Jack Peacock

Views: 420 Created: 2007.10.06 Updated: 2007.10.06

Your Master Requires Your Allegiance

Error In Judgment

It had been a long day, three class sessions by herself plus another two as assistant. Cathy was ready for a long hot bath, a good meal and a soft bed afterward. Much as she enjoyed being a teacher there were days she was not at her peak, and this was one of them. She hoped Robert would be in an accommodating mood.

Tomorrow would be infinitely better than today. They were finally going to Las Vegas for a nice weekend get away. They had reservations for a dinner in the hotel's gourmet room, and afterwards they were going to one of the magic shows. All she had to do was get through the rest of the day. But first someone had to take her from the break room to the staff section. Some times the rules really irritated her. She had to get back to the apartment and pack for the trip.

The door to the break room opened and Matt came in. She had been waiting for Robert to show up and take her home. All her assignments for the day were done but she wasn't allowed to leave until he took her to the staff section. Normally she wouldn't mind but today her feet hurt, her hair needed washing, she was hungry, and she just wanted to get away and relax before getting ready for the trip. She sat up and put her hands in her lap when she noticed Matt making a beeline toward her table.

"Cathy? Robert asked me to escort you out today. A warden had a family emergency in Phoenix so he's going to cover for two more hours. He doesn't want you to wait."

That explained why he hadn't showed up. Robert had mentioned several times the shortage of wardens meant he might have to work overtime. It appeared his prediction had come to pass. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate you're taking time out for me." She stood up, eager to get out of the student area. Robert must have listed Matt as a delegate when he wasn't available. He was good about planning ahead, for which she gave silent thanks. No telling how long she'd have to wait if he hadn't planned ahead.

The moment Matt reached behind his back she turned away from him and held out her hands. He took his time putting on the handcuffs, which bothered Cathy. She was in a hurry and wanted out. This was another of those rules that, at least to her, served no purpose other than to annoy.

"Okay, let's go. I'm sure you want to get out of here." Matt took hold of her arm and led her to the door. Two hours, that'll give me enough time for a bath and a short nap before Robert gets home. We can eat out tonight , she silently planned as they walked down the hallway toward the exit. She was too tired to cook; he'd understand.

Matt didn't seem to be in any hurry as he took his time. Cathy had to bite her tongue as she nearly asked him to walk faster. Self-control and prudence won out over impatience at the last minute. No telling what would happen if she had demanded he hurry up.

When he finally halted in front of the last security gate she was sure he was deliberately fumbling with his keys just to make her wait. After three tries he got the right one and opened the door to the locker room. At last, she could get dressed and head back to the apartment. And get to that hot bath without waiting for someone else.

Matt headed right to her locker and opened the door. Inside she could see her clothes, the blouse and skirt and her sandals. As soon as he released her hands she would be on her way. The tub was only minutes away.

But something was wrong. Matt left her standing in front of the locker, her hands still cuffed behind her. He held onto her arm but was turned away, his free hand cupped over his ear. She realized someone must be talking to him, at length too, as she saw him nod occasionally.

This is ridiculous , she thought. All he has to do is let me go and I can get dressed. It isn't fair that he makes me wait like this. He could be a little more considerate. She moved her bound wrists slightly and looked to the side, hoping to catch his attention. But he didn't notice, engrossed in his private conversation.

Enough is enough, I've got a life too. The concrete floor was becoming harder under her bare feet by the second. "Matt? Could you unlock the handcuffs so I can get dressed? I'm really in a hurry." She frowned as she spoke; he shouldn't need a reminder she was waiting on him.

Matt straightened up and looked at Cathy. Good, he remembered me, now I can get out of here. She started to turn to one side as she held out her hands.

The crash of the sheet metal locker door as he slammed it shut with the palm of his hand made Cathy jump. "No," he said in a low voice as he pushed Cathy up against the wall of lockers. "No, I'm not going to unlock the cuffs. No you aren't going to get dressed." He pulled out a blindfold from a pouch on his belt and covered her eyes. "And no, you aren't in a hurry. Not any more."

"Matt, you're hurting me! What's wrong? Why won't…" The rest of her protest was cut off as the gag went into her open mouth.

"What's wrong? What did you just say to me? You forget where you are. I wouldn't tolerate a student speaking like that, and I won't let it pass for you either. Remember your words Cathy." He pulled her away from the lockers and dragged her back in the direction they had come in. "You're going to have plenty of time to regret it."