The Dentist in the Blizzard
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Dental Work Again!
Rick groaned in exhaustion and slowly opened his eyes that were crusty and filled with goo. As he blinked his eyes to clear them he groaned in fresh sadness. He was looking up at the now familiar multiple surgical light array in Veronica’s dental surgery room. He looked down and saw he was wrapped in the papoose board restraints again.
He gave a small sigh, as at this point being scared or terrified after everything he had been through seemed pointless. He simply waited knowing Veronica would come into the room sooner or later.
He heard foot steps approaching a few minutes later the door opened, and Veronica walked into the room wearing a vibrant set of pink surgical scrubs that hugged her curves, ass and chest very nicely. She came over pulling a rolling stool, and sat by his head. As she gazed at him she began stroking his face with a very concerned loving expression.
“How are you feeling my darling? You seem to be more easily affected by the drugs after your multiple biopsies. You have been unconscious for almost 12 hours.” Rick looked out the window and saw it looked like it was mid day. He grimaced as he felt the stitches pull at his chest and back under the bandages and patient gown.
“Haha I’m fantastic Veronica just exhausted, sore, probably bleeding and needing to sleep normally maybe have a shower, go to the bathroom at some point. Unless this is the part where you do snuff me off!”
Veronica looked shocked and hurt at these words which gave Rick a final confirmation that death was not her end goal.
“RICK…..stopped saying such terrible things your safe, if I wanted you dead you would already be a frozen corpse in the wilderness ok.” “I told you before I believe it was fate that we met and you’re my sole mate. I promise you can eat none drugged food and have a very nice warm shower after your next round of dental procedures!”
She got up and pulled over the computer monitor, keyboard and mouse positing it over his head. “Here let’s go over what I will be doing today” she brought up the X-ray of his mouth that had been digitally marked up with a red pen.
“To start my love I’m going to drill tooth #19, you’ve got a deep cavity it’s already infected some of the tooth’s root. It will be a root canal for sure, but I think I can save the tooth then give you a crown later. Once I start drilling it I will know, as I don’t want to perform an extraction if I can help it.
She than continued, tapping two more teeth that had red circles around them, with notes. "Tooth #14 & #15 both have medium-sized cavities, that I will fill today. Tooth #30 has an old filling that’s breaking down that I will fix. Finally tooth #18 again has a bad cavity probably needs to be root canal but I don’t know this one I may need to extract but if so I can give you an implant once it heals.”
“However to start I’m going to get into my surgical PPE, and examine your wisdom teeth extraction sites than take some X-rays to make sure you’re healing properly.” Rick just lay back and closed his eyes feeling tired and arguing with her was beyond pointless so he just nodded.
“Wonderful Rick so happy you’re starting to be a good patient after yesterday’s outburst. I was worried as I don’t like having to break you the hard way it’s easier if you just start submitting to me.” “You just stay there and I will get dressed” she said smiling happily. Rick watched her go to a cabinet and open up a pink surgical gown. In the same practiced motion he watched her pulled it on securing the ties at the back to make sure the gown was tight again her body.
She opened another cupboard and took out a pink surgical cap and winding her braid in a complex tight knot put the cap on her head making sure to tuck any loose hair under it. Next she took out a pink surgical mask and tied one set of strings around her neck and the other at the back of her surgical cap making sure the mask was tight to her face. Pink surgical gloves followed that she snapped onto her hands making sure to snap the gloves over the cuffs of the gown as she flexed her fingers.
The final touch opening a disposable pink plastic apron and tying it over her pink surgical gown. She walked over to Rick and did a small twirl showing off her all pink surgical attire. “Hmmm you look rather cute” Rick mumbled softly.
“Ohh Rick you really think so you’re too sweet. I do enjoy having all my surgical items match in terms of colours.”
“Now than will start by X-raying your mouth and then examine your wisdom teeth extraction sites.” She went and began pulling dental trays and covering them with green cloths. Before coming back and setting them on the varies arms around the chair.
She went and pulled over a different X-ray machine from the wall on an articulated arm and uncovering one tray began assembling a strange rubber sensor. “Ok darling I need to put his on top of your extraction sites. I promise it’s going to feel very soft and won’t hurt. This X-ray will use special sensors to make a detailed image of the back of your mouth.
Rick pondered obeying knowing that fighting her was not getting him anywhere he sighed and opened his mouth wide. Veronica smiled and bent forward “Thank you my love I’m so glad you’re doing things easier now.”
She gentle inserted the rubber sensor into his mouth snuggling it onto the tender extraction sites. She than positioned the X-ray unit and after putting a lead apron on him with a fast beep turned the machine to the other side and another beep followed, and Veronica was back.
“Open please?” Veronica removed the rubber devices and taking them to a machine in the corner inserted both “it will take the machine a little time to process these special films in the mean time I’m going to carefully examine the sites again”
She turned on the large multiple surgical array, sat down and picking up a pair of magnifying loupes put them on and bent toward Rick’s mouth. Rick decided to just play along as he desperately wanted to sleep in a regular bed and enjoy a shower or bath.
He opened his mouth wide glad that his mouth was feeling less sore and tender now.
Veronica carefully inspects the healing sites of Rick's recently extracted wisdom teeth, noting any signs of infection or delayed healing. She probed gently with a sterile periodontal probe, checking for swelling, tenderness, or abnormal tissue. “Hmmm it looks like it’s healing well darling. I don’t see any sign of infection and will just cleaning the area again after your dental work today to make sure, but the sutures are already starting to dissolve nicely.”
“Hmmmm” Rick mumbled as
arguing in the current situation would not get him anywhere. Veronica pulled back and set down her tool pulled her surgical mask down and suddenly bent down and kissed Rick. To say he was shocked was an understatement but more concerning to him was that she was a very good kisser and their compatibility felt incredible as she kissed him.
After what must have been only a moment Veronica pulled back and pulling up her surgical mask. Reached over to a tray and suddenly pinched Rick’s nose forcing him to open his mouth to breathe, she than suddenly inserted a strange rubber bit block and wedged it into his mouth.
“Hmmmmmmmm vvvvveerrrrronicaaa” he mumbled. But he could not read her motives at all with the surgical light shining, the surgical mask and the magnifying glasses.
Worst she was picking up the dental drill
From the tool bar and after giving it a test spin came towards Rick’s forced open mouth.
At the front of his mouth she paused giving the drill another terrifying test spin. “Rick” Veronica almost whispered. “I can feel your heart racing I truly enjoyed that kiss, I know you did as well.” “I think we are fated to be matched but I also know you’re still just
playing along.” At these word Veronica’s voice turned dangerous like yesterday when he yelled at her while he had been restrained to the surgical table.
“I know you’re trying to play nice so I will let my guard down so you can escape. Sadly you still don’t understand and I warned you that I’m going break you and it may be a challenge.” She picked up the suctions wand turning it on and adjusting the head to stay in his mouth. “You will submit to me Rick and you’re going to stop thinking about ever trying to escape. I know it will take some work so sadly I’m going have to punish you to show you what will happen if you even try to think about escaping and it will be very painful I’m afraid!”
“I’m going to drill out your deep cavity on #19 but I’m not going to give you any numbing or anaesthesia gas for it till you answer me on a few things. Rick began trying to thrash but the papoose board held him firmly and he tried to talk but Veronica simply put the drill down and pulled two more strapped from the sides of the chair. A padded one for over the neck and one over his forehead effectively pinning his head from moving at all in the dental chair. She picked up the drill again and moved into his mouth with the drill already spinning.
Rick squeezed his eyes shut knowing how painful it would be. He heard the drill touch down and he began to scream and cry. He could feel the drill destroying the decayed enamel it felt like a red hot poker was being driven repeatedly straight into his brain.
He knew he was crying and screaming as Veronica drilled deeper into the tooth. It felt like hours but was truly only minutes when she stopped. As she pulled the drill out all the tension left Rick’s body for a moment.
“Rick you will answer by blinking your eyes ok, 1 blink for yes and 2 for no understand!”
Rick still crying as his tooth throbbed blinked his eyes once very clearly. “Good boy” he breathed a sigh as she set the drill down and picked up the water and suction tools and began clean the hole. Rick moaned in fresh pain as the water touched the sensitive tooth. But it was a pale comparison to the pain he had experienced from the drilling and was over quickly.
Veronica put the tools down and picked up a wicked looking file and mirror.
“First question Rick…Do you find me attractive?” Rick very easily blinked his eyes once as she was attractive he didn’t need to lie about that.
“Hmmmm” she bent forward and began to put the filling into the hole and slowly began filing to remove the infected pulp from his tooth. Rick screams in fresh pain as she was filing into the infected root of the tooth. He could barely breath from the pain, he tried to thrash as the pain was like nothing he had ever felt In his entire life. As she slowly cleaned the infected parts of the root out.
She then stopped and pulled back again, setting her tools down and tenderly dried the tears on Rick’s face. “Shhh I know it’s very painful I can see in your eyes you do think I’m attractive”
“Tell me what parts you find most attractive my butt, breast, face, hair?” Rick tired to talk and Veronica smiled and gave a small laugh behind the surgical mask.
“Haha I’m sorry that is not really a yes or no question is it.” She then got up and turned on the anesthesia machine and also uncovered a syringe and taking an alcohol pad wiped his neck and injected him.
She then brought over the nasal mask again changed to a pink one to match her outfit, and looping it over his face she snuggled it against his nose.
Without speaking further she turned on the anesthesia machine and started the gas flow. Rick began greedily breathing in the gas to escape any further pain. He began feeling light headed and happy very quickly.
Vernice bent down and started working with the file on the tooth again. She continued to use the dental file to clean out the infected pulp and nerves from the root canal. She irrigates the area with a sterile saline solution to flush out any remaining debris, followed by a disinfecting solution to ensure all bacteria had been eliminated. Once that was done she began filling the tooth and than put a temporary cap on the tooth till she could make a crown later.
Rick only felt mild discomfort and happily
took big breaths of the nitrous gas. As Veronica finished putting on the temporary cap she removed the rubber device holding Rick’s mouth open.
“So Rick you think I’m sexy what parts?” “Ohh Veronica your breast look amazing and I love your legs and juicy ass. I really like how you put your hair in that complex braid your truly a very beautif……”
Rick stopped wondering why he answered so freely. Veronica gave a sultry laugh “I’m glad the truth serum is working.”
“Truth serum why can’t you just ask me Veronica I….I won’t lie all the time.”
He gasped as he said that and Veronica pulled down her surgical mask and took off the magnifying loupe’s watching him with a bemused expression.
“Next question Rick are you planning to try and escape?”
“Ahhh well ahh yes…yes but only because I was worried you were going to kill me. I honestly am not sure how I would get away, I don’t know where I am. I would need to steal a vehicle but with the snow I don’t know if I could make it even then. I really just want to take a shower or bath and my head is so scrambled from the drugs and surgeries I don’t know what I’m doing or how to feel.”
Rick again cursed himself for speaking so freely. Veronica looked thoughtful and than nodded her head. “That is fair Rick we are going to have some normal time together and will get better acquainted.”
“In the mean time no more dental torture I promise I have the information I need for now.”
She than turned up the gas flow to high and Rick felt himself floating and slowly drifting. He than felt the restraints being loosened on his chest as sensors were being put on his chest and than a blood pressure cuff was wrapped around his arm. He than heard the tell tale beep…..beep…..beep as the monitor came to life and the cuff started rymically squeezing his arm.
Veronica than appears above him. “Sleep my love I’m going to fix tooth #14,#15 & #30. One they are down will see about your last tooth. Rick drifted into a dreamless unconscious as Veronica came toward his mouth with a rubber bit block in hand.
Rick murrmed in his sleep and then dreamily opened his eyes. He tasted tooth dust and a little blood and was sure Veronica had worked on his teeth. His tongue ran over his teeth finding the fresh fillings on 3 of them.
He opened his eyes fully and saw Veronica clicking through some X-rays on the large monitor. She then turned “Ohh good Rick your awake, wonderful news your wisdom teeth surgery went perfectly I just finished looking at your new X-rays and no complications or signs of tooth fragments
Rick murrmed still feeling heavily sedated. Veronica than came and sat by him. “I only have one tooth left to work on sweet heart. Tooth #18 I won’t lie I’m worried about his one but I promise I will talk to you about it before I do anything.
She adjusted the anesthesia gas flow level up further and picked up the drill moved towards him. Luckily the gas made it feel like a distant event was going on and even with the gas he could tell she was unhappy. Her body language showed she didn’t like something the more she drilled. Rick suddenly heard a pop sound and Veronica quickly used the suction and water as he tasted blood. She than picked up an odd paint brush and dabbing it into a small cup began applied it to his tooth.
She still looked unhappy as she put down her tools and bent towards him. “Rick please understand his is not a trick I want to give you a choice ok, your tooth is in bad shape. The start of a interproximal cavity was forming on the side as well and the decay inside is extremely sever. I can try and save the tooth but the root damage is so severe the root canal will probably fail and I would need to then surgically extract it out.”
Veronica then pulled the nasal mask off his nose and removed the bit block. “Please just breathe fresh air for a few minutes while I go get something, and then we will talk.”
Veronica left pulling off her surgical gloves as she did leaving Rick alone with his thoughts. He was starting to think maybe he could trust her on his teeth at least his mind felt clouded from the gas and confusing thoughts. He gave his head a shake “focus on the tooth for now” he mentally thought.
He then heard foot steps and Veronica came back into the room carrying a medium sized bulky plastic case. She set it on the counter opening it to reveal an incredibly tiny black flexible tube. She walked over and held it up for Rick to see. “This is a special mini surgical camera. I’m going to show you the tooth so you can decide ok Rick?”
She plugged the camera Into a port and adjusted the monitor above Rick’s head so he could see the screen. The snapped of fresh pink surgical gloves followed and the monitor turned on. Veronica sat back on the stool picked up the camera turned it on, and angled it into his mouth .
Rick saw his mouth and the camera going into his tooth. “Ok darling see your tooth?” He nodded and she went into the tooth “hmmmm” see inside the dark decay inside the tooth and the pulp at the root. Veronica then panned around the tooth, and he saw the issues at the side. Rick could see it was not good, and cursed himself for not flossing or taking better care of his teeth.
Veronica pulled the camera out of his mouth and bent forward, and pulled her surgical mask below her chin. Rick licked his lips taking a breath “Veronica i know it’s does not good I see that I know you’re not trying to trick me, and I trust your opinion.” Rick paused again realized he was still telling the truth.
Veronica smiled looking very happy and please at his words. “Please be honest what do you recommend for the tooth?” Veronica paused and considering his question. “Honestly Rick I sadly recommend pulling the tooth it truly won’t hold up with the damage it has.
Rick sighed afraid that was the answer. “Ok Veronica pull the tooth but can you please just gas me till I’m unconscious. Then can I please just sleep after and hopefully have a shower?” Veronica could see the mental strain in Rick’s voice as he asked and decide she would give him some psychological drugs to help balance things out and make sure to give him several days to rest.
“Yes Rick I will” she said snuggling the nasal mask back on his nose. “Breathe nice and deeply Rick I’m adding in more gas mix so you can sleep quickly.”
Rick began breathing the gas deeply just wanting to sleep and forget things. As he began to fade Veronica came close to his ear. “Rick I promise when you wake up you will be feeling comfy and can enjoy a very relaxing bath and rest. Now sleep my love and I will see you tomorrow.”
Rick closed his eyes hoping that tomorrow what Veronica promised would be true as he slipped into a now familiar drugged sleep.
End: Chapter 5