped and looked at it again. “Mom, why does that clock say 11:59pm? Didn’t I just take a little nap after we went shopping?”

“No honey, you fell asleep. And I let you sleep till I heard you yelling just now.”

Connie felt confused for a few seconds. “Why didn’t you wake me up when Jenny called?”

“Jenny? No one called for you honey. Did your little buddy say she would call?”

She looked back at the clock, realization starting to dawn on her face. She lunged for the top drawer of her dresser. Instead of her old panties, she saw 3t Luvs diapers. Connie started to back away from the sweet smelling contents of the drawer. Muttering to herself, “Nooo.... Nooo.... It’s done. I want it done!” She grabbed for the clock. Holding it in her left hand she reached behind it for the cord, she felt it brush past her fingers. Then she had it. She wrapped it around her hand once and got ready to pull. Then in what seemed like slow motion the clock switched forwards to midnight. Connie’s mouth dropped open, her hands and arms suddenly felt heavy. Her entire body seemed to grow heavy and alien to her. She felt the clock slip from her hand to land on the floor with a thud. Her mother easily picked it up and put it up on a higher shelf. “Baby mustn’t play with that! And where’s your diapee little lady?”

Connie looked up at her mother in disgust. “No baabeee moomyy! Noo Diapo!”

Her mother scowled, and pointed at her, “I’m not fighting with you tonight! Get back in your crib, and let me get your diaper back on. Now!”

Fear washed over Connie as she stared at her mother. “Momma! Nooo! Wong!” she had started to feel dizzy and felt her body swaying a bit.

“Wrong? What do you mean wrong? I want your backside up in that crib now!” her mother said as she grabbed a diaper from the dresser and something else from it’s top. Connie wanted to walk to her crib. But she could barely stand. She motioned wildly for her mother who finally noticed. “Oh, sorry baby.” she set the diaper on the crib and grabbed Connie’s hands. “Okay, let’s walkie for momma!” Connie wanted to die as her mother walked her towards the crib. She tried to fight her, but her body wouldn’t do what she wanted it to. As soon as her legs hit the crib she fell forward and landed on her belly.

“Woah there, let’s flip baby over.” her mother said as she rolled her onto her back. “There we go! Now let’s get that diaper on, and you can go night nights!”

Connie closed her eyes as her mother diapered her again. She felt her legs being held up, then the cold of the wipe. Finally she could tell the diaper was on and her legs flopped to the mattress. She looked at her mother one last time for support and help, instead she felt a pacifier jammed into her mouth.

“Now go to bed. I don’t want to be back in here till morning, some of us don’t sleep 14 hours a day you know!”

Connie stared at the ceiling while she tried to remember what had happened before she fell asleep. “I went with mom to the store, and then we came home.” she thought. “No, I fell asleep in the car, and I woke up in here... Why didn’t Jenny call?” She tried to take her mind off Jenny not calling by looking around her room for more changes. Connie knew there was a problem when it took everything she had to just sit up. “Shit, this is getting out of hand. First diapers, and now I can’t even get up on my own.” She felt very tired as she stared out over the bars. She could barely make anything out in the darkness. A sinking feeling started to come over her. “It’s not any darker then normal... What’s going on here?” Everything looked fuzzy to her. She blinked her eyes to try and clear them, but it didn’t go away. She laid back down and started to cry, believing she was now starting to go blind.


“Connie! Connie, wake up dammit!”

Connie blinked as she looked up, something was wrong. “Wha?”

“I said wake up. We need to talk.”

“I want a diapee change mommy.”

“Well then go find your mother. I’m not changing your pissy pants.”

Connie snapped fully awake and found herself staring into the eyes of Jenny. She spit out the pacifier and reached out a hand. “Jenny! I was worried when you didn’t call yesterday. What happened?”

“I had to think.” she slid open the side of the crib so Connie could get out. “That’s why I’m here now.”

Connie stood up and stretched, “I’m glad you’re here. I think there’s something wrong with my eyes now. Everything’s all fuzzy.”

Jenny looked carefully at her eyes, “I don’t see anything. You look fine to me. Except for the diaper.”

Connie looked carefully around. She brought her face close to the crib bars and felt some relief when they came into focus. She looked back to Jenny, “I can see normal as long as it’s really close.”

Jenny shook her head, “We need to talk. Get up.” She motioned down at Connie’s soaked diaper. “And get changed.”

Connie looked down and touched the outside of the blurry thing around her waist. “Okay, but tell me what’s going on.”

She pulled her hands over the diaper till she felt the tabs, then un-taped it, but before it could slide to the floor Jenny grabbed it. She looked carefully at it for several seconds, then muttered, “Connie, I’ll be right back.”

Connie wasn’t paying attention as she looked for something mature to wear with her blurred vision. She heard Jenny leave the room and close the door behind her. She was holding up a pair of pink pants when she felt a pinching feeling in her backside. “What the hell was that?” she wondered. Then the feeling came again. This time it seemed to happen longer, and it started to feel nice. “Ohhh. That’s not bad at all.” she said as she spread her legs and closed her eyes.

Her door opened and she cracked her eyes open to see the outline of her mother staring at her, “Connie! Don’t do that on the floor! Have you gone crazy?” Connie wondered what her problem was, she watched her mother grab a diaper from her dresser and lunge towards her while opening it.

Connie tried to tightly close her legs to stop her. Causing her mother to lightly smack her ass, “Put this on now!” she said, as she forcibly slipped it between her legs. Connie closed her eyes again as the pleasant feeling returned. She could feel and hear her mother taping the diaper on her, but was beyond caring about it anymore. “I can’t believe you’re doing that now!” her mother ranted. “It’s bad enough that you’re pissing the bed. Now you’re doing this during the day. Disgusting! At least have the dignity to wear something.” Connie felt the pleasure start to fade and opened her eyes again, she was surprised to see her mother was gone.

She couldn’t understand why her mother was so angry. She looked down at the diaper around her waist and scowled. “Why did she put this thing on me anyways? I wasn’t touching myself.” She took a step towards the door and stopped. Something felt wrong in her diaper. She took another step and thought she could feel something pressing against her ass. She was touching the back of her diaper when her mother came back with several things in her arms.

“Well are you done? Do you want mommy to change that poopy diaper, or are you still big enough to do it yourself?”

Connie stopped touching her diaper and brought both her hands to her face. Everything seemed to come together, she turned and looked behind her at the floor where her mother was picking something up with some paper towels. “Oh....” she said sheepishly, “Is that.....Ewwww!”

“What do you think it is? What the hell were you thinking? Why didn’t you at least keep your diaper on a few more minutes? Or take it off in the bathroom?”

Connie went back to touching the mass in her diaper again, “I didn’t know it was going to happen mommy! I was getting dressed and it just happened! I swear! And there’s something else mommy. My eyes are all funny. Everything looks fuzzy.”

Her mother twisted away from Connie and dropped the dirty paper towels in something she had brought into the room with her. “All fuzzy? Maybe you’re getting sick, I’ll call the doctor and we’ll get that checked out. And if you couldn’t tell it was happening maybe you should be wearing diapers during the day now? I don’t need you pissing and shitting all over the house.”

Connie paled, “I didn’t pee! And why didn't you want to take me to the doctor about wetting the bed?” Connie yelled back.

“Connie. Stop your back talk!. Honestly honey, sometimes I get the feeling I shouldn’t even leave you home alone anymore. What if I hadn’t been here to clean this up? The floor would have been stained.”

“I would have gotten it after I saw it mommy! I’m not some kind of baby! At least I'm going to a doctor now. Maybe he can help me stop this!” She stepped closer to her mother, the mass in her diaper feeling ten times bigger now that she knew what it was. As she got closer she could see what her mother was throwing the dirty towels in. It looked very familiar. “Where did you get that?” She said as she pointed at it.

Her mother looked up at Connie, “From your bathroom where you left it, leave it in here from now on. It’ll make changes easier for me now that you’ll need them more often.”

Connie ran up to her mother and squatted down next to the container. “It’s Jenny!” she yelled. “Don’t put that stuff in her! She’ll be okay in a few minutes!”

Her mother pushed her back and away, Connie fell roughly on her bum. Mashing the mess in her diaper. “Connie! I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but this is what these are made for. That and used diapers. Are you ready for a clean one now?”

Connie felt like crying. “I can change my own dam diapers mom!”

“I don’t care. I’m in here, I already cleaned shit off your floor, and before I leave I’m going to clean it off your ass. Now, are you done and ready for a clean diaper? Or do you want to sit in it longer?”

Connie blushed, she looked across at Jenny, and back down at her diaper. “I....I....” she stuttered. “I think....” Connie stopped as she felt an odd tingle in the front of her diaper followed by a sudden warming sensation.

Her mother had been looking at Connie’s face, but looked down as she saw a faraway look come to her eyes. “Oh. Well I guess babies done now. Now lay down, let mommy get that nasty dirty diaper off you.”

Connie felt broken as she laid back and let her mother get on with it. She started talking to herself. “I’m not a baby... I don’t need this... I gotta help Jenny...”

Her mother hardly paid attention as her daughter rambled. “Your diaper Jeni doesn’t need to be cleaned right now sweetie.” Connie kicked her feet at her for that. And got swatted in return. “Don’t move Connie. Let mommy get this done first.”

“Mom! Don’t you see what’s going on here? I don’t need diapers. I didn’t even wear them at night a week ago! Something happened and now it’s getting worse.”

“Worse?” her mother asked. “I’m scraping poop off my teenage daughter’s ass. It doesn’t get much worse than that.”

Connie laughed maniacally, “Yeah right. I’ll be size 2’s today. And newborn in 48 hours. I wonder what it’ll be like then? I have trouble seeing and walking now. Maybe I won’t have to worry about that soon enough. At least I’ll still be me. Jenny will be nothing but a fancy diaper pail.”

Her mother was done and lifted Connie into a sitting position. “I don’t know what you’re talking about young lady. I was going to go to the store today, but I think we need to go see a doctor immediately. I think you’re coming down with something.”

Connie stood up on shaky legs still laughing, “Going down to something more like it. Are you going to dress me too, or can I do that myself?”

Her mother folded up the used diaper onto the wipes she had used and opened the Diaper Jeni, tossing it all inside. “You might be shitting yourself like a baby, but you can dress yourself like a big girl can’t you? Let me go warm up breakfast okay?”

“Sure mom.” Connie said as she looked back to Jenny one last time. “I’ll get something on and come down.” She walked over towards Jenny and tried to open the lid, but it was stuck tight. “Sorry Jen, I’m so sorry you got wrapped up in this.” Connie turned from her friend and started to search her dresser for something to wear. She threw everything out onto the floor as she looked. “I’m not wearing something with snaps.” But no matter how much she looked she couldn’t find any shirts without snap crotches.

She settled on an off white shirt with a snap crotch, and a pair pf shorts that hid the snaps. She found a pair of socks that she could roll down to hide the lace on them and walked down to the kitchen to eat. As she walked down the hall she could tell her legs were being pushed apart by the thick diaper, her lack of balance and coordination really hindered her. She kept close to the wall, and had to keep pushing off it with her hand. As she walked, she found herself growing tired quickly. By the time she entered the kitchen and sat down, she was starting to sweat and breath heavy.

Her mother dropped a re-warmed bowl of oatmeal on the table in front of her and sat down while she drank a cup of coffee. “I called and got an appointment for you today. So don’t take all day eating. Finish that and pack a bag in case there’s an accident.”

Connie choked on a spoonful of cereal, “Are you asking me to pack a fucking diaper bag for myself?”

“Call it what you want to, but it’s better then walking around in wet pants if there’s a problem later. And watch your language.”

Connie crammed the last of her breakfast into her mouth as quickly as she could, “Whatever mom.” Connie picked her bowl up and almost dropped it on the floor as she took it to the sink.

Her mother watched as she barely caught it in time. “Careful butter fingers. I guess I better buy some plastic plates for you now to, huh?”

Connie heavily set the bowl in the sink, “Why don’t we see what the doctor says before you start down that road mom?”

Her mother looked surprised, “Aren’t you the one that keeps saying you’re regressing down the pole to infancy or something? I’m only thinking ahead.”

Connie walked away from her mother, “Well try not to look forward to it okay?” she said under her breath. She almost walked past the bathroom, but the idea that Jenny had used it caused her to peak inside the door. She could see the towels still laying on the floor from in front of the mirror. “It’s not like the door can close on it’s own.” she said to herself as she stepped inside and re-hung the towels over the large mirror. Even though she knew it wouldn’t affect her Connie kept her gaze from either mirror out of fear of what she’d see in them. She was just leaving the bathroom when she bumped into a very confused Jenny. “Jenny! You’re okay! “ she grabbed her and dragged her back into her bedroom. She sat her on the edge of her crib and looked at her friends pale face. “Oh Jenny, you look like shit. How do you feel?”

Jenny looked at Connie for a long moment before answering. “Okay.... I guess.”

Connie pulled away from her friend. “Oh man. That’s some bad breath there Jenny.”

Jenny lazily smiled, it made Connie feel very nervous. “Really? And what does it smell like?” She blew gently at her.

Connie felt sick as she was surrounded by the odd smell. “It smells like.... Like....”

Jenny dropped down in front of her and started patting the front of Connie’s shorts. “Like your dirty diaper. And I can’t wait for more Connie.” She looked up at her with a look of pure lust.

Connie jumped off the crib and backed away from her, “Jenny.... That’s just... That’s wrong. Stop thinking about that. That’s not you. You’ve got to fight it.” she stepped back to her and struggled to pick her up. “Come on Jenny I’ve got to get you out of here.”

Jenny pulled herself close to her, “Connie, please let me go back in there. I need it.”

“Jenny, you need to go home. If you want you can come back tomorrow and I’ll let you back in there again, all right?”

Jenny looked dejected, but agreed. “Okay, but if I want to go in you have to let me, okay?”

“Of course. Now go home and relax. And try to think about something else.”

Connie led her to the door and put on her own shoes while she waited for her mother to get ready. Jenny stood next to her watching. She was having a hard time tying the laces when Jenny knelt down and helped.

Jenny still wanted to go back in the room, but she had a clearer head now, and she found it easier to ignore the odd thoughts now, “It’s getting worse for both of us isn’t it?” she softly spoke.

Connie swallowed, and hugged herself tightly, “Jenny I’m so scared. I need diapers all the time now and my sight is getting messed up.”

Jenny swallowed, “I don’t think there’s much we can do now. How long do you think we have?”

Connie checked to make sure her mother wasn’t close then spoke in a whisper, “ I’m in 3’s right now. And I go down a size every evening. So tonight I’ll be in a 2, and tomorrow I’ll be in a 1.”

Jenny was done tying and stood up, “And then that’s it? You’ll be stuck in diapers again, and I’ll be a fucking diaper genie?”

Connie could hear her mother coming, “No, it’s worse than that.” she said quickly. “I’m losing control of my body.” her mother rounded the corner, and Connie gave Jenny a look of caution, “I’ve got to go to the doctor, I’ll call you later, k?”

Jenny nodded, and followed Connie and her mother out the door. “Talk to ya later.”

Connie remembered that she had forgotten to pack extra diapers as they got to the car. “Mom, I forgot to pack some... Protection.“

Her mother just smiled. “Well I hope you don’t need a change while we’re out. The drive home will be a long cold one then.“

The drive to her appointment was short and quiet. Connie kept wondering what was causing all the changes, and her mother was trying to decide if she should still go shopping after she was done at the doctors. They arrived in the parking lot and Connie had a problem getting out of the car. Her mother came around to help, but as she got around the door Connie managed to stand up.

“I’m fine. Just let’s get this over with.” They walked into the office and down the hall to the suite her doctor worked in, her mother held her hand the entire way. Keeping her from falling. In the silence of the hallway Connie could hear every crinkle of the diaper she was wearing. One of the walls was mirrored and Connie watched herself walk. She could see that she had an obvious waddle now. And her feet looked like they were starting to point inwards as she took careful steps. When they entered the waiting room she finally tripped and her mother barely stopped her fall. But as she stood back up Connie felt a bit of pee leak into her diaper. Connie immediately sat down, she tried to look casual as she checked to make sure the diaper hadn’t leaked. Her mother just smiled as she walked to the counter and signed her in. Before she could even sit down next to Connie they were ushered into an examination room by one of the nurses. She took a quick glance at Connie before checking her temperature and taking her blood pressure. She wrote down the results and turned back to Connie’s mother. “Have her strip down to her diaper. The doctor will be in soon.”

Connie watched as she closed the door behind her, then started taking off her clothes. “She could have told me to do it. What’s her fucking problem?”

“Watch your language young lady. Just do it.”

Connie finished undressing and sat back down on the papered table. She felt very exposed in just a diaper. “Mom, can I put something on till the doctor shows up?”

Her mother wasn’t in a mood to listen to her, “Connie, there’s nothing he hasn’t seen so just relax. This will be over soon.”

Connie was about to respond, but the door opened and the doctor walked in. “Alright, what’s all this then?” he quipped. And then he listened while Connie told him everything that had happened over the past several days, as she talked he poked and prodded her. When she was done talking he had her open her mouth and stick out her tongue. “Well, I don’t see anything wrong with her.” he finished.

Connie’s mouth dropped open. “Weren’t you listening?” she hopped up on her feet and pointed at her diaper. “Is this what you call normal?”

He ignored her and talked to her mother instead, “Everything is fine. She could do with more liquids, how much milk does she get a day?”

As her mother answered, Connie started screaming at the doctor, “More liquids?”, she tore off her diaper and threw it at them. “What about the fucking diapers?” She got close to the doctor so she could see him clearly, “What about my eyes?”

Both the doctor and her mother stared at her, then the doctor bent over and picked up the diaper. He looked at her mother and shook his head while holding up his hand, “It’s best to ignore that kind of language, if you respond to it she’ll just do it more.”

Connie started to cry, “What’s your problem? I’m not a kid! Can’t you see that I don’t need diapers? That I shouldn’t be here right now?” She held her hands over her face and cried. She wanted this to be over, she couldn’t take it anymore. Then as she wiped her face dry with the back of her hand she felt warmth running down her legs.

Her mother immediately sprang up and grabbed a handful of bluish towels off of a counter. “Honestly Connie, I wish you’d stop doing that!”

Connie wanted to scream at her but the doctor cut her off, “You know, if she’s constantly doing that it’s a sign she’s getting ready for potty training.”

Connie lunged for him, but tripped over her own feet and started to fall. Just before she hit the floor her mother caught her. “Woah baby. Be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt.” She lifted Connie to her feet, then guided her to the table. She felt her wet bum sit down onto the paper, then her mother pushed her down onto her back. “Let’s get your diaper on, I think you’re a little immature yet for potty training.” She reached out to the doctor and grabbed the diaper from him, then carefully checked it. She was about to put it back on her when the doctor stopped her.

“You know, why don’t I get you another one? That one was on the floor and who knows what could have fallen in it.”

Connie felt both pairs of her cheeks burn as her mother nodded and the doctor left to get another diaper. She looked at her mother and pleaded with her, “Mommy! Let’s go! I want to go home! This isn’t right, you know I’m not a baby! I go to highschool, I’m getting ready to go to college!”

Her mother laughed, “Highschool! College! Honey you’re such a good talker! Learning so many big words, do you know all your ABC’s?”

Connie tried to sit up, but her mother stopped her, “Mommy! I’ve known them forever!” Then she started to recite them, “A, B, D, G...... T....” She felt confused. She tried again, “A.... Z..” she felt like screaming. She grabbed her mother, “I’m forgetting stuff! Shit! I’m really turning into a baby!” She jumped up from the examination table before her mother could stop her and started to get dressed. “Fuck this shit. I’m not going that way. I’d rather die then end up a total baby.” She managed to get a leg into her pants, then as she tried to balance to get the other one in she fell.

Her mother was too shocked by Connie’s actions to try and catcher her, she lunged forwards at the last instant but didn’t have enough time. She watched as Connie landed hard on her side and immediately burst into loud tears. She sat down next to her and coddled her gently, “There there, baby. It will be all right! What hurts?”

Connie looked up at her mother then pointed to her right elbow. “Owwie mommy!”

Her mother softly kissed it, “There ya go honey. Mommy made it all better with her kissy.”

Connie knew it was stupid, but after her mother kissed her she did feel better. “Tanks mommy!” she said with a slight lisp.

“No problem sweetie.” her mother was interrupted by a knock at the door. She opened it and a nurse stepped inside with a small bag.

She looked at Connie sitting on the floor, then at her mother. “Here you go miss. These should fit. The bag is a left over promo, you can keep the extra’s in it for later.”

Connie’s mother thanked her then turned back to her daughter. “Alright missy, let’s get you up and changed. I don’t have time for this today. I need to get you home.”

Connie let herself be helped up and sat back down on the table. “Sowwy mommy...” She slurred around her thumb that was now planted in her mouth.

Her mother pulled the twisted pants off her then looked at them closely before rolling them up and setting them next to her chair. “Well, it looks like you leaked a little when you fell. You’ll have to go out in just your onesie.”

Connie looked up at her mother and smiled, something sounded wrong about that, but she didn’t care. “K, mommy.”

She watched as her mother unfolded one of the diapers and lifted her butt as it was slid under her. She felt like she was in a daze as it was taped closed and her shirt was buttoned shut over it. Her mother then pulled her to her feet and asked her, “Honey, do you think you can walk all by yourself to the waiting room with mommy?”

Connie nodded. “Of course mommy, I no baby!” She carefully watched her feet as she toddled out the door and down the hallway next to her mother. She almost tripped several times, but her mother had her hand and was able to catch her easily. She was set down in a child play area while her mother paid for the visit. Connie happily played with the large blocks for several minutes, trying to stack them, but failing to get them more then 3 high before they tumbled to the floor. She was laughing loudly, her chin wet with spit when her mother came and helped her toddle to the car.

“Honestly, sixty dollars just for a second year checkup. It’s highway robbery.” She had opened the backdoor and now looked at Connie, “Isn’t it sweetie?” Connie just smiled dumbly. “Well at least I don’t have to bring you back now for a whole year unless you get hurt.” She lifted her up and helped her sit down in a safety seat. “And I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen.” She said as she clicked the safety harness closed around her.

Connie just kept her thumb in her mouth and babbled at her mother. She felt so happy. She wondered why she had been so afraid before, “This no that bad.” she thought to herself. As the car was started she thought she felt her diaper grow warm for a second. But before she could figure out if she had peed, her mind wandered and she was lost to the visions of the outside world zooming past. Before she was ready for it, the ride was over and she was being helped by her mother back into the house.

Her mother dropped her off in her room and checked her diaper. “Not to wet. You stay in here and play. Mommy will be right back.”

Connie didn’t respond she just sat down on her floor and stared at her dresser. Her mind was filled with hundreds of ideas. She would look at something and want to touch it, then she would notice something else and lose interest. She just kept looking around her room, drooling down the front of her shirt. After several minutes her mother returned.

“Okay sweetie. I think it’s nap time for baby.”

Connie looked up at her and shook her head, “No! No nap! No go sweepy!”

Her mother ignored her and gently picked her up, setting her on her feet. “Let’s go sweetie. I’m not dealing with a cranky baby today.” She gently guided her towards the crib and laid her down. Then after a few seconds searching she found a pacifier and swiftly stuck it in her mouth. Connie briefly fought her mother, but as soon as the side of the crib came up, and the lights went out her eyes started to close and she fell asleep.

Darkness swirled in front of her. She felt odd. Then she realized it was because she could clearly see the swirls. Her vision was back to normal. She wiped her face with her hands, then went back to staring into the swirls. She thought she could she something in the darkness. She moved closer to it, but she didn’t take any steps. She just glided silently forwards. She thought she recognized what it was. She reached out, but as before, her arm just went though it. Then the shadow started to form into an image of a person. Connie watched as legs clearly formed, then the waist, and the chest. “”It’s a woman..” came from her lips as breasts pushed out just under the neck, and finally with an intake of breath she saw a head and long flowing hair appear. But instead of a face, there was just an indistinct blur.

A hollow whisper came from the figure. “Coming along now are we?”

Connie felt confused and angry. “What’s going on? Who are you?”

The figure raised it’s slender arms and a room came up around them, Connie’s room. “Who indeed... Who are you?”

Connie looked around her in disbelief. “I’m.... Connie... I’m just dreaming all this.”

A horrible laugh came from the figure, “Does that mean this is any less real then your last few days?”

All fear left Connie as rage filled her. She lunged towards the dark figure and screamed. “You bitch! What are you doing to me?” This time her hands found purchase, and she grabbed hold tightly. “Why are doing this bitch?”

The voice came from behind her, condescending in tone. “What has she done to you?”

Connie turned to the voice and saw the figure standing behind her, but her hands were stilling holding someone. She turned back and gasped in surprise. “It’s.... It’s.... Me. Wha.... What’s going on here?” She stepped back from her double and stared in confusion.

“Of course I’m you baby. Who’d you think I was?”

Connie’s anger returned. “I’m not a baby!”

Her twin stifled a laugh, “Oh. I don’t know about that.” She pointed towards a mirror to Connie’s right.

Connie looked at her reflection and saw herself, dressed as any normal woman would dress. Then as she watched the image blurred and when it cleared her reflection showed her, but dressed in nothing but a diaper, bib, and bonnet. She wanted to scream. She looked down at herself and saw that she was now dressed in nothing but what the mirror showed. “No! She screamed. I’m not a baby!” She looked back at her doppelganger and fell back in surprise. Now the other her was dressed like a business executive, and smiling like she was looking at a new puppy.

“Awwww... “ she cooed at Connie. “You look so cute! How old are you little baby?”

Connie could feel tears building, her fear collapsed under humiliation. “I’m a big girl!” She gently spoke. “I’m not a... a... baby!”

“Not a baby? You can’t even stand up! I bet you can barely even feed yourself.”

Connie shook her head no. But knew she was right. Her body swayed dangerously, she didn’t want to fall, and dropped quickly down onto her hands and knees. Then she sat back and stuck her legs out in front of her. Still, she felt her body growing heavier, she tried to stay sitting up. Then her control failed and she fell back. Now the tears flowed and she couldn’t stop them. “Not a baby! Not a baby!” But no matter how much she said it she knew she was lying. She looked up through her tears and saw herself looking down on her. Then she felt a coolness wash over her as the shadow woman leaned over her.

“So Connie.” it spoke. “Any other questions? Can you still talk baby?”

Connie opened her mouth to reply but as she started to speak she felt her teeth sink into her gums. Terror washed over her as she reached in with her fingers to find nothing but spit. She looked back to her tormentor in time to see her entire body blur as her vision got worse. Connie screamed. Then as she took a breath she heard herself speak.

“Not much left. Maybe some memories, and a few hard stools to pass. Then she’ll be a cute little baby. What happens then?”

Connie stayed silent for the answer.

The whispered reply came quieter then the first time the shadow had spoken. “Then we-”