The Dentist in the Blizzard
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - The Dentist in the Blizzard
Rick loved being outdoors the fresh air, pitting yourself against nature and the elements. Sounds fun, except nature likes to throw curve balls, that can make things more difficult than most people can possibly imagine. Rick didn’t believe stuff like that was likely as his snowmobile skimmed across the snow in the late afternoon as the sun glinting off the perfect fresh powder. He raced through the thick blanket of snow, passing the towering trees and mountains all round him. It was a perfect day to snowmobile everything felt peaceful and calm. The weather report had not called for a severe snow storm. However the winds were picking up and the sky was getting angry so Rick decided to cut his fun short and start heading back to his truck. To save time he decided to take a short cut through a narrow valley before the storm hit, but of course nothing goes how you hope. As Rick went up a tree lined ridge, a massive, dark shape of a moose bolted into his path. Before he could even react its antlers swept toward him like jagged blades. Rick only remembered flying through the air, and the scream of tortured metal as his machine was throw into a thick tree. Rick this head spinning tasted snow and felt light breeze touched his face. Groaning he slowly himself out of the massive snow drift he had been tossed into. Luckily he seemed to be ok with the moose gone as quickly as it had appeared. Leaving Rick, with a snowmobile that was smoking lightly and smashed beyond any hope of repair, and him alone in wilderness.
Rick dusted himself off and began cursing like sailor at the horrible turn of events. The wind was starting to pick up signaling the storm was fast approaching. He quickly check his backpack for his phone but it was basically cracked In half. “Great” he said out loud “no phone, no snowmobile and a nice blizzard approaching fantastic”. Luckily his gear was mostly intact as he began pulling on his cold winter gear, and started walking through the valley hoping he could make it back to this truck.
As the sun set low the snow storm, began whipping down from mountains. Visibility plummeted, as did the temperature with the setting sun.
“I am not going to freeze to death and die out here, Rick thought” as he struggle against the snow and ice wiping around him.
As dusk fell Rick stumbled through the snowstorm almost blind. It didn’t help that the intense cold was killing his flashlights battery. He needed to find some kind of shelter but the valleys rock face offered no shelter he could find, and the snow kept getting deeper with each step. As night fell Rick stumbled blindly from tree to tree his flashlight long dead. He kept moving knowing if he stopped he would die of exposure staying moving and warm was his only shot. Suddenly as he crested a ridge his feet slipped from under him, and he began slipping & skidding down a steep icy hill. He just prayed he didn’t hit one of the giant trees he could feel wiping past him in the darkness. Suddenly he pitched into the air falling through the snowstorm till he pitched face first into a large pile of snow at the base of what he guessed had been a massive cliff.
He groaned slowly digging himself out from yet another snow drift again thanking everything that he was again not hurt from that insane fall. He looked into the darkness as the snow storm wiping around him and saw in the distance, a small pin prick of yellow light somewhere in the distance.
Rick staggered up and toward the light hoping he was not imagining the light. It
seemed at least he was in a new area of some kind that had few trees as he plowed through the snow. Suddenly through the blizzard a large brick house materialized. As he neared the front of the house his knees smashed into something in the snow. Cursing and howling as he clutched at his bruised knees as they screamed in pain at whatever he had hit.
Cursing still he began clearing snow to find out what he had hit. He uncovered a wrought iron post with a sign hanging from it. He could not make out what it said in the darkness but the top had a cut out he felt with his hand was in the shape of a smiling tooth he shivered thinking about how he hated dentists. He stumbled forward to the house at last staggering onto a covered porch but before he could move to knock on the front door it flew open and a rather striking brunette woman appeared.
However Rick was not really paying much attention to her looks as much as the double barrel shot gun she was currently pointing at his head.
“Don’t you move a step or you will be dead before you can hit the snow” she scream as the blizzard whipped around them. Rick froze and very slowly raised his hands. The woman shouted something else but the
wind and snow carried her words away. Rick pointer to his helmet indicating he couldn’t hear her. She shouted something else but again the blizzards howling winds made it get lost in the storm. The woman guessed the issue and stepping back into the house motioned for Rick to follow her.
Rick carefully stumbled into the house immediately feeling warmth touch his frozen body. The woman stood a little back from the door pointing the shot gun at Rick and motioning to the door. Rick gratefully shut and locked the door against the howling blizzard. As he started to turn around he felt the barrel of the shot gun press to his neck, and he froze.
“Very slowly move close to the fireplace and drop to your knees” Rick still numb from cold and stinging knees nodded his helmeted head and stumbled toward the fireplace. Noticing that the room appeared to be a reception area of some kind, as several chairs were scattered around the room with magazines and pamphlets on small tables. He sank to his knees slowly close to the roaring fireplace.
The pretty woman came into view sitting in a chair near by pointing the shot gun at him “Ok mister who are the hell are you and what are you doing on my property” Rick pointed to his snowmobile helmet with goggles he still wore indicting could he remove it. “Ya you can take off the helmet but very slowly”
Rick awkwardly removed the helmet with his fingers still rather numb. When he finally got the helmet off his head with a small sigh of relief the woman was watching him with a critical eye but was resting the shot gun on her knees now at least. “My a cutie one at least” she smiled at him “so who are you?” Rick cleared his throat and in a dry voice said “my name Is Rick Jones I’m sorry I didn’t meant to trespass” he then went on to explain what happened to his snowmobile with the moose, the storm and the journey.
As the woman listened he was able to get a good look at her now, she looked like she was in her late 30’s same as him and was medium height with brunette hair in an elaborate long braid. He could tell she had a nice curvy figure he always enjoyed, and a rather impressive chest but the most striking feature were her eyes dark, almost black that examined him with a piercing quality that seemed to see straight through him.
"You're incredibly lucky you found my house, not many can get into this valley expect by the road” she said, as he finished his story. There was a friendly sweet quality to her voice now but also an intensity to her that made Rick a little nervous.
Her gaze drifted over him again, this time lingering on his face more intensely. There was something about the way she looked at him. As though she were deciding something right now. After moment she nodded to herself smiled warmly at him, and clicked the safety on her shot gun “you can get off your knees now Rick” “Thank you I’m again sorry Miss ?” “Veronica…Dr Veronica Nickles” she said with a level of authority Rick found surprising.
“Ahhh..well Dr Veronica” he tumbled over the formal title for moment I’m sorry about this If I can just stay till the storm passes and use a phone I can call for help and be gone in the morning”
Her posture relaxed further but her eyes took on a new calculating quality as he got up. “I’m sorry Rick no working phone with the storm and will worry about the rest later in the mean time you have been through a lot, and I didn’t mean scare you I would never turn someone away who needs my help.”
Rick began shivering and his teeth began to chatter from his soaking wet gear. Her eyes softened as she saw him shivering “Ohh Rick you poor dear come with me and we will get you out of those soaked cloths and put something warm in you.”
"Thank you ahh Dr… ahh I’m sorry how do I address you," Rick muttered, She again smiled and laughed “ohh I’m sorry Veronica is just fine please let me show you to my living room,” Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked to the door that lead to a long hallway. Rick hesitated for a moment, then followed Veronica down the hallway.
The first thing he noticed was the hallway smelled like antiseptics at a dental office that unique smell only they seem to have. As they walked down the hall he saw a sign by a room that said (Dental Surgery 1) the door was slightly open with a small light on near a computer terminal that had some kind of full mouth X-ray up on the screen. Otherwise the room was mostly in gloom and didn’t see much but it looked like there was a large dental chair in the low light. This room didn’t feel like a typical dental room but a more serious place he thought shivering again but not from the cold.
He must have stood there staring for sometime as suddenly Veronica was standing beside him watching his expression closely. “Come along Rick you will get sick if you stay in those wet cloths too long” she said gently pulling him with her along the hallway. “That is my surgical dental suite I was reviewing a patients file when you arrived”
She pulled him into a cozy living room that had a fire place dominating one wall with a large flat screen tv above it, and 2 cozy plush chairs facing it. While the other walls were lined with bookshelves and art.
“Please, take off all your cloths, you can hang them on that grate near the fireplace and wrap yourself in his,” she said handing him a large soft fluffy blanket. “Then please sit down Rick and get comfortable while I get you something to wear and something to warm you up” Veronica then with a swish of her braid left the room. While Rick gratefully began shedding his soaked winter gear hanging everything near the fireplace to dry. He then wrapped himself happily in the fluffy blanket and huddle in the chair letting the fires warmth soak into him as he watched through the window as the winter storm continued to rage outside.
Veronica returned with an odd loose, pale blue garment with long sleeves, elastic cuffs, and ties at the back. Veronica looked apologetic “sorry Rick I don’t have any male clothing that would work for you only these patient gowns for when I’m working on a patient so this will have to do till your clothing dries.”
“Don’t worry Veronica anything is better than being naked or frozen out in the woods” The sound of a kettle could be heard whistling gently in the distance. “I will be right back with some tea for you Rick” she said smiling.
While she was gone Rick awkwardly put on the blue patient gown and tied the back. The elastic cuffs were actually neat. However he again imagined being a patient wearing this gown and again shivered at the thought. He then wrapped the nice fluffy blanket around himself again and snuggled close to the fireplace. Veronica returned with a large cup of steaming of tea that smelled like lemon. “Thank you I appreciate the drink and gown” he said as she sat in the accompanying chair.
“My pleasure Rick I still feel bad for the whole shot gun part, but you have to be carful out here, but it’s nice surprise to have some company at this time of year.” Rick nodded taking a cautious sip but found it very tasty and not scalding hot, and began drinking it down rapidly.
“We’ll thank you have a really nice place here Veronica” He said gesturing around the room as he drank his tea. Veronica watched him drink his tea, and with a small smile, laughed sweetly “your very kind Rick” “It’s a bit more than what most people would expect out this far isn’t it?”
Rick nodded, starting to feeling a little warmer now. “So You’re a dentist, I guess?”
“Dental Surgeon,” she corrected smoothly. “You saw part of my dental surgery suite as we walked by I noticed you looked rather concerned as we did “haha yes ahh so dental surgeon, that sounds rather impressive, I had no idea,” he said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “I don’t know any dental surgeons I don't even visit the dentist unless I absolutely have to.”
Veronica laughed but her eyes sharpened, as he said that the calculating gaze returning to her eyes. “Ohh we are not bad people Rick most people don’t realize how much damage they can do by avoiding the dentist. Teeth are the foundation of your health, you know." “My speciality are the more serious teeth issues that require surgery with a speciality in dealing with nervous and difficult patients. Rick chuckled nervously. "Luckily I don't think I’ve had any real problems or am a nervous or difficult person. I mean, I brush... probably not as much as I should, and need to floss more but never had issues with my dentist"
Her eyes locked onto his, with an intense and piercing look. “Tell me Rick do you have all your wisdom teeth?” Rick froze.
He hadn’t been expecting such an odd question. His mouth opened as though to respond, but he hesitated. Why did she care? It was an odd question, but the way she asked made him feel like it wasn't a casual question.
"Uh," he stammered, glancing around the room as he suddenly felt very nervous. "I.….I think so? Why?"
Veronica’s lips quirked up into another smile at his answer. "It’s important to know. Some people don’t realize the impact they can have, you know.””They can cause a lot of pain, or even infection, if they’re not addressed properly. “I’ve seen it all impacted teeth, decayed roots, massive infections you’d be surprised how often wisdom teeth can cause serious health issues."
“Speaking of that Rick would you like a tour of my dental surgery suite?” “Ohh I would not want to bother you Veronica” Rick said but even with his fear of dentist he did feel rather interested about seeing her dental suite he had to admit.
“Ohh it’s no bother at all , come and bring your tea” Rick rather stiffly got up and followed Veronica out of the living room, and into the hallway. She was ahead of him going in and turning on all the light in (Dental Surgery 1) “Please Rick have a look I love showing people my dental surgery suite” she said with a sweep of her hand.
Rick walked in and his breath caught as he took in the room. In the centre of the room a huge, blue, surgical dental chair stood. The chair was already partially reclined with a strange blue pad that had all kinds of straps on it obviously meant to restraint a patient somehow. It was far more intimidating than anything Rick had encountered in routine dental visits. Above it a ring of surgical lights hung from the ceiling. Behind the chair, a large, anesthesia machine loomed with a long hose coiled around the side that ended in a pale blue mask that would cover a persons nose and mouth. Beside it an IV stand and a heart rate monitor unit could also be seen. Rick shivered in fear as he imagined being restrained in the dental chair as that mask was put over your face and the terrible things that could be done to your teeth. He always had a fear of dentists they always freaked him out.
He shivered again and then jumped as he felt Veronica touch his shoulder. “What do you think” she whispered softly “impressive right” “Ya Rick said in a slightly daze voice as he started to feel rather light headed and sleepy. “It’s very impressive you clearly are very talented.”
Veronica again giving him a strange calculating look as she watched his expression and then smiled at him again with genuine warmth in it. “Your very kind Rick It has taken me a long time get to where I am but appreciate your words.” “I’m very passionate about my work my specialities are wisdom teeth and more intense surgical extraction and even denture implants. But I also enjoy the classic items when I’m bored like cavities and root canals are also fun” “Basically I’m a one stop dentist” she said smiling with delight as she finished.
Rick turned eager to leave the room as Veronica finished her explanation looking forward to sit by the cozy fireplace as he was feeling rather drowsy. However as he turned to leave Veronica was suddenly in front of him blocking the doorway. “Rick since you’re already here would you mind if I took a quick look at your teeth?”
Rick’s heart skipped a beat. There was a certain unspoken command in her tone. She wasn’t really asking him.
“I... ohh…I…don’t think so Veronica I have never had great experiences with Dentists” Rick said, his voice shaking slightly but not from cold. “I’m really just exhausted, if you have a place I can rest I’ll be good as new to leave in the morning.”
But Veronica didn’t back off. She moved closer to him making him backup towards the dental chair. Her black eyes flashing with an unwavering determination. "Rick I insist I examine you” “You have been through a lot and a simple examination could save you a lot of pain down the line.” “I’m a professional, plus” she smiled “it will give me something to do as we will both be together till the blizzard passes."
Rick’s instincts were feeling more and more sluggish normally he would have said defiantly no and changed topics and gently pushed past her more forcefully, but he was feeling more and more sleepy and it was getting harder to think straight.
“I…I…alright Veronica but just a quick look ok.” Veronica’s face light up and she smiled brightly. “Ohh thank you Rick you made the right choice,” she said, her voice full of satisfaction and eagerness.
Veronica then looked Rick over with her calculating eyes again. “Luckily you’re already dressed properly for a full dental procedure,” she said, gesturing to the pale blue patient gown he was wearing.”
Before he could say anything to that odd comment, she was pulling him toward the dental chair. Rick allowed himself to be pulled stumbling as they got close, and almost pitching face first onto the chair. Veronica caught Rick and helped him sit down on the dental chair with surprising strength. “Rick are you alright you look rather weak” Rick’s thoughts were becoming slower and it was getting harder to keep his eyes open. “Just tired from everything, I also hit my knees on your sign outside so probably that also he said sleepily.
“Ohh you poor dear here lie down and relax while I check your teeth” she said taking the almost empty tea mug from him and gently pushing him so he was lying down in the dental chair. Rick found himself looking up at the large array of surgical light above him. Suddenly Veronica was beside him holding his left arm. “Rick you seem very drowsy, and I don’t want you falling out of the dental chair while I look at your teeth. I’m just going to strap you in for your safety ok”
Before Rick could really respond or process what she was saying. She quickly used a set of padded Velcro straps to softly bind his wrists, the straps were then attached to the pad. She secured his left arm first, and then the right strapping both his wrists, to the odd blue pad. “Ahh wait Veronica I’m not going to fall out please undo these” “Shh your my patient Rick and I need to make sure your safe, normally these are for nervous or difficult patients and these handy wristlets are fast and easy to get patients secured before they know what’s happening.
As she said this he could feel the wrist pads being gently drawn down by her. “What I’m putting you in is called a papoose board. It's just like that fluffy warm blanket I gave you before wrapped around you, it will also keep you cozy, and as a bonus you stay safe”
Next, Veronica then. pulled two large, soft, blue blankets over his chest and arms, from each side of the chair. Rick could see that they connected to each other with a series of velcro strips, restraining him in place. He admitted to himself he did feel warm and cozy wrapped in them. Veronica then walked around adjusting the restraints on the chair. Rick could not see from his position but she also quietly put a thin strap went over his ankles, pulling them firmly against the chair's leg rest. Then two more connected over his shoulders, which gently prevented Rick from sliding out of the warm blanket. He didn’t realized it yet but they both enclosed and trapped him in the dental chair.
Veronica then stepped back and admired her work before coming back over to look down at Rick who was drowsily looking up at the surgical lights. “You’re all set Rick” Veronica smiled and clapped her hands together as she went and opened a cupboard pulling out a dental tray wrapped in a sterile plastic that she opened. The tray held only a dental mirror and a couple explorer picks nothing too concerning he was relieved to see. She then place it on an arm unit and swung it over the chair.
She then turned on the large array of surgical lights above him and gentle placed some tinted sunglasses over his face to shield him from the blinding surgical lights. As Rick lay there he could not understand why his mind was so slow he couldn’t be his tired from his journey it didn’t make sense. “So, Rick be honest are you a difficult patient?”
Rick laughed sleepily “that’s an odd question to ask Veronica”
“Well I am a dentist and I’m asking you,” she replied, appearing above him with a blue surgical face mask on, and a pair of blue surgical gloves. Her tone was playful but firm.
He leaned back, in the chair trying to answer but finding it harder and harder to focus. The question seemed innocent enough despite the oddness of the situation. “Easy I guess but hmm never trusted dentist so hmm” he murmured.
Dr. Veronica chuckled as she adjusted the overhead surgical lights. “Well, have to see then won’t we open wide, Rick. Let’s take look and find out what we’re working with here”
Rick still felt nervously even as he drowsily felt Veronica open his mouth and insert a bite block to keep it propped open. She gently prodded his teeth with a mirror and explorer pick, the metallic tang of the tools sharp on his tongue. "I see some areas of concern already," she murmured, frowning slightly as she examined his teeth. “You need to brush better as well” she murmured.
"Isss Baaa…?" Rick murmured, his voice not sounding right with bite block.
"I would like to take some X-rays to get the full picture. There’s no charge, so don’t argue or else ok Rick." Her tone left no room for protest, and before Rick could object, she was already setting up a strange X-ray machine that she pulled on a mobile arm put a lead apron over him. After a few moments the X-Ray unit was lowered and she then held his mouth open as his teeth then sank into a strange gel mouth mold. “Bit down hard Rick his unit will take a impression of your teeth and scan your entire mouth with it’s sensors from multiple angles” Rick drowsily bit down as hard as he could,he heard a series of clicks and felt vibrating in his mouth. After a few minutes the X-rays were done. Dr. Veronica then removed the unit and took a few minutes to click through the various X-ray shots on a computer monitor near the chair.
Rick had no idea how dentists interpret such odd pictures, but he felt himself getting agitated despite the drowsiness and more nervous he watched her brow furrowed as she studied the various X-Ray images. After a few minutes she turned the monitor around and pulled it over to the chair angling it so he could see it.
Let’s start with the big ones," she said, tapping the screen of X-rays. "All four of your wisdom teeth are causing problems. Tooth #1, upper right, is completely impacted and pressing into the molar next to it. Tooth #16, upper left, is partially erupted and already showing decay."
Rick groaned, his stomach sinking.
"That’s not all," she continued. "Tooth #17, lower left, grow out at an angle and is creating a pocket that is slightly infected And tooth #32, lower right, is only partially erupted and inflamed. All four need to come out." moving her pen to another spot. "Here, tooth #19, you’ve got a deep cavity it’s already infected some of the nerve. You will need a root canal and crown but it may be too late so once I drill I will know if I need to perform an extraction."
She continued, tapping at other areas. "Tooth #14 & #15 both have medium-sized cavities, tooth #30 has an old filling that’s breaking down. While #18 again has a bad cavity probably needs to be a root canal also. Rick closed his eyes feeling, overwhelmed. "Ahh Veronica thatsss a lott to thinkk on hmmm , thankkkss for lookoong at meeee I….will fixxx ittt latter…” "What do you mean later Rick” she said interrupting him, and coming to look down at him closely. "You’ve got serious dental issues, Rick, and I won’t take no for an answer. Lucky for you, you’ve found the perfect person to help. I’ll fix all your issues, and we’ll figure the rest out later."
“Ahh too much my hmmm VVVeronicaaa mmoneeyy” He sighed, drowsily realizing he would need to deal with the issues soon though.
Suddenly Veronica now right beside his face in an instant her eyes very intense on his face. “Rick your teeth need help immediately, and I won’t let you go till I have fixed everything no charge.
“Nooo jusstt …. Undo….,.meee….” He sleepily murmured.
“Rick” she said these words in a quiet sweet voice. “As your dentist I’m going to fix your teeth I know how to deal with difficult and nervous patients.” “I figured you may not let me work on your teeth so I spiked your tea earlier with my standard pre op surgery drug, and as you see you’re restrained.
“Now Rick are you going to be a good patient or are going to be a difficult one and fight me” she smiled with a predator smile as she took her mask and gloves off “Think on it Rick close your eyes and sleep a little while I go change, and prep for your surgery then we can start on removing those wisdom teeth of yours”
Rick drowsily tired for a moment to wiggle his wrists but he was so tired and couldn’t move. He heard Veronica’s foot steps leaving the room, and the surgical light array dimmed. He thought he heard gentle jazz music playing as he finally gave in and let sleep consume him.
This final thought was what Dr Veronica would do to him when she returned?
End Chapter 1
Great beginning of the story! :)
Long but nice. I hope Treatment become …