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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 23: From Snowbird to Salt Lake City

I watched as Sheryl drove away. I had told her to call me at the hotel in downtown Salt Lake City and to give me time to check-in. I walked back up to get my skis and take them to the car when I encountered The Jerk on the way back to my rental car.

"Man, I don't know how you could do that...get them both," he said.

"I didn't get them. They got me," I said. I told him that they had invited me out with them and, in fact, tracked me down at my hotel to invite me when I didn't invite myself into their evening. They didn't have to do that.

"But how?" he asked. I summarized with something like the following:

"They were interested in me and I treated them well and with respect. Being a nice guy doesn't always work out. But it did this time. Because of they way I treated Megan's mom, she had a good feeling about me. As her mom, she could also see how I treated Megan and that had good possibilities. And I wasn't a jerk and I didn't assume anything about them, what they wanted to do, if it involved me, or what the outcome might be. Being a jerk can get you attention, but not always the best kind."

He asked me if I was going to see them again and I told him I didn't know. It was entirely up to them. That was mostly true. I assumed that Megan was on her way back to school, as she had stuff to do associated with summer school at the university. Sheryl was heading to her home and the plan was that she would call me so that she could come to the hotel where I was staying and we'd go from there. But, she could always change her mind and not call me such that the kisses and hugs at her car were the last goodbye between us.

He wanted more details than I was willing to give him. But I did clue him on this: it wasn't my first time in bed with two women nor my first time with a mother and daughter. I told him that I needed to get on down the road and we said goodbye. I drove out of the canyon on that beautiful Sunday afternoon and to downtown Salt Lake City to the hotel where the conference/convention was being held.

When I arrived at the hotel check-in, they noted my clothing and asked if I had been skiing. I indicated that I had been skiing at Snowbird over the past couple of days but now was here to attend the conference. They told me where the conference was being held within the hotel.

"How many keys?" the person at the front desk asked me.

"Two," I said. Once I received my keys, I parked my car and took my suitcase, boot bag, and skis into the hotel and rode up the elevator to reach my room. Once there, I called home and got a message from Abby. I made a couple of other calls including one to my coworker who would be flying to Salt Lake City the next day. Lastly, I called Abby to hear about her prom experience (discussed in a later next chapter). When I hung up, there was no message light blinking. I expected to hear from Sheryl. I thought maybe she had changed her mind.

I got undressed to get into the shower. The first thing I noticed was that my shoulders were tender. I hadn't really noticed that earlier. As I removed my turtleneck shirt, I realized that my shoulders, my back, and my arms were sunburned. At 11,000 feet above sea level in late May, the suns rays had burned me through the fabric of my shirt. In fact, the area around the seams or wherever there was double fabric (the cuffs of my shirt sleeves, the double-fold of the turtleneck), there wasn't any real sunburn. The sunscreen on the exposed skin had done its job. I just hadn't experienced this before, even at Mount Hood (though that was September and closer to the equinox than the summer solstice). It looked (and was) a first degree burn. The prior day, my sweater had protected me.

I was in the shower when Sheryl called. I think this was maybe the second hotel I had ever stayed in where there was a phone in the bathroom in addition to the main living area. I stepped out to answer the phone. She had the called the main switchboard and they connected me. She could hear the shower in the background. She told me she was on her way and asked me which room I was in. I gave her the room number and asked her if she wanted me dressed or undressed after I got out of the shower.

"Very definitely undressed," she said. That got me hard just thinking about it and I told her that I was looking forward to seeing her. I hung up and stepped back into the shower with a massive erection. It was looking like supper might just have to wait.

Sheryl arrived about 30 minutes later. I looked out the keyhole and there she was, standing there with a bag over her shoulder. Since I didn't see anyone else through the fisheye lens, I opened the door and stood right in front of it for her to see me. She stood there, looked me over, and then stepped through the doorway, grabbing my cock in her hand to drag me away from the doorway and to let the door close while telling me that I looked "good enough to eat."

She dropped her bag off her shoulder to the floor as the door closed and we embraced in the short hallway that is so characteristic of most hotels. There are two distinct things I remember about that. First, I remember how her hands glided down my back and hips to grasp my ass. The other thing I remember was standing under a recessed spotlight and the heat from the lamp was acting on the sunburn on my shoulders.

She could see the sunburn on my shoulders and the line where the seam reduced the amount of sunlight that reached my skin. It was red and warm to the touch.

"I have something for that," she said and she directed me to get on the bed, on my stomach. I did, laying across the bed. She took something out of her bag, a bottle of something and laid it on the bed (it was aloe vera). Then she got undressed and when she was naked, got on the bed with me. She straddled my legs just below my buttocks and told me that "this will help your sunburn," as she began to apply and massage it into my skin.

It was both very relaxing while being very sensuous and erotic. Besides telling me that I had a really nice looking ass (I noted that skiing could do that for you), I found out more about her life with her children and her husband prior to her husband's death. They were becoming "empty nesters" in a community where having more than two children was the norm. They were a very laid back family that had moved here many years ago to follow careers. What I gleaned from this was it tough to lose her lifemate at this stage in her life (kids out of primary school and going to other institutions of higher learning, she was going through menopause, and not really knowing what she wanted to do next with her life now that her husband was gone). She didn't lack for financial resources and that was a blessing , as she put it.

After a couple of years, it was Megan (and a couple of other friends) who convinced her that it was okay to consider socializing and even dating again. I asked about the mother-daughter thing because that seemed so out of place for someplace like Salt Lake City. She told me that not everyone in this city was "straight-laced" without going into details. Anyway, the two of them had talked themselves into the mother-daughter idea as a sort of dare or bet. Although they had invited a small number of men to lunch or dinner as part of their screening process, most had not made the grade for "the question."

I was actually the third guy they had invited to the possible mother-daughter party. I was the first to admit to having mother-daughter experience and, in fact, the first one that had multiple women sexual partner experience. I told her that had my initial experiences while I was a sophomore at the university I was attending (including with middle-aged woman, which opened my eyes to what older, experienced women who knew what they wanted could do with an eager young man willing to learn and to please).

She had me flip over so that she could massage my chest. I wasn't nearly as sunburned on my chest. When I flipped over, and she straddled me again, my erect cock was right there in front of her.

I told her that after graduating that my life looked "pretty normal" (marriage, house, a child) up to the time my wife was having an affair with a grad student. More than a year after the revelation of the affair, I told her that it wasn't looking like we were going to reconcile and I had an absolutely moribund sex life.

"Then I met Catie. I never expected to experience anyone like her and what we did together. Suddenly, I'm not only sleeping with her, I'm sleeping with her friends...together. And then that branched out to where we were invited to and joined a swap group. We're having more sex than either of us had anytime in our life prior to that. And very, very intimate between the two of us, too. I've never been so close to someone in such a short time in such a sustained way."

"And then she died."

Sheryl stopped massaging my shoulders and upper chest as I said that. We both had tears for the loves we lost.

"Anyway, my life's been even crazier since she died, like I'm living my second life."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Have you seen The Natural?" I asked, referring to the movie.

"Yes," she said.

"I love the music to it. There's a line that Glenn Close says; *'I believe we have two lives. The life we learn with and the life we live with after that.'* It's like that. There's the life I learned with while Catie and I were together teaching each other about ourselves and finding the ways we unlocked each other, and then the life I'm living after that. Maybe we both are living our second lives." I said.

Sheryl though for a moment. "I never thought about it that way," she said. "What's crazy about your life?" she asked.

"I never thought of myself as being this sexually desirable person. At least, not like this. It's like there was a hidden switch that I didn't know about that suddenly was turned on." As we talked, Sheryl's hand progressed lower and lower down my chest to my abdomen where my cock was pulsing with each beat of my heart.

"I could slide you inside me," she said, "and we could stay here and order room service."

"True," I said. It was an incredibly tempting offer. She was sitting straddled across the top of my legs and I had been enjoying the view of her massaging me like this. All she had to do was take out a condom, unroll it down my cock, move forward and get me angled into position, and then slide down my cock.

"But then I might not get to take you to a nice intimate supper and THEN take you to bed." I explained that a coworker and other associates would be arriving the next day (Monday) and that probably four of us would be going out to eat. I did know my coworker was not coming with his wife. I wasn't certain whether the other two associates we were working with were bringing their wives.

"Of course, you could go with us, if you wished. But you'd be among at least four technical geeks, and maybe more, during a meal. We do have a tendency to *talk shop* and it might be pretty boring," I said.

We talked a few more minutes about various options. In the end, we decided that we would get dressed and go to this place that she knew. It was a short walk from the hotel.

It was an intimate dinner between her and I as we shared about parts of our lives (prior to us meeting). Sheryl was much more comfortable about sharing about her life with her husband than I was in sharing about mine as it related to Catie. The mental image she painted was them as a loving and affectionate couple, never afraid to show their affection for one another. She told me that they used a bit more discretion when their children were older but never hid the fact that they were in love with each other and that *mom and dad* would have their special times with each other. It sounded idyllic and I said so. She said they had a good life together. It wasn't perfect and there were occasional challenges, she told me, and it was a good life together that she missed.

She asked me about my marriage and what happened to it. I gave her the quick synopsis. Eventually we got to how much my life had changed once I met Catie and how those changes had continued after she had died; how my life had become a series of unexpected (sexual) encounters. I didn't want it to sound like a series of sexual conquests and that what I had experienced was always something that I hadn't expected.

"If we hadn't come to your table yesterday, and if we had sat at another table, would you have approached us?" she asked.

"No," I said. "I already noticed how attractive you are, both of you. But no, I wouldn't. I'm extroverted and friendly, and I would have been willing to chat with you in the lift line. And I didn't assume you were even remotely interested in me. That's what I mean about being unexpected."

She asked if anything like that had happened on the slopes. I told her that there may have been a couple times when there was interest and the circumstances weren't right or I was oblivious in the moment. I expanded on what I had mentioned to her and Megan about my experience in Colorado (with Bob and Cheryl).

"They picked me. Or maybe more correctly, she picked me and he approved. We had several very enjoyable days together on the slopes and in their bed."

She leaned over and asked if I used condoms. I told her no and explained how we had arrived at that decision and how we assessed the relative safety. I was certainly willing and ready to use condoms, I told her. "Just like with you and Megan," I said. You told me that you always use them and I accepted that."

"I've had myself tested a couple of times. Still, I had myself tested after I returned from Colorado, just to be certain and I got the test results back last week," I said.

"And?" she asked.

"A clean bill of health. I've got the test results back in the room if you want to see them (the results)."

About that time, someone who knew Sheryl approached the table to say hello to her. We both stood up; Sheryl to give this woman a hug and me, to extend my hand. Sheryl introduced us. She introduced me as a friend of both her (Sheryl) and Megan and I was in town for a week long conference and we were taking the opportunity to have supper together. It was the perfect introduction. After a bit of conversation between Sheryl and her friend, her friend returned to her table and the group she was with while Sheryl and I sat back down.

Sheryl and I went back to eating and talking. At one level, it was very relaxed and sensuous for the two of us. To the outside world, it looked like two good friends having a god time together as there was no touchy/feely activities between us in the restaurant. At a completely different level, we both knew that we'd be getting in bed together; this time it would be just her and I. While we were waiting for dessert, I was suggesting the kind of dessert we could create with whipped cream, chocolate, and champagne. Sheryl got into it, too, by telling me where she's like to apply said dessert components (like creaming my cock and balls and licking them clean).

We had to suddenly snap out of that because Sheryl's friend and the other people from the group at the table were leaving and came by our table. Sheryl had either me a couple of them previously or knew of them. More small talk. Our server delivered our dessert and the other group moved on.

This time I paid the bill. Sheryl thanked me. I thanked her for being willing to spend the evening with me. We were only a couple of blocks away from the hotel. We had walked to the restaurant and we walked back. On the way back, we walked arm-in arm. I was telling her the schedule I had in terms of going to pick up my coworker the next afternoon, getting my slides to the presentation coordinator in the afternoon so that I could check them for their proper order and orientation. As it turned out, Sheryl didn't have anywhere that she needed to be until Monday afternoon. As we approached the hotel, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a room key.

"This is for you," I said.

This confused her because she asked, "Do you want us to go in separately?" , as if we shouldn't be seen entering together.

"No, this for you during the week so that you may come and go as you please." She understood. We wrapped our arms around each other to walk the remaining distance to the hotel entrance, entered the lobby to the elevators, and rode up to *our room.*