Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Fifteen

“William, are you sure it’s OK?” Fiona asked her husband as they climbed into bed.

“What's OK?”

“Emily… Well me being there and all.”

“Yes, I mean she wants you there and Audrey will be there also.”

“She’s pretty…”


“I don’t know, I wish I was pretty like her, or her mom.”

“You are pretty Fi, why don’t you think that?”

“I’m still just surprised a boy liked me. I am glad it was you.”

“You were so pretty Fi. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”

“I was an unathletic, geeky, pale, redhead, in thick glasses, shy, and at the time skinny girl. Why didn’t you just give me directions and walk away?”

“I thought you were cute, innocent, and sweet… Not to mention piercing eyes, and an infectious nervous laugh… But you seemed shy, and well, I was a bit too, so when you agreed to let me show you around I figured I could know you better… Then when you said yes to meeting for dinner… Oh I was so happy!”

“Still… I am shocked someone found me attractive… I look like a tomato.”

“Don’t say that about yourself. You’re gorgeous, and still pretty slim and sexy.”

“Sexy? Naw… innocent me?”

“Yes, so innocent, especially when you're asking for your hair to be pulled and be made a good girl with a spanking.”

“Shhh… That’s our secret now.” She said, putting her fingers on his lips. “Anyways you have a following of women who find your exams..hmmm… stimulating…”

“I never noticed that before.”

“Shhh… it’s really because you’re so professional and gentle… but I do get jealous.”

“How so?”

“Seeing the pussy of so many cute girls and horny older women…”

“I’ve only ever seen one pussy.. The rest are vulvas and vaginas.”

“Oh well now… I’d like for you to see that pussy again and go lock the bedroom door.. and William keep the lights on…I have had so many naughty thoughts today…”

The next afternoon Fiona arrived at her husband’s office to meet with her husband and Emily for her exam. As she was walking up the stairs to his office she passed Audrey.

“Where are you going?” Fiona asked.

“Oh, I Just had a final rescheduled so I need to get to class… I’ll still meet up to tell you all about the twins.”

“Oh well, ummm who’s going to be umm… with Emily?” Fiona said disappointed.

“Doctor Richardson said his sister is coming down to fill in for me”

“Mary.., oh..”

“Well at least you know he’ll be on his best behavior with her looking over his shoulder.”

“Yeah but…”


“I was kind of looking forward to it being you…”

“Well I graduate in a week, and well even if I work at the hospital your husband said I can work here part time… Anyways, you know who’s coming by this week?”

“Oh who?”

“Susie… She just got off the phone with Jeanette.”

“Oh wow do you know what for?”

“She didn’t want to say but is bringing her husband with her.”

“Oh I better talk to her if she swings by the house. Thanks Audrey.”

Fiona made her way upstairs and Jeanette gave her a little wink and said her husband was in his office. Fiona waited for Emily to arrive not sure what to think when Mary came in out of breath wearing her nursing uniform.

“Hi Fiona, I just about had to run here. Is Emily here yet?”

“No not yet. How are you?”

“Aunt Florence helped me land the job as the new school nurse at the elementary school. Been helping my dad get all the kids in town caught up on vaccinations… I made sure I had a lot of lollipops but I still feel bad about the tears.”

“How about you and Mark?”

“GREAT! He spent the night I just couldn’t resist anymore…”

“Be careful Mary, and is his daughter ok with you two dating?”

“Yes, she’s ok with it… Glad she has a woman she can talk to about periods and stuff. Doesn’t know her dad spends the night sometimes if she has a sleepover… so shhhhh….”

“Are you ok being a mother figure to a thirteen year old though?”

“I wasn’t at first but… I am doing ok with it, I just sort of fell into it. God I forgot how dramatic I was as a teenager! No wonder I drove my mom nuts! Oh and speaking of that, way better relationship now, she likes having me around the farm and she’s teaching me the business side of things… Also glad I am in the cottage… I mean not being IN the house with her has helped a lot.”

Fiona smiled, “Well I am happy for you. Your parents like Mark?”

“Yes, but don’t let them know we spend the night together… Though my mom sort of knows. She commented this morning that umm… buy condoms out of town or people will talk.”

“Oh well with the quantity you go through…” Fiona said with a chuckle.

“Fiona, really now?” she said, a little embarrassed. “We use way less now. I discovered tantric sex… quality over quantity…”

“I am not even going to ask what that is…”

“I’ll bring my copy of the Kama Sutra by…and if you try it, don’t tell Willie how you got the idea…”

“No, no that’s OK… I am pretty satisfied about how we umm… We know what works for us…Anyways if William found out it was from you... he'd probably cry.”

“I’d like to see it!” Jeanette said from across the room. Fiona turned around a bit shocked and Jeanettte just said “What? I am a married woman.. But I'm still experimenting…”

Soon Emily arrived with her mom and Fiona went over to greet them. “Hello there Emily and Jitka, how are you today? Any questions? Are you ready?”

“I’m ready.” Emily said, holding her mother’s hand.

“Are you sure you don’t want me there?”

“Yes mom, and yeah I know what to expect… and I am just a little nervous, that’s all.”

“Well it’s OK to be nervous.” Jitka responded calmly. “And Fiona coming over for tea really helped us open up to each other so I am glad you picked her.”

“I did?” Fiona asked sheepishly.

“Yeah, I kind of get where my mom was coming from…”

“Yes, and why was your parents' room locked so often…”

“Mom! that’s so gross!”

Soon Emily was called back and Mary led them into the exam room.

“It’s a real family affair today..,” Emily said in a deadpan tone.

“Oh, I guess it is with Fiona here with me as the nurse… I usually am not here, I have actually never worked with my brother before.”

“Really?” both Emily and Fiona said in unison.

Mary chuckled “No, though I spent my whole career as an OR Nurse… Willie didn’t really like surgery and at the time I thought regular nursing was boring… So Emily why don’t you hop up here and let’s get your height and weight… Ok 5’4” and 120lbs…”

“Nurse Mary, ummm when you gave that talk with Fiona ummm… How many people have you had sex with?”

“Emily that’s kind of…” Fiona said as Mary chirped up.

“Two, my boyfriend now and my ex boyfriend.”

As Fiona finished her sentence with “personal…”

“OH ok… was it different with each?”

“Oh my yes! My current boyfriend thinks I am bendy.”

“Oh… Yeah… I’m not bendy… I just wonder if my fiance and I are weird sometimes.”

“Does he not seem to like it? Do you not like it?”

“He does and ummm I do… But… he likes me in charge… Like strict… Ummm… I use a yardstick on his butt… he really likes it…”

“Do you like it?” Fiona interjected, hiding that she was shocked.

“OH my yes… he calls me mistress Emily… But that’s not weird… Like nurse Mary and my mom like being bendy… and rough…”

“OH! I don’t like it rough… Just bendy… BUT if you two are happy then just do that! No shame here, I am sure even Fiona has a kink… Please don’t tell me though. I really don’t want to imagine my brother having sex.”

Fiona chuckled “And don’t say bendy to him either… Please…”

Emily’s exam went smoothly though Fiona began to be unusually aroused by the sights of her exam. First by the stethoscope moving across her bare chest, her breasts were a bit larger than her mothers, something she noticed well before the exam. She loved seeing her darker than expected nipples harden at her husband’s touch… and her holding back a giggle as he felt her stomach.

The pelvic exam though… She never saw another woman spread open like that.. From her vantage point she really couldn’t see what was happening but noticed his sister Mary keeping a close eye on things. Knowing her husbands fingers were inside her and he seemingly not care about anything non-clinical just interested her, and honestly made her feel special. When it was over, almost too quickly she and Mary helped Emily sit up.

“See not so bad.” Mary said

“Oh not at all but umm having sex probably helped.” She said back quietly, the doctor not overhearing but the comment actually made Fiona smile.

“If you’re ok Emily, I need to ask William something. Mary can help you dress up.”

“Umm OK..” Emily said as Fiona quickly followed him out of the exam room.

“Everything OK Fi?” He said as soon as they walked into his office… She responded by moving in close, reaching down and pushing her hand to his fly.

“Yeah, I just had to check… I am sorry.”

“Check what?” He said confused.

“That you didn’t… enjoy that… too much… I am sorry…” she said suddenly embarrassed.


“No, nothing it’s ok William…. I am just going to go umm… please I am so sorry…”

“Fi… It’s ok…”

“I know just… Let me help Mary clean up ok?”

“OK I should be home at the regular time tonight. Umm are you meeting Audry for ice cream?”

“yes..Yes..” she said walking out of his office and across the hall to see Mary packing everything up.

“Is it weird Mary?”

“What's weird?”

“To see a vagina? Like that?”

“I have seen plenty..and I mean I have my own…”

“So do i.. But.. like your brother doing that.. In one?”

“OK yeah, that was a bit weird but it’s what doctors do… I just had to pretend it was any other doctor and not Willie… Doctor Richardson for a little while.. Not my oldest brother…”

“I get that, he’s not my William in those situations… Ummm you guys are really close so I can see how that would be weird…”

“Yes we are, he’s the brother who would stand up for me, and treat me like me. And when I had a bad dream let me in his room.”


“Oh well he got his own room cause he was the oldest… I got my own room cause I was the only girl.. But if I had a bad dream once…. And my parents’ door was locked… I went to his room, and we built a fort out of blankets and pillows and then got some sleep… So he became where I’d go if I had a bad night. When I got older and started having some friction with my mom.. He was a peace keeper and he’d listen to me..I cried for a week when he went to college.”

“I’m sorry..”

“I am glad he found someone as nice as you. You two are really good together.”

“Me? You actually like me?”

“Fiona, everyone likes you.”

“Well, I mean… I don’t know. Your parents were always nice to me but ummm.”

“Yeah they were just surprised by you existing… and ummm.. As my mom would say ‘not doing things in order….’ But they do like you.”

“I like you too Mary. Glad you’re my sister-in-law… I just wished you liked my cooking…”

As Fiona left her husband's office she began walking home and made a stop in the park to collect her thoughts and saw Susie sitting on a bench.

“Oh Hi Susie!”

“Oh Hi Fiona! I had to make some deliveries for the hardware store.”

“Oh don’t over do yourself. I was just at my husband’s office. So umm congratulations?”

“Congratulations for?”

“I noticed you had an appointment with him and Jeanette said you were bringing Tommy with you so, Ummm are you pregnant?”

"I am not pregnant yet... That's why I am going."

"You've only been married a few months."

"Well yeah... But shouldn't it have happened by now?"

"Susie, It can take a lot of trying for some people."

“It didn’t for you, or Jeanette.”

“Ummm bad luck maybe… or good luck in the grand scheme of things. Why the rush though?”

“I am just afraid I am broken.”

“Broken? Susie, just give it some time…”

"What if I am using the wrong positions?"


"He's so much bigger than me I need to stay on top... But ummm it hurts if he's on top so... I am on top... and umm… My mom said I need to stay underneath… and ummm... my mom.. Gosh my mom asked some other moms for advice! At Church!"

“Oh I wasn’t there for that… I’d have stopped her.”

“Yeah now I have a whole bunch of middle aged women wondering about my bedroom habits… one older lady asked if I was sure we were using the right hole! I should have just asked you or Jeanette.”

“I am always open for you Susie, you know that.”

“Fiona, I am worried cause… Isn’t this supposed to feel like amazing?”

“What is?”

“A Penis inside you… I thought it would be electric… It just kind of… well it feels good if I am in control but… I can never orgasm from it.”

“Susie, in all my years of being married I have orgasmed from intercourse alone probably never…”


“I need a little more stimulation on my clitorus… Either rubbing, or pressure, or well something.” Fiona said with a wink.

“Oh… Yeah… umm really? I guess it's the same for me… I mean we get there but.. Ummm…I just thought like…”

“Yeah so did I… William and I… our first time was my idea and umm, I assumed it would be this super magical, intense orgasmic feeling… Instead I just wasn’t sure what was happening, or how this was, in any way, supposed to feel good… It was just awkward… But Susie, I am sure you’re normal and if you need to talk to a doctor with Tommy there please do it.. OK? And I am here for you.”

“Thanks Fiona, but I better run back to work now… but Thanks!”