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Views: 8330 Created: 2007.11.16 Updated: 2007.11.16

The Sherema Clinic

The Sherema Clinic

Author : Norman

Back in the winter of 1985, I went on a week's holiday to Los Angeles, California. This was one trip that I truly enjoyed, as I love to explore new places and see new things. While there I would take a different bus tour every day, and in between bus tours I would walk around window-shopping.

I noticed that on many street corners there were two or three and some times several of these newspaper boxes where a person could deposit some coin and open a door and take out a paper. There were also a few free newspaper boxes, and in one of them was the Los Angeles Free Press. So just out of curiosity I took one, which was much like today's Now Magazine from Toronto that contained some interesting articles that I wanted to read. I took the paper and went back to the hotel room. After I had finished reading all the main articles I noticed that there was a large advertisement section at the back of the paper and one sub section catered to the prostitution and S&M scene

In the S&M part of the advertisements, I noticed that the same telephone number appeared on several different advertisements. Most of these advertisements contained a girl's name and featured different aspects of the S&M scene. But one of these advertisements had a custom designed layout with the Sherema name in big bold lettering. This advertisement featured not only enemas but also cross dressing, toilet training, bondage, discipline and latex fashions for the customer and staff. Out of curiosity I called this number up on the telephone, and a female's voice answered. I remember asking her if I am hearing right, because back home in Edmonton there were certainly no advertisements of this nature in any of the local papers. I was informed of hearing things right, and that the closing time was 9:00 PM. I was becoming excited at the prospect and made an appointment for 8:00 PM that evening. After this the lady gave me the address of her location. I looked up the address on the city map that I had purchased earlier, and I noticed that my hotel room was not very far from the address that was given to me. At about 7:30 I went out looking for a taxicab. This taxi took me to an old section of the city, to a place that looked like what used to be bulk oil and gasoline out let, except the storage tanks had been removed. What was left was a high chain link fence that ran all the way around the place with two open gates for entrance and exit.

Inside the fenced enclosure was room for several cars to park. The only building at this location, would be about the size of a good size bungalow and was completely covered with corrugated sheet metal that had a couple of windows and an old door. One thing for sure, it did not look like the kind of place that I thought that I should be looking for. WELL since I was at the address that was given to me over the telephone, there was nothing else to do but to try the doorbell by the old shabby looking door.

I herd a female's voice that came from an overhead speaker, asking what I wanted. I told the voice that I had an appointment for an enema at 8:00 PM. In a few seconds I herd some blots sliding and a lock turning, and then the door opened just a little. The light colored African American lady gave me a good looking over before letting me enter. After I did enter, the lady locked the very sturdy door with three large sliding bolts and a dead bolt lock. This lady was a bit on the heavy side and stood about 5'5" tall, but in spite of her weight she had quite an attractive face. I found my self in a small waiting room that had a counter running all across the room, with a swinging gate near one end of the counter. The lady went through the swinging gate to her office area behind the counter, and she introduced her self as Sherry. She handed me a sheet of paper that contained a list of different sessions that could be had and the price for each session. After looking over this list I thought that a "double enema" listed at $35.00 would be rather interesting to try out. I asked Sherry if there was enough time for this session, and she assured me that there was plenty of time.

After I had paid for the session I followed Sherry through the swinging gate to one of the two doors that lead out of the office area into a dimly lit hallway. There was one closed door to my right and about half way down this hallway, and across from this door there was a short hallway with another closed door. We turned left and entered was an examination room that contained a long examination table, a chair, a hat rack, a small enamelled table with rollers, a half bathroom at the far end of this room. Above the examination table was an overhead mirror fastened to the ceiling and also one of those small hospital type television sets that swung out from the wall. Sherry asked me how much water I could hold and I replied that I thought that I might be able to hold three quarts. Sherry said that she would order me a four-quart enema. As Sherry was leaving the examination room she told me to undress and lay down on the examination table, and some one would be with me in a few minutes.

As I was undressing I noted that this room was nice and clean, which gave me some assurances that all would be well. About the time that I had laid down on the examination table, the television set lit up. On the television screen, I was most pleasantly surprised to see another gentleman entering the vary same room that I was now in, and he got undressed just like I did. After he laid down on the examination table, his attractive nurse came in carrying a two-quart red enema bag with a douche nozzle attached to the end of the rubber hose. She hung the enema bag on the enema stand and after lubricating the nozzle she hung the nozzle over the enema bag. His nurse that was dressed in a white uniform asked him to turn over on to his left side, and she lubricated his anus. Now she took the nozzle down and inserted it into his rectum. As the scene was shot doorway I was not able to see the actual insertion, but it looked real enough. After the nozzle was inserted the gentleman turned over on to his back as instructed. Now the nurse opened the hose clamp and the bag emptied rapidly and he took the whole bag full with out asking the nurse to stop the flow. This was the first time in my life that I had seen some one receiving an enema. Believe me this experience was becoming very arousing and I was truly looking foreword to my enema.

It was just about the time that this scene was over, when a young slim and attractive lady about 160 cm tall entered the examination room. She was wearing only a skimpy two-piece bikini suit and carrying a large dull yellow colored neoprene enema bag with soapsuds showing above the top of the bag.

As she hung the enema bag about a foot and a half above my body on the enema stand, she introduced her self as Anne. While she was lubricating the long red rubber colon tube, she asked me to turn over on to my left side. By looking at the overhead mirror I could see every thing that was going on. After the tube was lubricated and hung it over the top of the enema bag, she inserted her lubricated finger into my anus with an in and out motion. This pleasant feeling only lasted a short time then she applied more lubricant to her fingers and then I felt some thing more than just one finger probing my anus. She was stretching my anus with not only an in and out motion but also with a twisting motion too.

Boy did that feel nice, and by this time my penis was hard and throbbing and I knew this visit was going to be sheer pleasure. Anne only kept up this stimulation for a couple of minutes when she reached up for the lubricated colon tube, and inserted about six inches into my waiting anus.

Now Anne asked me to roll over onto my back while she held the tube in place. Once I was on my back Anne gave me a very seductive smile while reaching for the hose clamp. Before she unsnapped the hose clamp she asked me if I was ready for a very a large enema. I took a few moments to try to relax my self as much as possible and then let her know that I was ready for the ultimate thrill that I was about to feel very soon. It only took a few moments after Anne clicked open the hose clamp when I felt a cramp starting to develop. I had to ask Anne to shut off the flow for a little while so that the cramp would ease up. After Anne she opened the clamp the second time I got another cramp and had to ask to have the flow stopped again. This time Anne gently rubbed my tummy in a soothing anti clockwise direction and soon the cramp had eased off again. Once Anne opened the hose clamp the third time, I could feel the enema solution expanding the lower left part of my colon, and as more and more solution was slowly draining into my body, I could feel the solution expanding the upper part of my left colon. Then it was not long before I could feel the solution expanding my colon just under my ribs and on the right side of my tummy. At this point the enema bag was only half-empty and Anne reached over to the enema stand and raised the height of the enema bag to about three feet above my body.

By this time, my penis was very hard and close to eruption with all the pressure inside of my colon. When the enema bag was about three quarters empty I had to ask to have the flow shut off as I was so full of solution that I felt that I was almost ready to burst. After shutting off the flow Anne now told me to try to relax for about five minutes as she again gently rubbed my tummy with a very light touch.

However I was unable to hold the enema more than just a couple of minutes when I had to go to the toilet. Anne quickly removed the enema tube and helped me off the examination table, and I made the short dash to the toilet. I just barely managed to reach the toilet seat when the solution blew out of me like the end of a fire hose and the pressure eased up a lot. There was still quite a bit of pressure along the upper part of my colon after the first big gush shot out of me. I knew that it was going to take me a while to get all of the solution out of me. By now Anne had already left the examination room.

It must have taken me a good ten minutes before I was empty and ready for the second enema. After finishing with the toilet I climbed back on to the examination table, and laid down and while waiting for Anne to return. I looked up at the television set, which had been playing all along, and now it showed some one tied to a St. Andrew’s cross, and being whipped with a long bullwhip. I did not get to see much of the whipping scene when there was a knock on the door and it was Anne again with the second full bag.

As Anne came in she asked me if I was ready to take the whole bag full this time. I looked at the bag that she was carrying and it was so big and round and oh so full. I was thinking to my self, now that is an awful lot of enema to take, as I had never taken this much before. My penis seemed to like this idea, as it was now fully erect with excitement of the prospect such a huge enema.

One thing that I noticed was that this time there were no soapsuds showing above the top of the huge enema bag. Anne hung the big yellow bag on the enema stand again, and lowered the height of the enema bag so that it was only about a foot above my body. After she lubricated the red rubber colon tube, she started lubricating my anus again.

After she had inserted some of her fingers up my ass, I asked her to use all of her fingers, as her fingers were feeling so wonderful there. Anne informed me that she was already inserting all four fingers all the way to her thumb. Well I thought, as her hand was so small, would she be willing to try to insert her whole hand up my ass. Anne smiled at me and applied more lubricant to her hand and started to insert her hand up inside of me, when she said Oh, Oh, and then removed her hand and wiped it off on a paper towel, then grabbing the colon tube and lubricated it. I then came to the conclusion that there must have been still some of the first enema left in my rectum. I was kind of disappointed because I had never had the experience of having a hand inserted inside my rectum.

After Anne had inserted the end of the rubber colon tube into my rectum she again asked me to turn over onto my back while she held the colon tube in place. Now she wiped off the lubricant off her right hand on a paper towel, and then reached for the hose clamp. Anne now gave me that sexy smile of hers again and asked me if I was ready to take this entire enema. After she had opened the hose clamp she started fucking me with the rubber tube as the water was entering my body. I soon got another pleasant surprise as I noticed that she had the tube way up inside of me, and I could feel the end of the rubber tube moving back and forth along the left side of my body.

About then she shut off the hose clamp, and started massaging my tummy with her left hand. While she was massaging my tummy with one hand she was moving the tube back and forth again. When the tube got up to just under my ribs it seemed that it would not go any further. Anne then started more apply more pressure at the point where the end of the tube was located and soon she had the tube going across my abdomen. Now this was some thing else that I had not experienced for a long time and it felt very good.

When she had the tube worked over to the right side of my body she asked me to just relax my tummy and let as much of the enema go in as I could possibly could. I herd the click of the hose clamp again and slowly my tummy was beginning to really fill up. Although I was still comfortable, I was feeling very bloated and my penis was throbbing full mask again. My penis felt as though it was ready to shoot sperm all over the place. Soon the pressure inside of me was becoming more intense, even though the enema bag was hung quite low. After a couple of minutes the water in the enema bag did not seem to be draining any more.

Anne said that it looks as though we will have to do some coaching and then raised the enema bag so that it was about two feet above my body. By now the enema bag was nearly empty, and I did not think that I would be able to take any more of this huge enema. But now more of the enema was going up inside me again and I was becoming even more bloated. Anne told me to relax again and let it all go in. I reached down with my own hands and felt my tummy and I noticed that my tummy was becoming very hard and round but I was still feeling very good. Now Anne asked me to play with my penis, and it only took a few strokes when all hell broke loose. My sperm just shot in the air and it kept on coming for the longest time. While I was shooting off I also noticed that Anne's hand was pressing hard up against my anus. That was a good thing as I was almost ready to loose control of the huge enema.

It was while I was shooting my sperm that I noticed that the big enema bag had become empty. Boy what a feeling this was, as I was in heaven now and feeling very good about taking the whole bag full of water. Now Anne started removing the long colon tube while still pressing her hand hard against my rectum. It seem to take the longest time for her to take the long colon tube out of me, but when she had it out, she hung the long tube over the enema bag and then helped me get up off the examination table.

Now I had to reach around my backside and put my own hand tight against my rectum to help hold the entire enema that was inside me. As soon as I reached the toilet I let the water gush out of me, but only for a short time, as I wanted the water drain out slowly.

Because there was no door to this half bath, I was able to see Anne take the enema bag and tube down from the enema stand and then turned to leave the treatment room. As she just about to open the door I thanked Anne for the greatest enema that I had ever experienced. She just turned for a moment and smiled at me and then went out the door. It did take me a long time for me to empty that entire enema out of my colon, but I was very satisfied with how every thing turned out.

Only when I felt that it would completely safe, I got up and put on my clothes on again. After I left the room I headed the way that I had came, and when I got back to the office area Sherry was still at her desk reading a newspaper. Sherry looked up at me and inquired, if I had enjoyed my session. I told Sherry that I was truly grateful to Anne for her very erotic enema experience. She must enjoy giving enemas because she was sure good at giving them.

I asked Sherry if there were any possibility that I might get tour of her wonderful place. She smiled and said that she would gladly show me, as there were no more appointments for the rest of the evening. So we went back through the same door as I had just gone through, and entered the door on the right hand side of the main hallway. This was the cross dressing room. This room was quite a large room and contained a couple of mirrors and lots of make up gear, wigs, corsets, high heeled shoes and a couple of closets full of feminine clothing for her clients to ware.

Next we went down the hallway that ended in a rectangle shaped central room that had six more closed doors. We entered the door on our right and entered what looked like any large kitchen would like, complete with cupboards, refrigerator, stove, table and chairs and a double compartment kitchen sink. While there we both took a drink from a water cooler.

Next we went across the central room, which was about three meters long and about two and a half meters wide. On the far side of this room were two large doors that had been taken from commercial freezers. They were about 15 cm thick and had the same cast metal door opener as all commercial freezers do. Sherry opened the right hand door and we entered a generous size dungeon.

The insides of this dungeon was completely carpeted with black carpeting on the walls and red carpeting on the floor. Near the middle of this room was a long black vinyl covered table with various wrist and ankle cuffs attached. Directly above this table was a hand cranked overhead winch that had a sturdy cross bar attached to the end of the steel cable. I do not remember what all was in this room except for large beautifully made fibre glass object, that was about 80 CM wide and about one and a half meters long and resembled an inverted V. I was told this was a spanking block. When a client laid down on this object, his head and feet would be hanging down and his buttocks would be a meter high in the air. I believe that this object could be easily used for enemas too if needed. Here two were more sets of leather wrist and ankle cuffs. Along one wall were racks of various whips, paddles, floggers and many other things that one could expect to find in any good dungeon.

After leaving this dungeon we went through the other freezer door and like the first dungeon, this one also had carpeting on the walls and floor too. Unlike the first dungeon, this room was much more like a bondage room, with both styles of crosses with attached cuffs. Also there were various types of wooden stocks where hands, feet and neck could be locked in place. However in one corner of this dungeon was small holding cell, with two of the walls that extended from the floor to the ceiling were made with vertical steel bars complete with a horizontal flat iron reinforcement bar about the mid height of the holding cell. One of the walls had a steel bar door like one would see in the jails in the old western movies, and was complete with a big square steel lock built into the door. The cell was about one and a half-meter square, and when a client was locked in this cell, there would be no escaping from it as it was so sturdy and beautifully made.

After we left the second dungeon we entered the next door on our left. This room was the colonic irrigation room that had a long vinyl covered treatment table, and on one end of this table stood an old style Dieker Colonic Irrigation Machine. I asked Sherry how much she charged for a colonic irrigation, as this was not mentioned on the list of sessions that I looked at when I first arrived. Sherry told me that she charged $100.00 for a treatment. The treatment would last until the client was completely cleaned out and usually lasting hour to one and a half-hours. I also noticed that there was also a half bath attached to this room too. The furnishings were much like the enema room except there was no television set or enema stand. I got thinking that this would be a good place to experience a colonic if it was any thing like the enema experience that I had just received.

Back in the central room again and across the from the colonic room was a full bathroom that contained not only a bathtub but also a shower stall too, long with the usual basin and toilet. By this time I thought that I had seen all of the interesting rooms in the entire building, as we were heading back to the small office again. However, when we got back to her office, she opened the other door that lead out of the office area. This led to another enema room, that was very much like the first except it contained a strange apparatus that was made out of metal tubing, that was folded up and leaning against one corner of the room. I think that when opened up, a client would be fastened down to it and then turned up side down. I kind of thought to my self, this might also be an interesting to experience. We did not stay in this room very long before we went back to the office area again.

I mentioned to Sherry that her advertisements included latex fashions for both her clients and staff. By now we were the only two people left in the building as Anne had gone home for the night. Sherry confided in me that she also enjoyed both enemas and latex garments, and she would love to show me her latex collection too. So we went back down the hallway and entered the kitchen and then thought a door leading out of the kitchen that I had not noticed before. Here we went through about a three-meter long hall that was behind the back wall of the dressing room. This appeared to be her own bedroom, and this was the only room in the entire building that was not perfectly neat and tidy. It was clean enough and the bed was made but there were a few of her garments and personal belongings lying around. In this room there were a couple of dressers, a clothes closet with the only open doors in the building. In the middle of the room and at the foot of her bed were two large cardboard boxes full of black latex garments that she said that cost her thousands of dollars to purchase. Sherry picked a number of different garments and showed them to me. She also had her own personal collection too. These were in three drawers of one of her dressers and they were a lot more colourful than the garments in the cardboard boxes.

Here we got to spend more time talking together, and I was enjoying her nice pleasant personality. We found that we had lots of interesting topics to discuss with each other. During the time that we were talking she showed me two of those long 140 CM long colon tubes size 50 French and these were soft and very flexible. I was now wishing that I had time to get to know her a lot better, and become a good friend of her. Later as were leaving her bedroom I asked her where she kept all of her enema equipment.

When we arrived at the central room again she opened another door of the central room and this led to a medium size closet. Here were shelves full of clean and sterile enema bags, enema cans and hot water bottles that were used to give enemas along with lots of rubber tubing. There were so many different kinds of nozzles, but plugs, dildos and colon tubes that it must have taken her years to collect. There were also about four of those large enema bags like the one that was used to fill me up to the maximum. I also noticed a cattle prod and I asked her about it. She said that it held five Duracell size D batteries. It was during this conversation, that Sherry offered to give me a few good jolts with it. However I declined as my sexuality was now at its low point. I told her that had she offered me the experience before the double enema session I would have gladly have accepted her offer. She then explained to me that the shocks from this cattle prod would leave a person shaking all over for about five minutes. So I understood that this would be a very painful and severe experience.

Well as you know, all good things must come to an end and it was now just about time that I left her place as it was not about 11:00 PM in the evening, and long past her closing time. Sherry called a taxicab for me, as it was dark and late in the evening and I was afraid of walking alone down the poorly lit streets. Just before I left, I made an appointment for two days later for a discipline enema, that was going to cost me $75.00 at 1:00 PM. Sherry jokingly told me that I could get to feel the cattle prod when I came in for the next enema session. So the night of fun and pleasure ended when the taxi arrived and we said our good byes.

Note: two days later

I arrived two days later at the appointed time, and now I noticed the weeds that were growing up through the cracks in the concrete in the parking area, and all around the inside of the chain link fence. It seemed like they were not that concerned about how the out side of their place looked like. I rang the doorbell and Sherry's voice answered again. This time I was greeted with a smile as I entered the waiting room. After I had paid Sherry for the session, she led me to the enema room that was off from the office area. She told me that they were busy and I would have to wait here for a while. Before leaving she told me that a mistress would be with me in a few minutes. I presumed that one of her clients was about to leave this place that did not want to be seen here.

It only took about five minutes before Karen, my "mistress for this appointment" to enter. She was rather tall and slim and good looking, and dressed in black and she led me to the discipline dungeon. On the way to the dungeon I told Karen that I was afraid of the cattle prod, but at the same time I would like to feel it too. I also told Karen that I that I would like to feel the strap on both my feet and buttocks, also the large butt plug and 40mm. Enema nozzle would be nice too. I knew they had them as I had seen two of these nozzles, the last time I was here, and one was about 15 cm long and the other one about 30cm long. I had counted on her using the short one, as I thought the other one was much too long to be of practical use.

After we entered the discipline dungeon, Karen told me in no uncertain terms to remove all of my clothes and lay down on the table. In about five minutes, Karen returned to the discipline room again carrying a number of items on a tray. One of these items was l long studded leather paddle. I was thinking to my self, I hope that she would use the smooth side of this paddle on me, because to me, the studs looked very frightening. However, I did not say anything, as Karen seemed determined to do every thing her own way and nothing would be gained by complaining, so that was that. The very first thing that Karen did to me was to tie a long leather thong around my balls and penis very tight with several raps before tying a knot. She said that would make certain that I would have an erection, and it would stay that wan for the whole session. "Now", I thought to my self, I sure got myself into some thing this time, and I doubted very much if I would enjoy it. I was also concerned of what was going to happen to me now, because Karen was so dominant, and not at all friendly. The next thing that happened to me was that my ankles were now fastened to the cross bar that hung above the table, and Karen turned the crank of the winch and lifted my buttocks off the table by about 15 cm. She put on a pair of latex gloves and lubricated the large butt plug with lots of Vaseline. After Karen lubricated my anus she inserted the butt plug most of the way in and held it there for a few moments, before letting it slide out most of the way and waited a few more moments. I told her how nice the butt plug felt to me when she had it almost inserted, but what happened next I was not prepared for as she shoved the large butt plug all the way in with out any warning. My anus really hurt but only for a short moment and in a second or two it felt really wonderful as my rectum got used to the expansion of the plug.

Karen now picked up the long leather paddle, and moved with in striking range of my bottom, and then rubbed the blade of the paddle against my buttocks. This lady was not at all gentle with this wicked paddle, not even at the beginning. She swung the paddle with the stud side to the skin with quite a bit of force and the first blow did hurt like hell. She was now hitting me with one stroke after the other. After about six of seven strokes it got to the point that I cold no longer stand the pain, and then she stopped and move on to the other cheek as if she knew that my extreme limit had been reached. After my other cheek has reached its limit, she turned her attention to my feet and started striking them the same way as she did on my buttocks and also using the stud side of the paddle. I do not know how as she knew exactly when I had reached my extreme limit of pain, and she would automatically stop with out me saying anything. She used not one stroke more or one stroke less and it made no difference whether she was striking my buttocks or my feet. I now noticed that my penis was at full mask and standing at full attention. Now Karen put down the wicked paddle and left the room. She returned again and after two or three minutes and picked up the paddle and again took good aim of the far buttock. She used as much force as before, and stopped, as soon as I had reached my limit. After paddling both buttocks and feet she put the paddle down and began massaging my buttocks. That did feel better and then she also rubbed my feet to ease the pain.

Again Karen left the room and returned a few minutes later with an enema stand and carrying a large yellow four-quart enema bag with suds showing above the top. After hanging the bag on the enema stand she adjusted the height of the bag so that the bottom was about two feet above me. She picked up the big long enema nozzle and connected this to the end of the rubber hose, and then hung the nozzle over the enema bag. She now put on another pair of rubber gloves and removed the butt plug with a little more gentleness than she did with the insertion. And after wiping my anus off with a paper towel she wiped the put plug off and placed the pug on the tray. A nice relief came from my anus once the plug was out. But before doing any thing else she again picked up the nasty paddle and did another round of my buttocks and feet. By now my buttocks and feet felt as though they were on fire. I guess that I should note that my penis had a mind of its own, as it had been erect right from the beginning.

Karen now took the impossibly long enema nozzle from the top of the bag and held the nozzle to the height of the top of the enema bag and then opened the clamp to purge all the air out of the hose and nozzle. She now reached for the Vaseline and took a big globe of it and lubricated the nozzle and my anus. Then with out a word or smile she placed the large nozzle up against my anus and slowly inserted the end of the nozzle a little ways in my rectum and then opened the hose clamp. After only a few seconds I got the cramps and had to ask Karen to shut off the flow for a little while. After the cramp had run it' course I let Karen open the hose clamp again. This time after she turned on the flow, Karen started fucking me with the long nozzle. At first the nozzle would only go up inside me just a little ways. However, once when about a quart of the solution had entered my body I could feel the end of the long nozzle going way up the left side of my colon. Every time she shoved the nozzle in me, it felt as though she had suddenly gave me another big squirt of enema, because of the water being displaced in my colon. I could feel my self-getting fuller and fuller with every time the nozzle was shoved up my anus. But when I got to the point that I felt bloated I had to ask Karen to ease up on the in and out motion. I was afraid that if this fucking kept on, there could be some damage done to my colon. Karen kept on fucking me, but now very gently, and asked me if it was OK now. By now my penis was really throbbing, and then with out any waning my penis suddenly shot off it's load and send sperm all over my abdomen. Boy did I have an orgasm, as it seemed to keep on and on coming. Except in wet dreams, this was the first time that I ever had an orgasm with out any one touching my penis.

After I had reached my orgasm Karen removed the nozzle from my anus and then helped me to get off the table. I got all the way to the toilet with out any problem but as soon as I sat down on the toilet I really let out of blast of enema. Then after the first big gush, I took some toilet paper and wiped off the come from my abdomen. While the solution was draining out of me I then untied the thong that was still tied around my penis and balls, This took some doing as I found that I was having problems with my pubic hair was getting in the way. Once the leather cord came free I was able to empty my bladder too. As I sat on the toilet seat I was kind of disappointed that I did not get to feel the cattle prod. After I finished with the bathroom I went back to the dungeon and put on my clothes again, and then went back to the office. I then realized that Karen was truly an expert at all the things that she did to me.

It was while I was in the waiting room I noticed a sign on a wall that said that our staff truly tries to do all the things that is requested by their customer. So I presumed that there was just not enough time for Karen to use the cattle rod on me, as it probably would have taken too much time for me to recuperate from the shocks. By now the hour was over and it was time for me to leave. I will never forget the sore feeling on my buttocks and feet as I walked away from this place.

When I got back to my hotel room again I phoned Sherry and asked her if I could make a two-hour appointment with her. Sherry told me to phone her up in a couple of days and she would try to keep that much time open for me.

The next day while walking around the city, my feet and buttocks still had a wonderful sore feeling that lasted all day. It was noon this day I called up the company that I worked for, and they told me to return as soon as possible. So I had to retune the next day and that was the end of my holidays. But before I left my hotel room I called Sherry and told her that I would not get to see her again as I had to go home.

One the plane I was thinking to my self that I will have to try to find away to get back to visit Sherry and her wonderful clinic. What a place that was, and I did enjoy it.


Public Enema 1 year ago
Dan61 4 years ago 1