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Views: 14346 Created: 2007.09.01 Updated: 2007.09.01

Birth Control Examination

Birth Control Examination

My new wife decided that since we had two kids she should start on birth control so we could enjoy ourselves and not worry about her being pregnant. The area we live in does not have a lot of choice for doctors so she uses our local doctor as her ob-gyn. After making the appointment the nurse told her that the doctor would like me to be there also to discuss various options.

The day of the appointment we arrived and were shown in to one of the exam rooms by the nurse and my wife was given a gown and told to undress and put the gown on. This was a surprise to both of us since I had not been present during her exams before but I was not going to complain. The nurse came in a short time later and explained that the doctor wanted to do a complete exam before he provided any type of birth control and that she would need a blood sample and urine sample to make sure she was not currently pregnant. I should explain that my wife does not like needles and the thought of a blood test was not something she looked forward to but held out her arm as the nurse placed a tourniquet on and tightened it up and proceeded to slide the needle in and withdrew three tubes of blood as my wife winced and looked away. She next told her that she needed a urine specimen to make sure she was not pregnant and my wife explained that she had gone to the bathroom and could not go. The nurse then told her that either she would have to insert a catheter and collect the sample or we would have to come back for another appointment. My wife nodded her head that she understood and told the nurse to use the catheter because she wanted to get this over with. The nurse then cleaned her vagina with betadine and after placing her feet in the stirrups spread her vagina open and slowly inserted the catheter and as the catheter slid in to her bladder my wife let out a groan and I watched as the nurse caught the necessary specimens and then removed the catheter which again caused a groan from my wife as it slid out. At this time the nurse told her that the doctor would be in shortly to finish the exam.

A short time later the doctor entered the room and chatted with us a short while about the various types of birth control including the pill, the IUD, and a new shot that could be used for three months at a time. He then had my wife lay down on the table and proceeded to do a breast exam during which my wifes nipples became very hard which I found out later was due partially to the doctor having cold hands and the thought of me watching another man touch her breasts. After completing the breast exam he checked her stomach and listened to her lungs and then had her slide down and put her feet in the stirrups once again. At this point my wife looked at me to see if I was going to step outside or not and I figured unless she insisted then I was staying. The doctor raised the sheet, positioned the lamp and put on a pair of rubber gloves and spread her vaginal lips apart and ran his fingers over both her inner and outer lips and gently pushed the hood from her clit back which immediately cause my wife to raise her hips off the table. He then inserted the speculum and as I watched used swabs to take samples for the pap smear. He then asked my wife to slid back out of the stirrups and step down off the table and lean across and rest her arms on it so he could do a rectal exam. Once she was leaning across the table he raised the gown and as she spread her legs placed some KY lubricant on his gloved finger and I watched as he traced the outline of her ass and then slid his finger inside. As he slid his finger inside I could see her take in a deep breath and see her face redden with since she had never had this done with me being present. After a few minutes he withdrew his finger and told her everything was fine and to sit back on the table. He then explained that for birth control he recommended the new birth control shots called Depo Provera since they were long lasting and less chance of forgetting to take the pill and having an unwanted child.

I looked at my wife and told her it was her decision because we had already talked about me having a vasctomy later on. She agreed that this might be the best way even though she hated shots. A short time later the nurse came in and spoke with the doctor who then advised us that she was not pregnant so we could start the shots today but that the blood test showed she had and infection so she also needed some antibiotics to clear that up. The nurse came back a short time later carrying two syringes as my wife looked at me with a puzzled look. I asked the nurse and she explained the one was the birth control shot and the other was an antibiotic injection.She explained that both of them needed to be in the butt and that the one would sting.

She once again had my wife lay across the table and raised the gown and cleaned a spot on her hip and jabbed the needle in and injected the first shot. My wife jumped a little and told her that was not too bad.She explained that that was the birth control shot and the next on was the one that hurt and that it might help if my wife stood and put her arms around me so I could hold her while she gave the second shot since sometimes people try to pull away. My wife then stood facing me and put her arms around my neck and buried her head in my shoulder as I held on to her I could see the nurse raise her gown, clean the other side of her butt with the alcohol and jab the needle in to her ass.This needle was larger than the first and the syringe held a lot more medication and as the needle went in my wife slammed her hips against me and tightened her grip around me and groaned out loud. The nurse seemed to take forever injecting the medication and my wifes groans became louder until she was begging her to stop, and telling me how much it hurt. I gently held on to her and when she turned to look at me tears were runnning down her cheeks and she sobbed gently in to my shoulder until finally the nurse finished and put a band aid on her sore butt. After the nurse left my wife slowly got dressed taking care to slide her jeans over her still throbbing ass. As we left the office the nurse called out see you in three months but after today I am not sure if my wife will go back.


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