Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Eight

That sunday the Richardsons sat in their usual pew in Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church with the Lordin Family sitting across the way. Fiona kept an eye on her husband who didn’t even glance over at them once, which put her mind at ease. Still, she noticed Susie staring at him the whole service, only breaking her stare when Fiona looked over at her.

After the service William took the children for breakfast so that Fiona could join in with the woman’s group. She wasn’t sure where she should go once she got into the church basement. There was a young mother’s group, and the Women’s group… She really didn’t feel like she fit in with any of them. She turned right, into the door to the woman’s group and grabbed a cup of tea. She looked over and a group was seated around Mrs Lordin and she was discussing in intimate detail her daughter’s visit.

“Overall how did it go for Susie?”

“Oh fine. She didn’t like it, obviously, she kept saying how weird it was knowing the first man to see her naked was the doctor from church… But I told her at least I picked out a handsome man for her.”

The ladies chuckled but Fiona just felt ill and wanted to leave before any of them noticed her. She snuck out back into the hallway and was going to join the mothers group but decided to just get some air. She walked outside to the small church garden and there was Susie sitting alone on the bench. She walked over and sat down next to her… Susie’s face instantly looked frightened as she walked over.

“You ok Susie?”

“I guess Mrs. Richardson… Just wanted some air…”

“Same here, your mother is a real…”

“Chatterbox? Yeah.. As soon as we got home she called my aunt to tell her how it went… she told my aunt every detail I told her on the way home… Could be worse when I finally got my Period she told all the church ladies over tea… With me sitting there…”

“I’m sorry Susie, and you can call me Fiona, I’m not THAT much older than you.”

“OK Fiona” she said with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’m carrying around a watermelon that kicks, and look at my feet!” She said taking off her shoes and sighing in relief once her shoes came off. “I noticed you staring at my husband. Are you sure you’re ok?”

“I guess… I don’t have a crush on him or anything… But I saw him at work at the hardware store Saturday and all he said was hello… and all I did was run away…”

“Well, I can imagine how awkward it was.”

“Can you? I don’t think so.. He saw me naked! The first and only man to see me naked since I was a really small kid… and it was so embarrassing!”

“Yes, I know how you feel… It’s really embarrassing… William was the first man to see me like that BUT… the first doctor to see me like that was also a man and he was not kind about it. I hope William was kind.”

“He was…”

“Well I am glad then. I know he always is… I am glad you had a kind doctor.”

“I just didn’t want the first man to see my legs open be anyone but my future husband… What happened to you?”

“Trust me, one your wedding night it will be just as awkwardly magical as if you never saw that doctor.” Fiona then sighed deeply “Well, you're old enough to know… William and I had an accident… I was pregnant and my mom took me to the family doctor who did a Pelvic exam on me… But when he found out I wasn’t a virgin… and was probably pregnant, he treated me like I was damaged… He was rough with me… My mom was there in the room too… He told my mom she raised a whore…”

“Oh God Fiona, really?”

“Yes… I told William, then had to convince him not to drive there and beat his face in… and he found me a female doctor he knew… and well, I think he was also jealous that another man saw me like that.”

“Doctor Richardson was kind… It still wasn’t comfortable… But he kept making sure I was OK… It just felt so weird… Ya know?”

“Oh I know…”

“I just hope sex feels better than that metal thing…”

“Trust me, a speculum is not a penis…”

“I never even put my finger in me before…”

“Trust me, it’s nothing like sex.”

“I’m afraid it made me weird…”

“It didn’t and how so?”

“The fingers inside my lady parts hurt, but.. I liked the other place…”

“Some girls like that. I think it’s normal…”

“You’re supposed to hate it though…. A strange man’s finger where your poop comes out? I just can’t forget the sensation… and it didn’t hurt.. I mean I didn’t like it but… it didn’t hurt like his fingers inside my… lady parts…”

“Look, I think everyone likes at least one thing some people find weird…”

“I put my fountain pen back there and pretended it was a boy’s finger…” Shocked, she even said that she turned red from embarrassment adding “No boy in particular.. Just…”

“Don’t worry Susie, every girl should experiment a little on their own… and some advice from ER stories William told me… Don’t put anything like that back there, it can get sucked in… Stick with fingers and such…”

“You don’t think it’s horrible?”

“Think what is?”

“Well, as you put it… Experimenting?”

‘Oh heck no… maybe a little naughty I guess… but no…”

“So even proper ladies like you have?”

“Well, I can’t speak for everyone but don’t tell my mom OK?”

“Don’t tell my mom either… I figured it out by accident when I was home sick from school…”

“OH? How old were you?”

“I don’t remember for sure… First time it happened I was afraid to do it again for months. What about you?”

“Me? I was a teenager, caught my older sister in the act… and I was scared but she told me it was what sex feels like and I should try it.. And if I told my mom she’d knock my teeth out… and if you ever met my older sister she meant it... Then she told me to get lost for a while…”

“I bet that was awkward…”

“It was but it gave me the idea…”

“I just hope someday I can find a good husband.”

“Trust me, don’t rush into anything.”

“Boys are not interested in me… I went to prom with my cousin… My cousin!”

“You’re pretty though…”

“No I’m not, I looked 12 most of high school… Had a last minute growth spurt… had acne… I’m short.. And I have no idea how to do makeup without looking like a clown…”

“Oh, I get it.. I went to an all girls high school, I thought I looked like a tomato, I’ve worn thick glasses since I was 12, all my clothes were hand me downs, and my mother thought I’d be a nun. The first boy who ever gave me a second look was William.”

“You married your first boyfriend? You said not to rush into anything…”

“We dated for four years though.”

“Oh OK… Still… You’re so fashionable, and radiant…”

Fiona laughed “I learned to sew, my hair looks like a frazzled mess every morning, and I had two older sisters to teach me about make-up… Hey, why don’t you come by and I’ll give you a makeover… Are you free Wednesday? It’s when William’s parents watch the kids.”

That Wednesday, just after lunch Susie came by to Fiona’s house and shyly knocked on the door. “Hi Fiona, it’s Susie…”

“Hi deary, come in? Do you want anything to drink? I made iced tea.”

“That sounds good… Thanks for having me over… Ummm…”

“Don’t feel shy Susie. Here I bought you your own bathrobe and we can go do makeup… and let me alter that dress… Bring the hem up a little.. Show the boys some calf..”

“Gee thank you… I have two brothers so… I’ve never really done this.”

“Not even with your friends?”

“I’m… kind of shy… so… I mean I have friends but… No…”

“That’s OK… Us redhead girls need to stick together though.”

By later afternoon not only were both ladies looking stunning but Susie knew how to do her own make-up. Not too heavy and just enough… and Fiona was going to teach her how to make alterations starting next week. They were packing up for the day when Susie quipped “Maybe now Tommy Edwards will notice me.”

“Oh who’s that?” Fiona asked

“He works for his dad as a carpenter. Comes into my family’s hardware store a few times a week. He always talks to me but hasn’t asked me out.”

“Well, is he single?”

“Yes.. but…”


“I think he thinks I am too young.. I mean he is 22…”

“That’s about the age gap between William and I… and it’s not like you’re 12 anymore…”

“Yeah but he remembers when I looked 12… He might even remember when I was 12…”

“But you are grown up now… and well is he cute?”

“Oh yes, really handsome! Maybe he thinks I am too short though… He’s TALL”

“Oh just be yourself… don’t over flirt now.”

“I just wish I could run into him somewhere not with my dad or his dad there…” Then whispering “He’s who I think about when I experiment…”

“OOOOH Naughty!” Fiona said with a laugh as Susie turned a little red with embarrassment. “Don’t worry dear… and be yourself and I will work on him somehow…”

Just as Susie was leaving William was walking home and he passed her on the sidewalk and did a double take. Fiona noticed his eyes wander as he turned around then walked quickly into the house. “Was that Susie Lorden?”

“Yes… and I saw you look at her!”

“I’m sorry…I…I…”

“I did a good job then!” Fiona smiled. “I gave her a makeover… She’s coming back next week so we can alter her clothes to fit better… OH Dear I have a favor to ask?

“Sure Fi, what’s up?”

“You know how you and your brothers were going to hang some new cabinets in the exam rooms?”


“Can you hire Tommy Edwards, and not his dad…”

“Ummm… I guess… but why?”

“Oh I have a plan for something…”

A few weeks later Fiona and William were in his office having Tommy install the new cabinets. A lazy Wednesday with no patients and no kids around. “Geez I can’t find that last box of screws we need, I am going to run over the Lordin’s Hardware to pick some up for Tommy”

“NO!” Fiona shouted. “I’ll call and maybe have Susie bring them over.”

“Umm.. OK Fi…”

“Susie, it’s Fiona, are you made up today? Yes? good… Now bring over a box of..” Then looking at the note her husband scribbled.. “Number Eight by two inch wood screws… and bring them yourself don’t you dare send your brother… Come yourself OK?”

About fifteen minutes later Susie came by and saw the Doctor, Fiona and Tommy sitting around the waiting room waiting for her.

“Hi..Tommy…” Susie said shyly, moving her feet around in a circle on the floor.

“Hi Susie… Thanks for bringing these by.” He responded.

“I like your new work boots….” she responded awkwardly. “Sorry… I am just not feeling well today… Oh.. Umm… I am fine.. Ummm… Hi Tommy… Nice boots…Yeah…” then whispering to Fiona in a tone she was sure no one else could hear. “I can’t stop thinking about how constipated I am… This is not a good day…”

“You’re constipated?” The doctor said out loud.

“Oh Ummm…” Susie responded, instantly turning as red as a tomato.

“William!” Fiona interjected.

“It’s probably those Iron supplements… When was your last bowel movement?”



“Has it been more than a few days?”


“Yes… like a week…”

“OH.. OK well let’s just go into exam room one.. Fiona why don’t you come with us and Tommy can finish up exam room two now that he has the screws.”

“What? Now?”

“Well you’re already here, Fiona, you don’t mind coming back with us?”

“I guess ummm.. William!”

They all shuffled out of the waiting room and Tommy walked into exam room two and got to work while the doctor, Susie and Fiona walked into exam room one. “Suzanna, can you take your dress off and just lay back on the exam table… You can keep everything else on if you’d like.” He said nonchalantly.

“William, what are you doing?” Fiona said quietly to him.

“Just want to see why she’s constipated so badly that’s all.”

Susie was quickly undressed and took his command literally, leaving her shoes on while laying back in her underwear… “I am just going to feel your belly OK?”

“I guess…” she said as he began pressing on her belly firmly. Fiona never actually saw him work before but actually enjoyed the sight just a bit.

“I can hear Tommy working in the next room…” she whispered out while thinking about the boy she liked being perhaps mere feet away…

“Oh I am sorry about the noise.” the doctor responded… “We probably should do a quick rectal exam though. Can you lower your underwear to your knees and roll on your left side for me?” Without a word Susie did as she was told and the doctor began putting on a pair of rubber exam gloves. Fiona looked on stunned as she saw the doctor squeezing some lube onto his index finger and asked Susie to bring her knees to her chest… Then looked on as he separated her buttocks and his finger slid inside all the way to his knuckles… Susie made a little gasp but didn’t resist.

“Tommy is just in the next room…” she squeaked out as his finger twisted around.

“We’ll keep our voices down. Right William?” Fiona said looking at him sternly

“Oh yes… Umm Fi can you go into that cabinet and grab me a fleet enema? Suzanna just is a bit backed up… and Suzanna we’ll have you feeling a lot better in about 10 minutes… Thanks Fi…” He slowly pushed the fleet nozzle inside her and giving it a squeeze Susie gasped again… “OK get dressed.” he said, throwing his gloves and empty fleet bottle in the trash. “You know where the bathroom is? You’ll need to run in there really soon I am sure…” He then turned to leave the room like nothing happened.

“Fiona, help me fix my makeup?” Susie said before a stunned but intrigued Fiona could leave with William. As soon as the door closed.. “I want to DIE” Susie yelped out almost in tears… “Tommy might have heard him doing that to me! And… And… I don’t know…. I wish it was Tommy doing that to me… sorry… Oh no… I got to poop now…” she said, fixing her dress quickly and running off into the bathroom.

Fiona walked into his office and sat on the couch. “What the hell William!”

“What do you mean?”

“You gave that poor girl an enema and a rectal exam! With Tommy here?”

“Well she really looked uncomfortable in the waiting room…”

“William, are you stupid?” She said when she heard Susie leaving the bathroom and simultaneously Tommy leaving the exam room… followed by a loud thump in the hallway.

“Oh Gosh sorry Susie, I didn’t see you there… You ok? I bumped into you.”

“It’s cause I’m tiny…Umm…I.. I.. I’m OK… I feel better now… ummm.. Hi Tommy.”

“No, I am really sorry… umm…ummm… can I go buy you a soda? I am done here now… we can… I mean after work… or something ummm…”

“Yes! Yes! Ummm with me?”

“Well yes with you… Ummm tonight at 5:00?”

“YES! With just me?”

“Yes Susie.”

“A Date?”

“Yes… Ummm… a date” He said, lighting up.

“Yes! I better get back to work umm… But 5:00 at the drugstore for a soda!” She said before bouncing away. Fiona followed after her quickly both to congratulate, and to give some makeup tips. Tommy ducked into the Doctor’s office to get a check from him and a few minutes later Fiona came back in as Tommy was leaving.

"Well that went better than I planned... No thanks to you..."

"What do you mean Fi?"

"Do you really think it was an accident that I asked Susie to bring some things from her family's store with Tommy here?"

"I don't follow..."

"She was gushing over him like a schoolgirl until you asked her about her last bowel movement… You almost derailed that fast…My makeover finally got him to notice her… No thanks to you!"

"Well, he mentioned he wanted to ask her out for a while now... He was just never alone without his dad or her dad before..."

"Oh... Ummm I did get them alone… Still when I am trying to get your attention don’t talk about bowel movements!” Then after a long pause… “But umm maybe fixing them up and not telling you my plans was a bit naughty of me…and look in your bottom drawer…"

“Oh… It’s that box of missing screws…”

“So naughty of me william… Oh I think I need a unique punishment…” she said sitting up on his desk. “And since I know how you feel about spanking your pregnant wife, at least while she’s showing… I want you to finger my ass and do this to me… but not like you did to Susie..” She reached into her purse and pulled out one of his fleet enemas. “No mercy… I have been so naughty…”

“What just got into Fiona?” He thought to himself as he got up and walked behind her… “Go on the couch and get on all fours for your punishment.”

“Yes sir..” she responded, doing as she was told. He climbed up behind her and pushed her dress up past her waist and yanked down her panties, then without warning pushed the fleet nozzle in her pink anus… “Oh! Owe! I am so naughty Sir!” he squeezed the bottle firmly but slowly and her whole body shivered at the feeling. “Who has a cuter ass Sir? Me or Susie?”

“Such a naughty question…” he responded.

“Yes… I am sorry… oh so naughty… after this fuck me in my ass again…” She said reaching around and touching herself.

“You…” He said slowly pulling out the nozzle.. “Go empty that ass and get back here.”

“Yes sir…” she said scurrying down the hall to the bathroom, returning a few minutes later naked but carrying her clothes in a bundle…

“On the couch Fiona… on all fours…”

“Yes sir.. Oh it’s so hard and scary looking” she said as she looked over and saw him taking off his clothes…

“You’re going to rub yourself ok.. Don’t you dare stop unless I tell you to…”

“Yes sir…” she said, closing her eyes and then feeling the tip on his cock on her anus…

“Are you rubbing yourself?”

“Yes sir…” she said quietly then “Oh GOD! OWE! OH!” as he started to press into her, reaching up and cupping her swollen breasts as he did… “OH! OWE! Oh God!” She yelled out again both hating and enjoying the feeling…

“Don’t stop rubbing yourself…”

“Pull my hair like I’m a bad girl!” she yelped out in the moment. He reached out and pulled her hair and they both began building into a frenzy. William moving inside her faster and deeper while Fiona rubbed herself quicker and harder until he exploded with a loud moan.. “Don’t take it out yet… don’t move… Oh GOD… I am going to… Oh…oh… Your cock is in my ass! Ohhh…” she yelled out as she reached orgasm. “Slowly, slowly take it out now… am I a good girl now?”

“Yes dear… Yes…” he said sitting down on the couch and she climbed over to him and cuddled close.

“You can thank Susie for that idea.. And don’t you dare actually thank her… and now my ass hurts..”

“Oh? And umm explain that?”

“I loved seeing your finger in her ass.. I don’t know why…I liked her cute little tush.. I was jealous… and loved that you didn’t care… I just wanted you to do that to me…” She stopped and looked at her watch. “I have 30 minutes until I need to go get the kids.. Just cuddle for a bit ok?”

“Yes Fi… Wow….”

“Don’t get any ideas now OK. Special circumstances today…”

“Well umm…”



Bob47 1 month ago 1