The Dentist in the Blizzard

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Rick Awakens



Rick came awake from the strangest dreams. He opened his eyes and saw a ceiling, yup he was still alive! He remembered being terrified as Veronica put the anesthesia mask over his face, and gassed him into unconsciousness. He still remembered her surgical masked face and soothing voice before it all went dark, but now he seemed to be ok.

His mouth did feel like a truck had driven into it though. The coppery taste of blood, latex and sterile alcohol still lingered in his mouth. He tired to move his tongue to check his mouth but it simply twitched still numb. He groaned making himself lift his head up a little. He was no longer looking up at the surgical light which was a plus, instead it was a rather fancy chandler.

Rick took a moment to try and be calm and take stock of everything, that had happened. The moose, the snowmobile crash, the terrible snow storm, the luck of finding a house, meeting the striking Veronica, and his forced wisdom teeth extraction.

He knew everything that had happened was real, this was not a dream. He lifted his head up and tried to move his tongue but it still refused to move. He could feel gauze pads covering the back of his mouth, where his wisdom teeth use to be. He could feel an odd rubber item inserted in the back of his mouth, with a long chain running out to his chin. He tired to use his hands to take it out, but realized under the covers he was totally naked, and tied to the four poster bed by four soft Velcro cuffs.

As he looked around the room it was a rather warm and cozy bedroom. A cozy wood burning fireplace behind glass burned with two book cases flanking either side with a comfy armchair in the corner, with lovely nature paintings on the walls. “Hmmm she does enjoy books and has good taste in art it seems” he thought he still felt rather groggy, after a test tug on the cuff’s he determined it was pointless to pull at them. They were secured around each bed post, and the bed was solid oak. He was exhausted and his mouth throbbed so he closed his eyes, and went back to sleep.

He must have slept for hours as when he opened his eyes again it was dusk. He then sleepily heard the sound of foot steps approaching, and the door opened, and Veronica walk in carrying a black medical bag smiling. She was truly beautiful and liked just like their first meeting in the blizzard. She was now wearing a pair of tight blue leggings, and a long sleeve exercise top. “Good afternoon Rick I hope you had a lovely sleep?” Rick was silent trying to decide exactly what he should say to Veronica his crazy captor in this situation.

Veronica smiled as she watched Rick trying to figure out what to say to her. She decided to try and work on keeping him calm so she good give him another sedative easily. “If you’re worried Rick relax I’m not going to kill you. I wouldn’t have spent 3 hours carefully extracting your wisdom teeth to do that ok!.”

As she said these words she put the black medical bag on the bed, and opening it pulled out a blue surgical gown and unfolded it with a rustle of fabric, in a practiced motion she pulled it over her arms snuggling the elastic cuffs tightly at her wrists. She then tied the back of the surgical gown tightly and pulled out a packet of sterile gloves, she swiftly opened them and snapped the bright green surgical gloves onto her hands. As she sat down on the bed, she unfolded a blue surgical clothing and laid it over Ricks chest.

“Ok open your mouth for me please? Rick hesitated to open his mouth quickly weighing the options. Veronica sensing some of his thoughts smiled “I’m sure you know what will happen if you try and bit me. You won’t try so do something so dangerous with me right my darling?” Rick sighed heavily shaking his head as he slowly opened his tender mouth. He could smell the scent of her latex gloves, and her perfume oranges) as she leaned in which surprisingly together was a nice combination.

Veronica gently reached into his mouth with her hands to carefully undo the gauze pads in his mouth. She examined the pads carefully and Rick saw they were not soaked in blood, but still were rather heavily blotted in places with blood. She pulled out a pen light “keep your mouth open as wide as you can for me my darling. I know it’s hard since everything is so sore and tender” Her tone was so kind, and she was acting very differently from last night like she actually worried about him now.

“Hmmm the sutures are looking ok, a little more bleeding than would I like but your wisdom teeth were rather imbedded in your gums” she murmured. “Hmmm not to looking to inflamed just a little puffy…good…..let’s clean the suture points again.” She then pulled out a packet of Q-tip a small bottle of alcohol, and some gauze pads, dipping a Q-tip into the little bottle of alcohol, she began to gently and slowly clean each suture areas in his mouth.

Rick grimaced in pain as she cleaned each one, the alcohol stinging the sensitive wounds. “Shhhh I know my darling they will hurt but your suture spots need to be cleaned properly, that way they can heal well. I’m almost done then I will put a fresh sterile pad on each.”

Rick lay back propped up on the pillows as he watched Veronica work. She truly was a very cute brunette woman he also admitted that he enjoyed her hair in those elaborate knot braids she did. She had a nice curvy body that Rick admired and her breasts looked to be at least 36 double or 38D’s. As they strained against the blue surgical gown nicely. But he still found her black eyes unsettling they seemed to see straight through him, reading everything he was thinking.

She finished cleaning the sutures areas and put some fresh sterile gauze pads in, and gently adjusted the device in his mouth. “Sorry my love but this needs to stay in so you don’t swallow the gauze pads and chock in your sleep.” “Yaaa” Rick murrmed still unsure what to say in this insane situation.

He decided to try an easy request and then try talking to Veronica. He coughed

lightly his voice sounding odd with the thing in his mouth “May I have a little water” he asked. Veronica face lite up as he spoke “of course let me get you some. She left and Rick gentle used his slightly mobile tongue to explore his mouth, the gauze pads seemed fine at least. Veronica returned in sec with a pink sports water bottle and flipping up the spout offered it to him. He drank greedily doing his best to swallow the water quickly so it didn’t get the gauze pads wet.

“Thanks” he said softly as he finished. Veronica smiled happily “your very welcome Rick”

She then removed her surgical gown and gloves and put everything back into her black medical bag. She then leaned back on one of the bed posts and sat watching him and Rick decided to try getting a couple answers. “So did you extracted all my wisdom teeth last night?” “Yes Rick they would have become an issue for you soon so it was best, and you are already looking better. I will monitor your incisions but I see no sign of infection or complications. However I will take an X-ray later to confirm that.”

Rick sighed heavily “so you said you’re not going to kill me Veronica but you’re also not going to just let me go are you?.” he raised a hand with a cuff on to demonstrate. “What is it you want from me, and why did you have to extract all my wisdom teeth against my will?”

Veronica blushing sweetly at his questions.“Well Rick I really like you a lot, you’re just too cute. I think you’re the perfect man for me and it works well in his situation as I’m a little unique. I enjoy my men to be completely under my control so it’s hard to find a nice stable relationship with my tastes. So you can’t imagine how thrilled I was when my boring winter turned you up my cute Rick, covered in snow and stumbling into my home needing help it was just so sweet!”

“Besides I need to keep my skills sharp in the winter and you had some serious issues with your teeth that I know you

would not let me do willing. It also gave me the perfect opportunity to enjoy some surgical time, and than get you my love all confined. Also don’t worry I’m going to fix the rest of your teeth problems as well.”

Rick took a breath to stay calm! He wanted to ask something but he was getting very concerned he already knew the answer. “Are you going to let me go Veronica?” He asked quietly. Veronica smiled and laughed but it had a concerning tilt to it. “Rick please don’t worry about such silly irrelevant things right now. “You need more rest after your surgery, and I have scheduled you to have other work done on your teeth in a few days once you’re healed.

“The water you drank has a strong sedative mixed in which should he kicking in now!”

“I want you to have a good tonight’s sleep, and will talk more in the morning ok sweetheart.”

Rick felt himself getting drowsy as she said it. “Seriously I would have gone to sleep on my own I am tired Veronica” “Ohh Rick you need sleep, and I can’t trust you completely so it’s safer if your heavily sedate while I’m getting things ready.” “Now sleep well my darling, I will see you in the morning.” Rick felt himself getting lighted headed, and lay back on the soft pillow. Veronica’s smiling face appeared above him as she bent down and gave him a long slow kiss before she turned off the lights and left. He was sure somewhere in the room a camera was hidden watching him. As he closed his eyes and let the sleep take him again.

(Awake again)

Rick groaned and opened his eyes again. Yup he was still tied to the bed. It looked like it was late morning now, and another snow storm had happened as everything was covered in a fresh blanket of snow outside.

He managed to pulled himself up right and gave a startled squeak. As Veronica was sitting in the comfy chair by the fireplace reading an iPad. “Hiiiii” Rick said totally freaking out at her being there as he woke up.

“Sorry Rick I didn’t mean to startle you but you really are so cute looking when your asleep” “I’ve been reading up on you by the way, seems your single and run a remote secure server business.” Rick gulped “Sorry you have internet way out here.”

She smiled and said “yes starlink satellite” she than laughed “Rick I’m not some crazy woman in the woods I consult remotely on multiple dental cases and for special cases will fly out to do them.”“But we’re getting off topic we have such a busy day ahead of us.”

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she set the iPad down and went into the hall and pulled a covered tray over, revealing an incredible breakfast for Rick. Ham,eggs,pancakes, and bacon. Only catch was she insisted on feeding him. As he hungrily sallowed the bites she offered to him Rick was starting to enjoy himself. But suddenly halfway through he started feeling strange he knew what this feel was. “Veronica did you drug his yummy food?”

At these words she looked a little embarrassed but then she looked determined. “Yes I’m drugging you because I going to need to do a full physical on you Rick. I know you’re going to try and escape or fight me on it if I untie you. I have several tests I need to run to be sure your health.” she then laughed but not in a totally fine way. “I see the look in your eyes trying to figure out how to escape. It’s the reason I can’t trust you yet my darling so I’m going to run my tests and do a couple extra procedures on you so are more agreeable.

Rick almost scream at her in frustration but than he took a calming breath. He decided he would try and play along to avoid any unfortunate medical procedures from happening.”

“We could have just talked about it” he said as he felt himself getting sleepy and the room started to spin as he laid back.

Veronica appeared above. “My darling it will all be ok just enjoy another rest when you wake up will enjoy a nice medical exam together.” She gave him another tender kiss on the lips, as Rick closed his eyes and drifted into a fitful drugged sleep.

End: Chapter 3


drillgirl21 3 weeks ago
sizzlingturtlemongerstudent 4 weeks ago 1