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Views: 28314 Created: 2007.07.09 Updated: 2007.07.09

A Lesson Learned

A Lesson Learned

"Do you want to get the worst of it over with first?" the nurse asked, snapping him out of his daydream.

Justin Lake couldn't have been any farther away from the clinic. In his mind, that is. He had been waiting so long to see doc Parker, he had spaced out. He was on a deserted beach somewhere, listening to the waves, with the sun beating down on his body. In reality, he was sitting on an examination table in a chilly, brightly lit, sparsely decorated, antiseptic smelling examination room at the Midtown Clinic.

He had gone to the clinic for a quick insurance checkup. After waiting over an hour in the waiting room, a pretty young nurse had called his name and escorted him back to an examination room. Once there, she had checked his pulse and blood pressure, and taken his temperature. She had then instructed him to remove everything but his underwear, and left the room, telling him Dr. Parker would be in shortly.

That had been half an hour ago.

"Huh?" he jumped, startled.

"I asked if you wanted to get the worst part out of the way first?" the pretty young nurse repeated.

"Wha....... the worst part of what? he asked, shaking the cobwebs out of his head.

"Your physical silly!" the young girl chirped.

"Wha..... my physical? Where's doc Parker? Justin demanded.

"I just told you, he had an emergency at the hospital. Weren't you listening?" the nurse asked, chuckling.

"Oh, sorry, I was just....... I didn't hear you," Justin apologized. "Well, should I come back another time?" he asked, still a bit dazed.

"Not unless you can wait another three weeks," the nurse responded, matter-of-factly.

"Well, who's gonna do my physical?" Justin asked nervously.

"I am, Mr. Lake. Unless you have some problem with that," she replied bluntly, almost daring him to have a problem with it.

Stunned, Justin quickly glanced at the name tag on the girl's starched white uniform. "Jennifer," it read. Justin immediately panicked, became flushed, and felt like he might lose his breakfast. There was no way in hell this barely-out-of-her-teens, green eyed, blonde beauty was going to examine him.

Jennifer stood, staring at him, eyebrow raised.

"Mr. Lake?" she asked, moving closer.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yes uh, Jennifer is it? Well, I don't know. I've gotten awfully accustomed to doc Parker over the years," he began, realizing how lame the excuse was even to his own ears.

"Mr. Lake, I can assure you I am more than qualified to handle a simple physical examination. I appreciate your familiarity with Dr. Parker, but as I've explained, he is not here at the moment. Now, barring another emergency, Dr. Parker can possibly see you in three weeks, but according to the insurance forms you brought with you today your insurance company wants these back by next Thursday," she stressed, getting impatient.

"Yes, I know. You're right of course. I obviously don't have time to reschedule, but it's just that it's a little........... I don't know, a little..."

"Embarrassing?" she interrupted him.

"Well, yeah, frankly," Justin admitted. "I mean, I've never seen a female....."

"Believe me, I've heard it all before. ‘I've never seen a female healthcare provider, and I'm scared!'" she interrupted again, mocking him. "You men are such babies," she continued. "Look, I'm a professional. I've done this hundreds of times," she scolded him.

"Well, it's not...... I mean, I don't know about ‘scared' really, I just think...." he began again.

"Mr. Lake, I'm not going to bite you. Honestly, what is the worst thing that could happen?" she cut him off.

"Uh, well, I don't know," he admitted, feeling stupid.

"Great, then let's get started, shall we?" Jennifer asked rhetorically. "I need you to go ahead and slip your shorts off and step up onto the scale for me," she instructed him calmly.

"Uh, slip my shorts off?" he asked in disbelief.

"That's right. Don't tell me doc Parker has never weighed you before," she snapped back sarcastically.

"Yes, of course he has," Justin admitted, quickly realizing the futility of arguing with the little spitfire. "I just didn't think......" he trailed off as he reluctantly let his boxers drop to his ankles.

He had hoped; prayed actually, that there wouldn't be any nudity involved. It was bad enough he was being examined by the beautiful, young nurse, but to be completely naked in front of her was much more than he had bargained for. He began to wonder why he hadn't just run out of there while he still had the chance.

Covering his manhood, he retrieved his underwear from the floor and handed them to Jennifer who had been waiting patiently, hand out, ready to place them on the chair with the rest of his clothes for him. He walked toward the scale, trying to maintain some modesty, but quickly realizing he didn't have enough hands to cover his package, and his backside. He soon gave up trying to cover his rear end. Justin stepped up onto the scale, with his hands flat, palms down, over his shrunken penis and scrotum.

"Have you noticed any sudden weight gain or loss?" Jennifer inquired in a most professional manner as she adjusted the weights on the scale, and pulled the height bar down to just touching the top of his head.

"No, I can't say I have," he anxiously responded.

"OK, there, 6'1", 178 lbs.," she announced, writing the information on his chart. "OK, Mr. Lake, you can go ahead and step down, and take a seat back on the examination table for me," she instructed him.

Justin nervously walked back to the table, still covering his privates, and lifted himself up into a sitting position, forcing him to temporarily expose himself. Once seated, he repositioned his hands over his package. Jennifer, who had followed right behind him, quickly began examining his eyes, ears, nose and throat. Justin wondered if she was going to offer him his shorts back, or a gown, or something to cover himself with, but she just went about her business as if it were perfectly normal to have a tall, good looking, completely naked 32 year old man on the table.

Jennifer then instructed Justin to lay back on the examination table, and drop his arms to his sides. He suddenly felt a hot flash go through his body as he realized he would then be completely exposed to her. Still somewhat embarrassed about their earlier exchange, he didn't protest.

Jennifer then began examining his chest and abdomen, palpating down to just above his pubic hair. The farther down his torso she went, the more nervous he got. Suddenly, Jennifer stopped, and moving to the end of the table, began raising the stirrups.

"OK Mr. Lake, I need you to place your feet in the foot rests here, and slide your bottom down to the edge of the table for me," Jennifer casually instructed him.

"What? What are those for?" he asked terrified.

"These are called stirrups," she explained, motioning to the metal poles with the loops at the ends. "You put your feet in the rests here, and then let your legs fall open. This gives me full access to your genitals," Jennifer continued as she helped him place his feet in the stirrups and pulled his bottom down to the edge of the table, not giving him a chance to resist.

"Uh, you know, doc Parker never had me do this before," Justin protested. "Aren't these things just used for women?" he asked, hoping the girl would realize her mistake.

"No, they're not just for women! All my patients go in the stirrups. It's just the easiest way to do this part of the exam. Doc Parker is still a bit old fashioned I'm afraid," she explained, positioning a lamp between his legs. "Just relax, this will only take a minute or two," she explained, halfheartedly trying to comfort him.

With that, she positioned herself on a stool between his legs, and began her examination. She gently pushed his legs farther apart and ran her fingers through his pubic hair. Satisfied he wasn't infested with crabs or lice, she then took his penis in her hands and began palpating the shaft.

"When were you circumcised Mr. Lake?" she questioned her now humiliated patient.

"Uh, at birth, I guess," he responded blushing. He couldn't believe the position he was in, or that this young, attractive girl was examining his manhood so intimately. In spite of his embarrassment, her hands on his organ sent a tingle through his body, and he felt himself becoming aroused. The combination of humiliation, and her ministrations to his member, caused him to get an erection.

"I..... uh, oh God, I'm sorry," he stuttered apologetically.

"Don't be silly Mr. Lake," she comforted him. "I'd be concerned if you didn't get an erection. Frankly, it makes the exam easier for me," she explained.

She could feel his erect penis twitching in her hand as she squeezed the head of his glans and opened his pee hole. With a cotton swab, she gently took a sample from just inside his meatus and smeared it on a slide. She placed the slide on the tray next to her, and suddenly realized she had forgotten something.

Jennifer stood up, turned, and walked to the door. Opening the door, she stuck her head out into the hall.

"Mary, can you bring me the Tanner's please. I forgot them," she called out to one of the other nurses.

Justin heard Mary's response, and as Jennifer returned to her seat between his legs, he became horrified as he realized there would be another woman coming into the room and seeing him in his naked and erect state.

Jennifer calmly continued her examination, stretching his scrotum and inspecting its entire surface area. Shortly, there was a knock on the door and Mary entered the room carrying a small bag.

"Here you go Jen," Mary said as she handed the bag to her cohort.

"Thank you so much Mary, I can't believe I forgot these," Jennifer remarked, shaking her head in self disgust.

Jennifer quickly emptied the contents of the bag onto the tray, and selected one of the larger orbs. With her left hand Jennifer gently took Justin's right testicle between her thumb and two forefingers. She then held the orb next to Justin's testicle for comparison as Mary looked on. Justin was completely humiliated.

Having quickly determined Justin's testicle was normal in size and texture, she repeated the procedure with his left testicle. Jennifer then slowly and carefully examined each testicle for lumps, and gently palpated his chords.

With Mary still looking on, Jennifer announced it was time to do the rectal exam. With Justin's feet still in the stirrups and his penis still erect, she lubricated her gloved finger and gently inserted it into his rectum, instructing him to bare down as if having a bowel movement. Her finger easily slid into him, and she was very quickly able to locate his prostate.

"Your prostate feels a bit enlarged Mr. Lake," she announced. "Have you experienced any difficulty urinating, or frequent urination?" she questioned.

"No, I don't think so," Justin answered, wishing he could spontaneously combust.

"Hmmmmmm, well, we can see that you don't have any problem achieving or maintaining an erection, but how about your ejaculations? Do you have any trouble with that, or is there any blood in your semen?" she continued.

"No, no problems, no blood," he responded, even more humiliated than before.

"Hmmmmmm, just the same, I think we'd better get a sample. Just to be on the safe side," the pretty, young nurse insisted nodding to both Justin and Mary.

"Mary, can you give me a hand?" she asked with a wink.

"Sure Jen, I'll get a specimen cup," Mary eagerly replied as she turned and walked toward the cabinet.

"Mr. Lake, I need you to just relax for me OK?" she instructed him. "I'm just going to massage your prostate a bit, to produce a semen sample."

Mary returned with the specimen cup. She took hold of his erect penis with her left hand, and placed the cup over his glans with her right, as Jennifer began the prostate message.

"This should just take a minute Mr. Lake," she informed Justin. "Just relax and don't try to hold it in, OK?" she instructed.

Justin instantly began to feel like he was going to ejaculate. Jennifer continued the prostate message while Mary maintained her grip on his penis and the cup, ready to collect the specimen. Justin had never been so mortified in his entire life. He was completely naked, his feet were in stirrups, his legs were spread wide open, Jennifer had her finger in his rectum, and Mary was holding his erect penis. The two very attractive nurses had somehow taken complete control of his body, and didn't seem to be the least bit shy about the situation.

Mary noticed Justin's pre-ejaculate building up at the tip of his penis and told Jennifer he was close. With that, she began to gently stroke his shaft. Within a few seconds, the pressure in his testicles and internal reproductive organs became too much, and he began bucking his pelvis up and down, matching Mary's strokes.

"You're doing just fine Mr. Lake," Jennifer encouraged him. "Just let it go."

His body tensed and he let out a deep guttural moan. Jennifer felt his sphincter muscles tighten around her finger as he expressed his semen. All three could hear the spunk splashing against the side of the cup. He ejaculated for several seconds, Mary very carefully aiming his penis into the cup so as not to let any of the jism splash or spill out. When he had finished, he dropped back onto the table in a heap. Mary quickly removed the cup, letting go of his still erect member, and took the sample to the counter.

"Great Mr. Lake!" Jennifer congratulated him, her finger still in his rectum "Let's see if that helped."

While Mary was busy labeling the semen sample, Jennifer again checked his prostate. Determining that it now felt more normal in size and texture, she came to the conclusion that it must have just been a build up of seminal fluid. Jennifer removed her finger from his rectum, threw the sterile glove in the trash, and after cleaning up the excess lubrication from his anal area and wiping off the still glistening head of his penis, helped him get his feet out of the stirrups.

"There you go Mr. Lake. Now I need you to stand up straight for me," she instructed as she guided him into position in the middle of the room, his erect organ sticking straight out from his body, bobbing up and down as he walked. "Just stare straight at the wall for me," she added.

Jennifer positioned her stool directly in front of Justin. Taking her seat, she quickly re-examined his penis, scrotum and testicles, then did the old "turn your head and cough" hernia exam. Justin silently cooperated, realizing that Mary was now standing to his right, watching intently.

Having completed that portion of the exam, Jennifer then moved on to the rest of the exam, checking his heart, lungs and so on. As Justin gradually became less self conscious about being completely naked in front of the two young women, his erection subsided. Jennifer explained that she always liked to get the genital exam out of the way first, and that patients shouldn't be modest or embarrassed to be nude in front of their health care providers.

"Gowns and sheets and drapes just get in the way," she went on. Mary agreed.

Jennifer finished up the exam with Mary observing, and finally told Justin he could get dressed. She completed the insurance paperwork he had provided, made some notes in his file, and they all exchanged pleasantries. With that, Jennifer and Mary left the room. As Justin got dressed, he checked his watch to find that the entire exam had actually only taken about fifteen minutes.

After work that evening, Mary and Jennifer were in the kitchen area at the clinic cleaning up for the day. They were chatting about the days events, and the patients, when they began talking about Justin.

"So Jen, what was that all about anyway?" Mary asked her friend. "I mean, no gown, and what was with that semen sample business?"

"Oh, he's one of doc Parker's patients," Jennifer began. "He started giving me the old ‘but you're a girl' stuff when I told him I was doing his exam, so I decided to teach him a lesson," she explained matter-of-factly.

"Wow, you really humiliated him!" Mary exclaimed. "Think he got the point?"

"Oh, I think so, but I feel kind of bad about it now. He was kind of cute, wasn't he?" Jennifer asked, giggling.

"Yeah, he was," Mary agreed. "I loved his shaved uh..........," she commented, blushing slightly.

"Mary! You are so bad!" Jennifer scolded her jokingly. "Nice boner too," she whispered giggling.

"Oh my God! Now who's the bad one, girl?" Mary giggled back.


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