The Dentist in the Blizzard
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Waking up For a Wisdom Tooth Surgery!
Ricks dreams felt strange and confusing as he slept but he woke with a sudden start opening his eyes slowly, his mind feeling hazy. He tired to sit up feeling a little refreshed after his sleep but still drowsy. With a start he realized he was restrained in a dental chair.
Suddenly everything that happened came flooding back; the snowmobile accident, walking in the blizzard, discovering the house, meeting the attractive Dr. Veronica. How she had drugged and restrained him in her dental chair. He tired testing the straps that now secured his wrists and body but they were extremely sturdy and tight. Struggling seemed to only make him more tired. He closed his eyes to rest them again for a sec while he thought of a way to escape, but he must have dozed again. As he then dimly felt a hand gently rubbing his face and heard a sound far off in the distance.
He opened his eyes slowly and saw a masked face looking down at him. It took him a sec to register who it was then he realized it was Dr. Veronica. Apparently she had been busy while he was out as she was now, fully dressed in surgical clothing. The transformation was striking, she was wearing a blue surgical gown that fell to her knees. Her face was partially obscured by a blue surgical mask that had an attached clear face shield, leaving only her striking black eyes visible. Finally she wore a matching blue surgical cap, that concealed her braided brunette ponytail.
Only her hands were still bare. “Rick…Rick…ohh Rick wakey-wakey” with a start he realized he was drifting again. “Veronica he said sleepily please untie me”
“Rick I’m glad you got a little nap while I changed into my surgical scrubs and got things ready,” “just relax you are going to have a nice long sleep. While your sleeping I will take care of these pesky wisdom teeth of yours”
He twisted his head around realizing multiple things had now changed in the room all of them terrible, and would normally make him scream in terror.
One: He had an IV line running to his left arm from the IV stand that was already dripping some kind of milky white fluid into him.
Two: The Anesthesia machine was now powered on and beeping gently with the sound of air circulating in it.
Three: He realized again with his drowsiness that he had missed the sensors now on his chest with the slow steady beep…beep…..beep…..beep sound of the heart rate monitoring filling the room.
Finally: The most concerning thing was Dr. Veronica now pushing a surgical table over Ricks chest filled with surgical trays laden with surgical tools each one gleaming under the light.
He watched as Dr. Veronica meticulously check all the tools talking to herself as she did. “Ok let’s see Scalpel (check), Multiple Periosteal Elevator (check), Forceps: (check), set of Bone Files (check), Irrigation Syringes “all filled with saline”(check), “Preped with Needles and Sutures” and Needle Holder (check). Drill (Check), Suction wands (check).
She then walked to the counter as Rick registered these final concerning details he heard the snap of gloves and saw Dr. Veronica pulling on long blue surgical gloves that went half way up her arms, she pulled the final glove on with a loud snap, she then walked toward the dental chair again. He felt this eyes getting very heavy no doubt from the IV drip and whatever was in it.
Dr. Veronica came over and gentle pulled up his sleepy eyelid. “that’s it Rick let the
IV sedative make you sleepy and relaxed” “I like to use a combination of both IV and anesthesia gas sedation to make sure you don’t feel a thing”. The final thing he drowsily saw was her pulling over the articulated arm with the connection bar for powered tools. She began by plugging in a menacing looking dental drill, and then several suctions tools each with different types of tips.
Veronica gave the tools one final glance before turning back to look at Rick who drowsily eyed all the tools with a fading but knowing alarm trying one last time to talk himself out of his situation. Sleepily he mumbled “Veronnnicca plll….Sopp…DoooT…..Doooo…..hhhhsss” Dr. Veronica didn’t say anything to this but went around adjusting the chair a little lower before her surgical masked face appearing above him again as she sat on the stool. “Rick” she said soothingly “you’re going to be fine just let go sweet heart. You’re fighting the drugs so hard but it’s now it’s time to sleep.” As she said this she adjusting the anesthesia controls and held up the blue anesthesia mask. Making soothing sounds and stroking his face gently she began to lower the blue mask over his nose and mouth. “Nooooooo…….pl….se” Rick moaned.
“Just breathe Rick it’s only oxygen to start nothing to worry about yet,” Rick tried to struggle but owing to the IV sedation & restraints he could only shack his head a little. Dr. Veronica’s gloved hand easily held him in place preventing him from turning too much. He saw the green rebreather bag of the anesthesia machine inflate and deflate with air as he breathed the oxygen. Unfortunately he missed the subtle sweet smell warning him that he was already breathing more than just oxygen. “That’s it Rick don’t fight just keep taking deep steady breaths” Every few breaths, Dr. Veronica did a minor adjustment on the anesthesia machine, which Rick began to hardly notice as he continued to breath not realized his dizziness had increased substantially. He tired to say more to Dr. Veronica but she had already turned the gas levels up even more. Rick began having a harder time keeping his eyes open, it felt like the surgical lights above him were getting dimmer which seemed strange. As things dimmed he only saw Dr. Veronica’s masked face clearly still as the edges of his vision started fading to black.
“This can’t be happening I can’t undergo a forced wisdom tooth extraction surgery with his crazy woman”. Rick thought desperately. He tried to thrash his head from side to side, to escape from the mask, but Dr. Veronica’s gloved hand held him easily holding his chin in place. “Shh Rick it’s ok don’t struggle” She said soothingly as she squeezed the green rebreathing bag, forcing Rick to take deeper and deeper breaths of the anesthesia gas. “You’re just going to drift off into a wonderful sleep.” She soothingly cooed to him. Rick watched everything dim further, moaning quietly and twitching against his restraints. Everything went black and he could just hear a gentle soothingly voice “Sleep well my darling” As Rick drifted off into a black sleep.
Rick’s body finally went limp in the dental chair, as he succumbed to the anesthesia gas. Dr. Veronica continued giving him gas while watching his vitals critically making sure that everything was progressing as it should be. After a few more minutes she removed the full mask, and exchanged it for a smaller blue nasal mask she snuggly pressed up against Rick nose attaching a special head harness to keep it in place.
Dr. Veronica then adjusted the overhead surgical lights to shine directly in Rick’s open mouth. The anesthesia had done its job his body lay limp in the chair, his chest rising and falling steadily under the surgical gown. With practiced efficiency, she placed a small mouth block between his molars on the left side to keep his jaw open and stable.
“Alright, Rick,” she murmured, more to herself than to him. “Let’s get started on those wisdom teeth which one first” she mused.
She decided to begin with his upper right wisdom tooth #1. Using the scalpel, she made a clean incision along the gumline, exposing the impacted tooth buried beneath. With the periosteal elevator, she gently pried the gum tissue away, revealing the crown of the tooth. She then quickly inserted a suction hose to keep the area free of blood.
“First step, nice and steady,” she muttered under her breath, carefully picking up the straight elevator. She slid the, metal tip between the tooth and the surrounding bone, using steady pressure to loosen it. A soft crack echoed in the room as the ligaments began to give way.
Switching to the upper molar forceps, she gripped the tooth securely, her surgical gloved hand firm and steady. With a gentle yet deliberate rocking motion, she continued to loosened the tooth further, finally extracting it with a firm pull. A faint, yet very wet pop signaled its release from Rick’s mouth.
“One down Rick,” she said softly, setting the tooth on a sterile tray before flushing the empty socket with saline using an irrigation syringe.
She moved to tooth #16, his upper left wisdom tooth. It was partially erupted, so the process was faster. After repeating the incision, she used the elevator and forceps to remove it cleanly rapidly. “Two gone, two to go,” she murmured as she suctioned away the pooling blood with the high speed suction tip.
“Hmmm these lower teeth are going to be trickier” she mused out loud. Tooth #17, on the lower left, was impacted and angled against the neighboring molar. She picked up the dental drill, its high-pitched whir filling the room as she carefully carved a small portion of the surrounding bone out. Once enough of the tooth was exposed, she sectioned it into two pieces using the drill, making it easier to extract.
Using the forceps, she grasped the lower half of the tooth, applying more pressure to pop it free from the socket. The upper fragment followed soon after. She flushed the site thoroughly, ensuring no debris remained.
Finally, she turned her attention to the last one tooth #32, the lower right wisdom tooth. It was partially erupted but showed signs of infection. After repeating the incision and bone removal, she again sectioned the tooth, working very carful to avoid the nearby nerve. With careful maneuvering, she removed the fragments one by one, suctioning and irrigating as she went.
Dr. Veronica than sat back for a moment, surveying her work. Each socket was clean and ready for closure. She picked up a needle holder and sutures, stitching the gums closed with small, delicate and precise movements. Once finished, she applied sterile gauze to each extraction site to control bleeding.
Removing the mouth prop, she gently closed Rick’s jaw, taking care not to disturb the fresh sutures. She adjusted the recline of the chair, but kept the anesthesia on till she could move him to the room she had prepared.
“All done Rick,” she said softly, looking at the clock a she pulling off her surgical gloves and tossing them into a nearby biohazard bin. “That’s all four troublemakers gone, and it only took 3 hours and 45 minutes. I know you will be sore, but you’ll feel a lot better once you’re through your first procedure.” She smiled down at Rick gently touching his face. “I’m so happy you came Rick we are going to have so much fun together.”
She leaned back, stretching her shoulders. Meanwhile the storm outside continued to howled, but in her dental surgery only the steady contented sign of Veronica could be heard, her work was done at least for now. 😈
End: Chapter 2
It's a beautiful story should have a se…
Great Storyline and Story - Would reall…