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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 17: Putting Down (Ski) Tracks in Colorado - Part 2

"How do I get myself into these situations?" I remember thinking.

Now, my mind was running at Warp 9 processing all of this at so many levels. Both a "yes" or a "no" were dangerous answers to give to both of them for completely different reasons. "Yes" for her would confirm that someone else besides her husband found her desirable and was willing to say, with a one word answer, "I want to fuck you!"

"Yes" for him might also convey the message that his wife was desirable AND he might see me (or some other man in this situation) as a threat to him in a sexual relationship that might look more like a contest that he was afraid to lose. Particularly if he feared a level of confidence that he didn't understand. The one thing I couldn't discern yet was who was driving this? Him or her? And the last thing I needed or wanted to do was get in between a husband and wife in their marriage relationship, particularly if it was one that might be in distress.

"No" could be equally as problematic because it could be seen that I "reject her." From a purely heterosexual view, men should want her, find her desirable, and want to fuck her. It might be a relief for Bob that another man wouldn't be a "threat" from a sexual competition.

Finally, none of this considered the possibility that this imposed another complication to my life. Prior to this, neither one of them had asked if I might be interested in a sexual relationship with them. Obviously, they had talked about it between themselves. There was nothing that I thought I did or said that I wanted to play with them. That was plain to me as Bob would have had a different reaction if Cheryl had suddenly shown up in her nightie without any notice.

It felt similar to what happened at Thanksgiving where Abby and her friends though that they could throw an "impromptu" lingerie party and have me respond to them by having sex with them. And, it was ironic that in this week, my new lover was questioning me why men respond in certain ways to how women dress (provocatively).

Rather than answer the question that Bob had posed, I asked them both to sit down.

"Please, do sit down," I asked them again. Cheryl crossed in front of me and sat on the end of the couch closest to me. She was sitting on the edge of the couch. Bob walked around behind the couch, set his Irish coffee down and plopped down on the other end.

"You can move up this way," I said to him. "I don't bite. Well, actually I do but only very gently," trying to take the edge off what had just happened and what was about to happen. He slid up closer to his wife.

"First, that's one Hell of an offer. And if my former girlfriend was here with us, we'd probably already be naked and having fun together...."

"Is that the one who died in the car accident?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes," I replied. I had told Cheryl about her death in the car accident, but I hadn't said anything to Bob about it. Cheryl hadn't shared that information with Bob and he didn't know what had happened.

I gave him the briefest of synopsis about meeting her on the train, really connecting in unexpected ways, about us planning to have her move from Chicago to Raleigh, and about us planning on getting married without telling them that she was pregnant.

"And then she and her mother were killed in a car accident when a guy driving a truck ran a red light that killed him, too."

This started a different conversation about her death and the aftermath that I quickly halted.

"The thing you need to know is I've done this multiple partner thing before while being in a relationship. First, when my wife had an affair and wanted to 'replace' me with him. That's not a fun situation to be in, though there were times in our marriage where we contemplated adding other people to give a little variety and spice to our sex life. But all that changed for us."

I said something very close to the following:

"With Catie, it was different almost from the very beginning. First, she was bisexual. I didn't know that when we first met. But, I sure found out very quickly. When she introduced me to her friends and female sex partners, she didn't come right out and say it. I figured that out as our relationship developed."

"Second, she was willing to 'share me' and her female partners were willing play with both of us. I came to realize that took an incredible amount of trust on Catie's part and on her lover's parts, in addition to me trusting them. What I discovered was that Catie loved to watch me fuck or make love with other women knowing that she could join in at any time."

"Third, it took a permission structure to have that happen and that requires conversation. That's what's missing here; the conversation and the understanding of the permissions being asked for or granted. It really turned Catie on and lit her up to watch me with other sex partners, both because she could join in at any time and, this is important, we knew the bond that we had with each other. We accepted and believed that we belonged together and to each other. She was also generous enough to want me to share my sexual abilities with others. She told me more than once that she wanted others to experience what she felt as we were making love together."

"And finally, it was more than just her sharing me with others. It was me being able to share her with others and I'm not just talking about female sex partners. We talked about what she wanted to experience in situations where there could or would be multiple sex partners. She wanted to experience what it was like to have more than one guy focusing on her what it felt like to have more than one guy inside her. It was more than 'being fair,' though I did think about it that way at first."

"If she were still alive...." I paused for a moment to let the emotion of saying that pass.

Turning to Cheryl, "If Catie was still alive, you and she would have already had several conversations about this and she would have told you that you both absolutely had to be all-in and absolutely trust each other. She would have asked explicitly for my permission and yours and I would have done the same in exploring this with you."

I stopped for a moment to give them a chance to respond. There was silence. Bob reached over to get his coffee. I took that as a cue to take a sip from my coffee mug.

Finally, Cheryl asked "So, you've done this before?"

"Yes, with Catie" I said. I hadn't given any details.

"How many?" Cheryl asked.

"How many, what?"

"How many guys?" Cheryl asked.

"Originally, it was just two of us guys. We happened to meet another couple who were into swapping. That was Catie's first experience with two guys in her and my first experience sharing a woman with another guy," I said.

I looked at Bob and said, "You can't be too worried about your balls or cock coming into contact with another guy's parts. If you are, this isn't for you."

"Catie also spent the night with him while I spent the night with his wife, in separate beds and rooms," I added.

"After spending time with them, we arranged to travel to Minneapolis for a bigger party with them and their friends and spent a weekend with them. Not including me, there were six other guys," I said.

Cheryl let out a deep breath as I could see her trying to figure out how that worked. Bob was just sitting there in amazement and all he said, quietly, was "Wow!" I could tell this was different from he was expecting and that this conversation was making him hard while sitting next to his barely dressed wife.

"All at once?" Cheryl finally asked.

"Yes," I said.


"Well, she had one guy underneath her while she was on top on her knees. His cock was in her pussy. She had another guy behind her. His cock was in her ass. She was angled upright so she could hold a cock in each hand to stroke both of them, and then she had two cocks in her mouth sucking them."

I could see them trying to visualize that.

"And you weren't one of them?" Cheryl asked.

"No," I said.

"Catie started out assuming that I would insist on being one of the guys if there were multiple guys having sex with her. As she and I talked about it, she realized that I trusted her to be true to our sense of belonging to each other and that I was willing to be there for her while she explored what it was like to have multiple male and female sex partners."

I watched their faces as I told them what we experienced.

"Occasionally, I was one of the guys. It depended on what was needed in the moment," I said.

"You were watching, then?" she asked.

"Some of the time. The guy's female partners were making sure I was being taken care of. But my limit is four," I said.

"Four?" Bob asked.

"Yes. Four women at one time. Me laying on my back. One riding my cock in her ass or pussy. One sitting on my face while I eat her, and one on either side of me while I fingered their pussies. Catie told me it was the most exciting thing about this scene. While she's being fucked and was the focus of six guys, being able to see me being taking care of by their women."

"Catie wasn't occupied that way all the time. It was usually two guys, usually one in her mouth and the other in her pussy or ass while the others and I were waiting."

They asked me other questions over the next 20 -30 minutes. Some of them were the sort of questions that we should have had prior to Cheryl popping out in her nightie. Others were more curiosity about what it was like. In the middle of this, I had finished drinking my coffee. Clearly, this was all so much more than they had imagined. I got up out of the chair and my cock was way out of position for how hard I was. I reached down to rearrange myself and said "all this talk has made me hard. I'm going to get some Irish Creme, do you want some or another Irish coffee?"

Bob said no. Cheryl said she'd take some Irish Creme. She got up and followed me into the kitchen to get the cordial glasses. I remember thinking that he had the best view of her ass as she followed me. There was a section of wall that blocked his view when we reached the kitchen area. She opened the cabinet door and got out a couple of glasses and set them on the counter so I could pour the Irish Creme out of the bottle. But before I could get the bottle, she wrapped her left leg behind and inside of my right leg, her left arm and hand came around the back and left side of my head to pull me over towards her slightly so she could whisper in my ear, and her right hand slid down my stomach to slide over my bulging cock.

"This makes me so hot," she whispered. She didn't elaborate on what the "this" was that made her so hot; whether it was what I was telling them or whether rubbing me and the prospect of continuing that made her hot. Her left hand slid down my back and she grabbed and squeezed my left butt cheek. I let my right hand slide down her back to reach her right butt cheek and gave it a squeeze.

"Are you sure you don't want any, Bob?" I asked. Cheryl and I were aware of the double entendre, Bob was not.

"Go ahead and pour me one, too," he said.

I managed to fill three cordial glasses while Cheryl was likely stroking me and squeezing me lightly front and back. We carried the glasses back into the living room and Cheryl and I sat down again as we resumed our conversation and Q & A.

Bob was much more curious about how I felt about Catie's multiple sex partners, particularly when we were apart in different rooms. What if someone was "better" than I was, for example.

"Well then, I might be able to learn something from that," I said. "There might be something that I couldn't do, like...if a guy had a much bigger cock than mine and she liked the way it filled her up. I can only work with what I have. I would have been disappointed if that was the reason she'd choose someone else over me. We had a very committed relationship," I said. "And you can really only do this well if your relationship is solidly committed to each other or the relationship is very loosely bound and casual where there's no real sense of commitment. In either case, it's just for fun and being judgmental doesn't work."

Here I was expounding on my view of an open relationship[ from a very limited group of experiences.

"Would that have worked for you and your wife?" Cheryl asked.

"Maybe. We had considered it several times as a way to add some variety to our sex life when it was already good. Or to inject some fun into our friend's sex life. And she had considered it as a way to jump start our sex life again after our son was born. But we never acted on any of that and she decided that I needed to be replaced."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I wasn't there and he was. I was off doing my job and remaining gainfully employed while this grad student made her feel better than I did while I was gone. Sharing wasn't really in the cards. I didn't want her to go and I didn't throw her out like her dad thought I should have done. Being able to let go can be really scary."

Bob asked if we used condoms. I explained to him how those choices were made and the safety considerations that we discussed. "We did initially for some things. But, no, we didn't use condoms once we exchanged information about sex partners and tests that had been taken. It's the correct question to ask, though," I said.

"So, not only were you watching her get fucked by other men, you were watching her be filled with their cum?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"How did that make you feel?" he asked. His questions were revealing the things he was uncertain about.

"I was okay with it," I said. And at the time I was. "Catie was one of those rare women who loved not only the concept of being filled with cum, but loved the experience of it. First, with me. Then, later, with others."

The questions began to tail off.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" I asked them. They agreed that I could though they reserved the right not to answer.

I asked them if this was the first time they had ever tried anything like this (it was). Then I asked them why. Well, they had fantasized about having a third person or another couple but they hadn't found anyone they felt with whom they felt comfortable. They weren't comfortable revealing this to friends and couples with whom they interacted in the Greensboro - Winston Salem area. Yet, before the trip, they had agreed that if the opportunity arose they'd willing to take a chance and try. They knew how horny they felt when they went skiing and they wondered how much more sexually fun things could get with another person or couple.

Why me (and why not a couple rather than me)? Well, they hadn't found a compatible couple on this trip. One or the other person of the couple didn't give them a warm and fuzzy feeling in the couples they met. I seemed like a nice guy. I seemed well grounded. For both of them, they felt and could see the respect I had for them as individuals and as a couple and this conversation just added to that sense rather than having me say "Sure, let's go fuck!"

I could see we were coming to the conclusion of this conversation. However, I wasn't sure they or we were quite ready for anything this evening.

"You have some things to talk about," I told them. "Whatever you do, don't get defensive about it, don't blame each other for whatever you perceive as a shortcoming. You might decide that you really aren't ready for this step now or ever. Remember, that if you wish to explore this further after we get back to North Carolina, I'm only an hour and a half away. And while it's easy to see it as infidelity to your marriage relationship, it isn't if you're both open about it to each other and agree to it completely and wholeheartedly without making the other person wrong."

I added one more thing before I suggested it was time for me to leave and told them that was for both of them to consider.

"I can only speak from my experience and observation. But I offer you this; for males, this kind of scenario can seem pretty exciting before you have cum. But for many males, what seems like something they'd want to do before cumming seems less exciting after cumming. Remember that and the fact that we are different in how orgasms affect us. And now I think I should leave you two alone to sleep on this."

They asked me to stay and at least stay in the other unused bedroom (that had all sorts of possible outcomes).

"No, I think you both should talk a little more without me around. Whatever you two choose and agree to is okay with me," I said.

I got up and so did they. We took our glasses and cups to the kitchen. I shook Bob's hand and then gave him a big hug. Cheryl came up to me face to face and hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you, I had a good time skiing with you, today," I said to her and really to both of them.

I took my coat off the coat hook and said "I'll be at the NASTAR breakfast tomorrow morning and skiing the NASTAR racing course afterwards. If I don't see you there, maybe we can get together afterwards. I plan to go to Vail on Thursday if you're interested."

My plan was to rent a car on Thursday and go back to Vail for a day.

I said good night and left their condo on the way to mine in the next building. The reptilian portion of my brain that was "controlling my erection" was screaming at me for being a fucking idiot and telling me I should be back there fucking that poor woman silly. But my higher brain functions told me that this was the correct thing to do, to give them space because one or maybe both of them were uncertain about jumping into bed with anyone else. What might seem a good idea at the time, based solely on lust or impulse, might not be in the end.

I got back to my condo and the teenagers were still up watching MTV. We chatted for a few minutes before I said goodnight and retired to my room. I got undressed and got into bed and stroked myself to a massive orgasm that splattered cum all the way up my chest. and under my chin, and beyond. "Such a waste of a big cumshot," I thought. Well, there was tomorrow.

I slept well that night.

In the morning, I checked the weather. It was going to be another glorious day and warm enough I could probably ski without a jacket by mid-morning. I expected to see Bob and Cheryl at the breakfast. Cheryl was certainly good enough to ski and get a NASTAR medal (as I had I had already achieved bronze medal status at a West Virginia course), but I don't think she signed up at the dinner the first night. I expected to see Bob out on the NASTAR course at the very least because he had signed up. I didn't see them there, either. Lots of other people from our ski group, but not them.

My new skis performed wonderfully on the race courses (two side by side parallel courses). As I recall, it was my combined time for both courses factored by my age and sex handicap that gave me my medal status. I easily skied the courses to achieve bronze medal status at Keystone and was reasonably close to a silver medal status. I think the fee I paid covered unlimited alternate runs for as long as the NASTAR course was open. I could only claim one medal in each color on any given day (i.e., even though I qualified for bronze on multiple runs, I could only be awarded a single bronze medal on that day). I had no chance of claiming a gold medal from Keystone that day. But it was theoretically possible for me to claim a silver in addition to the bronze.

Putting two consistent runs together was the real challenge as one course was more challenging than the other as more and more racers skied down the course. Finally, I put two runs together and broke the Silver medal threshold by 2.5 seconds. I claimed my silver NASTAR medal from Keystone and was quite pleased with my accomplishment. Ski racing can be addictive and it forces you to ski in a way that is different from the more casual skiing on the wider slopes. I skied a few more runs just for the practice before skiing down the mountain to head back to the condo. I locked my skis at the base of the mountain at The Mountain House and took off my ski boots and changed into walking boots. As I recall, I could store my boots in a basket at the onsite service rather than trying to cram them into a locker.

I caught the shuttle bus back to the condo buildings. I went to my condo first. No messages there or on the phone message center. I walked over to the building where Bob and Cheryl were staying and knocked on the door a couple of times. No answer there. I even went down to the pool area and the sauna. Nope, they weren't there either. I caught the shuttle bus back to The Mountain House, retrieved my gear and then made my way to Summit House for a quick lunch. I dropped down the Mozart Run on the backside of the mountain to the area of the base of North Peak. I thought that if they were over here and I waited at the base of the lifts, I would see them. But, I did not.

I rode up the Santiago lift to the summit and then skied down Last Alamo. I rode back up to the top of Keystone and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring some of the many runs that were available on the front side of the mountain. By 3:30 PM, I was ready to call it a day and head back to the condo. I changed out of my ski clothes and headed to the pool. I was there for a couple of hours while chatting with people, enjoying the sauna and hot tubs. Before I headed back to my condo, I checked by Bob and Cheryl's condo once again. There was no answer.

I went out to dinner with some members of our ski group. It was actually a fairly large group of about 20 of us. With the exception of these end of the day get togethers, the scheduled group meals and group activities, we were pretty spread out even on just one mountain. So, we might see just a few of us on any given day. And the dynamic was that small groups might ski together for a few days before going to other terrain. Of course, our ski passes allowed us to go to the other Summit County ski areas and the Summit County shuttle system was well-equipped to move people between the various ski areas. For some people, the loss of the first day because of the cold weather meant that they were going to use the remaining four days to ski as much of the terrain as they could get to.

I indicated that I planned to get a rental car the next morning to go to Vail and, at that time, it was only me who was going. I indicated that I had invited a couple of other people to go with me if they chose, but so far it was just me. just in case anyone else was interested in going to Vail the next day.

It took two buses to get us all back from the restaurant to Keystone Village. When we returned, there were no messages for me. I headed back to the pool, hot tubs, and sauna to round up my evening. People were naked in the sauna. I thought about going and knocking on Bob and Cheryl's door after leaving the pool. But I also thought that they, or more specifically Cheryl, had approached me before and it was likely that after our "little conversation," they had changed their mind about pursuing anything sexual with me. Well, I did tell them they could make that choice and there was no advantage to me pestering them.

I got up early and went to the local Enterprise Rental Car location to pick up the car I had reserved. I rented a Dodge Aries K-car with a roof-mounted ski rack. It was a sort of a light butterscotch color 4-door sedan. I drove it back to the condo, got my skis and other gear and drove through the Vail Pass and to the Vail Ski area. The fact that I had been to Vail before was very helpful in knowing where to go, where to park, etc. It was cool and sunny when I got there and parked in the parking structure near the main Vail entrance across the covered bridge into the main village area.

I knew to take the new Vista Bahn high speed quad lift to Mid Vail (I think that has been replaced in recent years by a high speed 8-person gondola). At Mid Vail, they had the best breakfast deal in the area for five dollars. Soon, I was out putting on my and riding the Number 3 lift up to gain access to the Game Creek Bowl. I had really enjoyed skiing back in this bowl in early February and now that it was a warm and sunny spring day, it was just as fun in the softer snow. I skied in the Game Creek Bowl all morning. It was "wide open skiing" this Thursday morning. And as the map said, the only way out of the Game Creek Bowl was up Chair 7 (The Game Creek Express, another detachable quad lift). As lunchtime approached, I weighed my options. I could ski over to Eagle's Nest and eat at the top of the gondola. I could ski down to Mid Vail and eat where I had breakfast. But from previous experience I knew that was usually crowded even on a weekday like this.

I decided to ski over to Eagle's Nest and then down the slopes near and under the gondola. A particular run that I like was a run called Born Free and took a cut over to a run called Bwana that directly under the gondola. It was less crowded than it was in February and with longer and more stable skis, I cruised quickly and in control all the way down to the Lionshead area across the bridge over Gore Creek where I released my bindings and took my skis to "park them." There was a brand new little pub (in 1986) that I had discovered in February named "Bart & Yeti's" (named after the two Golden Retrievers that belonged to the owners and, though the dogs have long since passed away, it is still there after all these years in 2024). Great burgers and onion rings.

After lunch, I rode the gondola back up to Eagle's Nest (thinking about Bob and Cheryl's escapade over in Keystone. Man,...how did I miss that?). I ran a few runs down and back up the gondola over on the Lionshead portion of Vail before heading over to Mid Vail and skiing that area the rest of the afternoon. I think I made one last run down in the Game Creek Bowl before they closed it at 3:30. And although I was riding up the lifts with other people skiing the same slopes (and we'd chat going up the lifts), I was mostly skiing alone enjoying the gliding and the wide turns on some slopes and the speed on others. As the skiing day came to an end, I skied down to the village to take in just a bit more of it before heading back to Keystone.

I placed my phone calls back to North Carolina to talk to my son and to my new lover and told them what my day was like. They weren't long calls because I couldn't stay too long; I had a rental car to turn in back in Dillon. As I walked through the village, I think I knew I'd be back at Christmas. I had already talked about it as a place to spend Christmas. But that was still months away and who knew what might happen between now and then.

There were high thin clouds blowing in as I left Vail. Still, it was quite warm and the snow was slushy down in the village. It wasn't a long drive and when I got back to Dillon, I took the rental car back to turn it in and then caught the shuttle bus back to Keystone and my condo. I didn't have any plans with anyone for dinner and I figured that I'd go to the pool, maybe find someone interested in going out somewhere and then expected a quiet evening watching ski movies.

When I arrived at my condo, the boys and their father were making dinner.

"A guy and his wife stopped by here a while ago," the dad said. "They left you a note and I put it in your bedroom."

"Thanks," I said and hurried back to read it. It was from Bob and Cheryl. It said:

"Sorry we missed you. We hope you had a good day and if you can, we'd like for you to come for dinner at our condo at 7:00 PM, if you can. Please call."

The note also indicated they'd be over at the pool until 6:00, if I could join them. It was nearly 6:00 PM. I undressed and slipped into my swimsuit and sweat clothes. When I came out of my bedroom, the dad and his boys asked me how the skiing was over at Vail.

"It was great. It wasn't crowded today and the snow was nice and soft. It got a little slushy towards the bottom at the end of the day. Just a lot warmer than it was in February," I said. They had gone to Breckenridge for the day. The discovered what I already knew: too much mountain to fully explore in a day. But they liked the place and the village.

We didn't talk long because they were about to have dinner and I told them I had a dinner invitation after going to the pool. I told them to have a good evening and that I might be out late with my friends.

I hustled over to the pool. It was 6:15 when I got there and walked into the atrium. Unfortunately, I missed Bob and Cheryl there at the pool. But I did use the house phone to call their condo. Cheryl answered the phone.

"Hi, it's Gary. I got your message when I got back."

"You sound like you're down at the pool," she said.

"Yes, I just got here," I said. She told me that I just had just missed them.

"Will you be able to come for dinner?" she asked.

"Yes. Do I need to go back to my condo and change?" I asked.

"No, not really. We're eating here. A nice candlelight dinner with some wine and a great dessert. If you've got some pajamas, you might want to bring them. Otherwise, it's just a casual evening together. Just come on up when you're ready," she said. I told her I would and we hung up.

Now, if you've read this far, I know what you're thinking because I was already thinking it and I had gotten hard just with this short conversation. Was she saying "come" or was she saying "cum." Either way, I figured it was "game on!" I managed to get my cock under control and softened enough that I could get out of my sweatpants and into the hot tub.

I went back and forth between the whirlpool hot tub and the sauna a couple of times. It was difficult to keep my cock under control because I kept imagining what might be in store for me, for us. I'd rinse the sweat off under the showerhead after coming out of the sauna. Although some of our group had taken to sitting in the sauna naked (or topless for some of the women) when there weren't any children or teenagers around the pool area, no one was naked early this evening. I came out of the sauna one last time at about 6:40, rinsed off and went and sat to dry a bit before going up to Bob and Cheryl's condo. I kept wondering what I would find when I got there.

I left the pool and went back to my condo to get my pajamas and a small shaving kit. I walked back and entered their condo building and rode the elevator up to their floor. It seemed like it was such a long walk to their door. It really wasn't. It just seemed that way. I could feel my heart racing with anticipation as I knocked on the door.

The door opened and I was greeted with a warm "HELLO!

(Continued in Part 3)

IMG 1: River Run Gondola, Keystone, CO (April 1986)

IMG 2: Me getting ready for NASTAR Racing at Keystone, CO (April, 1986)


Enema Runner 1 month ago  
Bob47 1 month ago