Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Eleven

Fiona’s Parents came up the evening before Fiona and William were to see a specialist OB-GYN in Boston. Though Fiona’s mother, Maurine, still liked to dig on William she did so in a much kinder, humorous way. That evening once the children were in bed they sat around the living room watching some Television.

“Are you sure you’re OK with us being gone overnight?” William asked Fiona’s parents.

“Oh, we’ll be fine. I mean we did raise five babies.” Maurine said.

“Thanks mom… I have been pumping as much as I can and there are a few cans of formula in the cabinet…”

“I saw that, and saw that William didn’t rearrange them? I guess my way DID make more sense then…”

“Yes Maurine… once I got used to it… I just don’t know how you managed to rearrange everything in an hour.”

“I have superior organizational skills…”

“I do lack those sometimes…”

Fiona got up to grab everyone a snack, and walking back, nearly tripped on her own feet, sending a small tray of vegetables flying through the air. William shot up to try and catch her but tripped on his own feet and went flying forward, landing headfirst on Mr Murphy’s lap.

“You really did marry a man as clumsy as you Fifi” her mother said with a little laugh in her voice.

“She gets the red hair and clumsiness from me.” her father chimed up. “It’s really just bad timing… That’s why Fiona has four sisters.”

“Liam!” Maurine yelped out, a little embarrassed

“Dad!” Fiona yelped herself.

“Well, his timing was usually good, that’s why you don’t have 12 sisters…”

“Mom!” Fiona yelped again to see her parents snickering and William laughing.

“Well, you have kids of your own… and we know how bad William’s timing is.. Sorry…” Maurine said with another laugh.

“It’s OK…” William said, amused to see this side of his usually very stoic in-laws.

“Actually, Can I have a few minutes alone with my mom?”

“Sure Fifi.” Her father responded “Come on William, lets go have a cigar on the porch.”

“I… Don’t smoke.”

“That’s OK son, I brought extras.”

“Mom, I’m really scared about tomorrow…”

“Why is that Fifi?”

“What if I really can’t have any more kids? What if something IS wrong with me… I like being a mom… I wanted a big family like we had…”

“Sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way dear… It doesn’t mean you failed or anything…”

“Being a mom made me a woman… Am I still a woman if I can’t have kids anymore?”

“I’m well past having kids, am I still a woman?”

“Yes but… you never had to deal with this at 26!”

“Oh deary… No matter what, do you think William would love you any less? Do you think your father or I would love you any less? Do you think the kids would love you any less?”

“I’m REALLY scared mom…” She said curling up in a ball next to her mother sitting on the couch.

Her mother reached out and held her close. “Dearest Fifi, don’t be…”

“Mom… The doctor is a man…”

“Well it’s not that asshole from back home… I am sorry I didn’t stick up for you… We never saw him again… Any of us…”

“Really mom?”

“Yes… I was scared too… I cried for you when I was alone.”

“Really mom?”

“You’re still my Fifi… I still thank your dad for making me go to your wedding.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d be there after what happened with William and Father O’Leary…”

“Well.. We drove there, I sat in the car.. I wasn’t going to get out and go to your ‘protestant wedding…’ your father said if I don’t go in I’d regret it someday… maybe not today, or tomorrow but someday… and you know what? He was right… and I am glad it was in a church.. Maybe the wrong kind of church. Then I saw how much your face lit up when I walked in and sat down.”

“Oh yes I thought maybe you warmed up to William… Until you opened your mouth.”

“Oh? What did I say?”

“Fiona, if this doesn’t work out at least the Church won’t consider this a valid wedding.”

“Oh, sorry… Ummm…”

“Though when dad found out the Priest was Scottish… he told him ‘Well we have something in common… we hate the English.’”

“His mother was born in Ireland though…” Her mother responded.

About a half hour later William and Liam came in from the porch. Fiona was asleep in her mother’s arms still curled up in a ball. “Keep your voices down.” Maurine said quietly before they could talk. “William, you’re green.”

“Poor boy can’t handle a good cigar.” Liam said, hitting him on the back which just sent him running into the bathroom followed by the sound of him throwing up. “He smoked the whole thing though…”

“At least you two didn’t have a drinking contest…” When William emerged from the bathroom a little loose on his feet. “Are you OK William?” He nodded back “Well help me get my Fifi upstairs and into bed.”

The three of them helped a very groggy Fiona upstairs into bed to which she commented “William please take a shower before getting in… you smell like my dad…” Everyone smiled and William took her advice, showered, put on his pajamas and climbed into bed with his still dressed wife.

The next day they began the ride to Boston, Fiona was nervously fidgeting most of the ride. Not in the mood for conversation, flipping through the radio, station to station… Until finally they came to a traffic backup.

“I’m scared William.”

“Why Fi?”

“If I really can’t have any more children… Will you still love me?”

“I’d love you even if we didn’t have any children Fiona… I loved you the moment I saw you.”

“A lost, stupid, college freshman?”

“You were not stupid.”

“But I was really lost… You found me in the basement of a building across the campus from where I should have been!”

“Good thing I was just leaving the Biology lab.”

“Good thing Henderson Hall and Hendrickson Hall are confusing names…” She reached out and held his hand. “And another thing… PLEASE hold my hand during the exam… I’m honestly scared because the doctor is a man.”

When they arrived at the offices of Doctor Aaron Soberman, they walked into a spacious modern waiting room, filled with several other women, some obviously pregnant, some not, aged everywhere from late teens through their 40’s. They checked in and sat down. Eventually the nurse called out “Mrs Fiona Richardson.”

“Hello I am Irene, I will be your nurse today.”

“Hello I am Fiona and this is my husband William.”

“Nice to meet you, Sir you can wait out here.”

“I’d rather have my husband with me.”

“We usually prefer to have our patients with just the medical staff.”

“Well William is a doctor, so nothing you will do will shock him… and as my husband he won’t see anything he hasn’t seen before. We keep the lights on…”

“Fine, OK.. Follow me.” the nurse said, taking them back. The exam room was modern, almost too modern, it looked stirile with tiled walls, floor to ceiling and an exam couch with leg rests instead of stirrups. Already out on a tray were shiny stainless steel specula and tubes of lubricant. “Take off everything and put this gown on Mrs Richardson. I will be back with the doctor shortly.” She said leaving the room.

William sat in the extra chair while Fiona undressed apprehensively with her back to her husband. She took a seat on the exam table and nervously kicked her legs back and forth before crossing them. “Damn it William, say something!”

“I really don’t know what to say, but I’ll be here ok? I love you.” Fiona smiled a bit then closed her eyes. “You ok Fi?”

“Just saying a little prayer to stay relaxed…”

Soon there was a knock on the door and the nurse and Doctor came in. A shorter man around sixty “Hello I am doctor Soberman, and you must be Mrs. Richardson and Doctor Richardson?”

“Yes Doctor.” Fiona responded a little nervously

“I read the paperwork from your doctor, your husband, and hospital… You’re very lucky your husband and father-in-law were doctors when you had some birth complications. And Doctor Sadowsky was one of my students.”

“Yes, that’s why she recommended you… and she’s a friend of William’s from medical school… One of the few female doctors within an hour of us…”

“Yes, she notes you have some anxiety about seeing me…”

“Yes… Ummm… My first visit pelvic exam was very rough…”

“OK Well I will do my best not to repeat that Mrs Richardson. Now it looks like you're concerned about having more children?”

“Yes, when I saw my doctor she said even if I did conceive I’d be high risk, but she couldn’t tell.. Suggested we visit you…”

“OK Well looks like it’s noted here your husband has been your only sexual partner, and until your last childbirth six months ago, regular periods since you were… fourteen?”

“Yes doctor.”

“Have they changed?”

“More painful now… regular though.”

“How much more painful?”

“The dull cramp can feel like a stabbing…”

“OK well can we start by listening to your heart?” Fiona nodded yes while nervously rubbing her bare feet together. “Can you please lower your gown for me Mrs Richardon”

She silently lowered her gown exposing her bare chest. Breast swollen from six months of breastfeeding. He placed the bell of the stethoscope on her chest and listened intently. Moving it position to position until finally pushing the bell under her left breast. Then he moved to her back “Deep breaths for me?” Fiona took a few deep breaths then he moved away. “Your heart and lungs sound strong. If you’re breastfeeding we can skip a breast exam today, but I noticed some chafing on your nipples. Have you experienced soreness or cracking?”

“Yes doctor…”

“Have you tried anything for that? I’d recommend a lanolin balm, safe for you and the baby.”

“I’ve never thought of that, thank you… He’s the first to really overdo them…” She responded not sure what to say.

“OK Mrs Richardson can you lay back for me?” She did as she was told as the doctor tucked the gown around her waist and began to feel her abdomen. Pressing firmly and deeply. “Any discomfort?”

“No not really…”

As his hands moved lower “Any now?”


“You’re guarding a bit…”

“I’m just nervous, can my husband hold my hand?”

“Of course Mrs Richardson…” William moved over and grabbed Fiona’s hand.

“See Fi, it will be ok…”

“Mrs Richardson, why don’t we cover up now… and before I begin the Pelvic exam would you like to watch in a mirror?”

“I’ve never been asked that before… Ummm…”

“Some women find it less scary if they can watch… you can always put the mirror down if you don’t want to… But totally up to you.”

“Yes, Ummm OK I’ll take one…” Fiona responded as the nurse helped her into the leg rests and her husband squeezed her hand…

“OK Now, just going to push your gown back… and put this light on… There we go… Doing ok Mrs Richardson?”

“So far…” she said quietly, angling the mirror around. William looked on, holding her hand but looking intently in the mirror. It was just as interesting for him to see… He so rarely saw his wife’s vulva unaroused… It simply looked different. He watched intently as the doctor’s gloved fingers moved through her red pubic hair, then separated her labia.

“Your labia look very healthy Mrs Richardson, I don’t see any scarring or tearing from childbirth. Do you ever have any incontinence?”


“Can you cough for me?” The doctor asked, holding her labia open. “OK I am going to do the speculum exam now Mrs Richardson. Do you have any questions?”


“OK just try and relax for me…” the doctor said before guiding the speculum into position and opening it slowly… “Doing OK Mrs Richardson?”

“Yes…” she said with a squeak. “OK I can see your cervix, it’s healthy and pink… the os or opening is a well healed slit… On a woman who isn’t a mother it’s usually round but yours is normal.”

Finona looked in the mirror as did her husband… “I’ve never seen that part of me before.” she said quietly.

“I’d like to take a papsmear now Mrs Richardson, if that’s OK… You might feel some cramping..”

“Ok… OWE!..Awe!…” She said squeezing her husband's hand hard.

“You’re doing great Fi.” William whispered in her ear.

“I hate pap smears…” she whispered back slamming her eyes shut.

The doctor slowly closed the speculum and carefully removed it… “OK Mrs Richardson, I am going to do the bimanual exam now. I am going to put two fingers in your vagina and use my other hand to feel your internal reproductive organs.”

Fiona simply nodded and put the mirror down as his fingers slid into her… She looked her husband in the eyes, squeezed his hand then slowly closed her eyes. The doctor pressed deeply on her lower abdomen, first her ovaries, then uterus, then along her fallopian tubes.. Then back to her uterus..

“Are you doing ok Mrs Richardson?” the doctor asked slowly, taking his fingers from inside her.

“Yes..” she squeaked out.

“OK I am going to do a rectovaginal now… I am going to put one finger in your vagina, and another in your rectum. It might feel a bit uncomfortable but shouldn’t hurt.”

“OK…” She said then squeezed her husband’s hand even harder as the doctor’s fingers pushed inside her.

“OK Mrs. Richardson I am going to feel behind your uterus now.. And more pressure… OK good, now we are done Mrs Richardson.” the doctor said and his nurse immediately helped Finona’s legs out of the rests and helped her sit up.

“Well?” Fiona said straightening the hem on her gown in a very lady-like motion.

“Well Mrs Richardson, Doctor Richardson… Your uterus is probably somewhat scared… You’re young though… But… an embryo may have trouble attaching… If it did your pregnancy will be high risk… and I’d recommend a planned C-Section in the future, if you become pregnant.”

“So… It’s not definite that I am barren now?”

“It’s unlikely you will be pregnant again. It’s not certain. Things happen but it’s not likely.”

“Thank you Doctor.” they both said simultaneously which made them both smile.

“You can get dressed now. I’d recommend a follow up with me in six months, but if you do become pregnant please call me right away.”

The doctor and his nurse walked out of the room leaving them both alone. Fiona got dressed as quickly as she could while William sat there silently. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be… Just bad news…”

“I’m sorry Fi… I know how much you wanted more children…”

“No… I’m sorry…” she said, breaking down in tears.

“For what Fiona?”

“I waited too long to get out of the house when I was in labor…. I should have come right over… I should have been more careful? I’m sorry…”

“Fi.. Fi.. I love you… Come on, let's get to the hotel, get some rest, and go out to dinner ok?”

“Yes….” she squeeked composing herself but holding onto his arm as they walked out of the office to the car.

When they checked into the hotel Fiona collapsed on the bed. “William, I haven’t slept well in weeks… I am glad this is all over…. Can I just take a nap?”

“Of course Fi…”

“Will you hold me? Spoon me? William?”

“Of course Fi… of course…”

An hour or so later Fiona woke up… “What time is it dear?”

“About 5, we should get dressed for dinner.”

“I really don’t feel like going out. Can we order room service? I’ve never done that before, have you?”

“Can’t say that I have… How about some Champagne with it?”

“Sure, get us some giggle juice.” then looking at the menu. “I’ll have the Chicken…How about you?” she said, handing him the menu.

“That yankee pot roast maybe?”

“Dear, I make that for you at home… Get something nicer… How about Beef Wellington?”

“OK, I’ll call down to the desk.”

“I’m going to go change, and wash up.” she said, grabbing her suitcase and walking into the bathroom.

Just as the food arrived Fiona came out of the bathroom in her favorite “comfy” Pajamas with matching slippers, and immediately put a bathrobe on. She walked over and took the lids off the plates, while William opened the champagne with a pop.

“Want to have a picnic on the floor?” Fiona asked gleefully.

“Sure Fi, champagne?”

“Of course dear. “ Over the course of dinner, and a few glasses of champagne later, Fiona finally said “Thank you for being there for me.”

“Of course Fi.. I am glad I was there, and no matter what I always will be.”

“I know… What did you really think today? Seeing me like that?”

“What do you mean?”

"I was laid out like some piece of meat... a lab specimen... I felt like I was the car getting an oil change..."

“He was a really caring doctor though…”

“OH yes, he was… and very professional… But what did you think about ME, your wife, your Fi laid out like that?”

“It’s really different when it’s your love…”

“Were you jealous?”

“Not like… Not like I used to be at the though… I just wanted you to feel better.”

“OK… Ummm… was it at least interesting?”

“Yes Fi.”

“What was the most interesting part?”

“Seeing your vulva exposed but unaroused?”

“Oh and please dear… use our special words… and why’s that?”

“I never see your legs open and not aroused at least a bit…”

“Oh.. I loved the look on your face when he listened to my heart… I think you were a bit jealous for a second… Reminded me of that time in my dorm room… Remember that?”

“Oh yes… Of course…”

“I wish you had touched them that day.”

“Would you have let me?”

“I’d have either let you, and we’d have had a child a year earlier… or I’d have slapped you halfway across campus… depending on a split second decision… “

“I didn’t want to take the risk.” he joked…

“I’m sorry… I’m just going to bed though… A lot to take in today… Thank you for loving me William.”

“Of course Fi…”

“You go watch some TV…” she said, crawling under the covers and quickly falling asleep. William watched TV and as soon as The Tonight Show with Jack Paar was over he climbed under the covers and fell asleep himself… In the middle of the night he awoke to Fiona on her side curled up but breathing heavily.. He noticed her hand down her pajama pants.

“Fi? You ok?”

“I couldn’t stop thinking about, and dreaming about, the stethoscope, and you in my dorm room… I’m sorry I didn't want to wake you…”

“Oh? Really?” He said, grabbing his stethoscope from his travel medical bag, then climbing back into bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Shhhh…” he said gently, spooning her from behind and opening her pajama top… He placed the stethoscope on her chest and pulled her pajama bottoms down just enough to slide his manhood into her wet slit…

“Oh God William YES…” Fiona moaned out while they slowly and gently made love with his stethoscope to her chest.. Listening to her heartbeat until they both came…

“William, I wish losing my virginity to you was that good… you should have touched them.”

“Fi… I know you well enough to know you’d have picked option B and slapped me.”

She laughed “I don’t know anymore dear… Don’t let go… and I’ve never felt as beautiful as right now…”