Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Thirteen

That Sunday, after services at First Presbyterian Church the Richardsons set up in the basement. Doctor Richardson would talk with the young men and Fiona and his sister Mary with the young ladies.

“Gee Mary, it’s nice to see you in something other than black.”

“Thanks Fiona, I wanted to look professional so I wore my nurse’s uniform. Anyways I have one sex ed film I borrowed from the library at the hospital in the projector. It’s kind of corny.. And a bunch of girls dropped questions in the anonymous box for us.”

“Yeah it’s kind of stuffed for only nine ladies coming down… I made Tea and brought in Pastries… How are things with you and Mark?”

“Good, we haven’t slept together again if you’re wondering… It’s difficult cause we really connect somehow…Oh God Fiona, the sexual tension! But with James it was just… I was just… well you could tell it wasn’t his thing… Now Mark… He actually wants me to enjoy myself.. And experiment… and… he knows how to use the tongue in bed…”

“Oh ummm…” Fiona responded not knowing what to say. “Umm.. How was James doing though?”

“Oh, he’s happy… Glad I didn’t just out him… it would make things so hard for him, but he moved in with his latest fling… He’s happy for me also… Maybe we’ll be friends. I can see that.”

“That’s good and my advice for you… As an unexpected mother… be careful in relieving that built up tension…”

Mary chuckled. “I keep condoms in my purse… just in case.. Don’t you dare tell my brother.”

“Mary, your first date overnight left him scarred for life…”

“Poor Willie…” Mary joked… “Mark regretted telling him we used the whole package of…Never mind…”

“Yeah, William mumbled something to me about that… How many are in a package?”

“12… I had used some with James…” She said a little embarrassed now.

“Still! My gosh Mary! You really didn’t sleep at all that night! How could you walk the next day!”

“Well…” Mary said a little embarrassed “We cuddled too.”

“How many did you have left with you?”

“Eight…” Now flush with blushing, Mary responded sheepishly

“Eight times!!!! You didn’t cuddle much then!”

Soon the young engaged ladies filed in. After watching the admittedly corny but matter of fact 16mm film Fiona walked over to the anonymous question box and pulled the first one out. "How often should I expect to do wifely duties? What do they mean by wifely duties?"

"You know in the bedroom?" Mary said.

"You mean sex?" Fiona asked.

A shy voice came from the back of the room "Yes, my mother says I should be prepared but I shouldn't enjoy it."

"Ummmm..." Fiona said confused

Mary chimed up "Sex is great. I love sex but when you both want it is the answer... Maybe you should expect to talk with your husband about it?"

"How often do you have sex?" the same shy voice said.

"What?" Fiona again said confused

"In the bedroom? With your husband..."

"Ummm... When we feel like it... I don't know... It's not a set number...."

“Nurse Mary, did you just say you had sex?” another, much less shy voice said.


“With your Fiance?”

“Ummm… No.. But…” She responded, not really sure how to explain herself to a group of church ladies.

“How do you not get pregnant?”

“Well I have my partner use a condom.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a covering that goes over his penis before we have intercourse.”


“You can get them at the drugstore. Oh…” She went into her purse and pulled one out.. “Fiona here, do me a favor. Can you hold two fingers up like this for me?” Fiona with a confused look on her face did as she was told as Mary took one out of the wrapper and rolled it over Finona’s fingers… “You kind of put it on like this… Now if you think it’s going to kill the mood… or your husband or partner thinks it kills the mood, just do it as part of foreplay… trust me men just want their penis played with… and well it’s bigger than her fingers… I hope… but you girls get the idea?”The girls were giggling with nervous laughter, while Fiona was red with embarrassment wishing the ground would just swallow her whole.

“Are there other ways? Ummm I keep my bra on with my fiance.” A small young blonde woman said.

“What?” Mary said, confused.

“Well I want to stay a virgin until I am married so I keep my bra on…”

And even more confused “What?”

“You’re still a virgin if you keep your bra on, right?”

“You have his penis inside your vagina?”

“But I keep my bra on… Can’t call it sex or get pregnant if you keep your bra on..”

“What? Really? How would that protect you? Really now… let’s use some critical thinking skills… Sorry… I just never heard that one before… I didn’t mean to embarrass you… OK Girls umm… I’ll be honest, the ONLY way to be 100% sure not to get pregnant is not to have sex. Any sperm near your vagina and you COULD become pregnant… I’ll be 100% honest again.. Yeah I have had sex, I have used a condom but even that’s not 100% don’t have sex with anyone you wouldn’t want to have a baby with.”

“My mom says you need to… let’s see what’s the right word.. Orgasm to become pregnant.” another ask.

“No, not true.” Fiona squeaked out.

“You haven’t had an orgasm Mrs Richardson?”

“Oh I have… I just… I didn’t the first time I had sex, and ummm…. 9 months later…”

“You can get pregnant your first time?” another girl asked

“Oh yes… it’s still sex.”

“What about it hurting the first time?” a very shy voice said

“OH well everyone is different.” Mary said. “I mean ummm so much is going on.. So many differences…”

“Well like?” the same girl asked

“Who here has had a shot?” Mary asked and all of the hands went up. “Some of you probably aren’t too bothered by them but I bet a few of you think they really hurt… So every one is different… Now who’s had a shot that hurts badly and then another that hasn’t?” about half the hands went up… “Now OK needles come in different sizes, the thicker the needle, the more it can hurt… A penis is kind of like that. They come in all sizes, just like you all come in all sizes… and some people react differently.”

“Nurse Mary, Ummm…”

“Yes miss?”

“Ummmm…hi… I’m Emily Ummm… How do we know everything is normal down there.. Umm… and healthy.”

“Oh, have you ever talked to your doctor?”

“Ummm it’s your brother… umm no… he’s only seen the outside…”

“Well maybe you should have him do an internal exam if you’re really concerned. It’s not a big deal.”

“What?” Fiona interjected.

“Well yes and the new papsmear guidelines are age 18… and you’re all older than that in here.”

“Can I bring my sister along?” A girl asked, reaching across and grabbing another girls hand. “We are having a double wedding.”

“Are… you girls twins?” Fiona said, a bit shocked.

“Oh yes and if there is any trouble just talk to me and I will arrange it.”

“Emily you’re our cousin you come with us too!”

“That’s a great idea, girls should support each other and not be ashamed about their health.” Mary said with a smile.

“Mary… Ummm…” Fiona said, nudging her.

“Oh yes Fiona? Did you go with one of your sisters?”

“Oh… no… Ummm… my mom but… some ladies like to go alone also… that’s ok..”

“Oh yes that’s fine too but. I mean unless the doctor is your brother just go and do it. Not that big a deal. I promise it’s not as bad as you think.”

Soon the meeting was over and Mary went outside to have a cigarette while Fiona went to go chat with her husband. “William, your sister is nuts.”

“How so Fi?”

“She talked about sexual health with no…inhibition…”

“Well, she is a nurse… Not much can phase a nurse… My side went well, honestly they are probably just as nervous, and excited as the young ladies…. But where did this keeping your bra on rumor start? That will never work.”

“Oh… Yeah must have been Emily’s fiance… she thought it meant they were still virgins… Mary was kind of shocked… You’re her doctor?”

“Yes. why?”

“Maybe you should say something to young ladies about… and young men too…”

“After today I will probably start doing so…”

“She’s kind of pretty… Emily that is.”

“Yes I guess so. Her and her mom were some of my first patients.”

“Her mom too?!”

“Yes her mom had to see me for some insurance forms and brought Sally by the next week.”

“Do you know her twin cousins?”

“No… Why?”

“Nothing…I’m going to go see if Audrey wants an ice cream if you and Mary want to handle the kiddies for a while. I need a break.”

“Sure Fi…”

Later over an ice cream in a quiet corner. “Audrey, I just want to be forward… Have you ever seen my husband do Emily Adams’ physicals?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“I’m kind of curious about them… I want to compare them to mine at her age and… I think she’s cute.”

“Really now?” Audrey chuckled.

“What?” Fiona asked

“Does your husband know you think she’s cute?”

“Yes… maybe… I don’t know, this is really for me.”

“Sure Fiona, but her mother was much more interesting.”

“How so?”

“Well she’s the pastor’s wife and.. I think she knocks boots with him a lot… and well was one of the special cases…”

“Special cases?”

“She enjoyed her exam… a lot… And she really didn’t seem like the type..”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember when you acted really…. Umm… proper when you met Jeanette and myself? She’s like that and not acting… Drives Emily crazy… She’s so formal and tough.”

“Oh, interesting! OK Tell me about her after I hear about Emily…”

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“Did umm, Emily enjoy it like her mother?”

“Oh, no… but her mother hovered over her exam like a watchful mother hen. Might have bothered Emily a bit. She strikes me as the really strict type.”

“Oh well umm… Did William see her topless?”

“Yes, for the stethoscope and a breast exam, at her mother's insistence.”

“Oh? Ummm did he do a pelvic exam?”

“Oh no, she tried to have him do one, but Emily said she was really scared and uncomfortable so he wouldn’t… But that's where it gets interesting…”

“How so?”

“After he did an external exam on her, with her mother looking over our shoulders… Her mother asked if Emily could be in the room for her pelvic exam, so she could see it’s nothing scary. I think we both thought it was weird but he said ok…”

“Audrey? How does he do an external exam?”

“He has the girl slip out of her panties, bring her heels to her bottom, and tells her to let her knees fall open.”

“And then?”

“He spreads their labia, and’s over pretty quick.”

“Oh wow… but yeah my doctor did that growing up to me and my sisters but… I never liked it… Can’t imagine my mom looking on…”

“William kind of bumped her out of the way, I don’t think he was thrilled either…”

“What did she look like without clothes on?”

“Geez Fiona,” Audrey chuckled. “Fine, a little taller and fuller than her mother, but her mom is really thin, especially for a woman in her late 40’s. And your Husband was professional… Don’t think he liked her mother prying into her privacy like that… “

“OK well her mother’s exam? How did Emily react to being in the room?”

“It was awkward, she just kind of looked at the floor the whole time… But her mother was super interesting to me… I never saw that side of her before… or…”

“Do tell?”

“Well ummm she was extremely formal and proper but also… She had four sexual partners including her husband… and..” in a whispering tone.. “Sex injuries… but she also wasn’t ashamed of it either… matter of fact about it…”

“Four!” Fiona said shocked before quieting down. “Sex injuries?”

“Well she had a bite mark on her left breast… A bruised cervix and anus… when your husband asked about it, really out of concern for her, she just commented nonchalantly ‘Is it really love if it’s not passionate? Is it really passionate if it doesn’t hurt a little?.’ I think that made him a little uncomfortable though.”

“Oh wow… You said she was aroused though?”

“Oh obviously so… Her nipples went hard erect during the breast exam, that can just happen but her vulva, it was certainly wet and aroused. Neither of them said anything about it but… yeah…”

“Oh my…”

“Well she did mention to use a medium or small speculum because Emily was a C-Section and…”

“Wow still…Do you know what one he used?”

“Medium Graves… but she’s pretty tiny… it looked huge in her…”

“Oh wow still… Just wow? She liked my husband’s exam that much?”

“Yes but like I said, I didn't act like it… It was as if it was just what happened to her. Neither of them acted inappropriately and Emily seemed really taken aback by it all… Though when it was all over she told Emily she really needs one before getting married.”

“Yeah umm… She might be making an appointment with her cousins… The twins…”


“Yes, it came up today… They might all go together? Not sure how that will work out, but umm… Probably better than her mom…”

“Oh, I suppose you’ll want to hear more about it then.” Audrey said with a wink.

“Of course Audrey. Glad we are friends now.”

“Me too… I’ll pop the hint to Jeanette to have me around ok?”

“Thanks again.” Fiona said before going about her day.

A few days later Fiona was out in town, when she was spotted by Emily. “Mrs Richardson! Mrs Richardson?”

“OH Hello Emily.”

“You remember me?”

“Of course you and your cousins, the twins.”

“Can we talk for a minute?” Emily said shyly.

“Sure. What’s the matter Emily?”

“I mean you.. Ummm… well my mom and aunt just made an appointment for myself and my cousins with your husband… for a full pelvic exam… but ummm…I’m really nervous.”

“That’s understandable, I don’t like them either, but it’s for your own health.” Fiona said, shocking herself, she wasn’t trying to talk her into seeing another doctor.

“It’s my mom though… Ummm…”

“She’s been really weird since I got engaged… She seems almost thrilled I am doing this… She ummm was the one who said keeping my bra on would keep me a virgin… and I should try it with him now that I am engaged… and we have but… she was actually happy about it… Just making me uncomfortable… Can I have you over for tea and maybe we talk with her?”

“OK Miss, anytime, OK? Here have my phone number” Fiona responded and scribbled it onto some note paper in her purse.