The medical experiment
The medical experiment
Chapter 1
My wife is a scientist, she came home one day and told me they needed a volunteer for human trials for an experiment at the lab to try out some new medicines they had developed. The pay was $50,000 cash. She said that these were medicines that were designed to remove the control that the conscious mind has over the body in a way that it witnesses what the brain does, essentially I would be watching myself the way I was when I was 8 months old. Also, I would be given medicines that would block my adult bodily functions. This was intriguing, I happily agreed.
The next day we arrived at the lab. After filling out all the paperwork, they took me in the back to an exam room. As instructed, I removed all my clothes and sat naked on the gynecologists table. The doctor came in and was making notes in a chart. He looked at me, and said, "lets begin." first he got my height and weight, checked my ears and mouth. Next he took my temperature all over. Under both arms, my forehead, in my mouth, and finally rectally. He asked "when was the last time I had a BM.' I thought for a sec, I said, 'it had been yesterday." he ha me lay down with my feet in the stirrups. Applying KY jelly to his middle finger, he inserted it into my nether region. Removing his finger, he had a little poop on it. Opening a clear jar, he pulled out what looked like a pink suppository, that was twice as long and wide. Inserting it in me, I started to feel really full. He attached a bed pan, and told me to just go with what I feel. It took about 5 minutes, but I really had to poop and pee, so i did just that. I really filled up the pan. Once done, he used some baby wipes to clean me.
Next thing he did was to insert an iv of saline solution into my arm. He explained that this iv was where I would receive the medicines. The doc, lubed up his finger again and started massaging my prostate. Once I was rock hard, he grabbed a syringe from the counter that contained an orange liquid and injected it into the iv line. The urge to cum started building, but ceased as did my erection. He kept massaging for a minute or so, but nothing. He told me that the first shot blocks the part of my mind that causes arousal. Grabbing another syringe, this one containing a clear liquid, he said, "this syringe contains 2 medicines. One that relaxes my bladder muscles and another that blocks signals from my brain that controls my ability to hold back on peeing, but at the same time doesn't interfere with the signals to actively urinate. And, I would need this diaper in about 5 minutes." Picking up a very thick diaper, he enclosed my privates. Next., he grabbed another syringe, a yellow liquid. "This medicine,'' he said, does the same thing to my bowels, that the previous shot did to my bladder." I soon felt my bladder release. And about 10 minutes later, I pooped. To which, he changed my spent diaper. He had me get down from the table and get into an adult sized stroller. Grabbing another syringe, hetold me that this one affects my walking, I would wobbly walk and do a lot of falling as someone who was learning to walk. Grabbing another syringe, this one a black liquid. He said, this shot would remove my pain tolerance. As the shot was given to me, I felt a warmth spread all over my body. About 5 minutes later, he ran a test, taking a syringe that contained a chemical that would reduce my talking to babbling and baby talk. He injected it into my arm, I started bawling at the pain. Pulling out the last syringe, a red solution, he injected the psychoactive chemical.
Chapter 2
Waves of euphoria rippled through my whole body. With each wave i felt more disconnected from myself. It seemed like i was 2 different persons. I felt like i was was consciously floating over myself, watching what my body did. I watched as they rolled the stroller which i was in, into another room. 2 large male nurses helped lift me up to lay across my wifes lap. Listening to them talk, ''yes, the shot we gave you should have fully taken affect. You should be lactating and ready to feed your husband now.'' She unbuttoned her blouse. My, self moved to suckle. She fed me for a good 10 minutes before the orderlies helped her to burp me. They helped me up off her lap and into a large crib. Feeling of my diaper, she was satisfied i was still dry and clean. I heard them talking again, the shot also affects your milk in a way where it is a sedative, much in the way that turkey is, but about 10 times as strong. After around 3 or 4 feedings, he will sleep as much as a baby does each day." I could feel my attention waning, and suddenly cease. Apparently, my floating consciousness sleeps when my body sleeps. I awoke sometime later still in the crib. Mommy was unfastening my diaper. Not satisfied with the results. She spoke into the intercom. "The baby hasn't pooped, bring me a rectal thermometer, a 1-quart emema bag with a double inflatable and some ky jelly. Make the solution a warm salt water. " A few moments later one of those male nurses entered with the requested items. He assisted her in my cleansing. He held up my legs as she undid my diaper. I watched her lubricate the thermometer. I squirmed a little as she inserted ot and held it for 3 minutes. Satisfied that enough time had passed, she pulles it out, writing it down on a clipboard, I heard her say, "99.4°"
The nurse brought over the enema and lubricated it and my behind. I watched myself start crying as she inserted the nozzle, and start bawling as she inflated the balloon. My consciousness couldn't feel the pain, but my body sure did. About 15 minutes later they quickly removed the nozzle and closed my diaper before it gushed out. Putting on a pair of rubber pants, I was left to fill my nappy.
My question is how long do the meds/dru…
Wow, I wouldn't need to be paid anythin…
Seems like a pretty interesting idea.
Wow I would love to be able to regress.…