Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Four

The doctor hired Jeanette who quickly took over his secretarial backlog. She decided to work full time until the baby came, and he was happy to have her. Though with him now as her employer decided to find another doctor for her follow up exams.. Audry came by every day as soon as her diner shift was over.

Jeanette and Audry were sitting behind the doctor’s reception desk, sorting through his mountain of unsorted paperwork when a demure woman walked through the door. Taller than average, fair but clear skin, she had on a green dress that accentuated her green eyes. Her bright red hair tied tightly to her head “I think that’s Dr Richard’s wife Fiona..” Audry whispered to Jeanette.

“Greetings ladies, would you please inform the doctor that his wife Mrs Richardson is here,and would like to see him?”

“Yes, of course, but he is with a patient right now…Would you like a cup of coffee or something while you wait?” Audry said in a friendly tone.

“I only drink tea, young lady.” Fiona responded coldly looking over her young figure with a bit of jealousy and mistrust. Sitting down slowly and properly in a waiting room chair. “Pardon my interruption, I will just wait. You ladies can get back to your work.” She sat there, pulling a small makeup compact from her purse and freshened her face a bit, side-eying the girls doing the paperwork.

Suddenly Jeanette yelped out “God damnit another paper cut! Jesus Christ!”

“Excuse me? What did you just say!” Fiona said, rising from her chair.

“I just got a paper cut. I am OK…” Jeanette said clueless to the situation.

“The language! Blasphemy in my husband’s office!”


“Watch your tongue. Young ladies should never talk like that!”

Before she could really lay into her the doctor and his patient, a young boy and his mother were walking out.

“Remember three spoonfuls of medicine a day until that cough is gone… Fi!, this is my wife Fiona, I call her Fi for short… This is Jeanette and Audry…”

“We met already… and Mrs Richardson when not in front of familiar company Doctor.” she said, correcting him. “I need to see you privately.”

“Yes, dear, come into my office…” He said as they both walked off.

“What’s her problem?” Jeanette said to Audry as the door closed.

“I don’t know but I bet she’s real fun at parties.” Audry responded sarcastically

“I bet she’s never even been to a party…”

After some time had passed, Audrey finally chimed up. “What’s taking them so long, they have been in there a…” looking at the clock “Half hour. Wonder what she’s talking to him about.”

“Probably still berating him about calling her Fiona instead of Mrs Richardson.” she said with a chuckle.

“Maybe… I’ll go check.” Audry arose from her seat and walked down the hallways to the doctor’s private door and could hear cheerful but muffled voices coming from the office. She stooped down, peeking into the keyhole in the old door and the sight surprised her. Fiona was sitting on the doctor's lap like he was some sort of summer santa claus with her skirt hiked up past her knees. She tried to listen a bit but only could make out Fiona saying how naughty she’s been today. She slowly snuck away and sat back down.

“I think they’re busy.” she said knowing it’s best to mind her own business.

“Well if he doesn’t come out soon we’ll never get through these papers I have so many questions…”

Again the clock ticked by.. Maybe another 15 minutes… Jeanette, just annoyed by now, got up and walked down carrying a stack of papers. Before Audry could warn her, she flung the door open. “OH MY GOD!” she yelled out frozen, dropping the papers on the floor…

She saw Fiona getting a bare bottom spanking over the doctor's lap while crying out “Make me a good girl!” all in a quick second… Fiona quickly fixed eyes on her as Jeanette quickly ran down the hall. Fiona right behind her yelling “Stop! Stop! Let me explain!”

Jeanette ran out the door until Fiona stopped her in the hall… “What was THAT!” she said shocked…

“Ummm you’re Jeanette right? You’re going to be the mommy?”

“What! Yes..” she turned to run out into the street when Fiona’s hand grabbed her on the shoulder.

“Stop OK! STOP… I am Fiona… you can call me Fi… Sorry we got off on a bad foot… it’s just… Can I explain over a coffee?”

“You don’t drink coffee…”

“But you do, I am sure they have tea.”

Meanwhile just seconds later the doctor ran to the window to see Audry already looking out and they both saw Jeanette and Fiona crossing the street together and ducking into the diner. “What was that all about Doctor?” Audry said, perplexed, looking over and seeing the doctor holding a pair of woman’s underwear in his hand. “Oh bad timing…” she mumbled.

“I’d rather not explain right now… Why.. Ummm why don’t you go home for the afternoon… I’ll see you monday…”

Across the street in the diner they both sat in a booth across from each other. Jeanette still in shock “Young lady, I get it… I was six months pregnant when we got married… I was also about your age.. 21… William was 24… I was happy he gave you a job. Now what was going on there… The children are at his parent’s farm and after dropping them off I came right by…”

“Yeah but THAT…” she said confused…

“It helps me get in the mood better… just something I enjoy…”

“What? How long did you two date before.. You were with child…”

“Four years about…”

“Wow you managed to not get pregnant for four years! Billy and I didn’t even make it one.”

“Well truth be told I got pregnant the first time we…”

“OH! Sorry… but four years?”

“Hey, I was a good Catholic Girl… and that was half my trouble! See William isn’t Catholic and my parents didn’t even want me going to a secular college, let alone a coed one… But I met him my first week there, he was a senior and he found me completely lost on campus… and asked me on a date… Said I had the most beautiful red hair and eyes. Let’s be honest I think he has a thing for red heads… and in four years our parents had no clue… The one or two times they met him, he was just someone I knew…”

“Oooh a secret love affair! Oh yes… so after four years.. How did… you end up.. Doing… it?... if I can ask…”

“Well you’ve heard of the birds and the bees? Well for us it was a hornets nest… literally”

“Oh? Well do tell, I need to hear this…”

“William was in Medical School… And he came to see me a few days before graduation… and a few days before my parents got there… there was a secluded spot under the football bleachers… Secluded but everyone knew about it… Just unwritten code happens there stays there”

“Oh so he finally got the best of you under the bleachers?”

“Oh no! We were just kissing. I ALWAYS made him keep his hands in proper places… but I stepped on a hornets’ nest…”

“Oh, are you sure you stepped on it by accident?”

“Yes, and I yelled out bees! We ran away so fast to a spot behind the campus pond and they had flown up my dress and I was stung a few places… I just kind of pulled my dress off as quick as I could… I had a bee sting on my breast… Not sure what got into me but I was standing there in my unmentionables and took my bra off…” She said, closing her eyes.. “I said, ‘Kiss it and make it better?’ and he did… so gently… he was almost shy about it… or well he was shy… but it felt so good…”

“And then…”

“I am really not sure what came over us! Our clothes were just coming off! I made him kiss every bee sting and one was on my inner thigh.. When I had him kiss there he pulled my panties off… and well we ended up naked and making out… and he was rubbing the tip around my.… and I blurted out ‘you know you can’t get pregnant your first time’ and he was a medical student he should have known better…But at first he was just fascinated by my hair. He was surprised that was red hair to! Playing with it a bit and giving me some awkward kisses there… Then, well, I was pulling on his manhood a bit with my hand and I said ‘we could try it you know’”

“Was it scary? His manhood I mean… I thought Bobby’s was the first time I saw it.”

“Oh geez yes… Like it was standing up at attention. SOOO weird and big… and scary… like one moment it’s hanging there the next…”

“But you just let him?”

“Jeanette, we had four years of sexual tension and sneaking around to just have a kiss… and let him? Maybe… as soon as I said we could try he was pushing his way into me and it was so awkward!”

“It is for all of us the first time.”

“Haha and a bit rough, he had no idea what he was doing… just kind of grunted like a pig, while I laid there motionless, not sure if I am supposed to like this feeling or not.”

Jeanette burst out laughing. “A pig! how will I ever look at him the same way again!”

“Was it bad? The first time for you? I cried a bit..”

“Oh yes, I didn’t cry but I didn’t like it… and somehow I did like it? Know what I mean? Still took him a while to figure out how to pleasure me… we got over the hump and well I enjoyed my first climax from him while sneaking away from my parents house that June… But since it wouldn’t be our ‘first time’ and I didn’t want to get pregnant we’d do some other things… and then I missed my cycle… twice… and sick… and figured it out…. My poor mother said ‘If I didn’t know better I’d think you were pregnant”

“I..I… Never had a climax before…”

“Oh? Not even by yourself?”

“By myself? How would that even work?”

“Oh well… OK so… Have you told Bobby what you’d like?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, ummm what would get you over the edge?”

“I wish he’d slow down… he just kind of does his thing like…”

“Well you should tell him that… and you need to know what touch you like.”

“I’m not sure…”

“I had to just about beg William to spank me the first time… Now he finally gets the clues that gets me in the mood.. Well when I want to be in the mood…”

“OK ummm what about it gets you…”

“In the mood? I don’t know.. Something that happened to me once when I was younger maybe… I went to Catholic Schools, I got my share of spankings…. But one time stands in my mind… I was 13 or 14… I was caught passing notes, and it called Sister Bethany a bad word… She took me into the closet and whaled on my bare bottom oh so hard.. I was screaming… hahaha I yelled out I’ll be a good girl now and as I looked over one of the boys from the class was watching my bare bottom get smacked… and it just stuck on me… he was a cute boy too… but umm William knows what a clitorus is so, i need that to finally get off…”

“What’s a clitorus? And Get off?”

“Oh Jeanette, you know that little nub.. You know down there… and get off… you know… climax, orgasm.. Explode… seventh heaven..”

“Oh, yeah my mom said never touch there… ever… it is bad for you…You can go blind!”

“Trust me it’s NOT bad for you…And too think so many people just can’t find it…”

“Oh so I guess being married to a doctor has some perks?”

“Oh yeah, well he was just as clueless as any other boy… and geez a medical student… he was so clinical… I had to have him stop calling it a vagina and a penis… I am not his patient, I am his wife.”

“What do you call it then?”

“If you must know… I also like to use dirty words in the bedroom…. Cock..pussy… those words i would NEVER say anywhere else…”

“You just said them to me?”

“Well Jeanette, I am just trying to help… Another shotgun wedding spouse to another… and I am glad we got married and I want you to be happy too… Anyways you guys did it more than once… how did you manage not to get pregnant for so long?”

“When he was about to cum.. I’d let him put it in my butt… or just use my butt…” she said shyly

“The butt? I am not sure I’d like that…”

“It’s really not so bad after a few times, just use a lot of something slippery… we’ve used my cold cream, baby oil… but vaseline worked the best… Now the first few times… are not fun… Take an enema first”

“I hate enemas…”

“I always kind of liked them… maybe that's why I like the butt stuff and you like spankings? Everyone is different?”

“Exactly Jeanette, everyone is different…”

“How did you tell everyone about your…”

“Our accident?” she said with a laugh.

“Yeah… For us, it went better than expected…”

“Didn’t for me… well we decided to get our parents in the same room and came up with a plan. On a saturday I had my parents drive up to the Richardson Dairy to buy milk… Now they kept saying why would we drive two hours to buy milk. I really insisted and said I wanted them to meet a friend from college. William for his part said he had a hard time getting his siblings out of the house but have his parents stay home… Though they figured out he was probably bringing a girl by…

When we pulled in he ran out with his parents and we barely got out of the car when he ran over to me and held my hand. His aunts Florence and Mary were there… and you probably met Mary by now.

“Hello I’m Doctor Danial Richardson… This is my wife Emmie Richardson… and this is Mary and Florence.”

“Nice to meet you, We’re the Murphys but what’s going on here.” My dad said.

“Mom dad, this is William… we’ve been dating for four years… Since my first week of college…I love him…”

“Oh this will never work out honey.” My mother interjected. “They seem nice, but you’ve never had an interest in boys, I mean all those nice boys we’d introduce you to, and you never cared…you're going to be a nun.”

“No mom… and I am pregnant.. Very pregnant… William is the father…”

“You could hear a pin drop, even the animals were silent and we just stood there silently for what seemed like forever. Until finally his mother invited us inside…. They asked how it happened and we just said bees’ nest… and well didn’t tell them EXACTLY what happened just said bees flew up our clothes and well once we were naked it just happened… Though his Aunt Mary tried to make a joke I think..

“Sooo many forbidden love affairs begin with a bee sting in this family.” Then her and Florence chuckled and said they should be on their way.

“BUT when all was said and done William and I said we were getting married. He offered to drop out of medical school which his father wouldn’t allow… and my parents were not keen on me marrying a protestant.. And they just about dragged me back to the car… I cried all the way home… William said his parents were pretty upset but maybe a bit more understanding… Still took us a few months to pull the wedding together and… oh was I showing… that’s why our wedding photos are all from the neck up.”

“Oh wow Fiona… Are you happy though? In the end?”

“Oh very very much so, and I liked him enough to have another child and we have another coming, I just haven’t told him yet… Just to warn you, pregnancy hormones will make you either the most amorous you’ve ever felt or think maybe you should have just become a nun.”

“I know what you mean….”

“Well young lady.. Will you do me a favor? Tell Doctor Richardson not to come home early today… I want to go to the department store and buy… a new lacey bra… for later… and maybe you should spend some time alone and figure out your little nub…”

“Oh my… ok… gee thanks Fiona…”

“Yes, and sorry about before… I was trying to be suitably naughty for William… and tell Audry the same. She’s pretty and maybe I am a little jealous she’s working with him.”

“No need to worry about them. And I will…”

The doctor stood in the window watching the diner entrance for them to emerge. He had no idea what was taking so long. He honestly thought he’d end up in a lot of trouble.. Then he saw the two of them walking out the door and embrace… Then his wife walked towards the car and Jeanette walking back across the street. He sat behind the reception desk quietly until she walked back in the door.

“I left my pocketbook here.”

“Oh… you can go home early today, this will all be here Monday…”

“It’s OK, your wife is really nice… we talked… nothing happened today as far as I am concerned… But she said not to come home until your regular time. “

William came home from the office and put his briefcase down and saw a note on the table. “Come upstairs, love Fiona.” He walked upstairs into the bedroom where he saw his wife rising to meet him.

“Well, you’re all dolled up dear. What’s the occasion?”

“I just felt like dressing up… Forgot all about making you dinner… and you know you never finished making me a good girl today?”

“Well, we were interrupted…”

“Yes and I have been so naughty… I didn’t cook you dinner, and I did something OH so naughty…”

“Oh? Well what was that?”

“I told Mrs Jeanette how to have an orgasm… NOT ladylike of me at all…” she said reaching out and undoing his necktie and tugging on his coat lapels.. “You will need to do something extra to me… I need to be punished.” she said shyly

“OH? Not lady like at all.” He said getting her clues.

“No… You need to make me extra sorry…”

“And how should I do that?” He said sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling her over his knees.

“I need to be made a good girl… You should fuck me in the ass…”

“What?” He said pushing her dress up and pulling her panties down to her knees.

“Yes, after this spanking, you must put your cock in my ass… I know I won’t like it, so please use a lot of lube.” SMACK his hand came hard across her bare bottom. “OWIE!”

“That’s for saying naughty words… now why should I do what you say?”

“It’s the only way I can learn my lesson sir. Please! Make me a good girl!” SMACK “Owe SIR!”

“Your ass huh? Such a dirty place….”

“OH now, I cleaned it up,” SMACK “OWE!! PLease make me a good girl” SMACK “OWIE!!! PLEASE!!! I DID AN ENEMA!”

“Oh? That’s not something you enjoy…”

SMACk “OWIE! Please I was trying to make myself a good girl but can’t without your help… PLEASE Fuck me in the ass!”

Without a word he pulled her off his lap and stood her up in front of him. Her panties fell to the floor and she stepped out of them without hesitation. She had both a look of nerves and excitement… A look he had seen in her face many times when she felt playful. Then he helped her pull her dress off and she stood there before him in just her stockings, garter, and her brand new lace bra.

He admired her body for a moment, still lovely and still so attractive to him. Fiona slowly moved her hands to cover her bright red mound of pubic hair when he pulled her hands aside. She thought to herself that he still finds her red hair so fascinating and silently walked away and reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out the small glass jar of vaseline and handed it to him.

He tossed her onto the bed and as she climbed onto all fours he quickly divested himself of his pants and kissing the back of her neck slowly pushed himself inside her already wet pussy.

Fiona moaned loudly with pleasure then gulped “Sir! That’s not my ass…”

William smacked her hard on her bottom… “If you let me, I may not be able to stop… no matter how much you don’t like it…”

“I won’t like it but I must be properly punished… Sir…” She said, her voice quivering.. Half regretting not chickening out… he put a glob of vaseline on himself before putting the tip of his cock on her pink anus… He firmly began to press it against her… “AWE OWE!!! AWE!!!”

“Push against it, like you’re trying to poop.”

“OWE, Oh GOD! OWE!” She cried out falling face down into the bed…the tip barely making it inside.

“Oh you have been so naughty… we are going to try this again now…”

“Yes, sir.. I deserve this..” she said laying on her stomach finally allowing him inside her most intimate place, knowing it was a feeling she detested since her first enema as a child or when her doctor did it when she had her first ‘intimate’ woman exam…

“OWE!!! Please Sir! Go slow.. OWE.. Please Sir… Make me take it…”

“It’s so tight.” he gunted out slowly moving in and out of her…

“It hurts… it hurts… but i deserve this… I deserve this… please sir go slow… please… OWE!” He slowly moved a little faster and deeper . “Please sir, my ass is on fire.. It hurts! Make me a good girl… make me a good girl… cum inside my ass to make me a good girl… cum in my ass… please please cum… it hurts! I deserve this but.. Oh I deserve your cock in my ass but.. Please cum! PLEEAAASSSEEE!” she kept repeating over and over again as he slowly picked up his pace kissing her neck and pulling on her hair until with a loud groan he exploded inside of her.

He slowly pulled his cock out of her and rolled off her onto his back exhausted “Oh wow Fiona….”

She rolled on top of him, just as exhausted herself, her eye makeup running down her cheeks… “Am I a good girl now?”

“Yes dear.. Yes..” he said as he kissed her deeply on the lips…

“I think you should lick my pussy until I cum… I never heard you moan so loud…” she said sitting up across his chest, unbuttoning his shirt… “You didn’t even get your shirt off..”

“I didn’t want you to change your mind…”

“Yeah well don’t get any ideas about this being a regular event…I will be sore for a week... Now…” she said, taking off her bra, freeing her breasts… then quickly straddling his face. “Take your good girl to seventh heaven.”

He reached his hands to her breasts and slowly kissed her wet slit. The moment his tongue flicked across her clit she moaned out “Oh I am a good girl now…” He knew exactly what she wanted and sucked and flicked her clit with his tongue until her moans grew to a sudden explosion of ecstasy. She climbed down from him still shaking and cuddled him close like a big teddy bear… “The sun isn’t even down yet… just hold me dear…”

He held her close, stroking her red hair gently, exhausted and intrigued. “What brought this evening's desires so strong?”

“Kids are out of the house so…”

“I mean your specific desire…”

“I can’t take any more punishment dear so don’t be upset…”

“I think you have had more than enough.”

“When Jeanette told me how she tried not to get pregnant.. In the backdoor… I figured why not try it? She learned to be ok with it, maybe I can to?”

“Fi, I so much put a finger near there and you freak out…”

“Trust me tonight was a special eve… OOOH William.” She gasped out as she felt his fingers gently run through her slit… “event” she squealed out as he gently rubbed the folds of her labia and he held her tight to him with his other arm until she managed another small orgasm.

“Oh if you’re thinking there might be more rounds tonight, ummm… maybe we should take a bath? I mean I know where it’s been… and it’s not going back there for a while…”