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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 21: Snowbird (Part 2)

In the previous chapter I was posed this question that caught me by surprise:

"We were curious if you've ever had sex with a mother and her daughter," she said so quietly it was barely audible.


"Yes," I said.

There was a simultaneous look of surprise and pleasure that was visible on their faces in the candlelight.

"Really?" Megan asked.

"Really," I replied matter of factly.

I went to explain that I was 19 years old and attending a university in North Carolina at the time. I had become friends with a family in the Bradenton-Sarasota area that was spending several summers in the DC area in successive years. It had to do with their business and they had a place that they could stay through another family member. I explained that they had a daughter and a son and that their daughter was a year younger than I was and their son was about four years younger than I was and they attended the church I was attending at the time. Since I was born and raised in the DC area, I would occasionally go on sightseeing trips with them. And we became pretty good friends, particularly the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. The daughter was planning on going to the University of Florida after her high school graduation.

"I was going to see some from friends in Gainesville (also attending the University of Florida) and my grandmother in Orlando over the Christmas holidays of my sophomore year and they invited me to come spend a few days with them while I was down there," I said. I told them that all of that occurred towards the end of the summer.

"What we didn't realize was her dad was having an affair and shortly after they returned to Florida, that all blew up and he moved out of the house. I didn't find out for a couple of months until after all of that had happened. When I suggested that rather than coming to stay with them, maybe I could just stop by and visit sometime while I was in that part of Florida, it was Susan's mom that insisted that it was okay for me to come and stay for a couple of days as originally planned."

"Susan 'grew up' in her senior year of high school with all that was going on. And she physically changed quite a bit that fall, too. What I didn't expect was the degree of competition that was there between her 40-something mother and her 18 year old daughter. Susan had become something of a boy magnet in her senior year of high school and her mom...well, the affair had messed with her sense of self in a big way. For her mom, when I showed up, I was a 'revenge fuck,' if you'll pardon the term, against her husband and Susan's dad. For Susan, I was a college guy for her to 'show off' to her friends."

"Somehow, I went from sleeping on the couch to sleeping in their beds both individually and together."

"In the end, it wasn't a good situation. In fact, it seemed to devolve to a toxic feminine competition between them and I got out of there." It was the younger sibling, the brother, that I felt sorry for.

I went on to tell Megan and Sheryl that in the recent past with my dearly departed girlfriend, I had been in a number of situations where I was sexually involved with two or more women at a time and told them that my previous girlfriend just loved to "lend me out to watch me fuck someone she knew" and then join back in the fun. It wasn't the first time I had been involved with two women at the same time, but my time with Catie provided me a number of very enjoyable experiences.

Although, I didn't know it at the time, it was the nature and demeanor of my responses that had their interest; I wasn't and hadn't been "hitting on them all day" and was just enjoying the time we were skiing together for the sake of enjoyment. I didn't assume anything about them during the day and, other than hoping to see them on the slopes the next day, I was willing to send them on their way after walking with them to their car. To use a term of art from those times, I "didn't put any moves on them."

The same was true in that moment. I didn't assume just because they asked me this mommy/daughter question, that this was going to happen and they could see that in my reaction to their question. If anything, I thought that they just might be playing the role of "cock teasers" trying to string me along just to see how I reacted to frustrate me.

They considered what I had just told them and I let that just set for a minute or two. And then I asked/said "You've done this before?"

"We have," Sheryl said. It wasn't a frequent thing according to them. However, when they were together, like they were this day, and that found a "prospect" who was single and to their mutual liking, they would usually invite him to dine with them at a restaurant away from where they lived, just as they had with me. Supper was used to see if it was even worth asking the mommy/daughter question that they had asked me. One set of impressions on the ski slopes, for example, might change over supper where they/we might part ways after the meal. They had silently signaled to each other "yes, ask the question" I was the first guy that said "yes" to that mommy/daughter question, however.

Although I knew where this conversation could lead with them, I was still skeptical and I was really willing to thank them for a wonderful evening, tell them I hoped to see them on the slopes the next day, and drive away. It's in my nature to be this way and avoid the disappointment of unmet expectations. Our server returned to the table with Sheryl's credit card and the check and then walked away. Our conversation turned away from the sexual side and to what the skiing was likely to be like the next day. Sheryl filled out the tip and the total charges, signed the credit card receipt and took her copy and her credit card and put it in her wallet. I thanked her once again for "treating me to supper."

There was a pause. There was no definite "next step."

"So, are you young ladies ready to call it an evening?" I asked. I know, I cringe today calling them "young ladies," and it is what I asked.

"Are you?" Sheryl asked.

"Well, I'm not a young lady. But, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"How many condoms do you have?" Megan asked quietly.

"None on me now," I said. "I've got a pack of three back in my (hotel) room."

I didn't ask why. Her question told me where this was likely to go.

"I've got three," Megan said. "Mom?"

"I have two with me," Sheryl said. "We always use condoms."

I know I had a grin on my face when I said this: "I don't know," I said with a very long pause. "That might not be enough."

The look on their faces conveyed what they were thinking "Now, you just being a (fucking) smartass!" I returned to the question at hand. "So, what do you have in mind?"

"Let's go back to your room," Sheryl said. We got up to leave, told our server and the host "thank you" and went out the door to the parking lot. When we got outside, I had my arms around each of them as we headed to their car and the each had an arm around me. When we got to the back of their car (again, they rode together) we were a little giddy. The two of them turned to face each other and then me. Megan was on my right and she reached for my crotch with her right hand and found my erect cock under the fabric of my trousers as she leaned to kiss me.

"Mom, feel this," Megan said as she slid her hand the length of my shaft through the fabric and then grasped me. Sheryl turned a little more to reach with her left hand.

"Mmmmm! That's nice," Sheryl said as they were now both rubbing me at the back of the car.

"What do you like?," I asked.

"I like this!" Megan said as she and her mom kept stroking my cock. I doubted that anyone could see what they were doing. But, that wasn't really the question I was asking.

"What do you like to do? Oral? Anal? Vaginal? All of them?" I asked. That clarified the question for them.

"We've done them all," Sheryl said as they were beginning to alternately kiss me (making out in the parking lot like high schoolers).

I broke the trance.

"Seriously," I said. "I think we should stop and get more condoms just in case we have some breakage." There was a drug store/pharmacy I saw on the way to the restaurant and suggested that we stop there on the way to the hotel. They got in their car and I walked over to mine with a very stiff and leaking cock and they followed me to the pharmacy. We parked and when I got out of my car, I walked over to theirs and suggested that they come in and pick out what they wanted me "to wear."

The giddiness continued as we looked at the selection of condoms. Not too many colors to choose from but certainly there were ribbed and smooth condoms. I told them to pick out what they wanted to see me wearing and have inside them. Once they had selected the boxes of condoms, I grabbed a large tube of lubricant for us to use and we headed to the checkout register. I placed everything down on the counter for this young girl at the cash register.

She blushed and smiled all at the same time. She had a difficult time looking me in the eyes, though she looked at Megan and Sheryl. Her name tag had "Andrea" printed on it. As she rang up the price of each item and placed it in the bag, I could see her nipples hardening under her shirt. I could imagine what she was thinking: Three boxes of condoms, a large tube of lubricant, a middle-aged woman and a young woman standing on either side of me at the register looking like...they were ready to fuck. She rang the total on the register and I handed her my credit card.

She processed the credit card and, of course, my name was on it. I raised my hand and curled my index finger to give her the "come here or lean over towards me" signal. She leaned towards me and I said in a whisper:

"Andrea? Are you over 18?"

She shook her head "yes" and answered "yes" in a whisper.

"I can leave you one of my room keys and when you get off work, you can come join us." I took the little paper key folder out of my pocket that showed the hotel where I was staying, took one of the keys out.

"I can't," she whispered back to me.

"You're sure? I can leave this with you if you change your mind," I whispered.

"I really can't," she said.

"Okay. Thank you. I hope you have a good night. Ladies?" I said as I picked up the bag and raised my arms to hold Sheryl and Megan. We walked out the front door and headed across the parking lot. Though they couldn't hear what I whispered to Andrea, they could infer that I had invited her to join us.

"She's over 18. I asked," I said. "And did you see how fast her nipples got hard when she was ringing them up?" referring to the boxes of condoms.

"I did!" Megan exclaimed.

"You're both so bad," Sheryl said. They got into their car and followed me out of the lot to the traffic light. In that moment, I had a moment of PTSD when I realized mother and daughter were sitting in the car behind me. The light changed to green and before I started to move, I looked left and right to make sure there were no errant vehicles. Nearly 39 years later after Catie and her mom died, I still do.

The drive to the hotel went without incident even though my mind was racing with what was possible. I pulled into the lot and got out and waited while they pulled into the parking space next to me. They got out of their car and pulled out a couple of gym bags from the trunk to bring in with them. We walked down the hall to my room, trying not to be too boisterous. I unlocked the door and they entered the room as I welcomed them to my temporary abode. My room had a king-sized bed as they saw as I walked in behind them. Plenty of room for all of us, I said to them.

They dropped their bags near where my suitcase was and were all over me in an instant. They got me out of my jacket and sweater quickly and then their hands were all over my ass and my crotch as they felt me through the fabric of my pants. They had me step out my shoes and then were tugging at my belt buckle to release. My pants fell and they removed my socks. They pulled the shirt over my head and I was standing there in my underwear. my cock straining to be released as the head peeked out over the waistband.

In no time at all they were removing my underwear and I was then standing there naked next to both of them as their hands ran up and down my body.

"What a wonderful looking cock!" Megan exclaimed. My cock was "standing at attention" as they rubbed and admired it. They took me over to the edge of the bed and had me sit down. They started to undress in front of me. I asked if they wanted me to help and they told me to sit and watch. I did.

Megan's breasts were "eyepopping" when she came out of her bra. Solid, firm, well-proportioned, and completely natural. They sort of overwhelmed the rest of her body because they were disproportionally large compared to her height, waist size and hips. She was muscular, too.

Sheryl was no slouch either. She was trim and toned probably more than most 51 year old women. And although she had delivered two children (Megan had a younger brother who had graduated college and was living elsewhere), she definitely had not let her body go after having children or going through menopause. There was quite a body hidden under those clothes. They tried to get me involved in who was going to do what first.

I slid back to the center of the bed and got on my back with my cock bobbing up and down with my heartbeat as they watched and talked.

"You decide," I said. "I'm going to lay here on my back so whoever gets to ride my cock first puts on the condom of their choice and the other one can come and sit on my face while I explore their pussy with my mouth and tongue." They decided that Sheryl should ride my cock first and she and Megan picked out a condom to roll down my cock. I watched them as they did and they stretched it down to the base of my cock. She crawled over top of me to straddle my hips as she slid my cock between the labia lips. She seemed pretty wet in combination with the lubricant that came with the condom as she slid forwards and backwards over the "bottom" of my cock. She finally reached down to position the tip of my cock at her vaginal opening (I helped by tilting my hips) and told me that she'd "be gentle" with me (whatever that meant to her).

The head of my cock slipped into her fairly easily as did the first couple of inches. She was tight but I knew I was about halfway in. I could slide out through my hip action and try to slide in a little further but it was slow progress. Sucking her nipples and breasts helped a little bit and had her go through several orgasms but she wasn't getting me in much further. Megan asked her if she wanted some lubricating jelly. Megan got the tube out of the box and punctured the seal on the tube and handed the tube to her mom.

Sheryl slid me out of her and applied the lubricant to the exterior of the condom, fully wrapping her hand around its girth before applying more to her fingers and inserting and spreading the lubricant in and around her vagina. Sheryl put me back into position and started to slide back down my cock and while she was doing that, I told Megan to come up and get a "tongue lashing." Megan straddled my face and I raised my head to meet her pussy before she brought herself down to my mouth.

Sheryl had gotten me pretty deep inside her and I could feel her rocking her hips like she was trying to get me deeper. I sensed that I might be in as deep as I could go because there was much pressure on the end of my cock and I felt like I was bending somewhat under her weight. Still, I felt pretty good with all that pressure applied to the head of my cock along with her rocking. Megan was doing her own rocking on my face. She had her back to her mom and that allowed me to look straight up her abdomen at her breasts from the underside. I could see Sheryl's hands on her shoulders at times as she was holding on to Megan while grinding down on me.

Suddenly, there was a sudden drop and Sheryl pubic bone came crashing dome on mine and my hips felt her whole weight land on me in one sudden motion. She let out a deep sound. It wasn't a yell so much as it was a loud moan that she started repeating with each breath. I felt that something else serious had happened, too.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I heard Megan say, trying to turn around and see her mom. I tapped Megan on the leg to give her the signal to get up. She did and managed not to kick me in the head or face. Sheryl sort of collapsed down on my chest still breathing hard and moaning with each exhale. I wrapped my arms around her and asked her calmly, "Sheryl, are you okay?" She nodded her head to signal "yes."

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

She managed to say "I don't know," as her breathing slowed down and so did her moaning.

Now, I have always loved having a woman lay down on my chest like this after orgasm (mine, hers, both) to feel that bliss with the closeness of skin-to-skin. It felt quite special with my wife and with Catie to lay there like this. But this was different. I hadn't cum and my cock felt like it was in a vice grip. Imagine the sensation of a pair of hands wrapped around my cock and squeezing it as hard as those hands could. That's what it felt like to me. Her vagina muscles were clamped down on me. I wasn't in pain, per se. I just felt like she wasn't going to let me go. A nursing friend told me she had seen this in the ER a couple of times and I could just imagine going to the hospital in Salt Lake City for Sheryl to be given a muscle relaxant to let my penis go.

We laid there for a couple more minutes and I could feel her muscles relaxing, at last.

"I've got good news and bad news," I said to Sheryl.

"What?" she asked.

"The bad news is that when you bottomed out on me, the condom broke. The good news is that I didn't cum in you when that happened. So, when you're ready, let's pull me out so that we can replace the condom."

Sheryl laid there for another couple of minutes with me inside her with a broken condom before she tried to get up. I reached down to grab the bottom of the condom. It wasn't likely to come off because I was still hard. But, I held on, just to be certain. When she slid off me, the top three inches of my cock were exposed where the condom had ruptured. I pulled it off and tossed it over the edge of the bed. Megan got another one and opened the packet. This time she put the condom on me. I thanked her and turned my attention back to her mom.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. "Do you need us to stop?"

There was no blood and that led to the conclusion was that nothing had been torn inside her. She told me that she was okay. She had just never experienced anything like that where her muscles tightened like that. She was laying on the bed on her right side, sort of face down. I had slipped up beside her and in front of her and was gently stroking her with my right hand. Megan had slipped up behind her mom.

Sheryl didn't want us to stop. By us, she meant Megan and I. She urged Megan and I to continue, to pick up where we left off, while she "recovered." There was no earlier version of myself where I could see myself doing that. In that moment, I realized that I had skipped an important step the explicit expression (on my part) that it was always okay to ask to stop. In our haste and giddiness, I/we had skipped over that. And my appraisal of the situation was that it wasn't as simple as a broken condom to be replaced or for Megan and I to continue into sexual exploits while Sheryl was laying there. I read Megan's body language as being concerned for her mom.

"Really, it's okay if you need to stop and call it a night," I said to reassure her and Megan.

Sheryl assured us that she was okay, that we didn't need to stop, and she just needed a moment or two to recover from whatever it was she just experienced. It was clear that she (Sheryl) was "coming back to us" from wherever she went as her vagina clamped down on me. It was a good sign when she started laughing about grabbing hold of my cock and not letting go. Still she encouraged Megan and I to continue. I reminded her there was a reason that she wanted me to enter her first (though I didn't know the reason as that was between her and Megan).

"I've already had you first," she said as she propped up on her elbow directly in front of me.

"I didn't cum, even though the condom broke," I reminded her.

"You poor boy! We've got to do something about that," she said as she reached over to push me over on my back. "Where were we?" she asked.

"You were riding my cock while your daughter was sitting on my face," I said with a wide grin on my face. Sheryl moved over and straddled my hips. She reached down to position my cock and slid down my cock in just a few strokes. No real resistance to sliding down my cock like the first attempt. She leaned for to place her hands on my shoulder as she established a stroking rhythm. I reached up, coddled her breasts, and brought my mouth to her nipples to suck them through my lips. That aroused her even more and eventually took her to orgasm where she sat straight up on me so that she bottomed out at my deepest penetration.

When Sheryl sat up to cum, Megan moved in and settled down on my face. This time she was facing her mom and my view was her ass. I could and did reach up to hold Megan's breasts, but my view was limited. I could hear the sounds and feel their movements and the way each of them "ground down" on me. It was a wonderful aspect of sensory deprivation. The condom, of course, shielded direct skin-on-skin contact and had my orgasm building more slowly from the stimulation. I was, however, beginning to feel that buildup of sensations that would eventually take me over the edge. I could feel Sheryl lean back so the head of my cock was rubbing along the front wall of her vagina. I could feel her hands braced against legs as she thrust her hips around and down on my cock.

Suddenly, I was shaking as I went over the edge and started cumming. I pulled Megan down on my face and held her as I was cumming in her mom. I can't be certain, because I was lost in my own orgasm, but Sheryl, and perhaps Megan, also orgasmed sometime while I was cumming. Lots and lots of spurting on my part that diminished over the next two minutes, or so. I finally released Megan and she got off my face. Sheryl was sitting straight up looking at me.

"That was a big one," Sheryl said without explaining what she meant. She laid down on me with her head down beside mine. I wrapped my arms around her. Although I wasn't softening quickly, I knew that we couldn't hold this for long. Sheryl finely propped up with her face above mine and said "That was nice."

"Yes, it was," I agreed. She leaned forward and kissed me. She noted that I had Megan's pussy all over my face, as she put it.

"Yes, I do," I replied. "And it's delicious."

I turned to a different matter.

"Normally, I would stay here like this, with you, and let my cock eventually slide out of you and allow my cum to dribble out of you. But I think we better slide me out of you now," I said. She agreed and I grasped the base of the condom while she pulled off me. She rolled over to the side and we could all see the cum-filled tip of the condom over my softening cock.

"One thing you don't get when I'm wearing a condom is the experience of me eating my cum out of you after cumming inside you," I said.

"What?" they both said almost simultaneously.

"Haven't you had a guy cum inside you and then be willing to clean up his cum as it drips out of you?" I asked. They were both kind of wide-eyed as they answered "no."

"You need to try it sometime," I said. I pulled the condom off my cock and held it up for all to see and commented "nice load." I got off the bed, placed the condom on the bedside table, picked up the broken condom off the floor and put it on the table, before heading to the bathroom to empty my bladder. After I came out and got back on the bed, Sheryl went into the bathroom. Megan asked me if I was kidding about cum-eating. I told her I wasn't. I asked if she had any guy cum in her mouth as part of a blowjob. She said she had. I asked if she swallowed the cum afterwards and she told me that she had.

"So, if you're willing to swallow cum, why shouldn't a guy also be willing to swallow his cum after cumming inside you?" I asked. She thought about that for a moment.

"My girlfriend, Catie, loved for me to do that. And she loved watching me cum in her friends and then do the same thing to them that I'd do with her. It can be a real turn-on for women. Not so much for men."

Sheryl emerged from the bathroom and Megan took her turn there. Sheryl said she could hear what we were saying and told me that my girlfriend sounded very special.

"She was," I said, trying not to get choked up.

"Did you share her with other men, as well?" she asked.

"Yes, when she wanted to be shared. We had an agreement on that," I told her.

"Were you there when they were having sex with her?" she asked.

"Most of the time. Sometimes she would be in another room. But, I was always nearby," I said.

"Would you watch them cum in her?" she asked.

"Of course, if I was in the room at the time," I replied. I think we finally got to the question she really wanted to ask.

"Would you eat their cum after they came in her?" she asked.

"Yes!" I said. "And we'd share it between us, her and I."

"You're naughtier than I imagined," Sheryl said.

I asked if she liked "naughty boys?" She just smiled at me and said "I can't wait to watch you inside Megan."

Megan came out of the bathroom and I'm not sure if she had heard the Q & A between her mom and I. But when she came out to the bed, she and her mom agreed to switch positions. I was hard once again and the two women chose another different condom and slipped it on my cock. Moments later, Megan was sliding my cock into her and immediately set about riding me with a fairly vigorous rhythm.

As Megan got going, Sheryl slipped her hips over my head and settled down on the lips, facing her daughter. I had a point blank look at her ass as I took my tongue to her pussy. Have I mentioned how bitter the taste of lubricant jelly is? I quickly, licked that away and tried to get to the real taste of her pussy.

Once again, my vision was limited. But, I could reach up and fondle and play with Sheryl's breasts. We fucked in this position for a while and after about 10 minutes (and several orgasms), Sheryl lifted off my face to lay beside us while she watched Megan ride me. With Sheryl off my face, now I could access those very impressive breasts that Megan had. After a few more minutes, Megan wanted me to flip her over on her back with us face to face with hard thrusts. We were too vigorous and I punched through the end of the condom. I told her we needed a new one, which I quickly donned, and we kept on going in this position with her legs spread and my holding her legs while I thrust into her hard enough to hear the hip and ball slap at the end of each inward stroke.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Was the sound of the staccato thrusting into Megan.

Between Megan's "FUCK ME!' and Sheryl's encouragement to fuck her daughter harder, I was pounding away. I was also getting sweaty and a little lightheaded at this vigorous activity at more than 6000 feet above sea level. Still, I kept pounding away as she/they wanted me to do as I could feel my orgasm building. As I got close, Megan let out a long "OOOOOOHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK!" as her next orgasm began. I drove into her as hard and deep as I could and then held that position as I started to cum into the condom.

I held her legs open while we were both cumming. I looked over at Sheryl and she was in her own state of bliss. As I felt my last contractions (and Megan's), I released her legs and laid down on top of her. Her hands traced over my sweaty back and I could feel the sweat dripping off my balls. I didn't realize that Megan had scratched me during part of our interlude. Neither did she.

A couple of minutes later, I raised up and said "As much as I don't want to do this, I think it's time for me to withdraw." I reached down to the base of the condom, held it in place, and pulled my cock out of her. The end of the condom hung off the tip of my cock and was full of my semen. Megan looked down her belly to see the condom on my cock.

"WOW! Another big load," she said. I pulled the condom off and set it on the nightstand. As I moved back to Megan, I dropped my mouth down to her pussy and started to lick it. She reacted to my lips with a sudden tensing and then relaxation with her hands around my head as she sighed. I didn't stay there long and as I moved away to lay beside her on the bed, I said, "Just think of what you're missing by me not cleaning your pussy of all that cum that would be inside you."

I laid face down on the bed. That's when the scratches on my back were visible to both of them. Megan apologized and I told her that it was okay, that I wasn't even aware that she had scratched my back. I was enjoying cooling off and while I was laying there, it was Sheryl who commented on how nice my ass looked. Megan started stroking my ass and Sheryl came around the bed to be on my left side and also started stroking it.

As I was laying there I told them I was interested in their selection criteria that had me being there with them. First, and foremost, don't be a jerk! What got their attention, at first, was how I looked out there on the slopes as a "cute, good looking guy." So, when they joined me at lunch, it wasn't that there wasn't anyplace else to sit, they had already seen me and it was fortuitous happenstance that I was sitting alone eating lunch. And as lunch progressed before we were joined by The Jerk, they found me to be an extroverted and enthusiastic person that wasn't "full of himself."

It wasn't lost on them that I treated them politely AND didn't expect them to ski with me or be with me. For Sheryl, she found the level of respect comforting (note I treated her much the same as I treated my mother who was two years older than Sheryl and my former mother-in-law who was only a year older than Sheryl). That was my mom's doing.

As I noted on my own, treating women with respect, and particularly a mother of a daughter in this case, was "the secret sauce."

Another thing they found intriguing was that after we finished skiing and were down a the base of the tram winding down after the day of skiing, I was pleasant to be with and (apparently) made no assumptions about anything further. That was certainly true. I had a good time being with them and I left it at that. The fact that I walked them to their car and saw them on their way was, perhaps, a bit old fashioned. But they didn't drive far before they realized that they needed to drive back and invite me to supper because I hadn't invited them.

"I'm glad you did," I told them.

Supper, as it turned out, was a test, an audition of sorts. I didn't think of it as an audition at the time. Rather, I just thought I was going to have supper with two women I had skied with during the day as an extension of an enjoyable afternoon together. And although The Jerk had given things a sexual overtone and innuendo, the fact that I didn't act on that was a plus in my favor. If I knew or had thought of it as an audition for an intimate evening together, I'm not sure I would have been the quite the same. I was being myself in an authentic way.

Even the way I was being during supper was part of the test. What and who I was willing to talk about and how I handled the conversation were part of my audition. I discovered that even the responses around paying the check were part of the test. I was confident enough to broach the subject and to make the offer that I did (to pay the bill for all of us, or at least pay for my own meal) and secure enough to allow two women to pay for my meal.

They told me that they always paid their own way because there were too many guys that thought they were owed or entitled to something sexual because they, as the male, paid for a meal. I was certainly aware of that type of behavior and I wasn't one of those guys. But we don't come equipped with flashing warning signs and I could appreciate their position.

"Well, what does it mean if you pay for my meal?" I asked.

Megan said, "It means that it's time to get you hard again so you can fill these condoms. We bought your meal and we expect to get lots and lots of sperm." We all laughed at that and I said that I would do my best to fill as many condoms as I could. I also mentioned that I didn't think that Andrea was going to join us and so there wasn't any need for us to save some (condoms) for her.

"You're SO BAD!" Megan said.

And with that we started our next round of sexual interludes. We started with another round of vaginal sex. It was less "continuous" and spontaneous as it might have been without condoms. Nor was it as intimate as when Catie and I played with whoever else was involved (e.g., Jody or Abby) because Catie (or Jody or Abby) would dive right in with some intense oral action on whoever, my cock was in, particularly when I was fucking someone in the ass. Catie would just dive right in with her mouth and tongue and deliver an oral supplement to whatever my cock was delivering. With Sheryl and Megan, they weren't quite ready to "dive right in."

Each of them would stroke and feel my balls when I was fucking the other one and that felt really nice. Megan, in particular, did insert her fingers into my rectum when I was fucking her mom. And they did like watching the other being fucked, so there was that.

Megan was definitely ready when it came to anal sex. Doggy style, or any way she was fucked from behind and hard was the way she liked it. Her mom wanted something more gentle, on the other hand. She hadn't done much anal sex since her husband died and she described him as being wonderfully gentle. And that's the way she and I did it, facing each other with her on top or with her on her back, legs spread wide. Like I said, the sex wasn't as continuous or spontaneous as it could have been without condoms, but it helped me last a very long time between orgasms.

We went through at least another six condoms before we were ready to fall asleep for the night.

"I told you that we didn't have enough as I pulled the last condom off before we snuggled into bed together." It was a little after 2:00 AM when we drifted off to sleep; me in the middle of these two incredible women.


Bob47 2 weeks ago 1