Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Six

“Happy Monday morning Audrey, another week here. Are you excited?”

“Yes it’s been so interesting… Jeanette came by my house this morning. She needs the morning off.. Morning sickness…”

“That’s fine and Fi said you two were having a girls night after I get home?”

“Yes, just ice cream sundaes. We’ll be back by nine I’m sure. She said she hopes she doesn’t crave pickles on it.”

“Fi has weird pregnancy cravings. Once she had three peanut butter, pickles, and cream cheese sandwiches. I am just glad you two are getting along now.”

“That sounds disgusting…”

“She made me try one… I wanted to throw up.”

That night Fiona and Audry met at the soda fountain and sat down to order. Audry getting a small hot fudge but Fiona ordered a Large Banana Split. They were somewhat silent until the sundaes came out.

“That’s going straight to my bumm… but I’m eating for two..”

“You actually look really good, you know.”

“You really think so?” she responded, shoveling ice cream into her mouth.

“Yes you dress so nice and have a great figure.”

“I sew a lot of my own clothes… and I do miss being skinny… but cross your heart bras are great… They’re never the same after breastfeeding, sorry to say.”

“Well you look beautiful still.”

“You really think so?”

“I bet you’re still turning heads.”

“Thanks! Can I have your cherry?”


“These cherries are so good! That’s why I like manhattans…Now can you tell me about Sara Pettingale?”

“Well she looks really good for 44. I hope I look that good. Anything you’d like to know?”

“Everything… Any surprises?”

“Oh, a few… Well umm… She came by because Doctor Richardson was pretty good with Ally, especially for her first time… Well she said she’s not as regular as she used to be. She said she had a week of being extra frisky with her husband… then when her period was late she worried she was pregnant… then when it came she had a lot of clotting and cramps and thought she had a misscarriage… Though she said she never had one before.

“Oh I hope she didn't, that would be sad.”

“He didn’t think so, but he did a full exam and all…”

“Details, details young lady!”

“Well umm… she had her first period at 14… Her only partner has been her husband… two children… Ummm… I really didn’t pay much attention to her history…. I was comparing her to Ally…”

“I can understand that. Well how did she compare?”

“Better than you’d think.. Her breasts were, well, a bit saggier but still nice.. Bigger than Ally. Ally is a B cup her mom was certainly a C… or D…Dark red nipples… It amazes me how different those are. Mine are much pinker and bigger than Ally’s, Ally’s were deeper toned than mine… But Mrs Pettingale’s got huge…”

“Oh yeah, I have ghost nipples… See how fair my skin is? Yeah mine are pretty pale to go along with that… OH so you think she enjoyed it?”

“Oh my… Fiona, she was probably the worst offender I ever saw… And another surprise.. She trims down there.. More than I do… I mean I do just cause I was on the swim team and who wants pubes poking out but… She spent some time grooming. It was off her thighs, and cut short like… Darker blonde than her hair but still blond..”

“How short young lady?”

“Just shorter… you know… shorter than mine…”

“Oh! Well umm what was her pussy like?”

“It was pretty aroused.. Wet, inner lips swollen out… Wait! What did you just say?” Audry said, shocked.

“OH, I am sorry…”

“No really now YOU said that word? You’re so… proper.”

“Well…” Fiona said blushing “When you're married to a doctor, the right words can be a mood killer. I figured that out early.

“What do you mean?”

“Well what was our second time having sex… It was awkwardly endearing but so private. I’m not sure I should tell you.”

“I’d be fired if the doctor knew I was telling you all about Mrs Pettingale’s pelvic exam like this.. You should tell me… What if I meet a doctor someday and marry him?”

“OK then Audrey. See, I had only just figured out I was pregnant and we were figuring out how to tell our parents. And since our awkward first time we’d have only had… oral sex… do you know what that is?”

“Fiona, I’m the youngest of seven children and only one not married… And my sisters don’t know when to stop talking…You can’t shock me.”

“I’m the middle of five girls… I had one married sister at the time but she never said anything to me… OK well My grandmother went on a trip for a week and I wanted some alone time so, I house sat.. and snuck William up to stay over…

“You were playing house. That’s kind of cute.” Audry said with a little smile.

“We are both klutzy ya know… well he tripped over this bronze statue my grandmother had and fell over and sprained his ankle… I went to get him some ice… and while I was in the kitchen he put his foot up on the ottoman… I didn’t notice and tripped over his leg. He caught me and saved me from falling… Instantly put me in the mood.. He was so muscular back then… but he also screamed in pain after catching me from putting weight on that ankle… now I wanted to be a good little future wife and started to ice it.. Get his socks off and ice his ankle… and what’s he doing? Telling me the name of every muscle and tendon in his foot! I wasn’t really interested and he’d yap on about anatomy for an hour if I let him. So I needed to do the next best thing and opened his fly… Yeah he stopped talking…”

“That really doesn’t sound like a mood killer to me.”

“It gets worse… he was ummm… going down on me… I was THIS close to cuming.” She said, gesturing with her fingers… “And he stopped… ‘Fi, you can’t get double pregnant, can I put my penis in your vagina and have intercourse.’ Ummm what?”

Audry snorted back a laugh.

“NOT in the mood now! I really don’t want to be a patient or a bag of organs… I want to be his wife… someone special… I already had that fear and… What did he just call it! So I stopped him… and said can you rephrase that… Oh did he fail… instead of that awkward sentence he said ‘Can we engage in coitus?’ maybe a little better… but when you just scored a 0 in the bedroom talk scoring a 20 isn’t much better.”

“Coitus?” Audry said snorting.

“Oh so I grabbed his manhood and stroked it a bit and said, ‘Dear, I am going to be your wife. I am NOT your patient… You will say words we won’t use anywhere else… now that’s a fine hard cock you have there.’ And well my grandmother’s cat was walking by and… well I said you are going to put that in my pussy… and we are making love and we are about to... Fuck… i said fuck… I shocked myself when that came out of my mouth… but some dirty talk got me back in the mood… Oh the words that came out of my mouth… William was pretty silent but i was yelling all sorts of words I never even said before…And William discovered I was a scratcher.”

“You’re enjoying this memory aren’t you?”

“Well with kids in the house I really can’t be as vocal as I used to be…”

“Do you ever wish… you didn’t have kids, at least right away?”

“Yes… but also no… My parents never would have let me marry him if I wasn’t pregnant… and I am not sure we’d ever have had the guts to even tell them about us if we didn’t have to.”

“Are things OK with you now? I mean you and your parents?”

“Yes, much much better but they live two hours away… and probably a bit upset we compromised and became episcopalian… but overall yes much better… and my younger sisters know they can certainly get pregnant their first time… So Audrey… Keep your legs together and if you ever have a nice boyfriend tell him to keep his pants on.”

“Can I ask you something else?”

“Yes of course dear… Can I call you dear?”

“It’s better than young lady… But ummm why? Why do you want to know all this when you keep saying you hate exams…”

“I really don’t know for sure… I really think I am happy my husband isn’t like the old coot who did my first one… and well.. Like you said it’s completely not sexual, but some people like you, or Mrs Pettingale seem to enjoy it… And my husband without even trying is turning on these women.. But then it’s ME who gets to do something about it for him… And I know that sounds weird but…it is what it is.”

“Would you ever want him to examine you?”

“Not that intimately.. But… I will admit I really love the times I’ve felt a little ill and he’s used his stethoscope on my bare chest.”

“Really now? Ummm that’s when I started getting… aroused..”

“Well now! Something in common then. What do you like about it?”

“It’s sooo.. Basic I don’t know… He can hear my heart, and see my breasts just there… but doesn’t touch them.”

“Oh yes, some real sexual tension there… At least for me… In college again… William was just starting out but he had his first stethoscope given to him by his dad, and he just happened to come by to show me when I had a chest cold. WELL I snuck him into my dorm room… and I let him be the first person he used it on… I was kind of shy about taking my shirt and bra off but… he did an excellent job.. And only listened to my heart and lungs… but he could see my breasts. My very firm 20 year old breasts… he was pretty professional but once I took a deep breath and got over the modesty I wish he would have looked closer at them…but he was in full doctor mode.. And I wanted them touched… and it was a feeling building up in me… My God Audrey what got into me? Every time the bell touched my chest… and he could hear my heart pounding… I was so aroused my nipples were fully erect… and he didn’t touch them! Though if he had I’d probably have gotten pregnant a year earlier so good thing I was a good Catholic girl…But I wondered if he noticed.. If he liked them.. What if he didn’t? What if that’s WHY he didn’t want to touch them… know what I mean?” Audrey simply nodded. “Though a few hours later… he did say I had great breasts… So he noticed, though started making me jealous that he’d see other ones.”

“Oh wow… It was a bit earlier for me… I was an early bloomer… Guys noticed my chest a lot and I didn’t like it. I wore a lot of high necked sweaters and tried to wear bras that were too small… but… just was so embarrassing.. But my mom took me to my sports physical for swimming in high school… and the doctor had me in just my panties… I was so embarrassed but also… the stethoscope… so much umm stuff up there being touched by it. He pushed it up under my left breast… first time anyone ever touched them, even if it was just the back of his hand… I was shocked and really embarrassed, but it didn’t take long for me to be thinking about it sexually.”

“What happened after you thought about it sexually?”

“You can imagine.. I snuck off to buy a real stethoscope, to replace the toy one I used on my teddy bears.”

“I can imagine.. Can’t say I blame you.”

As they finished their Sundaes Fiona paid and they set up their next girls night… promising to talk more about their mutual love of his stethoscope and Audry ran off to do her overnight at the diner.

Fiona drove home and found everyone went to bed early. When she got to the bedroom William was sleeping soundly, too soundly to notice her turning the lamp on. “It’s only 8:30.. And I was in the mood.” she thought to herself while she undressed and standing there naked looking for a nightgown in her drawer, she picked out one that was shorter than most she had, coming down to above her knees, then climbed into bed next to William. He rolled over mostly still asleep and they began spooning. “I had a busy day.” he mumbled. “Oh that’s a short nightgown Fi.”

“I don’t have any panties on either…”

He ran his hand along her leg and up under her nightgown. “Oh, I see that…”

“I locked the bedroom door to…” She said, clicking off the lamp.


Bob47 1 month ago