The Ravings of an Unrestrained Medical Fetishist
But, but ... I gotta pee!
A little patient, left in panties and bra for far too long in the exam room - it’s a busy day.
When I finally come to take care of her, she’s bouncing around, crossing her legs. I try to examine her but she just won’t stay still. What to do, what to do…
“I know you’re excited and a little anxious, ladybug, but you need to stay still while I check you out, okay?”
“But, but, but…”
“But what, little one? I’m very busy today, we need to get your exam done.”
She crosses and I crossed her ankles a couple times while looking at her fidgeting hands down in her lap.
“…I really have to pee…”
“You can pee when I’m all done, okay? Now let’s lay you down and check out that tummy of yours.”
Her eyes popped open at that. She loves her tummy exams, but knows how deep my hands press into her.
“Stay still, Princess, I don’t want to have to spank you right here in the exam room but I will if I have to.” I warn her. Then she squeaks when I press down just below her panties.
“I really really gotta go!”
“You really really gotta hold still is what you need to do,” I chastise her. She bites her lip as I continue.
“Ooooh!” she cried as I press down again, and I see a little wet spot on her panties, and she presses her thighs together.
“Panties off, sweetie, need to check you downstairs now.” She shakes her head.
She finally takes them off and I maneuver her into the frog let position. “Just a quick peek,” I say, as my fingers press along her shaved labia. More squirming. I part her lips and check her introitus, and see a few little drops come out of her urethra. I look at her and make eye contact for a moment, then she looks away, blushing furiously.
“Don’t you dare pee on my exam table, ladybug…”
“But, but!”
“No buts, if I see any more pee, someone’s getting a big shot somewhere they don’t want one!”
She let out a meep and then winced as she did all she could to hold it in.
“No smear test today sweetie, just a quick feel inside.”
“But I have ta gooooo!” she whined at me. I raised my eyebrow at her as I snapped my glove onto my hand and squeezed some lube onto my fingers.
“Hold it.” I order her.
I spread her lips apart again, and gently push my fingers inside her. I can feel her tight, full bladder pressing down into the front of her vagina slightly. So, ad I slide my fingers along her urethra to milk it for any discharge, she cries out and I feel some pee fall into my gloved hand.
“I-I-I-I’m sorryyyyy!” she squeals as I push them back inside her.
“A little pressure now, my little lawn sprinkler,” I say as I place my other hand on her lower abdomen and start feeling her uterus and then her ovaries. By this point she’s squirming around so much I almost feel bad for her. Finally, I finish her internal exam and pull my fingers out of her. I take off my soiled glove, and toss it into the bin.
“Can I go potty now?” she begs.
“Almost,” I say, as I pull a fresh glove on. “Just need to check your bottom,” I tell her as I get some more lube. Her eyes pop open once more, and she shakes her head vigorously.
“Please doctor, I can’t hold it, I really gotta go!!” she whines at me again.
I pause for a moment. Then I say, “Well if you can’t hold it, maybe you’re having some peepee issues? I should probably get a catheter so I can take a sterile sample and see.”
I didn’t think her eyes could go wider, but they did, they did indeed.
“Nooooo! I’m sorry, I can hold it!”
“I don’t know, you’ve been so squirmy, I really should get that sterile sample, I think, it’ll be a bit … uncomfortable, but you’ll be okay, then we can make sure you don’t have any potty issues, mmhmm?”
“No!” she cried out, tears starting to well up, “I can hold it, I can, you’ll see! No cathy, no…no cather… no peepee tubes!!”
“Well, if you’re sure…” I say and I lift her legs up over her head. The added pressure on her bladder is killing her now, she’s making an almost constant mewling sound while squeezing her legs together tight. I even see her reach down between her legs to press into her vulva to help hold the urine in.
“Bear down for me ladybug,” I say as my finger presses gently against her little rosebud. She shakes her head again. “Can’t! I’ll…I’ll pee!” I swirl my finger around her little hole for another few seconds until finally I just push it inside.
“Owwwwwie!” she cries out at the intrusion while squeezing all her sphincters as tight as she possibly could. She continues to moan and whine as I move my finger around inside her rear end, and eventually I finish and pull it out. Every so slowly I lower her legs back down, and look at her naked form laying there, hand over her crotch, slightly hunched up, desperately trying to hold her pee.
“All done, little one, you can go pee now.” She maneuvers herself off the table, and looks briefly at her panties sitting there, then at the door, and finally she runs straight to the door, yanks it open and runs into the bathroom across the hall. I step out of the room and can hear her stream into the toilet. It’s so strong it can be heard outside the thick door. When she’s done she flushes, washes her hands, and tries to sneak back to the exam room to get dressed. On her way out, I come up behind her.
“You sure had to go potty pretty bad, didn’t you?”
Another squeak, this time in surprise, as she turns and looks back at me, bright red. She nods shamefully.
“We’ll have to keep an eye on you and your bladder I think. Another episode like that and I’m going to schedule you for a full work up, and we’ll make sure we find any issues you might have with holding your pee. Catheters, a camera in your little peehole, and a very long examination with a full bladder while I feel around while you’re standing up and laying down to see when you leak. You don’t want that, do you?”
Again, she shakes her head vigorously as she promises not to let it happen again.
“That’s my good girl…” I say as she scurries off and out of the clinic.
Nicely written, really lovely. Would lo…
This was beautifully written. Everythin…