The Dentist in the Blizzard

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Examination Time

Rick groaned as he stirred awake from yet another drugged sleep. He opened is eyes and admitted to being rather terrified at his surroundings. He was on a padded surgical table with raised gynaecological leg supports. This arms were secure to the sides of the table with special Velcro straps, and he was elevated so he could see between his legs that were in the padded gyno leg stirrups with straps holding them in place. The worse part was he was totally naked and his legs were splayed open so he was completely exposed. As he looked around the room wildly he really did wonder who exactly Veronica was. As she was definitely not just a simple dental surgeon.

He appeared to be different medical room but this one looked part surgical OR and medical lad mixed together. Above him two massive surgical lights hung. A medical table stood near by holding a blood pressure cuff and heart rate sensors with multiple monitor screens.

As he looked around room one wall was filled with lab equipment he saw a centrifuge and a large server unit behind glass in the wall, and all kind of testing equipment with multiple screens mounted on the wall and articulated arms showing data and lab results. He truly had no idea what they were all for or what there purpose was. He could not see what was behind him which worried him, but in front he was looking at two automatic green doors like at a hospital. The other wall was the most concerning of all, as it was entirely made up of cabinets with a dizzy array of medical and surgical tools inside. In the centre two large counters stood with a large sterilizer built into the middle.

He then heard foot steps approaching as the automatic doors swung open, and in walked Veronica. She had changed now wearing a set of tight blue surgical scrubs with a lab coat, and stethoscope around her neck.

“VERONICA JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHAT IS THIS ROOM, AND WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT.” Rick screamed he was breathing heavily after the sudden out burst. “When he looked up Veronica had a very concerning look on her face. “I don’t enjoy being yelled at like that Rick.” She said in a dangerously quiet voice. She than took a calming breath and smiled at him. “I see I’m going to need to demonstrate why you need to obey me while we talk.”

She calmly walked to a cabinet and taking off the lab coat and stethoscope pulled out a dark green surgical gown it looked very heavy duty with splash protection on the chest and arms. She pulled the gown up her arms and grabbing the special pull tab at the side tightened the surgical gown on her. She took a moment to smooth the gowns down her knees before she turned.

Next she pulled on a pair of purple nitrile gloves. Than she pulled over a rolling medical tray and began pulling items from one of cabinet but Rick could not see clearly what, she then removed her gloves and pulled the medical tray over and sat between Rick’s exposed penis and butt. She hit a couple controls on a panel at the foot of the table and the surgical lights blazed to life bathing Rick in bright white surgical light. She than calmly opened a sterile packet of surgical glove that read (surgical gloves - extended cuff - yellow) and deftly snapped each one on her hands. Flexing the fingers a few times and tucking the cuffs of the gloves over the gown before looking at Rick again.

Veronica then smiled but it was a concerning hostile one. “Don’t worry I’m not going perform any major surgeries at least not right now.” Rick was almost vibrating with tension at her choice of words. She than grabbed his penis with a surgical gloved hand and began to gently massage it. “Whhhat…..ahhh….don’t do that Veronica stop!” “Shhhh Rick just breathe and relax I’m not going to hurt you, just enjoy this for now but I am still rather upset with you.” He gulped as she said his and nodded his head. Veronica gave him a small mischievous smile after this. “I am going to need a sterile urine sample from you for testing, and for your outburst I will be using a catheter to get it!”

“A What!” Rick said feeling deeply concerned. “In order to get a urine sample easily I’m going to insert a catheter, and it helps a lot if your penis is aroused. During his talk Veronica had continued to slowly caress the mushroom tip of his penis and glided her hand up and down the shaft until his penis was twitching and leaking pre cum, and he was flushed, and breathing heavily. “Hmmm there we go you have a rather pretty penis Rick.”

She then let go and opened an alcohol swab, and began cleaning the tip Rick’s penis with it. She then put it down and held up a terrifyingly long catheter. It looked like it was about 2 feet long! “This is what we call an ‘Intermittent Catheter’ my darling I prefer using this type because it is pre lubricated and can also be used for urethral sounding since its just so nice and flexible and made of plastic rather than rubber.”

Rick’s heart was pounding in his chest and he was beginning to sweat as he stared at it. “Veronica please don’t do this! Don’t put that down my penis please!”

Veronica applied a small amount of lube to the tip of his penis “Shhhhh my love just breath and relax and it will be over before you know it ” She began to slowly feed the catheter into Rick’s penis.

“Ahhhh stop stop it hurts” Rick moaned and tried to escape. Veronica stopped feeding it in and paused. She looked at him calmly and gently caressed his still hard penis with her gloved moving down till she got close to the base of his penis. She then gently squeezed the base of his penis. Rick groaned “Feel that my dear? the catheter is at the base of your penis can you feel it?” she said giving his penis another hard squeeze. Rick moaned in some pain and discomfort.

“Ahhhhh……Yes…..yesyes….I can feel it” Rick said almost pleading and trembling in pain and incredible discomfort. “Hmmm good….now Rick I don’t enjoy being yelled at so never do something like that again understood.” At these words she began pushing the catheter in another few inches. “Ahhhhhh yes….yes I understand.”

“Good boy” she then just held the catheter in place but began to slowly twril it around inside his urethra. “To answer your

question Rick” she than stopped moving it and Rick just lay there panting glad the strange pain had stopped temporarily at least.

“I hold a number of medical and surgical degrees & specialties include dental surgery, general surgery & gynaecology surgery. I also have degrees in medical research and several other medical degrees. I’m one of those genius children you read about. I became a doctor at the age of 14 and by the time I was 25 had multiple ones I truly love medicine Rick.”

“However Dental surgery is currently my favourite so I have been specializing in that for the past 2 year or so.”

“Now than let’s continue so we can get your urine sample” she then began to put more downward pressure on the catheter. Rick groaned in pain twitching and trying to break free of the restraints. “The more you relax and let it happen the less it will hurt Rick.” She continuing to very slowly apply more and more pressure as the catheter began disappearing into him. When she finally pushed it past Ricks prostate and into his bladder. He gave a pained groan of relief. She then connected a catheter bag and it began filling with urine.

“Ahhhh ok ok ok it’s in now are you done with the medical torture” Rick breathlessly groaned. She get up and walked behind him, with the sound of something being pulled closer to the surgical gyno table. She came back into view and hit a butting lowering Rick down so he was looking up at the bright surgical lights. He then turned his head and saw an anesthesia machine looming right beside him. “Veronica I know you are going to kill me. You’re just playing with me to harvest my organs or some other sick medical experiment, so please stop toying with me and just end this already.”

Veronica was suddenly above him grabbing his head with both surgical gloved hands and looking fiercely into his eyes. “Rick listen to me very closely……..I’m never and I mean never going to kill you or harvest your organs…..I think you’re my sole mate, and I simply want to run some tests on you to make sure your healthy so we can…..” she blushed deeply at his part and let go of his head.

“In any case I am just getting things ready. As I need to sedate you and than

intubate you so I can do a liver biopsy & renal biopsy (kidney’s) ok.”

“Nooo” Rick whispered. “Veronica please just let me go and stop this” Rick whispered pleadingly with tears almost coming to his eyes “Shhh my love don’t look so sad or talk like that you’re going to be fine. I have put dozens of people under anesthesia and intubated them for biopsy’s and surgeries you will be just fine.” She leaned over him smiling disarmingly. “Now my darling I need to reposition your arms onto the operating tables arm rests. I need to run an IV line and connect up all the monitoring sensors. Can you play nice and not fight me?” Rick angrily shook his heard. “There will be consequences if I’m forced to do it the hard way darling!”

“Fuck you Veronica” I’m done playing these twisted medical games.” Veronica gave a small sigh “Very well Rick as a consequence after these tests are done I’m going to move you straight into the dental surgery and fix the rest of your teeth.” “I was going to wait another couple days but I see you need to be taught to submit to me still”

She walked over to the anesthesia machine and adjusted the controls. She then bent down fiddling with something and clicked an item together that Rick could not see, before she returned and leaned down over Rick. He could not see what she had in her hands but he assume it was not going to be good.

“Last chance Rick, easy way you can wake up in a nice comfy bed and maybe enjoy a bath?…….Or the hard way you wake up in my dental chair again and I drill your deep cavities out.”

Rick licked his lips nervously he didn’t want anything but he seemed to have some choice. (Nooo don’t fall for it) he thought desperately.

Rick shook his head angrily. Veronica bent down so close that their noses were touching. “Hmmm ok Rick I see you’re going to be a fun challenge to break that’s ok we have the rest of the winter together for me to teach you to obey me completely.”

She quickly hit a button on the anesthesia machine and grabbed his head in a fast head lock maneuver and with the other hand forcefully pressed the anesthesia mask over Ricks face.

Rick heard the hiss of the gas coming through the mask as she sealed it over his mouth and nose. Rick coughed as he was forced to breathe in the gas he felt the room beginning to get hazy and he felt light headed. Suddenly after a few minutes the mask was removed and he groggily felt his left arm being unclipped from the side, and placed on the operating tables arm rest. Then he felt a finger sensor being clipped on. As she unclipped the right arm and started to move it Rick stirred and tried to fight back.

“Ahhh… Llllet goo of me Veronica I’m not going to let you operate on me again.” “Ohh my Rick you’re pretty strong even in these conditions how nice! But it’s already over my love you’re going to lose.” “I took defensive classes and work out so I have the upper hand here.” The pair struggled back and forth but slowly he watched in desperation as his right arm was forced onto the arm rest by both of Veronica’s hands, she than easily attached a thick Velcro strap over his wrist securing it.

“Haha my my Rick you do have some fight in you.” She continue to laugh lightly as she looped a blood pressure cuff around his right arm. Next she placed sticky sensors on his chest, connecting all the wires to a series of monitors that began making a rhythmic beeping, and the blood pressure cuff started to squeeze his arm rhythmically.

She than looped a blue elastic tourniquet around Rick’s upper left arm and tied it tightly. She then squeezed his arm running her hands over it with her surgical gloved fingers, searching for a nice juicy vain. She swabbed the inside of his elbow with a disinfectant patch. Pulled the skin taut, using her other hand, and in flash insert an IV port needle into his skin. He felt a tiny pinch, as she inserted the needle port, and secured it with a transparent piece of tape. “Owww that stings, also I don’t think you understand how this situation is not normal in anyway so my freaking out and refusing to cooperate in this insane situation is very normal”

“Haha maybe that is true but I’m still doing the biopsy on you. I need the tests results to make sure my sole mate is healthy.” She picked up a syringe and uncapping it quickly injected it into the fresh IV port on his arm. “Veronica what did you just inject into me?”

She did not answer him simply walking over and adjusting the surgical table further

Into operation position, the leg stirrups came down, and the table took on a classic surgical operating T shape. She then adjusted the anesthesia machine and went behind him again. When she returned to his side she was carefully tying a green surgical cap over her head making sure her long braid hair was safely tucked inside. “Veronica speak to me and stop doing medical shit.”

But she continued to do things ignoring him, as she pulled out a green surgical mask and tied one set of ties around her neck and the other on top of her head, so the mask was tight against her face. Veronica was now completely ready in her green surgical attire only her piercing black were eyes still visible. She then rolled over a large surgical table that was covered by a green cloth.

“VERONICA talk to me please” Rick called “you can’t do this to me against my will”

As he struggle to talk to her he began feeling strange, and extremely lightheaded with the strength seeming to slowly leave him. “Whhhhttt happpennnng” he slurred as she returned a moment later sitting at Rick’s head and placing a small gel pillow under him. Mean while Rick was falling very far down the rabbit hole of the per-operative drugs now hitting him as he looked up at Veronica’s green masked face. She started to look blurry as the drugs she injected into him began to take full effect. “The midazolam will be hitting you now my darling, it’s why you’re getting weak. Just let it take you the biopsies will be over so fast and they are very simple.”

“Sadly when you next wake up Rick I’m going to be getting ready to drill into those nasty cavities of your.” “But I promise will talk more, after your dental procedures and spend sometime with each other relaxing.”

He tried to speak but Veronica placed a. clear mask over his nose and mouth. “Just breathe normally Rick.” This vision began to fade as he breathed in the high gas flow dimly watching the green bag on the anesthesia machine inflate and deflate as he breathed. He felt the room getting darker as he looked up at Veronica black eyes almost thinking he saw concern in them as everything faded into nothingness.

Veronica watched all the readouts as she continued to gas Rick for another 7 minutes before removing the mask and gently closing his eyes fully after putting some protective gel in them, and tapping them closed.

She was thankful he had not fought her more. But she knew she would have to try and not drug or operating on Rick for sometime after this. As she was also a psychologist and could read the mental deterioration signs starting in Rick. She shook her head as she could worry about that later, she needed to focus, and start the intubation process, or else she'd risk losing her beloved.

She pulled the cloth off the table quickly opening a packet and double gloving with a pair of dark green surgical gloves. She then picked up an ET tube and a laryngoscope and began to gently inserting the scope into Rick mouth cautiously positioning the scope till she found the vocal cords. Then, in one swift motion, she inserted the endotracheal tube between them and secured it in place with a few lengths of tape. A squeeze of the machine's bag confirmed she was in the right place. An easy airway. The intubation process had luckily taken only seconds.

She connected the end of the tube to the port on the anesthesia machine, and engaged the ventilator. A slight hum filled the room as the machine filled Ricks lungs with the gas. Veronica watched the steady beeping of the monitors for a moment; with the gas running, Rick would be kept deeply asleep.


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Veronica then walked over to the table picking up a set of forceps dipping them into a disinfectant began applying it over Ricks chest. She than picked up a scalpel and marker and marked his livers location. After she bent down and began to cut a centimeter-long incision between Ricks ribs.

She than used a forceps and gaze to soak up the blood coming out of the wound, and picking up a large needle gently slide it into the incision, and with a carful twist pushed it deep into Rick’s liver. Extracting a samples, she withdraw the needle and setting the sample carefully in a kidney dish she picked up a special stapler and began closing the incision and applying a dressing. She checked the anesthesia machine and went to have his liver sample analyzed. While the machine analyzed it she rotated Rick slowly so she could do the kidney biopsies next.

She changed gloves and after disinfecting his back and marking him picked up a fresh scalpel repeating the incision procedure on both of Ricks kidneys. She closed both wounds and carefully bandaged both incision sites. She than put the kidney samples in a machine for analysis. After Veronica continued to keep him fully sedated but gradually reduced the levels while monitoring Rick for bleeding or other complications from the biopsies.

After 3 hours she administered a new drug and removed the intubation equipment listened to his heart rate and prepared to move him to his new room. “We are going to have a busy day tomorrow my love” she said gentle touching his face with a green gloved hand as she pushed Rick out on a hospital bed and down the hall as another winter storm raged outside.

End: Chapter 4


deeplyforme 4 days ago
robhok 2 weeks ago 1
drillgirl21 3 weeks ago 1