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Views: 8546 Created: 2008.10.31 Updated: 2008.10.31

When I went to the hospital...

When I went to the hospital...

Note: I don't mean for anything I write here to be a finished story, I just wanted a place to write down the fantasies that come to my mind for everyone's enjoyment. I hope this is allowed!

This is a (mostly) true story that happened to me last summer...

Part 1

I sat in the tiny, curtained-off cubicle, hunched over in my chair. I was cold and tired as I sat in the emergency room at six a.m. and on top of that, there was a fiery ache buried deep in my lower belly. I wanted to climb up on the hospital bed to rest, but I didn't want to have to feel like a patient until the doctor came in to examine me. I hadn't wanted to come to the hospital in the first place, but I was just in too much pain to stay away any longer.

The privacy curtain rustled, and my heart leapt in both fear and hope that the doctor had finally come to see me after an hour of waiting. But the man who walked in dragging a heavy cart of equipment behind him just said, "I'm here to take a few blood samples and get an IV started on you."

I froze. Oh God, needles? It was bad enough having to come to the ER alone since I was away at college for the first time - my parents were too far away to get here in time even if I called to wake them up, and I hadn't made any real friends yet. But now I was going to have to deal with needles alone?

I closed my eyes and held back frightened tears as the man tied a tourniquet tightly around my upper left arm, then swabbed the inside of my elbow with something cold. The invasive stab deep into my veins came a second later, and the lab technician seemed oblivious to the way my whole body trembled in terror. Then it was over, and I opened my eyes to find a needle taped into my arm. "So they don't have to stick you again," he explained. Well, at least there would be no new needles after this one.

As he left, he casually said, "You'll want to change into that gown on the bed before the doctor comes in to see you. Make sure you take off everything, even your panties." He smirked as he said the word 'panties', then walked away.

Since the tube for my IV needle had a stopper in the end and wasn't connected to anything yet, I could still slip out of my shirt and bra, then hurriedly pull the plain white gown over my head before dropping my skirt and panties. The gown was snapped shut at the neck but open all down the back, so I decided to get in bed and tuck the gown behind me to prevent myself from being exposed. Noticing how my hard, chilly nipples stood out against the white fabric, I slipped beneath the bed's single thin sheet to await the doctor.

He showed up in another fifteen minutes - a plain-looking middle-aged man with dark hair. I'd hoped for a female doctor, but even worse, an intern about my age followed the man into my room. Worse still, he was wearing a set of scrubs with the name of my college embroidered over the pocket! And worst of all, he was beautiful, with a lean, perfect body and slightly messy golden-brown hair that fell across his forehead. He grinned widely when he came in, and I blushed.

"You're Ashley?" The doctor asked matter-of-factly, with a glance at a clipboard he carried in one hand. I nodded, and he went on. "I'm Dr. Connor, and I'll be taking care of you today. This is my assistant, Leon."

I forced a smile but couldn't bring myself to speak, mortified at the idea of exposing my body to both of them.

"So I understand you're having some abdominal pain?"

I explained the pain to Dr. Connor, avoiding eye contact with him and avoiding Leon entirely. I told him about how I had woken up with a dull ache in the right corner of my lower belly the day before, and how it had gradually intensified into the burning pain that it was now.

"When did you last eat?"

I thought back over the last day, remembering that I'd been constipated for a while, so I hadn't eaten much in hopes that it would clear up and the pain would go away. "I had some apple juice around nine last night, and lunch before that at about one."

"And when was your last bowel movement?"

Mortified, I had to force out the words. "T - the day before yesterday..."

Then, to make matters worse, Dr. Connor launched into the exam without telling me. He pulled the sheet down to cover my hips and lifted my gown up to my breasts, exposing my belly. On top of all the other embarrassments so far, I was all too aware that I was a bit chubby, and extra weight tended to show up on my tummy. Thankfully, no one commented, although I was positive that they must be thinking about it.

"Come here," the doctor commanded, and placed his stethoscope into Leon's hand. "Listen and tell me what you hear."

That's how I ended up with a man sitting back and studying the size and shape of my bare, plump belly while a guy my age leaned in close and pressed a stethoscope all over the pale globe, stopping to listen in each spot before gently gliding the instrument somewhere else. At least he didn't try to look into my eyes as he concentrated.

"No bowel sounds," Leon remarked.

"Meaning that our patient is constipated," Dr. Cooper revealed, and I winced at the fact spoken aloud. "That matches up with what she's told us so far. Why don't you go ahead and see if the feel of her abdomen tells the same story?"

Oh, no, he couldn't mean that - but he did. I could only lie there as Leon expertly pressed his fingertips into every inch of my belly and sought out the feel of my full bowels.

He found what he was looking for near the spot that hurt, and immediately pointed it out to Dr. Cooper, who touched me there as well. "Pretty backed up," he commented. "But I can't make a diagnosis based on just that. I'd like to give you a full pelvic exam to rule out any problems in that area, then run a few more tests, if you don't mind. Ashley?"

I thought of the position I was about to be in: nude on my back, legs spread, everything from my waist down exposed to these men. I wondered if Dr. Connor would have Leon do most of my pelvic exam, too. I closed my eyes, near tears again.

But if I ever wanted this pain to go away, what could I do but agree?

Before I had time to think, Dr. Connor extended the stirrups at the end of my bed and told me to stick my feet into them and scoot down. At least I had some experience with this one - I had gone to a gynecologist once before, when I started having sex with my last boyfriend. I would have felt a lot more comfortable about it if I hadn't known that Leon would be watching.

Dr. Connor left the room for a second and brought back a female nurse. She didn't say anything, just stood in a corner and watched. I knew from my previous appointment that a woman had to be present whenever a man was examining you, but I wasn't too happy about having a third pair of eyes on me. I blushed when I remembered that I had shaved down there just last night, so I'd be nice and smooth for the exam. What would they think of that?

I took a deep breath as Dr. Connor pulled the sheet covering my legs all the way back to my navel. Last time, my doctor had kept a paper sheet over me, but this time I guessed he had to be able to see my belly during the exam. I glanced at Leon, who had a cocky smile on his face, so I looked away and tried to push him out of my mind.

My muscles tensed as Dr. Connor's gloved fingers brushed my labia, and he softly told me to relax as he slipped one inside. I knew I was starting to get wet, and I knew that he would keep going anyway. He asked Leon to bring him a speculum, and I almost wished I could watch as he spread my lips wide and put it in. If I managed to forget about everyone but the doctor, this wasn't too scary since it was familiar. At least I knew what was about to happen to me.

His fingers slid deep into my vagina, feeling every inch along the way. He paused occasionally to press different parts of my belly with his other hand, pushing so deep it almost hurt. He kept asking me, "Does this hurt? How about this?" and I told him there was just a lot of pressure.

"It's normal to feel some pressure in your vagina and your lower abdomen during this exam," he told me. "I just want to see whether there's any sharp, drastic pain." Thankfully, there wasn't.

Then I heard a soft knock on the wall outside of my room. Another nurse peeked her head around the curtain, and I was all too aware of my very exposed state, but she hardly noticed. "Dr. Connor? We need you in room five. It'll just take a minute."

The doctor turned to Leon. "Can you finish this up for me? You know what to do." He left before I could protest.

Leon stepped forward, smiling as he snapped on a pair of gloves. Under the harsh lights, his blue eyes sparkled with excitement, and I started to shake. He had already seen almost as much of me as there is to see, and now he was going to feel me in my most intimate places as well?

He placed a hand gently on my inner thigh and looked up at me. "So how are you feeling tonight, Ashley?"

Then, he started to do something that I'd never felt before...

Part 2

When Leon started to smear lube on his fingers, I immediately realized what he was planning. That hadn't been part of my last exam! I closed my eyes, ignoring the question he had asked earlier and bracing myself for what I knew was coming.

I gasped when I felt his fingertip gently press against the my tight anus. Never had anyone touched me there, and I shivered uncomfortably as he smeared lube around the opening, taking his time and leaving his other hand resting on my thigh while he did it. Now I was glad the female nurse was still watching - what would he do to me without her there?

I wasn't at all prepared for the feeling of his finger pushing in against my resisting muscles. Just one little finger, and it felt like I was being ripped open. Without meaning to, I moaned at the sensation and swore I heard Leon laugh under his breath. I could practically feel his eyes all over me.

The ripping sensation subsided and was replaced by a feeling of intense fullness, which only increased when he slid another finger into my vagina. I squirmed against his hand, half trying to wriggle up the table and away from his fingers, and he pressed his other hand to my belly to keep me in place and finish the exam.

"So, are you a college student?" He asked as he felt my belly and continued plugging my vagina and anus. The question seemed so out of place that I almost laughed, but then I realized that he was probably just trying to make me feel a little less awkward.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I could've sworn there was a hint of kindness on his smooth face. "Yeah, I am," I answered, trying to focus on the conversation and not what he was doing between my legs.

"What school?" He asked casually, moving lower on my belly. "State university, same as me?"

I nodded, feeling thankful that the medical school he went to and my undergraduate classes were across campus from each other.

"So what are you studying?"

"I - um, I'm undecided. It's my first year."

He slid his hand even lower, lightly touching the top of my vulva, before withdrawing both hands. "Must be hard to be in the hospital on your own that young."

Of course it was hard. I almost wished my parents were here with me, but I was mortified at the idea of even more people seeing my examination. I started to pull the sheet down and cover myself, assuming Leon was done, but then Dr. Connor came back. "Before we're through here," he interrupted, "There's one more thing I'd like to check. Ashley, could you please stand up?"

Oh no, what now? I stood, covering myself as well as I could with my gown. The doctor took my shoulders and turned me around to face the bed, exposing my backside. Then, to my absolute horror, he leaned me forward so I was bending over the bed with my ass in the air.

Not more of this! I endured the humiliation as Dr. Connor slipped another finger into my anus. He pushed in deeply, then reached around to feel my softly hanging belly as well. I wondered if I'd feel more comfortable with Leon doing this to me rather than the doctor, and I got the chance to find out when Dr. Connor commented, "She sure is full, although I'm not sure that's what's causing our problem here. Leon, come feel."

Then the younger man's hands were on me and inside me again. He pushed two fingers in deep this time, making my poor rectum feel filled almost to the point of bursting. When he withdrew them, I stared in revulsion at the brown smears on the tips of his fingers, but he didn't seem to mind. He just pulled off his glove and threw it away.

At least, I thought, Leon being here had helped to take my mind off of the pain. Oddly enough, the sharp belly pains had faded into the background now that I was faced with a stretched and aching vagina and anus and a young, attractive guy watching me and feeling my body all over. I shivered at the thought, but this time the shiver wasn't entirely unpleasant.

"You can get back in bed now," Dr. Connor said. "Try and get some sleep while your blood samples are being checked out, and I'll be back a bit later to take you down to radiology."

I wondered what awaited me there, but I was too tired to care right now. Everyone filed out of my little curtain-surrounded room. Leon was the last to leave, and I could've sworn he winked at me on his way out. I fell asleep holding an image of him in my mind.

Part 3

So there I was, lying asleep in an emergency room bed. I was exhausted, having already spent hours waiting anxiously and having my body examined in new and embarrassing ways.

I awoke to the familiar feel of that hand on my leg once again. I looked down, and there was Leon, touching me. My gown was up at the top of my thighs. Had he pushed it up, or had it ridden up while I was sleeping?

"Wake up," he said softly. "It's time for your CT scan."

I struggled out of my deep sleep, but he was already walking away, and a female nurse with a pinched, sour face came in pushing a wheelchair. I didn't talk as she took me down the sterile white halls, too busy concentrating on Leon and the pulsing pain in my belly.

I was brought into the CT scan room and told to lie down on the table that extended out from the big, complicated machine. I trembled a little - the room was cold, and the strange equipment increased the feeling that I was in a foreign place full of pain and uncertainty. I wished Leon was there with me. His presence was comforting, even if he did seem to enjoy touching me in such uncomfortable ways.

Another woman injected something into my IV line. It felt warm and tingly for a few seconds as it started to move through my veins. Then she grabbed the bottom of my gown and pulled it up to the top of my belly, not realizing I wasn't wearing anything underneath. I gasped, but she just said "Oops!" and reached for a blanket to drape across my hips.

She left the room, and I was alone, with my feet sticking into the machine. I heard her voice through a speaker. "I'm right here in the next room over, watching everything that's happening to you. I'm going to turn on the scanner now. I need you to lie perfectly still for me."

The table I lay on began to shift, pulling me into the machine. I closed my eyes and tried not to get too claustrophobic as my bare abdomen was scanned.

When it was over, the nurse came back in with the wheelchair, but she didn't turn toward the emergency area. "Where are we going now?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to your room," she replied curtly. "You've been officially checked into the hospital."

I nearly started to cry. Just when I'd gotten used to being around this place, they had to move me somewhere else! And I just knew I'd never see Leon again. He was assigned to be in the emergency room, not to follow me around.

The nurse helped me into my new bed. It was more comfortable than the other one, but I didn't care. I would've done anything to go back. How could they take away the one person who had been kind to me in this terrible place?

I turned on the TV in the room and stared at it. I don't know how long I sat there, not really watching anything, waiting for the results of the scan and expecting some new nurse to come bringing them again.

It felt like the happiest surprise of my life when I heard a knock at the door and looked up to see Leon. "Hey," he said casually.

"H-hey," I stammered back.

"I've got good news and bad news for you," he said, strutting into the room with his arms folded. "The bad news is that your scan says you've got appendicitis, and you'll have to have surgery."

I nodded grimly. I had expected this, even though I'd prayed it wouldn't happen. "And the good news?"

"The good news is that Dr. Connor's going to operate on you, and he's assigned me to look after you until then." He smiled suggestively, and my heart literally skipped a beat.

"So what's next?" I asked nervously.

"Next, you get to sit here and wait a couple hours until your operation," he said. "But first, I get to do one more procedure to prepare you for surgery..."

Part 4

Leon told me what he was about to do to me, and I shrieked, "An enema! Seriously?" I completely lost my composure. My ass still hurt from the last exam! Hadn't I been through enough? I stared at the equipment he'd pulled down from a cabinet.

He pressed his lips together as if holding back a laugh. "Sorry, Ashley, but it complicates abdominal surgery if your bowels are full. We've got to clean your belly out." He reached up and hung the huge bag of fluid from my IV pole.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Does anyone else have to watch this time?"

"No, as long as you don't want them to. And now that you're in a private room, no one should walk in unexpectedly."

I sighed. There was no way around this. "Will you at least try to be gentle with me?" I asked in a small voice.

"I wouldn't dream of treating you any other way."

I tried to put my fears aside and fill my mind instead with thoughts of how nice it would be to have him touching me. He asked me to lie on my left side and lifted the back of my gown up, and I could tell from the way he lightly touched me that he was enjoying himself. I thought I may as well try to do the same.

He paused to lube his fingers again, and craning my neck to glance over my shoulder, I noticed that he wasn't wearing any gloves this time. I was scared he would put the big tube right into me, but he slipped a finger in first and gently moved it in and out. Then he filled my rectum with two fingers, then three. My pulse quickened as he widened my anus enough to slip in the enema nozzle. I jumped and tensed when he pushed it in, and I felt something leak out onto me.

"Oh, no," I said, tears almost coming to my eyes.

Leon grabbed hold of the nozzle and pushed it deeper inside me, stopping the leak. "Relax, Ashley," he whispered, stroking my head with his other hand. He grabbed a towel and wiped me off. "Some of it got on your gown. Do you want me to find you another, or..."

"Take it off," I said almost angrily. Nothing could make this situation worse. I started tugging at the ties behind my neck.

Leon took hold of the ties and undid them, slipping the gown off of me. Now I was nude from head to toe. He dumped the gown in a bin for dirty linens and went to the sink to wash his hands, leaving me to feel the enema solution start slowly working its way into my bowels.

He walked back to my bed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Turn onto your back with your knees bent," he said, and guided me into the position. Reluctantly, I moved my arms away from my chest.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide, watching his reaction to the sight of my whole, bare body. His expression was warm and content. "I'm going to try and make this feel a little better for you, okay?"

I nodded. He leaned over my bed, placed one hand on each side of my belly, and started rubbing. "This will help the fluid get into you more easily," he said.

Leon massaged my belly deliciously, pressing my sides and circling my navel. His fingertips barely brushed the bottoms of my breasts, and the bottoms of his palms rubbed the top of my vulva. When my belly grew distended from the enema and I began to have cramps, he asked me where it hurt and massaged away the pain in every area I pointed to.

Despite my stretched anus, my throbbing appendix, and the sense of fullness overwhelming my whole abdomen, I wanted to stay in that moment forever, with Leon's warm hands massaging me as his eyes drank in my whole body.

Eventually, he pulled the nozzle out of me, and I asked if I could go to the bathroom.

"No," he said, looking at my tense anus. "I'll bring you the bedpan."

By now, I didn't care what he saw anymore. I released the enema into the pan he held underneath me, and he carried it to the bathroom.

Leon brought me a clean gown and helped me into it. He tucked me into the bed and stroked my hair once more. "I'll be in the room during your operation, okay? Don't be afraid."

I nodded and sighed as he left the room again. I was still in pain, still mortified at the fact that every inch of my body had been displayed, poked, and prodded all day long, but I could still feel the warmth of his hands on my belly. I curled up around that warmth and went to sleep once more.


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