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Adventures Of Becky and Ralph

Ralph's Impacted Colon

Becky was surprised to see Ralph's truck in the drive when she got home from the hospital. Usually on Friday Ralph never got home before 5:00, but here he was. She pulled in next to him, grabbed her purse and headed into the house.

Becky found Ralph on the couch curled up in the fetal position. Ralph usually never got sick, so Becky knew if he got home early, and was not watching television, something must be wrong.

“Hey babe,” she asked, “what’s up? Are you not feeling well?”

Ralph groaned, rolled over and said, “I feel horrible. I have stomach cramps; I think I may have a bit of a fever. Things were dead at the shop so I came home.”

Becky walked over to the couch and sat next to Ralph. Reaching out, she felt his forehead.

“Yeah, you do feel a little warm, you said your tummy wasn’t feeling good either?”

“It’s been kinda crampy today,” Ralph said.

Becky reached over and felt Ralph’s tummy. It was hard as a rock. She was getting the idea of what was wrong.

“Honey, have you been drinking enough water and stuff? I bought you some Gatorade to take to work. I know your shop gets hot, and I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”

Ralph winced as he rolled over again. “I probably have not been drinking enough. I took some Gatorade to work but I forgot and left it in the truck. The drinking fountains at work use the well water, and it tastes like shit. So, you’re probably right, I probably haven’t been drinking enough.”

“That’s my guess,” Becky said. “I just hope you’re not impacted like you got a couple years ago. Remember? That was kinda rough. That was that real hot summer and you were always dehydrated. I hope that’s not your problem again.”

Becky told Ralph she was going to get him some water and headed to the kitchen. She thought back to the last episode like this. She and Ralph let it slide a few days and Ralph almost ended up in the hospital. Becky thought she should be a bit more aggressive treating this situation. She swung through the bathroom on the way back to Ralph and grabbed a few things.

“Honey, I’d like you to drink this, then roll over on your tummy, there is something I would like to check.”

Ralph chugged the glass of cool water then rolled over. As was his custom he had slipped off his jeans when he got home so he was only wearing his BVD’s.

“I want to check to see if you are developing an impaction. When you get dehydrated your body sucks out all the water it can from your poop before getting rid of it. If it gets too dry it can be extremely hard to get out. The last time this happened we let it go too long. I don’t want to do that again. Do you remember when was the last time you had a BM?”

Ralph thought for a minute, then told Becky he really had no idea how long it had been.

“OK, I want to check and see how things are inside you. I’m going to lube my finger and insert it. I will be able to feel what is in there and maybe we can get an idea how much we need to do.”

“OK Doc, what ever you think best. I would really like to get over feeling like this.”

Becky slipped on one of her non-sterile gloves and got a nice gob of lube on the end of her index finger. She asked Ralph to slide his undies down and spread his cheeks. When Ralph had assumed the position she slipped her finger in. Reaching around inside Ralph’s rectum, her suspicions were confirmed.

“Honey, it feels like someone dumped a load of river gravel in your ass. Really hard and I don’t think you want to wait until it gets any worse.”

Ralph looked over his shoulder, “What do you want to do?”

Becky told him she was going to fill a small syringe with oil and inject it into his butt. It should soften things up enough to get things moving again. She rummaged about in her junk box and found a 30-cc. irrigation syringe. She went to the kitchen and filled the syringe with some of her cheap olive oil. It would not need to be heated; she would use it at room temp. She headed back to the family room.

“OK babe, I’m going to squirt this into you. Hopefully it will soften things up and the problem will be solved. I want you to hold it as long as you can. The longer you can hold it, the better it will work. I need to go take my shower, I hat doing anymore around here than necessary with hospital cooties on me, but you come first. OK, I’m going to put it in now.”

Ralph was still well lubed from the original exam and the tip went in smoothly. Becky told him she was going to inject it slowly so it would be easier to hold it for a while. Becky was about half way through when she asked, “You doing OK sweetie?”

Ralph said he was fine and not having any problems. Becky finished injecting the syringe. She had fleeting thoughts of getting one of her butt plugs for Ralph, but she wasn’t sure if this was the time or the place. Ralph was usually rather adventurous, but if he was not feeling good he might not be in the mood for something out of the ordinary.

“OK, I’m going to take my shower now. Try to hold it as long as you can.” That said, she headed to the master bath. She stripped off her scrubs and caught a glance of herself in the mirror. “Not bad for an old broad.” She thought.

She did her quick shower routine tonight not wanting to take extra time in the shower since she had a patient to tend to. As she was rinsing her hair she heard Ralph come in and sit on the toilet.

“Don’t flush it when you’re done, I need to see what came out. You held that for a long time. Are you feeling any different?”

“No, not really. I’m going to go lay down again.”

Becky finished her shower and got out to dry off. She looked in the toilet. A little oil slick on the surface, a small handful, perhaps a half cup of small turds. She thought it looked like deer crap. She knew that phase of Ralph’s treatment would not be enough.

Becky went back to the family room and sat next to Ralph. He said he wasn’t really feeling any better.

“Honey, I think the next thing is we’ll need to give you a regular enema. It should soften up what’s in your colon and it will also wash any oil left in there. I’m going to make some warm water with a touch of castile soap in it. I’m going to spread some towels on the bed, that’s where I’ll give it to you.

I’ll give you a shout when it’s ready.”

Becky got up and headed to the linen closet. She grabbed a couple big bath towels and a rubber pad she had kept from when she babysat her sister’s kids. Spreading everything out on the bed, she thought it looked all cozy and comfortable.

“Hey Ralph,” she called out, “come on in here.” As Ralph started to climb into bed Becky positioned him so his bottom was in the center of the towels. She patted his bottom and told him she wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. As he settled in Becky got his bathrobe off the hook on the door and laid it on him like a blanket. Ralph murmured a soft thank you.

“I’ll go fix your enema now babe, just relax and take it easy. I won’t be long.”

Becky went back to her linen closet and got the box containing all her enema equipment. Since Ralph’s colon was already rather full she decided to start with the 1.5-liter bag she like to use when she just wanted a quick cleanout. She also grabbed her digital thermometer. She went to the kitchen and started the hot water; she was hoping to get the temp right quickly. When the water felt about right she opened the mouth of the bag and filled it with the valve open to rinse everything out well. After closing the valve and getting it as full as she could, she dipped her digital fever thermometer in to the water. 102.4, that’s perfect she thought. She added a squirt of castile soap and gently turned the bag over and back a few times. She knew Ralph was not feeling well, but she hoped he could find something about the procedure to enjoy.

Walking into the bedroom she noticed Ralph had not moved.

“OK babe, we’re ready to begin.” She flipped the robe up that was covering his butt. “I made the water nice and warm so it should feel good going in. You may get some cramps, but if you do let me know and I’ll stop the flow until they stop. You’ll probably feel like you have to go really bad, but try to let those feeling pass and get as much in as you can. I’m going to keep the bag low so there is not much pressure. I’m going to lube you up, and then I’ll insert the nozzle and start the flow.”

She laid the full bag on the towel and got the jar of lube. Lifting his butt cheek, she saw he was still rather greasy from their earlier endeavors. She decided “What the heck” and got another gob of lube on her finger. She didn’t have any gloves, and as she had just gotten rid of all the hospital crud, so she didn’t mind working with bare hands. She took the gob of lube and wiped it off directly on Ralph’s anus. She started swirling it around, just barely dipping her finger in occasionally. She was not surprised that she got no reaction from Ralph. Ralph was never averse to backdoor play, but he never really seemed to be an enthusiast either. Becky was thinking that perhaps she could make a convert of him. She slowly slid her index finger in completely. Twirling it around in him she expected a response. Nothing. She pulled her finger out and slid in her index and middle finger.

“Whoa!” Ralph exclaimed. “That’s a big nozzle you got there.”

“No honey, those are my fingers, I wanted to make sure we didn’t have any obstructions.” Becky smiled that she had finally gotten a response. She picked up the nozzle and told Ralph she was going to insert it. She had decided to use a barium enema nozzle that she had brought home from the hospital. The tip was about a one-inch diameter so she thought it would stay in easily but not be hard to insert. She touched it to Ralph’s anus and began a gentle pressure. She was surprised he didn’t clinch up like so many people do, perhaps her earlier manipulations had prepared him for this. She slowly inserted about four inches of the nozzle and stopped.

“Are you ready for the water?”

“Whatever you say Doc.”

She had hung the bag on one of the dresser drawer handles with the s-hook that came with the bag. She knew the bag with a liter and a half was not heavy enough to break anything. She would never try that with any of her bigger bags. The height of the bag was just right, about a foot and a half higher that Ralph’s butt. As she looked at the bag memories came back, fond memories. Her mom had bought her her first bag when her periods started. Her mother gave her the basic instructions and left Becky to figure out the rest, and figure it out she did. Back in those days she had two to three hours after school before anyone else got home so she explored all the erotic aspects enemas and such pursuits.

“Here comes the water,” she said, and opened the clamp.

“Yeah, I feel it,” Ralph said. “It feels warm.”

“Yes, I made it warm because I wanted you to be comfortable and enjoy it. Let me know if you get any cramps, and I’ll stop the flow for a minute or two.”

Ralph grunted agreement. Becky looked at the bag. The flow was going slow like she had wanted.

“Any cramps?”

“Nothing serious”

She reached over his hip and began to lightly massage his tummy. She was pleased at how well Ralph was doing with her doctoring. She reached down to be sure the nozzle was still well in place. It had slid out a couple inches so she re-inserted all the way. A little smile crossed her lips. She drew the nozzle back out a couple inches, then slid it back in. Again. She asked Ralph if he was crampy and he said he wasn’t. She looked at the bag. It was about half gone.

“Time to roll over on your back.”

Beck held the hose and the nozzle in place so nothing would get in Ralph’s way as he rolled over. As he settled in on his back Becky flipped his robe down so it covered his junk. She did not want either of them to lose their focus on the backdoor activities. She massaged his tummy some more through his robe. She asked how he was feeling.

“Not bad, it’s kinda like a heating pad, but on the inside. I am really starting to feel full.”

Becky looked at the bag again. There was only about a quarter of the water left. She figured if he was going to get anything in his ascending colon it was time to roll on his right side. Again, they did the dance of holding hoses and nozzles and robes and Ralph got on his right side. Becky reached over Ralph to check the nozzle again. The nozzle had once again slid out a couple inches. Becky slid it back in again, but this time she tilted it and aimed it towards his belly button. She gently slid it back and forth, each stroke lightly brushing the back of his prostate. She tilted it slightly more, increasing the pressure. She looked over at the bag, it was empty. She continued stroking.

“Whatever you’re doing feels really good, but I gotta go, like right now.”

Becky slid the nozzle out and got out of the way as Ralph made a dash to the toilet. Listening to the grunts and groans from Ralph, and the sounds of his expulsions, she knew the enema had had its desired effect. She discretely reached around the door frame and flicked on the exhaust fan.

“I’ll give you a few minutes and check back on you. Don’t bother washing up quite yet.”

Becky was already formulating phase two of Ralph’s treatment. She went to the closet and got her two-quart bag. In the kitchen she filled it with warm water and a tablespoon of salt. She was going to try an idea she had worked on for a while but had never had much success doing by herself. She went to the bedroom and switched bags on the hook. Ralph called out from the bathroom that he was done. Becky told him to just give himself a quick wash down there but not to worry about getting the lube off. Ralph responded with a skeptical sounding “OK”. Ralph did what was needed and returned to the bedroom.

“OK sweetie, that enema contained a soap solution. It will leave a residue in you that might irritate your intestinal lining. I made an enema of plain water to rinse you out with, and that will leave you feeling much better. It’s warm like the other enema, but it’s a little bigger since you’re almost empty now.”

“OK, that first one wasn’t bad at all. I trust your judgement. What do you want me to do?”

Becky instructed him to lie on his left side like before, but she was going to try a different style nozzle. She had taken twelve inches of latex tubing and slipped over the regular enema nozzle. She was attempting a DIY colon tube. She knew neither she nor Ralph had a latex allergy, so she going to give it a try. She had tried to use it on herself, but it just didn’t seem to work well. The hose was too flexible and with enough lube on it, it was too hard to hold tightly and insert. Ralph was going to be her guinea pig, in a good way.

“OK, I want you to just relax like you did before. This nozzle is soft and flexible, not like the other one. There’s no soap in this enema so you should have very little cramping. I should be able to get this deep enough that you don’t feel as much need to release.”

Ralph said he understood and Becky began. She had a syringe with 5 ccs of water-based lube which she injected into Ralph’s rectum. She took the hose and began to insert. She wanted to see how far she could get before she needed to start the water. The first few inches went in very easily, virtually no resistance. She did not want any resistance that might possibly bend the hose over on itself. She slipped more in. She felt something blocking the way and she assumed it was one of the bends. She reached over and released the clamp, allowing a sow flow. As the water flowed she applied ever so gentle pressure and the last six inches went in easily.

“How you doing Honey?”

“It feels a little different than last time. I feel I’m getting fuller, but I don’t feel like I need to run to the toilet.”

With the hose fully inserted, Becky asked Ralph to roll on his back. She could see his tummy was slightly distended. He still had half of the bag to go. As he lay there with his dick stretched out across his tummy Becky so wanted to take hold of it and start to play, but she stuck to her commitment to make this session solely about the back door. She reached up and gently massaged his tummy. She looked over and saw the bag was almost empty.

“This time after you’re empty why don’t you just take a little nap. This sort of thing really relaxes me and I like to finish a session with a nap, maybe that would work for you too.”

“OK, I can do that.”

After Ralph finished his thing in the bathroom he returned to the bedroom. Becky was lying on the bed looking at her phone. She looked up and saw him standing there naked, and thought of jumping him right then and there crossed her mind. She knew he was tired, and if anything, he could use a nap more than a roll in the hay. Besides, she had phase three of his treatment developing in her mind.

“Here you go Honey, why don’t you snuggle in and you can get one of you power naps. I’ll bring you something to drink in about half an hour.”

“That sounds great. I really do feel better, I think I may see why you like taking your enemas so much. I appreciate when you have new ideas. As long as you don’t get into pain, or whips & chains, I’m probably good to give anything a try.”

“OK, sweet dreams babe.”

Becky turned out the light and quietly left the room. A smile crept across her lips as she thought about what was in store for Ralph after naptime.

To be continued ………………………..


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