
Views: 7821 Created: 2007.08.03 Updated: 2007.08.03

Teacher, teacher

Teacher, teacher

In earlier stories to Speculumpages I told of my experiences as a male model at a local medical school. I have been probed and prodded, had young bashful nursing students give me enemas, and first-year medical students attempt to find my prostate. Always under the watchful eyes of their instructor, Physician Assistant Judy. The entertainment value of this experience far exceeds the few dollars they actually pay me.

But last week something unusual happened to me. Instructor Judy was teaching some freshman students to take a physical history. I was to play the part of a middle aged man in need of a simple physical prior to some minimal surgery. No examination or touching she promised. The class of about ten students had chosen one of their classmates to conduct the interview. The student in the hot-seat was a beautiful young Asian girl, Vi.

It all started simply enough as Vi began asking the usual simple questions about why I was there, what was bothering me; a short family history; and then of course, a few social questions including my drug history. She then went into the usual review-of-systems asking about my eyes and hearing, my heart, bowel habits, etc. All this was incredibly boring until she skipped over any questions about my sexual history and function. The instructor suggested that Vi should ask some questions about my sexual function since any failure in that portion of the anatomy usually reflects some deeper medical problem.

"No way am I going to ask this gentleman about his sex" Vi responded as her face turned beet red.

"Oh yes you are" Instructor Judy ordered. With that other members of the class began to add their two-cents. One of the students suggested that Vi ask how often I had intercourse? if I masturbated? how long I could hold an erection? another, how quickly I cum? And then one of the girls wanted to know about my recovery time.

"Enough, behave yourselves! You are medical professionals acting like giddy school girls. Let's take a five minute break while I talk to our "patient". With that Instructor Judy walked over to me and asked if it would be ok if Vi actually examined me.

Hey, I have been a male model for years and been there and done this before. The student Vi was very noticeably uneasy. "Don't worry" Judy reassured me, I will use one of the other girls to assist Vi.

And herein begins one of the wildest medical training sessions I have had the pleasure to experience.

The class adjured to one of the medical examination rooms and I have the honor of putting one one of those too-short paper gowns. Instructor Judy asked another student, Darla to step up to the table. Darla was a little older than Vi and a lot less nervous than her classmate. Her sweater and jeans were as tight as her wedding band. I was placed on the table, my gown pulled-up to expose my manhood as the Instructor began to describe the male anatomy and how various parts functioned in response external stimuli. Vi on one side of the table, Darla on the other, the two were to check out my equipment. Darla began to examination my penis with the warm and gentle hands of experience.

Slowly I became semi-erect which elicited a coy smile from Darla. Vi seemed somewhat confused (or perhaps amused) by my growing manhood. When it was her turn to examine my shaft she reluctantly touched me. Her hand was shaking so much that I felt like she was giving my a hand-job. Pre-cum emerged and Vi released my penis and jumped back, and let out a shrike. The class laughed, I went limp, and Instructor Judy began to explain the pre-cum was quite normal.

Next the girls began to examine my family jewels, for hernia, for swelling, and for lumps. Darla took the opportunity to squeeze a little harder than needed and I suggested she might be a little more tender on my balls. Vi seemed a little more at ease with this part of my anatomy and took time rolling one testicle and then the other between her fingers.

Instructor Judy donned a pair of latex gloves and handed clean pairs to the two girls. She explained the need for a male prostate exam to the class and soon had me butt-up on the table. One large squirt of K-Y jelly and in went her finger. "Take a deeper breath" she instructed as she shoved her finger into never-never-land and found my prostate. While gently massaging the prostate, she lectured the class on how to identify the prostate by feel.

The longer she massaged the harder my cock became. I began to take a few deep breaths in an effort to stop the urge to cum. She got the message and quickly withdrew her finger, grabbing my balls and squeezing to divert my attention and keep me from climaxing. It worked.

Apparently Darla was experienced in butt play and quickly found my prostate. Not that I was doing anything to hide it from her. "Now how does this feel ? she asked as she moved her index finger up and down the gland. "Keep that up and you will have a very wet table very soon" I mumbled. With that she withdrew her finger and forced two or was it three fingers up my butt causing me once again to loose my erection.

Vi was not too happy about shoving her finger up my ass and required a little reassurance. Darla spread my cheeks while Instructor Judy took Vi's hand and slowly maneuvered it into position. Once in, Vi paused and than began moving her finger sideways. "Did I find it yet?" she asked. "No, not yet". After what seemed like minutes or hours, she located the prostate and I was breading heavy again.

It was time for Instructor Judy to chime-in. "Enough... now lets take a sperm sample. And I want you girls to watch the mechanics of ejaculation."

This was the easy part. I was laid on my back, Judy reached for another big glob of K-Y and my quasi-limp cock. Slowly rubbing up and down my shaft with a little finger action at the base of the head, I quickly emptied my load high into the air. "Wow" one of the girls exclaimed. After some discussion about the volume of my cum and how long before I could do that again, class was dismissed.

Well almost dismissed. I was getting dressed when the sweet-young-thing Via approached the Instructor and said she needed to talk to her privately.

Apparently this class session had had a very definite effect on Vi. As I later learned, Vi had confided that, while she was examining me, her panties had become terribly wet. Like nothing she had experienced before.

Instructor Judy asked if both Vi and I could stay after class for a while.

I recognized that secret coy smile from Judy when she asked me. What else could I have answered except "sure, whatever".

After all the other students had left, our Instructor displayed her teaching skills. She began by explaining the what Vi had experienced was perfectly normal. She had had a simple sexual response. Her wetness was sort of like my pre-cum. Reassuring Vi, she suggested that perhaps an examination of the female anatomy would be appropriate. Since Vi was not about to volunteer herself at this time, Instructor Judy undressed and was soon lying on the examining table. She spread her legs and began to describe various parts of her external anatomy. She touched herself. And then she invited Vi to touch her, instructing Vi to run her fingers along her vaginal lips.

"Vi, put on a part of gloves and I want you to examine me, to feel my vaginal canal and cervix. Perhaps we can find my G-spot, too."

Slowly and sheepishly Vi did as instructed, Instructor Judy verbally guiding her through the tour. Completing her assignment, Vi made the understatement of the day, "My goodness, you are wet!".

"Yes, it is quite normal. That is the way a woman responds. Now I want you to get up on this table and we will help you understand what happened to you Vi. OK?"

This time Vi did not hesitate. She turned her back to me and shed her skirt and tongs. I looked at her tight ass exiting her black tongs and could only think "Oh to be young again!". Vi was soon up on the table but held her body stiff to mask her nervousness. Instructor Judy asked me to hold one of Vi's hands to reassure the girl while she slowly began to describe and visit each beautiful section of the young Asian body. Vi grabbed Judy's hand as she began an internal exam but relented as the Instructor found G-spot and then her cervix. Vi arched her back, let out loud moan, and then went into what seemed like an endless stream of convulsions. When she recovered, she opened her eyes and smiled.

Turning to me, Instructor Judy suggested that I might help by giving Vi a massage. I knew this was her way of cooling Vi down and besides who am I to question the instructions of a teacher. I turned Vi over so that her beautiful firm butt was up on the table and I began on her shoulders. Slowly I worked my way down her back until I reached her ass. Like magic, Vi slowly she spread her legs, lifted her rump up a little, giving me complete access to her tight rosebud and still wet pussy. I worked my fingers between her legs, stroked her wet lips, and used my thumb to probe her back hole. Vi let out a soft mummer and quietly climaxed again. I rubbed her back for a few more minutes, covered her up with a sheet, and together with Instructor Judy exited.

As we walked out, Judy looked at me with those big brown eyes and asked if I had yet recovered from my earlier donation of semen. "I guess so, why do you ask?" "Because" she said, "let's have lunch and then you and I can go back to my place and you can provide another donation. Lunch is on me today."