Daniel at the hospital with stomach pain

Daniel at the hospital with stomach pain

This is a story about a 19 y.o. young boy, lets call him Daniel. No mentioning of persons who can be identified if they don't want to and so on, and those who know me, they know how to deal with the content. I do my best in writing in English, because I'm not a native speaker ...

Part 1

It is a cold February evening, and Daniel, at home to start his vacation trip felt a stomach ache and a feeling of sickness. He was asking himself if he maybe ate something wrong, but for him nothing was to identify. So he took a hot-water bag, skipped the dinner and went to bed. But in the middle of the night he woke up with quite more pain, at maximum near the bellybutton, but with direction to the right. After vomiting two times he decided to call the 112. Daniel was afraid that something severe happens to him. It seems endless for him, but after 12 minutes the ambulance arrived. When he opens the door, the paramedic team saw a 1.65 metres tall, slim, 19 y.o. boy with a pale face with red cheekies, sweaty and in relieving posture, holding his belly, only dressed in his pants.

The rescue team consisted of an young paramedic and an apprentice. The paramedic asked:

"Hey boy, you're not looking very fine. How can we help you?"

And he told about the complains and the onset and that symptoms got worse.

"Okay, we should have a look on this. Please lay down in your bed or sofa, whatever."

He did, went to bedroom, laid in his bed. The paramedic gave order to his colleague to check the vitals on Daniel. While he was picking out the cuff for blood pressure measuring, the thermometer, iv and pulsometer, the paramedic took the stethoscope and listened to the belly sounds "Sounds in every quadrant, that's the good news", he said afterwards, while his apprentice, a tall blond boy, maybe the same age of Daniel, with a small rimless glasses, measured his blood pressure and pulse. "Okay and what are the bad news??" Daniel asked carefully. The paramedic, a tall guy, end of twenty, short brown hair, answered "It could be an appendicitis, and to find out, we want to take you to next hospital".

"Oh no!! Tomorrow I want to drive to Austria and take maybe the last chance for snowboarding in this season..."

"Oh boy, the way you feel now, do you really imagine that this is possible?"

Daniel was shocked, but relented. Then, the paramedic carefully touched different parts of Daniel's belly, he yelled of pain. "Hmmm, I guess we should order a doctor to let him give a painkiller, otherwise the transport will be very painful for that young man", he said to his apprentice. "I'll phone to the call centre, and you can take his temperature. The way we spoke about this morning, okay Alex?" He smiled, looked at Daniel, took a digital thermometer, and asked him to put it in the left armpit. Daniel did like this. Then Alex said "I have to take your temperature on a second location simultaneously. Please pull down your pants and roll on the left side" Daniel was scared-looking, and Alex added with a smile whispering "Don't be afraid, I'll be careful to you. It's not my first time I do this". Daniel smiled as well, that let him feel sympatric. He rolled to left side slowly because of the belly pain, pulled down his pants. In that time Alex catched a second thermometer, a glass thermometer, what usually is the auxiliary thermometer when the digital one is not working. Now he was looking for lube ...

Part 2

The young apprentice saw a tube of silicon gel under the bedside table and asked his patient whether he might use it. Daniel became red, felt like stroke by a lightning, and answered "Ehm ... yeah ... of course". "Good choice, personally I don't like the water-based gel" was Alex' answer. It was embarrassing for him that someone else found his gel, especially that cute guy. Then he felt his bum cheeks spread and the thermometer carefully but safely inserted about 3 inch, as he promised. Usually, Daniel takes his temperature the same way, he was used to that as a child. But under that circumstances he groaned quietly. Alex recognized it, touched is buttcheek and said with calming voice "Just relax, it will not be worse". If only ...

The paramedic came back and asked if Alex could handle the task, because, as far as he knows, it should be his first time. Alex mentioned with innocent expression: "No problem" and was thinking, that he better should not know about his special experiences.

"During the time the doctor is on the way, we better put him an iv. Please prepare the glucometer. The paramedic found a big cubital vein in the left arm, made a wipe disinfection, took a white 17G needle and sticked it quick into the vein. It was only a short pain for Daniel. The needle was fixed with a patch, and he got an infusion with electrolytes running slowly. With the drop of blood during the sticking, the glucose was measured.

In that moment the doctor and his driver came in and Daniel was startled that so many people were there and he lies there with a thermometer in his bum like a child. The paramedic reported to him:

"19 y.o. patient with progression of stomach pain on the right side and umbilical since this evening, no abdominal operations before, no further illnesses, no regular medications. Vomited two times. Blood pressure 110/70, pulse 86, blood sugar 82."

"Thank you, Frank. This time no heart attack?? How uncommon..." And both were laughing.

Then he sat on the bedside and spoke to Daniel:

"Good evening, young man. I'd like to give you something against the pain, and than we should bring you to the next hospital. But let me first examine you, so please roll on your back."

Alex, the apprentice, interposed "He has a thermometer in his buttock and measuring is not finished yet."

The doctor shook his head and answered "I don't see the problem. Push it deeper, than he can roll on his back."

Alex shrugged his shoulders and pushed in the thermometer with his thumb quite far more than 3/4 lengh. Daniel's face was contorted with pain as if he screamed silently. The doctor recognized it and asked:

"Was it only uncomfortable? Or was it pain with direction to the bladder or someone else?"

"It was pain to the right side of my belly..." Then he rolled slowly on his back, a bit afraid the thermometer in his bum will break or will slip in completely, which fortunately did not happen. Same procedure: the doctor first listen to the belly sounds, than touched different regions - with some special tests. He moved the edge of his belly muscles on the left side to the middle, and released suddenly. That was massive pain on Daniel's right side of the belly and he roll to the left side. The thermometers were collected: 38.2 °C axillary (100.76 °F) and 38.9 °C rectally (102.02 °F).

The doctor took a filled syringe and connected it to the i.v. in Daniel's vein. After a few seconds Daniel got dizzy and everything what happens seems not real. He was lifted on a stretcher, driven in the ambulance coach, got an ecg and oxygene through a small pipe lying at his nose ... and felt asleep.

Part 3

It was like a trip on clouds. Daniel felt like in heaven. No pain, no pressure, no time, everything seems pleasant and relaxed. And he was thinking of that blond apprentice, Alex, and he remembered a song from Similian Mobile Disco, the chorus of "I believe, you can be, what I need to believe" was running through his head, while his body glew in a way he never felt before.

The dive was more and more interrupted with the return of the stomach ache getting stronger again. Throughout his feverish dream he realized that he is already in hospital. He heard a kind of whisper like "Hurry up, before he awakes". Then he felt a massive stinging pain in his penis, that something went deeper and deeper in his pelvis, than a strong sharp pain at the prostate, that make him scream. Someone put him an catheter in his bladder. After pain decreased he felt totally exhausted and slept again.

He woke up about 10 minutes later, when someone came into the treatment room.

"Where am I?" he was asking with soft voice.

"In the emergency room. How do you feel now?"

"Less pain, bit weak, glowing, bit freezing."

The light was switched off:

"We want to have a look on your belly with ultrasound, maybe we are smarter afterwards."

Then he felt some cool gel on his belly and the person next to him, it must be the doctor of the ER, pressed the transducer on different parts of his belly. It felt unconfortable, but not really painful.

"Okay, no free fluid, no signs of perforation, I see, I see ..."

And later: "The appendix seems slightly swallen, but not severe. Hmmm difficult ..."

He stopped the examination and said

"While you were asleep we took a blood probe, but we are still waiting for the results. The nurse will check your temperature again, and I will contact the surgeons in our hospital to have a look at you, okay?" Then he went out. He must be in a hurry, Daniel was thinking ...

After about two minutes, Daniel cleaned the belly with the paper which was plugged in his shorts, the nurse came with two thermometers. Daniel saw that, smiled, and slowly moved to his left side.

"You already know what I have to do with you?"

"I ... ehrm ... have a kind of sense ... maybe"

"It's okay. Now relax", and he felt the buttcheeks spread again and a digital thermometer inserted, he felt it barely.

"Okay, and open your mouth, please, for the second one ..." he did and was told to hold it under his tongue. When both were beeping, in that moment, a surgeon came into the room ...

Part 4

"Oh sorry ... seems that I came in to the right moment ..." Daniel blushed. Again such a situation, when he had a thermometer in his butthole and the atmosphere was disturbed.

"Orally 37.4 °C (99.34 °F) and rectally ..." and the surgeon whipped it out and Daniel winced "rectally 37.9 °C (100.22 °F)"

He turned to the patient's chart "sonography not clear, laboratory not obvious ..." He turned back to Daniel "Listen. I know, on a Friday night like this, you maybe want to do quite better things than laying here in hospital. And your case is not that urgent we have to operate on you the next hours. But you have been in a critical condition, and this can repeat the next hours. From this point of view it might be better you are already here and we can free you from your appendix in time. So during the weekend, we want you to observe when you are in our ward. If symptoms are gone on Monday, you can go home. Deal?"

"OMG, for me it's important that the pain will not come back. So, deal, yeah, I'll stay."

"Fine". The surgeon wrote something in the chart and went out. "See you upstairs, young man."

Daniel felt strange. On the one hand, there are people who care about him and take his complains serious. On the other hand, being in hospital all weekend will be very boring, especially he had to skip his planned snowboard vacation in the Austrian Alpes. But do he had a choice?

The night nurse met him and wheeled him in a hospital bed upstairs. It's in the middle of the night, and he recognized that he is not alone in the room, where he will stay the next days. But it was too early in the morning so he took the chance to sleep.

A few hours later he was woke up by the same nurse who said that she had to check his vitals, same way he already knows. He laid on his belly and was too tired to realize that he was getting a thermometer in his buttock again. So the nurse helped him to bare his bottom and inserted quick a digital thermometer while Daniel groans silent, not because of pain but because he was frightened for that moment. Another thermometer was put in his ear for a few seconds until it made the beep. She checked the pulse as well. He heard a male voice quitely saying "This way of taking temperature remembers me of my childhood" and another giggled. "OMG" was Daniel thinking "why do I never have my privacy when someone stuffed my bum ...". After finishing the measuring he raised the head, looked up and saw that he shared the room with 2 other guys. When the nurse left the room, she meant to the others to take care of the new young roommate, and blinked with one eye to Daniel. It took a while because he was perplexed, until he realized what happened. "See you at noon", and she went out. Daniel felt back moaning in his pillow.

"Hey shorty. What happens to you? You was brought in the middle of the night ..." was one of the guys asking. Daniel sat up slowly, he still has stomach pain, but fortunately less than in the night before. So he began to talk ...

Part 5

Daniel was lying in a room with two other guys.

The one was Frank, a mid-forty, has gotten an gastric operation a few days before, so at that point of time he had no more acid reflux. It was planned that he would leave on Monday if everything was alright in gastroscopy then. Daniel could hardly imagine how it should feel to have a tube through his mouth in his stomach, how shall he breathe, what kind of pain would he feel. Daniel swallowed heavily.

The other one was Jack, end-fifty, has gotten an sigmoid operation, now he waited for the result whether it had been cancer or not. The findings would determine what might further happen to him.

So hard times were coming up for Daniel. The others can have breakfast, but he was not allowed to eat (with exception of small dinner). Instead he was a candidate for getting a operation, maybe the next hours, maybe tomorrow, maybe not at all. He still had the catheter in his bladder, which caused a bit pain and a massive pressure in his bladder and his penis. But it would not be removed, until it was not clear, whether he would be next on operating table or not. So he was waiting.

At lunchtime, his new companions got something to eat, little Daniel only got the thermometer in his bum. He felt less embarrassed, well remembered when he was younger, when he was at hospital then, two times in his childhood. But these are different stories. By time he got used to it, to bare his small bottom, lay on his aching stomach carefully, raised the hips because of the irritating catheter in his penis, let the thermometer marching in, and his fellows making jokes or he saw them grinning broadly. A second thermometer measured the difference between core and peripheral temperature which was about 0.6 - 1.0 degrees during the weekend. At dinner there was a soup for Daniel, so the surgeons seems to think about to cut out the appendix the next time, or when symptoms got worse.

But the pain in his belly was still there. And on Sunday evening after visit of his parents, he recognized a little portion of blood, too, out of his bottom, after he was on toilet (what a strange feeling with a catheter in the bladder ...).

So on Monday morning one of the surgeons repeated the sonography, made a new blood check - but still no decision for operation. But midway through the morning a nurse came into the room, with five bottles of clear fluid, and on the top of each bottle was a tube. The nurse told him "I have to prepare now for the further examinations, the doctors will do to you. So I have to clean your bowel, okay?" Daniel agreed, but he had no clue what was going on now. So he asked what will happen to him and what are the bottles for. "This fluid will now be pushed in your bottom, you have to hold it as long as you can and then go to toilet. First with two, second time with three bottles" (each about 100 ml). The eyes of Daniel went wider and wider. Frank said to Jack "Seems that they want to look into the inside of Daniels belly" Jack mentioned "Oh, good luck, boy"

"Okay, let's start now. Please turn on your left side and pull down your pants ..."

Part 6

For Daniel it was the first and the second time together to get an enema. He barely could imagine what that means for him. First he was petrified, but he could not resist the stick order from the nurse. So he turned on his left side and pulled down the boxer briefs under the cheeks.

"No, pull your pants down to the ankles", she said. And he did. Afterwards Daniel's position was corrected by the nurse when she moved the right knee to his chest in 90 degrees position in the knee. So, for her, it was easier then because the cheeks were automatically spread. Than she took the first bottle, removed the cap from the tube, and inserted the tube all way in Daniels bottom. He felt it and moaned, then he felt the fluid running into his rectum. It was a strange feeling, cold waves who moved into his inner part, and an increasing pressure. After the first bottle was empty, he felt the quick remove of the tube, and a second tube rough inserted, and more and more pressure that became more and more uncomfortable. He was groaning all the time.

"Okay young man, hold it as long as you can, if possible, for ten minutes, and then go to toilet. I'll be back in a while", and she went out. Daniel pulled up the pants, stood up, and went back and forth in the room. "Oh my gosh is that nasty..." Frank, the mid-forty room-mate, already packing his stuff after gastroscopy without any findings, so he would leave the next minutes when he got the doctor's letter, and he answered "Oh boy ... I'm glad that I only got my gastric surgery." And Jack, his end-fifty room-mate, answered "Don't worry, you will feel like new born after being on toilet" And both chuckled, Daniel smiled short, and rushed to the toilet room. While he was sitting there he hoped that these sounds will never leave that cabin...

After ten minutes he came back. "Oh wooow I nearly exploded ..." and he felt weak in his bed. In that moment the door opened and the same rigorous nurse came in. "You finished, I guess? Now comes the second round. In your position!" "Oh noooo ..." he said with a scaried face, put down the pants again, and turned in the same position. As he looked backwards, he recognized, that the nurse connected the tube of the first bottle to a 4 inch long rubber tube. He moved his head back and began to breath heavily. Then he felt a kind of cream at his sphincter muscle, followed by a slowly insertion of the long tube. He moaned again, and he felt the filling, the coldness of that fluid, and the increasing pressure. After a while, it stopped, the tube was hold in place, and he felt the connection change of the second bottle. Again the pressure, and he moaned louder. "You're a big boy, so you get a third bottle now", he heard her saying. He knows she was lying because he was only 1.65 metres tall (=5"5). Again the change, and then a heavy pressure, because the nurse was evacuating the bottle with power. Now he really felt filled, and it was more painful than before. He had to wait again, and the nurse pulled out the tube quick, but inserted one of the caps as a kind of plug, nearly all way in. Then she left, and Daniel tossed and turned in the bed, then stood up and walked around. "Tell me, who can hold that for 10 minutes?? That's quite impossible!" His two room-mates tried to get his mind off the pain, which worked for maybe 3 minutes. But he had to go to toilet, and stayed there for nearly fifteen minutes.

When he came back, he only moved to his bed an felt in it... and had no clue what came up next ...

Part 7

A few minutes later he got the order to go to the ambulance area. So he put on his black T-shirt, his gray sweatpants and his sneakers, took his Nike cap and moved. As he arrived, he had only a couple of minutes to wait, until he could enter the examination room. Inside he looked shy from corner to corner because a doctor and four other persons were already waiting for him. "So many people", he was thinking, "And all of them want to see my bum??" No new situation for him, but he felt scared again.

"Please come here to the examination table, young man, and lay down on your left side."

He did. And then, while two of the other persons were preparing some instruments and stuff, the doctor, an about 2 metres tall person with grey streaks in his black hair, spoke to him:

"You reported from stomach pain since a couple of days, and blood on the toilet paper since yesterday evening. So we want to find the reason for that now, as far as it is possible with the today's small examination" It was been dawning for Daniel that first this will not be the last examination, and second he could not believe that the examination will be so small as it is told to him. He was asked some question about region of pain, the mass of blood, surgeries before and allergies. After that he had to free his bottom and to relax.

He tried to, but in that moment, the doctor took some gel on his finger, raised a cheek of Daniels bum, and put in his big finger. Daniel groaned loudly, but the doctor didn't stop and twisted his finger around several times. "Just relax, young man, only a few seconds. And please don't break my finger ..." was the doctor saying while he patted Daniel's cheek. "Hmmm, what is this? Does he have a catheter or something?" The pressing with the finger on the prostate with the catheter inside was very uncomfortable. "I think we can put it out, but first I'll finish the examinations." was the doctor saying. Then he pulled out his finger, and mentioned a little portion of blood.

"Okay so I'll get the proctoscope now", and Daniel felt something cold and big marching in his butt. He moaned again, and one of the nurses had to hold him at his shoulder not to turn his lying position. When the proctoscope was inserted about 4 inches, Daniel felt that something was done with it. The doctor prepared his tool to have a look to the inside, and pulled it out slowly while twisting it in every direction. Young Daniel was sensitive in this region were nothing that big has ever entered, so he felt every millimetre. At the last distance the doctor said "Oh, look here, this could be a fissure which makes the trouble that young man suffers" So another person had a look, that young woman must be a student or a young colleague. "So he will get a cream afterwards to let it heal" - "But you want to continue the examination?" - "Yes, of course, there could be other reasons for the bleeding like inner haemorrhoids or neoplasias and so on. So now I'll show you an examination which is seldom done nowadays" To the nurses "I need the rectoscope now" Daniel asking afraid "What is this now? Hope, it is not painful like the that before"

Doctor "With the help of the rectoscope I can have a look bit more far inside. But don't be afraid, the diameter is smaller than from the proctoscope. Please lay down on your belly"

Daniel saw the rectoscope out from the corner of his eye and felt terrified because of the length. Only a few seconds later, he felt a strong pressure at his sphincter again ...

Part 8

Daniel was in the examination room because of his unclear belly pain on both sides of the lower belly and the blood on the toilet paper since yesterday. After the insertion of the doctor's finger and the proctoscope there should be further examinations. He was laying on his belly, the legs were hanging down, so he nearly was bent over.

In a few seconds he had the chance to see the difference between proctoscope, which was quite long for him, and the monstrous rectoscope which made him feeling terrified. One of the nurse mentioned to another "If I'd have known, that the patient is so young and small, I'd have picked up not a rectoscope for adults but a smaller one..."

"So please relax now, young man, we start", was Daniel hearing. In that moment, he felt something big moving in his bottom, maybe 4 inches far. Daniel groaned, that instrument was quite huge for his small bum, and the doctor needed power to get it in that narrow anus. Daniel breathed heavily. Then he felt, that something is installed at that instrument.

The doctor explained to his colleague: "Now, same procedure, we change the tube to the light part. And here is a balloon as well to put in some air, otherwise we won't see anything." In that moment, the balloon was pumped and Daniel felt the air coming in with pressure. "Oh woow ... am I an air mattress??", was he thinking. Then he felt, that the rectoscope was pushed deeper and deeper, what makes him groaning all time. The instrument was twisted and moved, more air, then pushed farer, again more air and so on. The deeper it was, the more painful it got, the more Daniel was moaning.

After more and more pressure he heard the doctor saying: "Okay, inside that small guy, I only can see the last 15 centimetres (5,9 inch), so I need the sigmoidoscope now". Daniel thought "Oh no, another instrument in my bum??!" Nurse: "The 50 cm one?" Doctor: "No, make it 70" (50cm = 20 inch, 70cm = 27,5 inch)

During that time that next instrument was prepared, the doctor pulled out the rectoscope slowly, twisted again, stopped, pushed deeper, and went more and more out, and so on. For Daniel it seemed like hours, indeed it was a couple of minutes. And finally, he felt the rectoscope plopping out, Daniel was relieved and felt totally buggered.

"Everything okay with you?", a nurse was asking. Daniel only moaned "Ahh, my bum, the whole hole is burning..." And the doctor answered "Don't worry, it will get better" Then he felt his legs moved up, the table moving, so he was not anymore bent over but still laying on his stomach. That made him more pressure in his belly, the air is still inside, and in that position it is harder to get free from that air.

When he felt the hand of the doctor at one of his cheeks to spread them, he reflexively pressed his small cheeks together.

"Don't be afraid, the sigmoidoscope is not that thick" Daniel looked at a table next to him and saw a long thick black cable "And that shall fit into my bum?", Daniel asked doubtful and scared at the same time.

"Of course. And we will start right now..."

Part 9

Daniel was laying on his belly, in fear for the next examination. Reflexively he pressed his little cheeks together while the doctor tried to insert the sigmoidoscope. But the doctor was stronger and put it in about 4 inch. Daniel groaned. He felt that the instrument is not so thick compared to the proctoscope and the rectoscope, but thick enough to let him feel it clear and intense.

Then the doctor said to his colleague "Okay, now it's your turn. You make the examination, then you tell me what you see, and I'll check this afterwards."

So the young woman, she was a young assistant doctor, took the control. Daniel felt her warmer hands, moving softer and more careful. But the discomfort came as well when more air was pumped in. And he felt the instrument going in deeper and deeper, and he felt sharp pain when the curves began. He felt the moving front part, when the young colleague tried to manoeuvre in the right direction. When the instrument arrived the left lower belly the bowel bents sharply, and the colleague tried several times to pass, maybe a minute, but gave up and returned to the exit. Daniel was glad when the instrument plopped out.

"For me it seems normal, maybe at 25 cm a beginning haemorrhoid"

"Thank you, so I'll look again"

Daniel was startled after these words, but in that moment the sigmoidoscope was quickly inserted again. Daniel pressed the buttock cheeks together as strong as he could but he had no chance. Daniel groaned loudly. The doctor was very quick and quite not so careful, especially when he arrived the curves. And with big portions of air he finally passed the sharply bent segment. So Daniel felt the instrument coming up the belly on his left side. He groaned all the time, because that quality of pain was new for him, he felt pain in regions he had not known before. He felt more and more queasy and started retching when the doctor mentioned that he was all way in. One of the nurses recognized what was going on with Daniel and was just in time to bring a bag when he vomited. After a few minutes the doctor removed the sigmoidoscope.

"Yes, you were right to see a grade 1 haemorrhoid. But there is no therapeutic consequence for now" Then he ordered "Please give me Vomex 70 mg, the young man needs a torpedo against the nausea."

Daniel laid on his with air pumped up belly, totally finished, his bumhole and his left side of the belly is aching. But then he felt the doctor's big finger pushed in his anus, and a nasty burning from a suppository, a feeling he knew well from childhood. He moaned quietly, he was too bushed. He felt a compress pushed at his anus and his sweatpants pulled up.

When the nurse from the ward came into the examination room, together with his bed, he was helped to get into it. He only heard the words "Unfortunately we didn't found the reason for his complains, so he will be prepared for tomorrow. Basically a coloscopy will have the bigger chance to clear the situation, so no surgery in the next days." Then he felt asleep ...

Part 10

Daniel had a strange dream. He felt pain in his left belly side, his bum was burning, he felt really uncomfortable at all. At the beginning he was shivering so that the nurse gave him a second cover. During he got warm again, the nice face of Alex came into Daniel's mind. Even that young apprentice, that tall blond guy with his warm smile and his ocean blue eyes behind small glasses. That cute guy who was the first at his bum in that odyssey of inserting different things afterwards, more or less painful. But there was the memory of Alex who let him feel tolerable to that stay in hospital, who calmed him down. And Daniel smiled a bit, before he woke up.

In that moment he opened the eyes, he saw a nurse who was pulling the catheter out of his bladder. "Oouuuhhh", what a rude awakening. Daniel came up with his upper body, eyes wide open, to fall back in his bed again.

"Don't cry, it's already done, catheter is out", was the nurse saying. And after a talk to Jack, his room-mate, she added: "I'll be back in a moment, and then we start cleaning your bowels for tomorrow." Then she moved out.

"Oh god, no, please why..." was Daniel mumbling. "Jack, you got an surgery at your bowel. Did you get a colonoscopy as well??" - "Yes, but they let me sleep with a medicament, so it was not so bad how I was suggesting" Daniel breathed loud. "By the way, tomorrow morning, it is planned that I can go back home, so we will see us only in the morning. Hope, your new room-mates will be nice guys as well" - "Yes, and such funny guys, too" - "Shall I meet them, Shorty, I'll tell them to take care of you and shelter you" Daniel wishes, Alex would do this instead...

Then the nurse came in. "For this evening you'll get this bottle to drink. I'll be back in 30 minutes". Daniel read. It was 500 ml water and Eziclen. The taste was nearly ugly, but he stayed brave. While his belly began to become turbulent, after that "promised" 30 minutes the nurse came back. "Here are 3 more bottles, now only water, but you should drink them in the next hour to clean the bowels. What will be done tomorrow is here on the papers I brought to you, please read and sign them. We'll see us in an hour." Daniel could not say a word. First he was still finished because of that examinations he had in the afternoon, second he felt having no chance to react against the orders. So he looked at the papers. There was something about what happened before, and something what will happen the next day. "They know why I should not have read this before I got all this", was he thinking.

After an hour, he was a good boy to do what was ordered to him, the nurse came back. "Have you been on toilet the last hour" - "It feels like this, but I wasn't yet" - "No problem. With that suppository, you will. Turn over". Daniel showed a simper, but turned on his belly and showed his bare bum under his sweatpants, came up a little with his hip. Then he felt the suppository (it was Dulcolax 10 mg) slided in what caused a burning. Daniel moaned a little. Suddenly the nurse inserted her middle finger fast and all way in to push the burning suppository as far as she could. Daniel yelled and pressed his little cheeks hard together. "That must be inside very deep, young man" Than she counted to 5 and pulled out the finger.

After that Daniel had to go several times to toilet, but that night was the foretaste for the day after ...

Part 11

After being several times on toilet and thinking of the following day Daniel barely could sleep. So he stood up, put on his clothes and went out to find a nurse. He found a young woman, one of the two night nurses, and she said, she will bring something. A few minutes later she came in and asked him if he ever got something, when he could not sleep, before. Daniel answered that he got Virbucol suppositories in childhood. The nurse took an Emesan 50 mg suppository and meant that this is something better. Daniel rolled on his belly and bared his bum. He was afraid that the night nurse maybe is as rough as the nurse before who stuffed the Dulcolax suppository in his bum with force and without advice before. But she was quite the opposite, only spread the cheeks a bit, and let the Emesan suppository slide into the small bottom of Daniel. He only felt the coldness from the suppository, only little burning, but nothing more. It seems to stuck in his sphincter muscle, but after about a minute it slides deeper. Then it took only a couple of minutes and Daniel slept like a baby.

In the morning he recognized that someone wanted him to wake up. "Isn't it to early in the morning?", was his answer while he was very tired. The nurse who wanted him to be awake took away the blanked and pulled down the briefs. Daniel was already laying on the stomach so the nurse had an easy job to give another Dulcolax suppository, same rude way like yesterday, as far as she could. "Okay young man, I bet in at least 10 minutes you will stand up". She pulled up the briefs that way so most of the stuff was between the buttocks, like a tanga. Daniel got awake quick, he felt the burning again, the turbulences in his belly, and finally stood up in a hurry to go to the toilet. Fortunately his room-mate was out of the bathroom just in time...

Then he got the second bottle of Eziclen to drink, again 3 further bottles of water. And additionally he had to take two chewable tablets of Lefax. But it was not done with young Daniel...

In that moment he wanted to say Goodbye to his room-mate, because Jack was going to leave the hospital, a male nurse came in with a big bag, filled with fluid, and a long tube. Jack mentioned "Okay Shorty, it's better to go now. Keep a stiff upper lip! Get well soon", and he went out. He knew from his own childhood, that this was an enema bag, and he knew how sensitive his 5"5 (1.65 m) small 19-y.o. room-mate was. But he suddenly recognized that he forgot something in the room so he went back. When he entered he saw Daniel laying on his left side, his face burrowed in his pillow, moaning, and that scene when a big tube from the enema bag was pushed about 6 inch far in that small pale hairless round bum. Jack picked up what he forgot on the table and went out.

The bag was hanging high so the fluid marches quick into Daniel's bowels. After the half went in, Daniel began to hold his belly and to move in the bed, the male nurse tried to calm him down and pinned him to the mattress. He had to avoid several times that the young man pulled out the tube himself. Daniel felt like a balloon near to explosion, and he was glad when the whole 4 ltr bag was empty. He barely could hold the fluid inside and drops ran already out his bum. So when the tube was out, he ran to toilet and ... yes, nearly exploded, so he was thinking.

After 20 minutes he came out of the bath, and a nurse picked him up with the words "Young men, the doctors expect you for your coloscopy. Now!"

Part 12

Daniel had to put on a trousers, made with a thin material and with a vent on the back side. Then he laid in his bed and was brought to the examination room he already knew from the day before. His heart was running faster and faster.

Inside the exam room there was another doctor, but again several other persons. The nurse to him "Okay, so here we are. See you later, be a good boy.", and she went away.

Daniel had to change the bed and was now sitting in a kind of chair. He had to lay his legs on high installed platforms, so Daniel was asking himself whether he is now at the gynaecologists'. While a nurse was putting him a new venous infusion the doctor, an older man with a heavy but stylish glasses, just introduced and explained the procedure in a few sentences. "Yesterday my colleagues had a look on the left side of the belly, today I want to check the right side as well. It will not feel worse than yesterday, otherwise we can give you something in your vein to let you sleep or to calm down, okay?" - "Mhmm" - "So yesterday, you signed the papers. That's good. So let's start now." He first took some gel on his finger and smudged it through the vent of that thin trousers at Daniels anus. The doctor was waiting when Daniel was breathing out, in that moment he entered that small bum. Daniel moaned, but it was not that bad like the day before, and the finger of the doctor was not that large and fat. There was one position where he felt a sharp pain, and Daniel yelled. "Oh sorry, that was the fissure what was described. This evening you'll get a cream against it." Today was no blood on the finger.

Then the doctor took the colonoscope and muttered to the nurses "When he had no sedation yesterday, I'll first do it without as well." In that moment he put it in, deeper and deeper, while looking on a screen. Unfortunately Daniel had no look at the screen as well, but he felt that instrument going in inexorably and he groaned. And there was the feeling of the air pumping in his bowels again, and he felt every inch of that instrument moved deeper and deeper. Then came that painful curve at the left side of the lower belly, but the doctor passed it fast. The colonoscope went up on Daniel's left belly side, then came the next curve. Again a lot of pain and feeling of cramping. While Daniel whimpered continuously the instrument moved on from the left to the right side - to the next curve. One nurse held him in place, another nurse pushed on several regions of the belly, to help the doctor to insert the colonoscope deeper and deeper. More and more air came in, Daniel felt like having to go on toilet, while the whole stomach is heavily aching. "Maybe we shall give him a portion of propofol, doctor.", was a nurse saying, but the old doctor did not react, only looking at the screen. The nurse repeated, but she was interrupted, when the doctor muttered again "Okay, that appendix is still a bit inflammated, but it will cool down in a few days. No perforation, no blood". After a pause and a few yellings later from Daniel the nurse asked a third time. "No, no, there is no use now, I'm already on the withdrawal."

It took further 5 minutes until that nearly 2 metres long instrument was totally out of Daniel. He turned to a side and vomited, a nurse gave him tissues (she could not find a bowl or a bag that quick). Daniel was helped to roll back in his bed, and he laid there inside on the side in foetus position, holding his belly, and whimpered quietly. The doctor came to him and said "Okay, young man, the bowels are fine. only that fissure in your anus. But therefore the nurses will give you a cream. But for now to know, there is no use to keep you in hospital for any longer. In an hour when your pain is better, we'll come and bring the letter, then you can go back home, okay". The nurse came and brought him back, and indeed after an hour he got the letter, a posterisan cream, and ketonal suppositories against pain and fever. He still had massive pain and a lot of air and gel in his bowels that makes him impossible to fart, but he to go on toilet several times. He waited for a friend who slowly guarded him home ...

Part 13

It was the next morning when Daniel recovered a little, and had to go to the bakery, because he had no breakfast and nothing to eat at home.

So while he was standing there to have a look, whether he decided to buy an almond crescent, a currant bun, or better a braided yeast bun, he recognized a young man entering the bakery as well. His heart was beating, he got cold and hot at the same time, and was wondering why. Then he turned and recognized - Alex!!! That cute tall guy who helped him in the first hours of his complains, that sympatric young and slim man with that middle-long blond hair, that small glasses and that cute face.

Alex recognized that Daniel was looking at him, and smiled at him back.

"Hey, I know you from somewhere ..."

"Hey Alex", and he went to him.

Alex astonished "You know my name??"

"Yes, of course. Remember last week. If you want so ... ehrm ... you rescued me ... I was that silly guy who wanted to go snowboarding while having stomach pain and fever ..."

Alex was thinking, but suddenly he remembered and his eyes got wider. "Yeeees, now I know ... What about your little belly now?", he asked and blinked with one eye.

"Yeah, better, was in hospital since yesterday, they did a lot of examinations, one more painful than the other. I'm glad being out now."

"Oh, poor boy, I do believe that.", Alex said with warm voice and intense deep diving expression of his eyes. "But I'm really delighted that you made it. Maybe I protected you as well, for a while."

Daniel melted, his pupils were really wide, he felt paralysed, beamed up in another world, just in a dream, and he hoped, it is not only a dream like the days before. He felt tingling in his stomach like haven drunk a litre of cola in one go. He quite felt lost in that ocean blue eyes of Alex.

"Are you picking up a breakfast, too? What about having breakfast together, in my flat. I don't live fare from you, only two streets further", was Alex asking, while he held his head oblique, smiled and moving his small arched eyebrows.

"Oh yes ... ehrm ... would be .. very nice", Daniel turned into red, it was his first time being crushed.

"And, hey, now you're not that pale you have been a few minutes before", was Alex adding with a big smile. But in that moment he put his arm around Daniel's shoulder and asked quick "Okay, Shorty, what do you want to eat?"


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