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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 22: Snowbird (Part 3)

Part 3

It was not a powder day at Snowbird and there was no sense of urgency to get to the slopes to ski fresh powder. There was no early wake up call or alarm going off.

Instead, there were three very well fucked people in bed together, intertwined in that post-skiing and post-fucking deep sleep. I gradually awoke to the gentle stroking of my erect cock. It felt like I was dreaming a very erotic and pleasant dream and then I realized I wasn't dreaming. As I gradually attained consciousness, I realized that Sheryl was laying on her side beside me and stroking my cock. She had a nice light touch. My mind was replaying the mental clips of being inside her both vaginally and anally. Of course, my last and freshest memories were the long, slow strokes from behind as I was cumming in her ass (in a condom).

I opened my eyes and turned my head to her. There was enough light coming around the curtain to see her clearly.

"Good morning," I said quietly.

"Good morning," she replied. She moved over and gave me a long, passionate kiss. I rolled towards her in response as we held each other. That kiss continued to a series of kisses. Finally, she said, "You need to wash your face," referring to the scents of her and Megan that coated the area around my mouth and my face.

"I love being able to bury my face between your legs and to taste every inch of you," I said.

"I can tell," she said.

"And I'm not done, yet!"

I moved her to roll her on her back and position myself between her legs. I brought my mouth down to her pubic area, took in it's scent and then gently brought my mouth and tongue to her labia and started exploring her once again. I wasn't going to do this for a long time. Just to give and get a taste.

I raised up and whispered "I'll be right back," and then got off the bed and took my naked self to the bathroom. She watched as I walked away and around the bed. I quietly closed the door to the bathroom and turned on a blast of light. I had to let my cock get a little less firm and then angle my hips so that I could pee into the toilet. Once my bladder was empty, I flushed the toilet and turned to the mirror and the sink, thinking "WOW!" there was much more to that thought and my thoughts immediately turned back to the two women who were in my bed.

I thought that if it wasn't for the fact that I was checking out of the hotel today so I could move to the hotel where the convention was being held, we could skip skiing and spend all day Sunday filling all the condoms we had. That thought had me become fully erect again. I took a wash cloth and used soap and water to wash my face. I had a morning stubble that I could shave, I thought. Then, I thought I'd just leave it.

After washing my face, I then took the wash cloth around my cock and balls. Even though I had been in condoms when fucking each of them in the ass, I thought I'd get cleaned up for either or both of them. And then finally through my ass crack. Once I dried off, I turned off the light before opening the door and then returned to Sheryl on the bed. Megan had shifted position and I couldn't tell whether she was awake or asleep.

As I approached the left side of the bed, I quietly said "next" to her. She indicated that she had gotten up earlier. I got back into bed beside her.

"You're such a sight," she whispered. "I could get used to seeing you come to bed with me."

"Be your boy toy?" I whispered.

"Oh, you're no boy!" she whispered back and then gently grasped my cock.

We started kissing as she stroked my cock and then we repositioned so that I was on top and above her. I started my way down her body as kissed and lightly sucked various locations as I worked my way down (her ears, her neck, her breasts, her navel, and everything in between). I arrived back between her legs where I was before I got up and went to the bathroom. This time I was fully committed to spending as much time as she wanted or needed with my head in her crotch, my mouth and tongue doing a delicate and not so delicate exploration and tasting of her pussy. I wasn't in any hurry. I wanted her to take as much as she wanted and liked. At one point, after an orgasm, Sheryl said "You do that so good!"

I suspected that Megan was awake and watching us (she was) from her position on the other side of the bed. I didn't look over to see. I just kept Sheryl's pussy in front of me, reaching under her legs to hold her most of the time and sometimes reaching up her abdomen to gently caress and squeeze her breasts and nipples. Sheryl finally tapped me on the head and I raised up.

"You better put a rubber on because I need you inside me." She reverted to a vernacular from her (and my time) when condoms were called rubbers. I got up on my knees and reached for one of the boxes of condoms to get one that she wanted me to wear. When I brought the packet back to tear open, I was straight up on my knees, my cock standing up and out and dripping precum from the tip. While I was trying to tear it open, Sheryl reached forward and started stroking my cock. I finally got the condom out and Sheryl removed her hand as I put the the tip of my cock into the condom. I squeezed out the air from the reservoir at the end of the condoms and then unrolled it over the length of my cock.

Once fully unrolled, Sheryl was very definitely ready for me to enter her, which I did quite easily. It was a nice fit and whatever muscle spasm she had when I first entered her the previous evening, there was no residual effects other than knowing that she had been well-fucked hours before. It was long and slow strokes inside her with an occasional short stroke series. But we were going at it slowly and quietly trying not to shake the bed or intentionally wake Megan. I know it was hard for her to mute her orgasms, but she did. And it was a nice, long time before I was finally ready to cum. I pressed in deeply for that final stroke holding myself up by my arms while my weight was applied down through my hips so she could feel each contraction inside her. In the semi-darkness, I looked down into her eyes as she watched my face while was cumming.

As the contractions spurting my cum tapered, I finally let myself down on top of Sheryl and she wrapped her arms around me. She squeezed her vaginal muscles around my cock which caused us to chuckle. We knew the routine; that I could stay inside her for another couple of minutes before withdrawing while holding the condom in place.

"That was beautiful," Megan said. "So tender, so loving."

Well, we knew for sure she was awake. She told us that she had been watching us. Other than the fact that my cock was inside her mom, I didn't get into the middle of the conversation between mother and daughter.

"I'd like to think that was the way it was between you and dad," Megan said.

"Oh, it was! And so much more! Your dad knew just what I needed, just what to do," Sheryl said. I think the reality of my being inside her, suddenly brought her back to the present.

"You're so much like him. Just the way you are and carry yourself," Sheryl said. Megan agreed.

"You must really miss him," I said. They agreed that they did. It was a tender moment where, in some sense, I was intruding in an adult conversation between mother and daughter. And yet, looking back, I realized that it was this situation that had them have this conversation (that they may have had at a different time and under different circumstances). It also provided another clue as to why they chose me; my way of being was familiar and comforting to them.

I didn't want to interrupt this conversation. Yet, I realized that it was time for me to pull out of Sheryl and so I reached down and grabbed the base of my cock and the condom and extracted myself from Sheryl. It was light enough to see the semen in the end of the condom.

"WOW!" Megan said. "Could dad do that?"

I pulled the condom off my cock, placed on the night table and then rolled in between mother and daughter.

"Your dad was a great lover," Sheryl said to Megan. "Maybe not quite as prolific as you," she said to me. "But, we'd spend whole days in bed together and running around the house naked." The conversation turned to different times, situations, and questions. I consider it an honor and privilege that they allowed me to witness this conversation between mother and daughter about the relationship with a husband and a father they both loved.

As the conversation reached a break, I offered to get dressed and go to the lobby area to get us some coffee, tea, or whatever.

"Not until you take care of me," Megan said. She wanted me to do much the same as what she had seen me do with her mom...the slow, tender lovemaking that Sheryl and I had shared. Over the next 45 minutes, I shared the oral sex and the slow lovemaking in much the same way as I shared with her mom. They later told me that one of the most erotic parts of this experience was watching the other experience the slower, less lusty parts of the sexual interludes; seeing and knowing what the other was experiencing. Catie had told me much the same thing about watching me with Jody, Abby, and the members of the Minneapolis "swapping group." My experience was similar to hers in watching her with other men. I understood that bond.

Megan and I wrapped our sexual interlude. Her mom "approved." I finally got up and slipped some sweat clothes on to go get us some coffee.

"Don't forget to wash your face," Sheryl said.

"Yes, mom," I replied with a laugh. After washing my hands and face, I headed down to the lobby. I asked for a "late checkout" to 12:00 Noon while I was there. I returned to the room with coffee and some muffins that were available in the lobby and continental breakfast area. Sheryl and Megan were talking about the plans for the day when I returned to the room. Megan had to return to Logan that evening as she had obligations to take care of the next morning. Of course, I was checking out and moving to the hotel in downtown Salt Lake City where the convention would be held during the week. The plan was for Sheryl and Megan to leave and go to their home to get ready to go skiing in the afternoon. I would checkout of this hotel and place my stuff in the car and then go to Snowbird where I would meet-up with them.

There was an acknowledgement that Sheryl could probably meet up with me during the week. And although Logan wasn't that far away, Megan probably couldn't come down to meet-up with me/us.

"It sounds like we have a plan," I said.

"Not until you fill me again," Megan asserted. She took my clothes off while I was getting hard again.

"Marvelous!" she said once I was hard and she was putting another condom on me. Megan spread lubricant jelly over the condom and then had me lubricate her ass. She didn't let me play with her ass for long as she had me get behind her and bury my cock in her ass. Sheryl was sitting there watching us as I started to stroke harder into her daughter. Megan liked it "rough" with me pounding her while pulling her hair braid.

I waved Sheryl over close to us and she got right beside me so she and I could kiss and we could fondle each other. She could look straight down and watch my cock sliding in and out of her daughter's ass as well as the way her body rippled from each stoke into her.

"I want you to do something," I said to Sheryl. "I want you to put your fingers in my ass like you did before, and when I cum, I want you to keep them in me to feel me cum in her." I said between breaths. She said okay. And I told her, "When I cum, I want you to take my balls in your other hand and gently squeeze them as I empty them."

She lubricated two fingers with the lubricant and reached around to slip them into my ass. Once they were inside me, her hand was following my strokes and the she was moving her fingers in and out of my rectum and swirling them around inside me.

"Mom, what are you doing? He's getting huge!"

"She's getting me ready to cum inside you," I said.

Sheryl moved around behind me and she was now watching my ass pump in and out of her daughter from behind, fingers pressed into my ass, and now lightly grasping my balls with her other hand.

"I'm close, I'm very, very close," I said as I kept stroking. Whether it was possible or not, Sheryl's fingers felt like they got deeper. Certainly, she was in contact with my prostate. I felt myself going over the edge. This time, rather than pressing deep and holding still, with each spurt of the first four or five, I slammed my cock into Megan as hard and as deep as I could. The condom didn't break. And with the last hard stroke into her, I held my position to feel the remaining spurts.

Sheryl started giggling. "Oh my God, I can feel it! I can feel you cumming in her." She was feeling each contraction through my ass by her fingers and fingertips.

Megan and I were just breathing hard. She lowered herself down onto the bed and I followed her down, keeping my cock inside her ass. Sheryl let go of my balls but kept her fingers in my ass as I laid down on top of her. After a couple of minutes, I pushed myself up and let her know that I was going to pull out of her. Sheryl removed her fingers from my ass.

"Is that what you wanted or needed?" I asked Megan.

"OH, YES!" was her reply. I pulled out of her ass holding the filled condom, removed it from my cock and was ready to add it to our collection on the nightstands.

"Can you show me something," Megan asked.

"What do you want me to show you?" I replied.

"Can you drink your cum out of a condom?" she asked.

"You mean like this?" I held the condom by both ends, tilted my head back and then turned the condom over so that the cum I had just shot into it dripped out into my mouth. I ran two fingers over the length of the condom to empty it like I was trying to get the last of the toothpaste out of a tube. They both watched as it dripped into my open mouth. I swirled it around and swallowed. I placed the condom over on the nightstand.

"Satisfied?" I asked.

"What about the others?" Megan asked.

I flipped over on my back and said to them, "Why don't you feed me the two from earlier this morning," referring to the used condoms from after we woke up. Megan grabbed the one I had used just a little earlier.

"Mom, get that one," Megan directed. Sheryl picked the one from when I first awoke and we made love. She didn't look certain about this.

"It's okay," I told her. "I just need to know one thing. Once you've emptied them into my mouth, do you want to share with me?"

"I will!" Megan volunteered.

"Sure, why not?" Sheryl said.

"That's the spirit!" I said. They took the condoms and positioned them over my open mouth and emptied them. Megan was first, as she swirled her tongue around in my open mouth to play with the cum I was holding. I signaled for them to let me sit up and when I did, Megan and I could pass some cum back and forth between us. She pulled away and let her mom position herself to kiss me and share my cum. She wasn't as enthusiastic as Megan but allowed her tongue to play with mine as we passed some of the cum back and forth. I did this a couple of times between them. Finally, Megan and Sheryl kissed sharing what they had taken from me. I indicated that I was going to swallow what was left and did.

"Amazing!" Megan said. No guy had ever done anything like that for them.

As we got closer to the planned departure time, I found out that I was also the first guy they had spent the entire night with. During their previous mother-daughter adventures, they had done their sexual things with whoever the guy was who qualified through the audition process and then left and had gone home. I asked them if they wanted to take a shower before they got dressed and left. They decided they'd shower at home and then get dressed for the slopes.

I asked them what they wanted me to do if I ran into The Jerk. I told them I don't usually disclose my intimate sexual experiences and I told them that if they didn't want me to say anything, I could tell him that it was none of his business.

"I think he's pretty obnoxious," Megan said, "and deserves to be taken down a few notches." Sheryl agreed. "If he asks, you can tell him that you slept with both of us. He might not believe you. But, you can tell him that he can ask us when we get there. It won't be pretty if he's too obnoxious."

We all got dressed in sweat clothes and I walked them out to their car.

"I had a wonderful evening and morning with you," I told each of them. I gave them both a hug and a passionate kiss and told them I'd see them on the slopes in a couple of hours as we had our meeting time and place established. I watched them drive away and I went back into my hotel room to take care of all the expended condoms. I had told them to take their condom selections with them for future use.

I got into the shower and took a nice, warm shower. My ski clothes were already laying out and my suitcase was mostly packed. As I was getting dressed, the phone rang in my room. I figured it was Sheryl or Megan calling me from their home, though it could have been a call from anyone who knew that I was here, including Abby. I answered the phone.


"Gary?" I didn't recognize the voice.

"Yes?" I answered.

"This is Andrea...from the ______ drugstore."

"Hi! I'm surprised to hear from you," I said. I was very surprised.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come last night. I really couldn't," she said.

She didn't ask me what we did and I didn't volunteer any information about Megan and Sheryl or what we did. She finally asked if I would be at this same hotel tonight. I told that I would be checking out shortly, that I was going skiing in the afternoon, and then would be checking into the hotel in downtown Salt Lake City where my convention was.

"I hope I didn't shock you too badly last night," I told her. She said she was surprised and although some guys had propositioned her at the store, it was the first time someone with "all those condoms and lubricant" had offered her a room key. She said she thought about it all night, though, and finally got up the courage to call me.

"Did you use up all those condoms," she finally blurted out.

"No, there are still a few left," I said.

I finally told her that she needed to know that I was 14 and almost 15 years older than she was, that I had already been involved with another 18 year old, and that maybe I shouldn't have made the offer I did because it was a spur of the moment sort of thing.

"But, if you want to talk some more, I'll be at [the other hotel] through Thursday night." I thanked her for calling and told her that I was glad she called. We said goodbye and I hung up. I sat there for a moment thinking that I didn't really need another 18 year old young woman in my life.

I got dressed, closed my suitcase and took my suitcase and ski boot bag out to the car and put them in the trunk. I returned to my room to get my skis in their carrier and them put them on the car's roof rack. I checked the room one last time. I had flushed the condoms down the toilet, but there were lots of open foil packs in the trash. Well, housekeeping would think there was quite a party in this room (true). I left a tip for the housekeeping staff, drove around the front of the hotel, checked out and drove to Snowbird.

It was a warm, wonderfully blue sky day when I arrived at Snowbird. The lots weren't full by any stretch of the imagination. I guessed it was true that it had turned from ski season to golf season. Still, there were enough of us here to keep the mountain open. It was so warm that I decided that I could probably ski with just a turtleneck shirt without a sweater. I had already applied my SPF 30 sunscreen to my face, ears, neck, and the top of my head (though I did have a cap I could wear). And I was wearing my glacier glasses to block the sun's brightness and UV waves to my eyes. I purchased my afternoon lift ticket and rode the tram up to the top of the mountain.

When I reached the top (at 11,000 feet above sea level) it was a little cooler stepping off the tram than down at the parking lot. But the late May sun, just after noontime, quickly warmed my body. I dropped the skis down on the snow, stepped into the bindings and pushed off towards the snowcat track. The snow was soft but not slushy. The powder from the day before was long gone. The soft snow made for easy turns and it wasn't crowded up here. I took a run all the way down the mountain and as I got down towards the bottom, there were places where the snow was a little "grabby" from how wet and soft it had become in places.

I rode the tram back up to the top. Sheryl, Megan and I had our meeting time over at the outdoor grill location at Mid Gad and I had enough time to do a couple of runs in the Little Cloud Bowl before skiing over to our meeting place. I stopped on the cat track to survey the breadth of the bowl and to pick the next line I wanted to try. As I was standing there on the edge looking down I heard "Back again!"

It was The Jerk.

"Been here all morning?" he asked.

"No. I just got here a little while ago. This is my second run."

"I wonder if Megan is here," he said.

"She'll be here shortly. She and her mom," I said.

He looked at me. He couldn't see my eyes through the cat-eye reflective lenses, but he knew I was looking in his general direction. I was also looking beyond him to see if I could spot Sheryl and Megan anywhere on the slopes and it was too soon for the next tram to arrive at the summit.

"How do you know she'll be here?"

"Here we go," I thought. "I'm about to set the hook and reel him in."

"Because she told me that she'd be here when she left my hotel room a little more than an hour ago," I said.

He looked at me for a moment and then dismissed what I had said as a provocative fabrication (a lie).

"Naw,...you didn't...." He paused like he couldn't be sure that the next words would come out, "sleep with her?"

I didn't answer.

"Her mother?"

Still no answer. He was desperately trying to process this. I know I had a little smile on my face.

"Both of them?"

Still no answer, but my grin was wider now.

"Nah, you're just shitting me," he said. "There's no way!...."

Still no answer. I could tell my silence was bugging the crap out of him. And let's face it, I was playing a psychological game with him by not saying anything. The way he was processing my silence meant that he thought it might be real, particularly the next response:

"Both of them? Really? At the same time?"

I was finally going to give him a little, though temporary, relief with a single word answer.

"Yes," I said.

"At the same time?" he asked again.

"Yes," I repeated. He was still trying to process this. I was glad there weren't a lot of people in the area to hear this.

"You fucked them both at the same time?" he asked.

I thought for a moment about how I was going to answer and have some fun with this.

"I have only one cock and, so, I can only be in one of them at a time. So, no. They took turns. When Sheryl was riding my cock to get me to cum inside her, Megan was sitting on my face enjoying my mouth and my tongue at her pussy. And then after I came inside Sheryl, they switched places so Megan could ride me to cum inside her while Sheryl was sitting on my face."

"Nah, you're pulling me leg" he said.

"Well, that's your choice to think that. When they get here, you can ask them," I said. With that, I told him I was going to ski some runs before they got there. I skied down the bowl to the Little Cloud Lift and rode up it. I saw the tram arriving at the summit before I reached the top of the lift and I saw Sheryl and Megan skiing down the cat track. When I got off the lift I skied down to where they had stopped at the edge of the bowl. I slowed and then carefully slid between them and stopped.

"Ladies! Cum here often?" I put an arm around each of them and gave them both a kiss.

"As often as we can," Megan said.

"Have you ever made love in the snow?" Sheryl asked me.

"Yes," I said. "Besides the exhilaration of being outside making love in the snow, the neatest thing is seeing the steam rising off our bodies. I bet we can find a place somewhere here today...."

"Is our friend here today?" Megan asked.

"Yes, and he asked about you," I said.

"What did you tell him?" she asked.

"I told him that you'd both be here and clued him into the fact that the three of us spent the night together. I don't think he believes me. But, I told him to ask you if he didn't believe me."

"Where is he?" Megan asked.

"He was skiing in the bowl the last I saw him," I said. We decided we'd ski on down and get something to eat. I was hungry. They had eaten something when they got to their home. I pointed out that eating my own cum was a net energy loss on my part. Megan was still in disbelief over what she had seen. But she sure liked the fucking I gave her and her mom.

It was during this time, as we were sitting there together, that I said that just because the skiing weekend was over and I was moving to a downtown hotel, didn't mean I wasn't available the rest of the week. I would be at the conference during the day, making my presentation on one day, sitting through other technical presentations, meeting with clients and potential clients, and other functions during the week.

"I'll be available in the evenings and we could spend some more time together, if you would like," I said.

"What about next weekend?" Megan asked. The next weekend was Memorial Day weekend. I had plans for the weekend back in North Carolina. But it was tempting to stay the following weekend. A three day weekend of skiing and fucking. Or, maybe just fucking.

It was just a suggestion and there was nothing definite about any of it early this Sunday afternoon. We skied on this side of the mountain for a while before moving over the cirque to the Peruvian Gulch for a couple of runs. When we were on the double chairlifts, I hung back so that Sheryl and Megan could ride together. But on a couple rides up, I sat with one or the other of them at their insistence. We had very sexual conversations on the way up and I would need to readjust my cock in my ski pants when I got to the top. Both of them conveyed just how sexually intense and how much fun they had the previous night and early this morning.

On one ride up with Megan, she asked if my ex-wife's boyfriend (whom I had noted was the same age as her) was anyway near as sexually accomplished as I was. I told her a short version of what happened. But the simple answer was no, at least according to my ex-wife. I did admit that she might be telling me that just so that I wouldn't feel any worse about the way things turned out. However, while my ex-wife had never given me a detailed encounter-by-encounter comparison of her lovers before she and I really started dating, she had told me that I was the best lover she had ever had.

Sheryl, on the other hand, noted that beyond sex, someone had done a really good job of teaching me how to treat women. I gave most of the credit to my mom and what she had taught me.

During these rides, none of us really delved into the losses we had. We knew they were there and those we had lost had affected us in ways that were seen and unseen.

But when we were on the snow, we were having a good time just being in each other's presence. We knew what we had experienced together and I didn't feel like that got in the way of what we shared together on the snow. Once we were back on top of the mountain, we were standing at the top of Regulator Johnson. I didn't feel confident enough to ski through the heart of the moguls. Megan encouraged me by noting my technique was pretty sound with the pole plant. She told me that she thought I was trying to oversteer my skis (a good observation on her part) and to just allow the skis to follow the natural course of the moguls (though not necessarily the fastest water course route) to control my speed and timing.

While we were standing there and I was listening to Megan, our friend (The Jerk) skied up to us after getting off the Little Cloud chairlift. I wondered if and how he would inquire about the previous night and the morning.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Are you having a great day?"

"We're having a wonderful day," Sheryl said. "The Sun's bright and the snow is soft. Not a bad run out here today."

"I heard you got out here late because of an interesting night?" he asked.

"The three of us had an exceptional night together," Megan said. She let that sit for a moment before she added "And I'd say that we started the morning off right together, wouldn't you agree, Mom?"

"Absolutely, dear!" Sheryl said. "Wouldn't you agree," she said to me.

"Absolutely! I'd say that waking up with the two of you and the three of us making love together has been the highlight of this glorious day."

He just looked at us as Sheryl and Megan were nodding their heads. He started to say something and then must have thought better of it. He pushed off to ski away from us and said "You all (not y'awl) have a good time." We watched as he skied away.

"Well, that went better than I thought," I said.

We turned our attention back to Regulator Johnson. Megan pointed over to the left and said, "We'll ski over here where the bumps are more manageable. Mom doesn't like big bumps, either." We went down the left side of the run. Megan was so fast that we couldn't keep up with her and I stopped trying to watch her to focusing on the course I was trying to follow. Sheryl was skiing to the me left and slightly in front of me. I still felt like a novice in this part of the slopes compared to them. But they had years of practice, I was still essentially just starting out.

Megan stopped midway down the run and watched us ski down. I didn't feel like I was just surviving and the softer snow helped a lot. Back home, these things would be icy. When we reached Megan she said "Good!" "Poles more out to the front. Don't let them get behind you. Use them to reach for that next turn to help the skis turn. It's harder to turn them if you're back on the tail (of the ski). And don't bend over."

Now, all of that made sense and for someone who has skied these things since they were young, it is an easy thing to say to someone who had enough understanding of how the skis could work. But the only way to learn this was in the school of hard falls. We did this run a couple of more times before returning to the cruising gliding through the bowl.

Our day together was coming to an end and we skied down to the base of the tram. We all took off out skis. Megan wanted to get on the road to head back to Logan so she could take care of a few things before Monday morning. Sheryl and I wanted to go inside and get something to drink before we left. I asked Sheryl if she'd wait for me while I walked Megan out to her car. She told me she would. Megan and Sheryl hugged and kissed. Megan told her mom that she would stop be those house to change clothes before driving on to Logan and told her that she's call her later.

I walked Megan out to the lot, helped put her skis in her roof mounted ski box on her car. We embraced and, honestly felt each other standing out there in the lot.

"YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING!," she said to me.

"You are, too," I said.

"I may be able to come down here on Wednesday. It depends on my schedule," she said.

"I'll be here," I replied.

"I hope Mom spends some time with you this week," Megan said.

"I hope so, too. Your Mom is an amazing woman. You both are."

A little more groping and a little more kissing before she got in her car. I closed the door, watched her buckle in, and drove away with a wave. I turned to walk back to the area at the base of the tram. Sheryl was waiting for me.

"Did she get off?" she asked.

"No," I said with a grin. "But she did drive away."

"You're so bad!" she said with a smile.

We sat there chatting about different things, not quite ready to leave. I finally brought up what I had mentioned at our lunch.

"I am serious about what I said at lunch," I said. "I'd love it if you wanted to spend some more time with me this week. Or, at least let me take you to supper one night." She smiled at the thought.

"I just may take you up on that," she said.

"Which?" I asked.

"Both," she replied. "I know this place...."