Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Paul’s Leave But Makes His Next Appointment

Chapter 11 Paul’s Leave But Makes His Next Appointment

Paul continued to gaze at Dr Preston speechless after the incredible sexual event. Dr Preston mean while finally gathered herself together looking a little dishevelled after her orgasm but looking very content. As she straightened her surgical gown, a sly smile played on her lips. Doing a little flourish, she stood up and ruffled her surgical gown showing off the large wet spot at her crotch.

"Let me get you a nice fruit smoothie, Paul” she announced, her voice dripping with a sweetness that wasn't entirely in the drink. "It'll help with the anesthesia and give you some of your physical energy back."

Paul, still woozy and reeling from the events of the past 4 minutes alone, could only manage a weak nod. His tongue, still feel not completely under his control, explored the rough patches on the teeth where the fillings resided. The left side of his mouth throbbed with a dull ache, a reminder of the work done. As did most of his lower mouth from the deep cleaning his gums felts very sensitive.

"While you drink it," Dr. Preston continued as she walked out, her voice now laced with a hint of its normal dental authority, "we can discuss your next appointment. It's best to give your mouth a break for a few days. Those three fillings and half deep cleaning will definitely leave it feeling sensitive."

As she spoke, Paul couldn't help but admire the way her surgical gown swished with each movement. His gaze lingered on the way her surgical gown hugged her curves and the brief glimpse of her stockings as her gown billowed slightly at her feet as she departed the dental room.

Dr. Preston returned a moment later with a vibrant red smoothie in a tall glass. As Paul slowly sipped the smoothie, he felt a flicker of normalcy returning. "Tasty, right?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yes," he mumbled, finishing the drink in another 2 large sips.

"Now, Paul," she said, her voice dropping back to its professional doctor tone. "Please put your shirt back on and follow me to the consultation room so we can schedule your next appointment?"

Paul rose on shaky legs still feeling mildly woozy from everything, he followed Dr. Preston down the familiar hallway. He couldn't help but admire the graceful sway of her butt beneath the tight surgical gown.

The consultation room felt cozy, more intimate than the main dental area. Dr. Preston pushed open the door and settled behind the desk smoothing the green surgical gown down as she did. The two large computer monitors dominated the space, one facing her, the other angled towards the patients seat.

"Have a seat, Paul," she gestured, her voice softer now.

As he sank into the familiar office chair, the computer whirred to life. Dr. Preston pulled up his profile, with a practiced click on the keyboard. He caught a glimpse of Dr Preston’s screen: "Deep clean in progress" and other tabs hinting at further treatment before she full screened the current calendar month. Her eyes met his, and a mischievous glint sparked within them.

"Alright, Paul," she began, pointing to the calendar. "You promised me next Thursday morning I've added you in for 9:00 am deep cleaning and teeth scaling part two."

"Make sure to arrive at 9:00 am sharp," she continued, her voice playful. "I will leave the door to the surgery unlocked. Just wait in the waiting area, and I'll come get you."

A playful glint entered her eyes. "And," she added, leaning forward so Paul caught a whiff of her perfume, a hint of a sexual challenge in her tone, "I promise you'll enjoy your next dental treatment even more now that I know some of your secrets."

She stood up, posing with her hands on her hips, a beaming smile gracing her lips. "I now know you have a thing for my surgical attire, Paul." “You also seem to have a little bit of a medical fetish as well as a few fun extra ones I think?”

Then, with slow, and deliberate movement. She pulled a green latex glove out of a pocket on her surgical gown. She then deliberately leaned down and in front of his face, slowly donned the surgical glove, each movement was calculated and controlled. She slowly pulled the glove onto her hand ending with a theatrical snap of the cuff against the surgical gowns wrist, and flexing her hand in the tight glove. The sounds seemed to echo in the room to Paul as he saw her hand now encased in a tight green surgical glove. Paul's breath hitched In his throat, and he could feel the heat rising in his face

Dr. Preston leaned forward, her gloved hand gently stroking his cheek. "And I noticed your enjoyment of my surgical gloves as well," she whispered, her voice husky. "We'll have plenty of these as well." “I promise to touch lots of places on you with my surgical gloves”

Her touch lingered for a moment, sending electric shivers down his spine. Then, with a playful nudge on his chin with a gloved thump, she turned his head and gestured towards the door. "Follow me, Paul. I'll show you the way out."

The walk back to the front of the office seemed charged, the air thick with unspoken sexual desires. Dr. Preston's every movement in her surgical gown seemed so suggestive and calculated, a subtle dance that left Paul both excited and apprehensive. As they reached the door to the outside Dr Preston did a small flourish and lifted her surgical gown almost to her naked pussy and pulled a surgical glove packet from the top of her lacy stocking tops that said sterile surgical gloves - extended cuff (green) - Large. Dr Preston then grabbed Pauls shirt and pulled him to her, giving him an incredible slow burn kiss while she caressed his face with her green latex gloved. She then pulled the door open and said “I will see you on Thursday Paul and you better not be late or else” as she pushed Paul outside she stuffed the surgical glove packet down his shirt, and with a final sultry smile closed the door in Pauls face.

As Dr Judy Preston closed the door she leaned against it and allowed herself a moment to savour the feelings. Paul had given her Pussy a wonderful fingering she slowly ran her hands up her surgical gown enjoy how turned on she was by the events of today. Things were working out so well Paul would return for his next appointment she would satisfy his surgical glove fetish and surgical attire fetish. While she could enjoy some of hers as well. She now had a willing patient to practice all the dental procedures she wanted. She decided to go have a nice bath and enjoy some solo hand time and make her plans for Paul’s next dental appointment on Thursday, as there was lots of work to do.

Paul stumbled down the walkway of Dr. Preston's office, his head still swimming from the anesthesia and the whirlwind of sexual experiences. The world outside seemed oddly muted, the sounds of the city muffled and distant. He absently pulled the surgical glove packet from his shirt, and them in his jeans. He could still taste Dr Preston’s lips and the smell of latex mixed with her perfume as he walked to the subway.

The subway ride home was a blur. Images of Dr. Preston's smile, the feel of her surgical gloves hands on his cock, the glint in her eyes as she forced him to confess some of his deepest secrets. The feeling of pleasuring her pussy, and the allure of her surgical attire. How she had slowly and sexily pulled one surgical glove onto her

hand. All these images and events flickered through his mind, a surreal mix of the medical procedure done on him and the unspoken sexual awakening that had also occurred. Reaching his front door, Paul fumbled for his keys, finally pushing open the door into his familiar space. Only once he had closed his door did a semblance of reality return to him.

He sank onto the couch, exhaustion washing over him, but beneath the fatigue crackled a raw sexual awareness. What had just happened? It felt like a bizarre, erotic, sexual dream, had happened that was also slightly disturbing.

Had everything today had been real? He reached into his Jean pocket, fingers brushing against the surgical glove packet as he did so a smooth hard surface was also with it. Pulling the packet out of his jeans a business card was taped to the packet. Paul pulled the business card from the surgical glove package it was crisp and white card. Taking a small breath Paul turned the card over with a tremblingly hand. Printed on the card in an elegant feminine script that was a vibrant green very reminiscent of her green surgical gloves.

The card read "Dr. Judy Preston - Dental Services with a Personal Touch." Below that, a single phone number was written and the address of the dental office.

The corners of Paul’s mouth twitched into a small smile “personal touch indeed” Paul said out loud. Paul knew with a certainty that both scared and excited him that his next visit to the dentist would truly be something else. The waiting would be hard but one thing was for sure Paul was now hooked.

The rest of the week crawled by for Paul. The memory of Dr. Preston's touch, the lingering scent of her perfume in her office, and the suggestive card in his pocket were a constant fire under his skin. Every notification on his phone made him jump, hoping it was another text from Judy Preston, another glimpse into her world of sexual dentistry and surgical attire in alluring green. He used the green surgical gloves several times each time visualizing Dr Preston’s hands on his cock but it was never as amazing as when she had done it.

Tuesday arrived, a beacon in the drudgery of the work week. He spent the afternoon replaying the scene of Dr. Preston missing him and slipping the surgical gloves into his shirt, the subtle brush of her fingers on his face sending shivers down his spine. The green surgical gloves,once a symbol of sterile procedure, now held a new sexy erotic meaning, and a tantalizing promise.

Wednesday dawned, and sleep was a distant memory. The thought of seeing Dr. Preston, tomorrow and experiencing her "personal touch" again, consumed him. He spent the day stealing glances at his phone, his heart pounding with anticipation every time it buzzed. The surgical gloves finally snapped after 7 uses a blow to Paul but he hoped hopefully he could get more tomorrow.

As the clock struck five pm. Paul received a text. Unlike the others, It was a picture of her surgical gloved hand holding a dental instrument and simple sentence that sent a jolt of electricity through him:

"See you tomorrow, 9:00 am sharp don’t be late ! Dr. Preston"
