Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Three

“Hi Audry,” The doctor said early Thursday morning at the diner’s counter. “I have news for your friend.”

“Good news or bad news?”

“Depends on your outlook I guess… but, it was positive if you can have her and Bobby swing by today?”

“I’m coming by to help today anyways, maybe she can meet us there.. Would you mind staying late? Bobby works till 5:30 at the quarry. He’ll probably want to change and shower.”

“That’s fine… I will let my wife know…”

“Jeanette is a good person, Doctor… They live next door to me, and she’s an only child…We are very close.”

“She seems nice…”

“I don’t want you to think she’s loose…”

“I don’t, it happens…”

“That’s why I don’t even want to think about a boyfriend, until I am done with school.”

“Well Miss, that's smart.”

A few hours later Audrey came by in the afternoon for her internship time and immediately went to work cleaning the office up.

“You have a huge backlog of paperwork, Doctor.”

“Yes, it never ends!”

“You know who’s the queen of organization? Jeanette… and you really should hire someone part time, and who’s going to hire a pregnant woman anyways?”

“We’ll see…”

That afternoon Jeanette and Bobby nearly ran upstairs to the Doctor’s office and bursting in, saw Audrey sitting at the desk.

“Oh Hi Jeanette and Bobby…”

“Is the doctor here?” Jeanette asked

“Yes I’ll go get him.”

“Now what is this all about?” Bobby asked, confused… “I just got out of work and Jeanie said we had to get over here as quickly as we could.”

“Oh my…. Yeah… have a seat I’ll go get the doctor…”

Audry ran back to the doctor’s private office. “Doctor Richardson? Jeanette and Bobby are here… But ummm he has no clue… They are in the waiting room.”

Doctor Richardson followed Audry back to the waiting room and saw Jeanette and Bobby sitting there holding hands. After he introduced himself he sat across from them. “Well Jeanette, we have the test results back, and based on your visit Monday…”

“What’s going on here?” Bobby asked, confused. “Is Jeanie ok? What tests?”

“Well um…. Jeanette is pregnant.”

“She’s what? How?”

“Well you two did have sex…”

“Well only sort of, and Jeanie said she knew how to not get pregnant.” he said stunned

“Well I was wrong OK?” She interjected.

“But you kept your bra on!”

“Really now, you really thought that would work?? Really???” The doctor said confused.

“Yes and she let me… ummm you know… in her…. Other place?”

“Yeah but…”

“Yeah the Butt.” Bobby said with some confidence.

“No ummm I mean.. Yeah… Ummm but anytime your semen is near the vagina… this can happen…”

Jeanette sat there mortified looking at Bobby for some reaction. “When am I due?”

“I’d guess you’re about 8-12 weeks along…”

“We can’t wait till October to get married, you'll be showing by then!”

“What do we tell our parents?”

“I.. Don’t know Bobby…”

“I am sure if they have questions, Doctor Richardson can answer them…” Audry said with confidence

“Oh yes of course… We’ll need to have you back for a physical Jeanette.”

“Can you have Audrey with you?”

“Oh of course… Any afternoon just let me know.”

“Oh yes… of course…” she said, rising from her chair and grabbing Bobby’s hand then nearly running out the door with him…

The next morning Audrey was working the counter at the diner again, and poured Doctor Richardson his coffee…

“How’s Jeanette?” he asked

“I don’t know, she left a note saying she had something to take care of, and she and Bobby are nowhere to be found… I am worried… she didn’t pack anything…”

“Hopefully they just need some alone time…”

“I hope so too…”

It was a few more days later when he returned for his morning coffee when Audrey came over and coily said “Guess who’s back?”

“Jeanette and Bobby?”

“Yes last night… they went to Niagara Falls, eloped, and told everyone’s parents last night.. I could hear it from my house… Some yelling but mostly calm… They’re living in her parents’ basement now… at least for a little while… I saw her this morning and she asked when she could come for that physical…”

“She needs to not have sex for at least 48 hours but anytime sooner than later…”

Audrey chuckled “She said she didn’t pack because they spent the last few days naked… I guess she finally took her Bra off…”

“Well I am sure Bobby enjoyed it…” He responded with a chuckle.

“Men and boobs…” Audrey said with some sass as she walked away.