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Views: 2067 Created: 2016.05.05 Updated: 2016.05.05

Working guy meets working girl

Chapter 1

Cause she liked me to call every day or two when I was up in Raleigh. The city had become my home away from home while a new research complex was being built over in an industrial park in Research Triangle, and I was spending two, three weeks at a time there - sometimes more. This was my third trip in five or six months, and I'd likely be back and forth increasingly for the next two years, checking as the more technical components were fitted and installed and - with luck - communicating, with each other and with the mother ship, our corporate headquarters in Houston. I skimmed absently over the city newpaper and some alternative free papers while I chatted with my wife. "Hoo, wow!" I suddenly exclaimed. "Sherry, listen to this ad under 'Adult Services' in this funky street paper. 'Let me make your bowels feel so-o-o good! Enemas done very slowly and gently and yummy. I'd love to open you and empty you, and you'll love it, too. Non sexual and very reasonable. Ms April Waterfall.' "Robert! Just forget you ever saw that ad, will you! Real non-sexual, I'll bet! You promised that you wouldn't get into trouble while you were away, so don't start now! Just go read your flowcharts and technical papers! I'll tell you all the news you need! They've started on a new roller rink in the big, vacant lot up on 28th - you know, by Adler. That's your news for this week! I thought they were keeping you so busy. Maybe you need to come home every weekend!" Sherry should have known that I wasn't about to call Ms Waterfall - or, at least, that I was certainly not about to try out her services. Oh, I might call just to see what her pitch was - that might be a turn-on - but I didn't want an actual enema up me. Sometimes I liked to talk about them or hear about them - or even anticipate them with a tinge of dread - which all could be arousing, but I didn't want to actually be involved in the getting or the giving. Especially from some walking STD bomb I'd be afraid of being near. It was bad enough that I did actually get pretty plugged up when I was away from home for any length of time, and Sherry was always trying to make me have an enema or a suppository when I got home - but she only won that argument once in a while, and that was often enough for my rear! Of course, Sherry's other fear when I was traveling, besides that my bowels would burst, was that I'd go sleeping around and run off, or more likely just pick up some unmentionable disease. She didn't seem to believe that sex wasn't really the first thing I thought about after maybe ten hours of hard work on the job; I was usually more up for a quick dip in the whirlpool next to the hotel gym - and then a long nap. Okay, once - one time in how many years - I did maybe fool around past a certain point, but that was years ago and in whole different circumstances, and when I was working on the southern California coast - and a lot younger: the lights were all wild, the surf and the music were loud and wild, the nightlife was very, very wild.... I had almost forgotten about April Waterfall by lunch the next day, but Sherry mentioned the outrageous ad to Vivian, our neighbor and her best girlfriend, over lunch in her backyard. Sherry expected Vivian to burst out laughing, but she didn't; Vivi asked Sherry whether she was going to have Ms April take care of me. Flabbergasted, Sherry asked Viv if I had paid her off to say that, or what. "But look, Sherry - here's what. What are your two biggest fears about Bobby's travel, besides that his plane might crash? You're always worried that he'll have another affair again, and also I know how you're afraid that his bowels will practically split from not shitting when he's away. This person, this Ms April, she might be able to take care of both these fears for you. If she is advertising to do enemas, then that's probably exactly what she will do. That would seem pretty risky for an out-and-out prostitute, wouldn't it? Well, maybe? And if she does it in a way that gets him off, which it sure sounds like, he's a whole lot less likely to go looking for a girlfriend, or - ahem! - an outlet for his overflowing male energy, don't you think? I think that we should call her ourselves and kind of feel out the situation. Huh? Wouldn't hurt. A call could be kind of fun, anyway!" Sherry wasn't convinced, but she remembered the phone number I had read off - all except the area code, and that was likely just one of three which they looked up. Vivian dialed one number and asked if they were running an ad in a paper. No, wrong number. The second was answered by a fellow who seemed to speak only in a foreign language, possibly Arabic. That number was unlikely. But, the third try was it: the lady on the phone answered - purred - "Hi, my friend, this is April." Vivian didn't fool around; she put her cards on the table, hers and Sherry's. Sherry would have never done this alone, but Vivi was pretty forward, and she usually used enemas herself when she needed something for constipation. "April, I'm Vivian, and I'm here, out of town in Texas, with my best friend and neighbor Sherry, and I'm going to just tell you straight out why we're calling about your ad. Sher's hubby is an engineer in Raleigh working on a new research plant complex they're building, and he will probably be there much or most of the next couple years, like three weeks at a time or more. "Well, he always gets his bowels totally plugged up when he travels and he is a big baby and won't do anything about that, and this worries Sherry about his health. Sometimes she gets him to let her give him an enema when he gets back home, or sometimes - most times - he won't even let her do that. I even had to threaten to do it once! And to be frank, April, the other worry that we have about Bobby is that when he is away it is very possible that he might just act like a guy, you know - I mean, like a single guy - a horny guy. That happened once, and Sher almost divorced him. So here is what we were thinking..." "Vivian - Vivian and Sher - yes, I put that ad in, and I have a good idea exactly what you are thinking. First of all, let me tell you what I generally do for guys who call - though it isn't always just for guys at all. I come to their place, at least if it seems safe, and bring a kit which has mostly disposable enema bags and things like that. Do you know those heavy plastic, disposable, syringe bags for large enemas? So you see, I use always new ones. "Okay, ladies, well I also have some different smaller disposable enemas, mineral oil and phosphate - the ordinary disposable squeeze bottles, and some bisacodyl ones, and some suppositories and supplies like soap and vinyl gloves and wipes and all. Plenty of stuff to make them lose all their control and empty, but no whips or chains or even really kinky sex stuff. Nothing much kinkier than enemas, anyway. I can be gentle or pretty stern, whatever seems to be needed, but all I really do - truly - is give enemas, and make sure that they work. "So first I fill up a clean, brand new syringe bag, and find a good place to hang it. Then I gently spread the guy's rear end and inspect his anal area, both for any signs of diseases and also for any irritation or fissures. I clean it with a soothing, medicated wipe, and I lubricate his rectal passage very slowly and gently for two or three minutes. Then I go higher in, way high in, to examine him and see if I can feel any problems, hemorrhoids or anything. "I check his prostate really thoroughly, Vivian - very, very, very slowly and thoroughly, and I'll admit that a lot of guys like this. In fact, I'd say that really all the guys like this a real lot, when I do like that. So, that is that, and then I clean them up and do the enema, and I do that really slowly and gently so it will feel as good as possible and make them relax and get emptied out. "Some guys don't want the enema any more after I prepare them for it and check their rectums and prostates - after I check their prostates so well, you know - but I tell them that I do plan to clean their bowels out, so they will have to cooperate for their enema if they ever want to see me again. So, then I give them their big, soapy enema and then a rinse, and I make sure that it has really emptied them completely or I make them have another. I don't touch anything but their rear ends. If they need to wiggle around and feel good when I'm checking their rectums and prostates, that's their business. I don't touch their genitals or do anything else that could get me into deep trouble." Sherry and Viv agreed that April sounded honest and promising. April said that if she made a regular enema date weekly she could help make sure that a guy's bowels stayed open - and very probably that she could help to keep him out of trouble. Her price was very reasonable at fifty dollars, and she offered that if she did this regularly she could possibly go as low as $35, plus the cost of the enema kits or supplies, if she could get it done in about half an hour. It would depend on where he was staying and on how cooperative or needy he was. Sherry nodded to Vivian that we could afford that. The girls told April they would call her back after thinking it over. April promised them that it might not be entirely clinical, what she did, but it would stay clean and be a very effective treatment for both the worries they had discussed, and apparently even legal: a few years before, she had told them, some woman was charged for giving enemas, and the judge threw the case out because, he commented, that if giving enemas needed some medical certificate he'd have to toss his grandmother in the cliinker and throw away the key. Well, not much later in the afternoon they did call April back, They were ready to do business, but Sherry wanted reassurance on two items. One was that April would not be using any of her body parts on me but her finger, and that I would not be using any of my body parts on her at all, and the other concern was that regardless of what else happened, she really would make sure that I did actually receive a thorough and effective enema cleanout at each weekly session - starting on the next day, Sunday, if April could arrange it with me. They told April it would be fine if she made me really enjoy it, but they wanted to be sure that every session really would really make me empty my colon well, too. April reassured them, and learned what she could about me from chatting for another ten minutes with Sher and Vivian. They left it that April would check for me at the hotel when she passed this way on an errand during the day, and if she did not find me in my room she would call with some excuse to get us together by Sunday evening. Of course, I knew nothing at the time about any of this, and on Saturday, just after dinner, I did ring up Ms Waterfall. I asked her, very tentatively - and with a big erection as soon as I heard her soft voice - about her ad. She told me about the same that she had told Vivian and Sher, with maybe a slightly different emphasis. "Bobby, I charge $50, and here is what I will do for you. First of all, let's be clear that this will make you feel really good down there, fresh and empty and good, but it isn't about fucking or even about playing with your genitals or mine. "Bobby, I'll come over and help you undress for your enema. If you need me to be a little bit stern with you about taking your treatment when you're supposed to, or making sure that you really lose control for me so I can take care of you, then I will be sweet or stern or whatever you need, but this isn't really BDSM, except maybe in the lightest hint of a way, and it isn't a game: it's a really good cleanout for your whole system, and it will leave you really refreshed. That's what they do for me, Bobby; I really enjoy enemas. "So - then I'll check your anal area. I'll spread your butt wide and really examine your sphincter area for fissures and irritation and anything, and I'll clean it with a soothing wipe. Then I'll start slowly pushing in some lubrication and my finger, and I'll very, very gently lubricate your rectal passage so your movement won't hurt or be uncomfortable. And then I'll check your rectum for any problems, too, like hemorrhoids. I'll check your prostate, really, really slowly and thoroughly and I'll use my finger deeply around your glands. It's perfectly normal for lots of guys to react to that very pleasantly, you know, and if that happens I'll be holding you tightly and making sure that I give you a really complete examination there. I'll be with you and I won't leave you or let you go. "So, after we take care of that examination and so on, I'll move on to your actual enema. Now I want you to understand that I am going to make sure that I get your colon really cleaned out. I am not going to let you pull back till you're really cleansed, okay? I'll give you the enema really gently, but I am going to satisfy myself with each dose or squeeze that you hold it till I'm sure that you're losing control. Then I'll hold you while it all swooshes out and you can't control what's happening. I'll be right there with you and taking care of you the whole time. I'll give you a soapy bag and a rinse bag, and then any more I think you need till I am sure that your lower bowels are really emptied. "After that, what usually happens is that you'll feel totally spent and exhausted, and I'll tuck you in for a nap and make sure that you're okay when I leave. And I'll phone you in half an hour to remind you to go sit and try to potty some more in case you've fallen asleep and the enema is still working a little more on you. Besides any parts of the treatment that feel really good, the rest of your session will make you feel really light and empty and fresh and just so very relaxed. I think you'll like it a lot.... Bobby, are you still there?" "April, I don't know what happened. When you started talking to me I got an erection, which I thought I would, actually - but then, when you were telling me about massaging around my prostate, I just suddenly felt kind of - I guess, little - really strange, just really little and sort of helpless, and I felt almost like I wanted to cry. I've never felt just like that. It just sort of came and swept over me." "Oh, Bobby! I really do want to come and give you an enema and take care of you, baby. I think you really need me to, huh? I think you know that you need to have me go up inside you and do this to you. If you don't have the $50 right now we will work something out, because I think you are going to need me to take care of you regularly, baby. I really think you will want me to." "I don't know, April. I feel just kind of week-kneed right now. I do feel like I want you to take care of me. I don't know about the money, though. I do have to be careful about that. My wife handles all my travel receipts and she keeps track of what I spend right down to the dollar. Can I just call you back tomorrow, okay?" April agreed that I would call her again, although she never let on that she had already been making other plans for me. She didn't let on, but I had given her enough information that she had been able to guess that I was Sherry's husband. The money was a crucial factor, even though we could afford April's fee. I had no idea how I could pay this and hide it from Sherry. In my early travels I'd lose receipts and then lose out on reimbursement from the company for way too many expenses. Soon, Sherry and I had worked it out so that I couldn't easily forget any paperwork. I turned in all my travel receipts to Sherry to organize for me to submit, and she would immediately know if I had spent $50 without a receipt. She would know if I spent five dollars! Even though April made me feel weirdly little and somehow like I had a hole in the pit of my stomach, I did want her to take care of me in all the intimate ways she said or implied that she would, but I couldn't see any way to handle the money so Sher wouldn't know. Sherry kept our books very well, and organized everything up and down and crossways, both the cash receipt slips and the credit card bills - and she received all the monthly bills, too. I never had more than five or ten bucks in cash when I traveled, and Sherry knew whenever I hit the ATM. I could get some cash easily enough, but not without Sher getting a bill or statement about it, and paying fifty bucks by cash would be way out of the ordinary; I had charged absolutely everything for the last four years. I masturbated about my predicament and fell asleep. On Sunday I spoke briefly with Sherry in the late morning, after she and Vivian got back from church. They had decided not to mention their April arrangements to me, and gave me no hint of this. They did, however, pass on my plans for the day to April: I thought I'd be spending day through the early afternoon at my hotel room preparing the monthly status report for headquarters. I looked forward to that because the project had quite a productive week - and then I'd go out for an early dinner around 4:00 and maybe see a movie. I had to be on the job well before 6:00 on Monday morning, so I'd make it a low-key Sunday.