Doctor William Richardson
Chapter Twelve
It’s been three years since we last met with our characters. It is now early Summer 1961 Susie had just gotten back from her honeymoon and Susie, Fiona, Jeanette, and Audry were crowded into a diner booth.
“Well…” Fiona asked Susie. “How was the honeymoon?”
“Fine.. we went to Maine, sat on the beach a lot, but the water was cold.”
“That’s not what I meant Susie, how was the HONEY.. MOON.” Fiona asked, with a wink.
“Yeah, we’re all ladies here.. Three of us are married now… and Audrey is probably curious.” Jeanette said.
“Weird… at first… better later…”
“Weird how?” Fiona asked..
“I mean we fooled around and stuff, just never, you know… and well, we got to the motel and I was like “I think we are supposed to have sex now.” Tommy kind of chuckled.. So I went to the bathroom and undressed. I came out… it was kind of already hard… he was just laying there naked with his manhood out…”
“And then?” Jeanette asked.
“He kissed me once.. Then got on top of me… and.. Put it in… or um tried too… I just kind of started crying from the pain and he took it out and said he was sorry… so instead of sex… we called it breaking the seal… ummm… not sexy… his rod was bloody… I was kind of ashamed I wasn’t a good wife… but… we cuddled naked.. He kept telling me how beautiful I was…”
“I think all of us had an awkward first time… it got better though?” Fiona asked.
“Haha maybe he’s a fast learner? Next time it went better, we kissed a lot.. Then he went down on me… ya know… and I had him finger me… THEN we had real sex… Not amazing but… I did my wifely duties without crying… and I kind of liked it… And we experimented a bit…”
“Well did you take my advice and tell him what you liked and didn’t like?” Jeanette asked.
“Yes…” she said, a little embarrassed.
“What did you like the most then?” Jeanette asked.
“When he held my ankles while I was on my back…So confident and his large muscular body.. Oh my…”
“Oooh Susie.. Woo!” Fiona said with a chuckle… “What did you like the least?”
“Other than the first time? Ummm… He tried to put it in my bumm but NO…”
“Well you do have a cute tush… But did he stop?” Fiona asked concerned.
“Of course! He wasn’t trying to hurt me.. Just thought with all the finger fun we had back there… but it’s a LOT bigger than a finger. Do you ladies have stuff you don’t like?”
“Of course.” Fiona said.
“I’m not a fan of the back door… But if I feel extra naughty I’ll treat William… But I really don’t like when William comes on my face.”
“Oh? I kind of like when Bobby has, makes me feel kind of naughty… I don’t like spanking though…”
“And see I like that…” Fiona said a little embarrassed now. “Are you taking mental notes Audrey?” Fiona joked.
“Yeah… Umm… you have given me an idea…”
“Oh what’s that? Going to try some stuff out with your new boyfriend?”
“Nothing of the sort! And he’s not my boyfriend… yet.”
“Oh? Who is he?” Fiona asked.
“Audrey had a date!.. With the new English Teacher in town.”
“Oh watch out for those types. I was almost an English teacher. Romeo and Juliet was just a teen sex comedy.” Fiona joked. “But what’s your idea?”
“Look, I need to do a public health project… You and Jeanette got pregnant because of myths… I am SURE Susie would have had trouble if she didn’t know you two… and maybe her wedding night wouldn’t have been as shocking… Fiona, would you and the Doctor do some kind of sexual education for the engaged couples at my church?”
Later that evening just as dusk was closing the day The children, William, and Fiona were coming in from a walk. The figure of a woman dressed in black, smoking a cigarette on a long holder, was sitting on their front porch.
“William, is that your sister?” Fiona said, looking at her in the dimming light.
“Willie! Hi!...” She said back.
“What are you doing here Mary?” Fiona asked, confused, looking at her two suitcases.
“Willie, Fiona,.. Umm mind if I stay here a few days?”
“What’s wrong?” William asked concerned while the kids yelled out for their aunt as she put out her cigarette.
“I had to get away from the city for a while… I am breaking up with my boyfriend…”
“Oh… You guys have dated since you went to nursing school.”
“Yes… Ummm that’s what 8 years? And he hasn’t asked me to marry him? I’m 27 now… and well I’ll explain more later…”
A few weeks passed with William’s sister Mary refusing to say why her and her boyfriend broke up, and meanwhile driving Fiona batty. She didn’t eat meat and didn’t seem to care for Fiona’s cooking. Eating mostly “Health” foods she was special ordering from the small grocer in town. Smoking constantly in the house which annoyed Fiona to no end. Meanwhile William seemed to bend to every request his sister made of him, but she refused to see her parents… Though William had at least subtly told them she was there, not to worry, and he had it under control.
One morning Fiona came downstairs to see Mary stretching in the living room. “What’s ya doing Mary? Some exercises?”
“Oh it’s more than that. It’s Yoga.”
“No Yoga, it’s from India… Watch this.” She said, twisting her body into a pretzel.
“OH I could never do that!” Fiona joked.
“Here, try something easy like this pose…” She said moving her body into a much simpler shape. Fiona got down on the floor and tried herself then the seat of her pajama pants ripped simultaneously with her pulling a muscle in her back… Fiona fell over on her side.
“Owe… Not for me…”
“Oh well, try this one it’s great for firming up your butt.”
“I’m just not built for this…”
“Oh don’t you want to lose the rest of those baby pounds?”
“No…” Fiona said back annoyed… “Anyway, you subsist on cigarettes and coffee…I’ll never have your body…”
“Well you should at least try… Come on! do this pose!” She said moving about, once again Fiona tried and it just split her pajamas a bit more.
“I’m going to need to fix these… My favorite pajamas.”
“Yeah when I am home alone I usually just do this naked.”
“When are you going home?”
“I’m not sure maybe I should move back to the country and find a job up here?”
“Oh… Umm… I better change and make breakfast…”
Late that day Fiona swung by the office with the kids in tow. “Oh great news Fiona, my sister is going to help with the talk at Audrey’s church! I figured you and her can talk to the ladies and I will talk to the gents. That way both groups can have a medical professional. I mean I know she’s really a Scrub Nurse, but she’s an RN.”
“Oh.. Ummm… good.. Umm… William, when are you.. Well when is your sister… going to go home?”
“She can stay as long as she wants Fi… It is my little sister and she’s going through a bad breakup.”
“William, maybe you should talk with her. She never said WHY she was breaking up… and she’s avoiding your parents, do they even know she’s here?”
“I figured she’d tell me when she’s ready… And our dad never approved of her living alone in Boston like that… or her boyfriend… I mean he’s some sort of artist, not a professional. Mary is only a nurse because my parents made her do ‘something’ in case her art career never took off…”
“William… Your sister is great… as a guest… not as a housemate… She turned the laundry room into an art studio.. Without asking me… She smokes like a chimney, in the house… I can’t stand the smell… and are all her clothes black?”
“Yeah she always kind of did her own thing… OK we’ll chat later.”
That night after the kids were in bed and William and Fiona were on the couch watching TV, his sister Mary walked in. “Hey guys, oh check out this new show!” She said walking over and changing the channel.
“We were watching that.” Fiona said.
“It’s OK Fi.” William responded.
“Talk to her NOW…” Fiona said to William, annoyed and through her teeth.
“Sis, what’s up… You’ve been here three weeks?”
“Yeah it’s nice to be up here… I’m looking for a job up here now.”
“OK Ummm… But why?”
“I like it better… You know…”
“Do you miss the city?”
“I just can’t go back Willie… ever…”
“OK Tell me what happened this isn’t just a bad breakup.”
“James has affairs… with men… I thought I cured him… I umm… would have sex with him.. And I thought it worked… then it got complicated”
“You’re not pregnant Mary?” Fiona asked in a kindly tone.
“No… But… He gave me the clap… and he’s the only person I ever slept with… and I cut him off from my.. From sex… until he’d marry me… and I put up with so much already… but I went to his apartment the next week, unannounced and… a man… one of his art students… was having sex with him… I just grabbed a bags and came here.”
“I’m sorry Sis.”
“Yes, me too…” Fiona said gently.
“Fuck… I can’t go back.. We know all the same people.. And… I don’t want to out him or anyone to know I failed as a woman… I mean I couldn’t keep him satisfied.
“Sis, it’s nothing you did. Sometimes people are just wired that way… Our aunts Mary and Florence…”
“I know, it's just different.. He led me on for YEARS… WHY? Why me…” She said, lighting a cigarette.
“How long has he been… having affairs with men?” Fiona asked
“I’ve known for like six years…He said he started as a teenager…He’d stop for a while when I’d confront him… then when we started having sex he said he stopped for good… but…”
“It’s OK Sis… Maybe you should talk to mom and dad… maybe you can move into the cottage Uncle Paul and Aunt Lizzie used to live in? At least for a little bit.”
“They can’t know about this… The beatnik boyfriend your parents hated was a bigger dud than even they ever thought! And what will they think? Gee your daughter must be so weird if she can’t keep her boyfriend away from being fucked by young men…”
“Want me to talk to them first? I know you and mom always had friction but you’re really too much alike, like it or not. You’re both very independent women, and speak your mind. And I am used to being the hated man, and it’s usually because they really care about you… And as for dad not wanting you living alone in the big city, he was just worried about you. He wished you had some roommates, that’s all… And he was very proud that in just a few years you were a scrub nurse at a major hospital.. I mean you tell Doctors what to do… And you should really talk to James… OK… Tell him it’s really over and he’s free to move on.. I mean I bet he cares about you, just not as a husband would.”
“That’s why you’re my favorite big brother… You always at least TRY to understand me… OK.. I don’t know… can I get some sleep… and we can talk later ok…”
The next day William’s sister Mary left after breakfast to do some grocery shopping on her own, saying the pancakes Fiona made were “too heavy” for her. She did agree to have William talk to their mom and dad and he said he’d go see him after seeing his patients for the day.
Fiona took the kids to the park and saw Mary walking around with Mr Roy the grocer. She thought it was kind of odd but figured she was just telling him some strange health food order. She came home and started cooking for dinner when Mary walked in. “Fiona, I have a date tonight!”
“Oh good for you! With who?”
“Mark Roy. He owns the little grocery store.”
“Oh? I saw you two in the park.”
“Yeah I asked him to go to the park with me and was telling him some of my recipes, he was wondering what a girl would do with fresh bean sprouts, buckwheat, and string beans… So I asked him to take me to dinner.”
“You asked him out???”
“Well yeah… I mean why not?”
“I wouldn't think he’s your type,,, He’s a lot older than you… A widower, and he has a teenage daughter…”
“He’s a little fat too.. But I don’t care. He’s only 40… and his daughter has a slumber party tonight so she doesn’t need to know about me if nothing works out.”
“OK, well ummm… want to borrow a dress or makeup, or something?”
“Me? Nah…”
“You’re going to go out like that?”
“Well I am going to wear my black capri pants. And a little lipstick but… what you see is what you get.”
That evening William came home about 7 from seeing his parents. “Fi, sorry I am late. I explained everything to my mom and dad… Do you mind cooking for everyone on Sunday? Where is Mary, I should tell her.”
“She’s on a date with Mark Roy…”
“What? Him?”
“Well… she asked him out..”
“I don’t think he’s been on a date in ages… but him? He’s older than me!”
“At least he’s mature, dear… I am sure she’ll be back soon. Maybe, seeing that a man likes her will help her confidence?”
“I guess… Ummm…”
William sat up waiting for his sister to get home. He was a little worried when it was past midnight. That’s when Fiona went upstairs and into bed. Probably not long after he fell asleep on the couch and didn’t wake up until he heard Fiona coming down the stairs in the morning.
“Mary hasn't come home yet?”
“No… what time is it?”
“I better go look for her.”
Just then, Mary was walking up the driveway, smiling widely and walking into the house. "Oh you waited up for me?"
"Yeah... you were out all night? With Mark Roy?"
"His daughter was at a sleepover so... and he hasn't been with a woman in 10 years!"
"It was great having sex with a man who actually wants to have sex with a woman!"
"SIS! I'm your brother!"
"We are adults! He loved how bendy I am.."
Fiona was laughing at the awkwardness of the exchange and under her breath said “yogurt.”
“No Yoga… and Yes Yoga… and WOW… I’d still be there if he didn’t have to get the store open… I haven’t slept all night.. I am going to hit the hay…” She said walking into the small guest room and closing the door.
“What the hell Fiona?”
“Well Ummm…” She said, trying not to laugh at the awkwardness in William’s face.
William turned around and went upstairs, “I better change.” Then coming down dressed in record time. “I’ll be right back…” He said, grabbing his hat.
“William, your shoes are on backwards and umm… be nice to Mr Roy…”
William stormed into the market, never bothering to correct his shoes. “Where is Mr Roy.” He demanded as soon as the door opened with a ding.
"Oh hello Doctor Richardson, did your sister get the flowers I ordered already?" Mark said from behind the counter.
"Oh, we had a date. I just had Woolmann's florist rush over two dozen roses."
"What? What did you two do last night?"
"We had a date."
"She spent the night..."
"Did you have sexual relations with... my.. little sister.???" He said, slamming his fist down on the counter and everyone in the shop turned to look at them.
“Doctor, we should probably go in the backroom… and your shoes are on the wrong feet…”
“Oh yes…” He responded calmly looking around at a half dozen staring faces. As soon as they shuffled into the back room “What were you thinking! The first date!"
"Well when she came into the house, I was thinking we'd just talk more... she's really smart and artistic.. but she showed me this yoga thing she does... and asked if the last time I was really with a woman was with my wife... and it's been ten years doctor... and she undressed... and.... She's really bendy..."
“It’s my sister! Please stop with the bendiness! Everyone please!”
“I really like her though.. She asked me out…”
“Oh come on, do you think I’d really have the courage to ask out a young beautiful lady… And I haven’t even been on a date since Caroline died.”
“Oh.. well… What if you got her pregnant! You should have known better!”
“She brought a pack of rubbers with her… we used them all..”
“Oh God… I need to sit down.”
“Do you need a water Doctor? Look I really wish we hadn’t…I really don’t want this to be a fling, or one night stand.. Or anything like that.. I really do like her… it took a lot for me to even say yes to her date.”
Meanwhile at the Richardson’s house, the kids were watching their Saturday morning kid’s shows while Fiona did some housework and the doorbell rang. It was a delivery from the florist of two dozen roses for Mary and a large teddy bear. Fiona tipped the delivery boy and went to get Mary, who was sound asleep in the guest bed.
“You have some flowers from Mark.”
“What already? And a Teddy bear!”
“What does the card say Mary?”
“Thank you for last night. I want you to know I hope you will see me again. You made me feel like a virgin again… I hope you stay here, and thank you for the painting. I am going to hang it in my office.”
“I better tell Willie so he doesn’t think last night was a…”
“He, umm, went for a walk.”
“He didn’t say…” Fiona responded awkwardly
“Fuck. sorry… but..” Mary said, rushing to get dressed. Not even caring that her sister in law was in the room. “I don’t want Willie to beat him up… or worse, ruin this for me… Awkward enough I slept with him on the first date… Damn it Willie, always looking out for me, but not this time… damn it!”
Just as she was rushing out of the bedroom door still putting her shirt on William walked into the house and she just froze. “Sis! If you break that man’s heart…”
“And slow down ok? I don’t want to ever hear about your bendyness again…Please… as long as I live… SO cool off and build a real relationship OK?”
“OK Willie…” she said shyly.
“I need a drink since I can’t pour bleach on my brain…”
“It’s only 9:30 AM, William.” Fiona said concerned…
“Please Fi.. I just… BENDY! EWE!” He said, his whole body shivering while Mary looked a little embarrassed.
“OK, go make yourself a cocktail.. Mary, let's take the kids to the playground.”