
Views: 434 Created: 2007.10.16 Updated: 2007.10.16

Diapered Giant

Chapter 6

The rain fell almost continuously for the rest of the weekend. Randy busied himself with his homework and straightening out his room. On Sunday, he was visited by his friends, the Morrison brothers; 11-year-old Keith, and 9-year-old Lanny. He felt shy of telling them about his diapers, but once more he remembered Barry’s advice and did. To his great surprise, they didn’t mind at all. In fact, they were pleased.

"Now you can play properly," Keith said, "It was never much fun when we had to keep stopping to let you use the washroom."

"Do you know of any boys our age who wear diapers?" Randy asked.

"Yes," answered Lanny, "Paddy Manning, that big sandy-haired boy who lives across from the school."

"The fifth grader?" Randy asked. "I think I’ve seen him. "Is he the one that stays in the library at recess and never plays with anyone?"

"Sometimes he plays with us," Keith said. "But he gets teased horribly. Some of the seventh graders call him Pissin’ Paddy. I’ve heard them."

"That’s horrible!" Randy exclaimed. "And I thought Ralph Brinckman was bad!"

"What’s Ralph done to you?" Lanny asked curiously.

Randy told the whole story. Both Keith and Lanny laughed hysterically at the diaper punishment.

"He deserved it!" Keith gasped, "teasing you for something you can’t help! Tell me, did your mum put you in to diapers?"

"No," Randy replied, "I chose them myself. Dr. Shermann said it was either diapers or a catheter. I was scared at first, but then mum told me how much easier it would be if I wore diapers. She’s right. I hated running back and forth to the washroom every hour."

"What did you say was wrong?" Keith asked.

"My bladder’s too small," Randy answered. "I guess I outgrew it."

They laughed.

On Monday, Randy noticed a change in Ralph’s behaviour. After each class, he dashed out of the room, barely waiting to put his things away. This made him wonder what was up. He didn’t have to wait long to find out, either. Ralph caught him on the way out at lunch.

"This is your fault!" he snarled.

"What’s my fault?" Randy asked, startled.

"Mum’s making me drink four glasses of water at every meal," Ralph explained sulkily. "She says it’s part of my lesson."

Before Randy could reply, he stomped off. Randy was left wondering just what was up. He thought he knew, but it still puzzled him.

Ralph’s behaviour continued for the rest of that week. Once, he even wet his pants during PE. By Friday, he was in a foul temper, but his need to use the washroom kept him from spouting off at anyone.

On Saturday, Ralph and his mother again visited the Wolfes, Ralph wearing a disposable diaper.

"So," said Grace when they were settled. "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

"Why are you doing all this?" Ralph demanded.

"I gave you all that water on purpose," Mrs. Brinckman explained. There was no sympathy in her face, and the chill in her voice made Randy shiver. "I was also giving you mild diuretic to make you pee."

"But why?" Ralph insisted.

"I wanted you to learn first-hand what it’s like to have to go every hour round the clock like Randy does. Do you understand now?" Mrs. Brinckman’s voice was colder than ever.

"How much longer will I have to do it?"

"This is it for now," Mrs. Brinckman answered. "But if anything of this sort ever happens again, it’ll be two weeks. Either that, or you will wear diapers to school for everyone to see."

Ralph turned white, then scarlet. Randy couldn’t help laughing. "And don’t forget, I still have those pictures to show your friends," he reminded him.

Randy had no further trouble with Ralph after that. The threat of more embarrassment had shocked him out of his rough ways. The other three members of his gang still bothered Randy occasionally, but stopped after he threatened to have them diapered as well.

Keith and Lanny introduce Randy to Paddy Manning shortly before Christmas. When Paddy learned that Randy wore diapers, it was as though an immense weight had been lifted from him.

"I thought I was the only one!" He exclaimed. "Why do you wear them, if you don’t mind me asking?"

Randy explained, then asked, "How about you?"

"I have a birth defect," Paddy said. "My bladder isn’t complete."

"What do you mean?" Randy asked.

"Mum says it’s the muscle that stops you from weeing. It’s not there. My bladder just keeps emptying. Doctors put a valve thing in, but that’s pressure sensitive. Whenever my bladder’s full, the valve just gets pushed open. I can’t stop it."

"So you don’t even know when you’re weeing?"

"Oh I do. I can feel it coming out. I just can’t control it."

Randy and Paddy soon became good friends. Paddy didn’t mind that Randy was a grade ahead of him, even though there was only two months between them age-wise.

"Are you going away for Christmas?" Randy asked.

"Yes," Paddy answered, "We’re leaving right after school on the last day. We’re spending Christmas break with my aunt and uncle. They own a goat ranch outside Regina."

"Sounds like fun," Randy said. "What do they raise the goats for?"

"Milk and hair," Paddy said. "Have you ever handled goat’s hair? It’s really soft and good for knitting."

"I’ve seen Cashmere," Randy said. "Grandma Wolfe has a Cashmere sweater."

Christmas was a lively event at the Wolfes’. Shane’s brother, Tom, came up from Florida with his wife Annette. Annette was 7mths pregnant with their first baby, so this would probably be her last big trip for some time. They were also joined by Grace’s parents and sister, Shane’s mother and stepfather, and Barry. (Barry had planned to join his own family, in Edmonton. Having just paid his college fees, however, he couldn’t afford the airfare. He’d compromised by sending a huge parcel containing gifts for everyone, along with a letter of apologies and a promise to be there for Easter.)

"What are you studying?" Grace asked as they sat in the family room Christmas eve. (The living room was off limits until Christmas morning.)

"Trauma counseling," Barry answered. "I made the decision after my accident. Mum says first-hand experience is always a plus when you’re trying to help people through tough times, and I agree. Think of all those folks injured in accidents who have nobody to talk to that really understands how they feel!"

"Excellent reasoning!" Tom praised. "You have a kind heart and good brains."

Barry blushed. Shane shot his brother a warning look.

"Don’t over-do it with the praise," he advised.

With everyone eager to help, Christmas day was a happy one indeed. Grace even allowed Barry to phone his parents. Randy enjoyed himself thoroughly.

Two days after Christmas, a biggish parcel arrived from Regina, addressed to the family. Grace signed for it, but waited till Shane came home from an emergency call before opening it. Inside were two beautiful, hand-knit, Cashmere vests; burgundy for Shane, snowy-white for Grace. For Randy, there was a neat blue cap with a scarf to match, and a dozen new diapers in a size larger than he now wore. Grace read aloud the letter enclosed with the gifts.

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Wolfe,

Hello from the prairies!

I can’t tell you how pleased my husband and I are that Paddy’s made a friend of your son. It’s an immense relief to all of us that he’s finally found someone in a situation similar to his own. All through school, he’s been teased and tormented endlessly about his diapers. It’s turned him in to a total loner. My brother and his wife were considering home-schooling him if things didn’t change very soon. I can’t think why kids are so cruel these days, or how parents and teachers can allow such horrible behaviour. The worst part is that some of the biggest bullies expect others to handle them and their possessions with the greatest care, while they don’t give a hoot about anything that isn’t theirs. Your Randy is a rare type, to say nothing of the Morrison boys.

In case Paddy didn’t tell you, my husband Deryl and I own a goat ranch. We raise two herds: Cashmeres for their hair, and Saanens for their milk. There’s quite a market for goat’s milk in these parts and the hair makes fine knitting yarn. Knitting has been one of my hobbies since childhood, and I often turn to it when I’m not otherwise occupied. I hope the things I’ve enclosed fit.

Well, I must go help with the milking. Deryl and I do a lot of the work ourselves, though we have a group of women who volunteer. No milking machines for us! They’re too hard on the goats’ poor udders! Do keep in touch,

Yours in gratitude,

Katrina Sanderson.

PS: I’ve enclosed some diapers for Randy. I know they’re a bit on the large side, but from what Paddy’s told us, it won’t be long before they fit.

Setting the letter carefully aside, Grace tried on the white vest. It was loose, but not sloppy. Shane’s also fitted well. Randy’s cap was a bit large for him, but he’d soon grow in to it.

"They must be very nice people," Shane remarked. "How often do you get gifts like this from folks you’ve never met?"

"True," Grace agreed, entering the Sandersons’ address in her book. (She would later copy all addresses in to the card file her sister had given her for Christmas.) Poor Paddy must have had a really rough go up till now."