Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Deep Clean Continues with X-Ray Troubles

Chapter 9 - Deep Clean Continues with X-Ray Troubles

The cleaning continued on Pauls lower teeth for what felt like an eternity. Dr. Preston was meticulously in scraping and probing his teeth with various instruments. Then she would use the water tool to unleash a stream of high-pressure water at his teeth and gums and the suction tool kept up a steady sucking motion always taking away the blood and debris. The pressure in his mouth never let up, and as Dr Preston continued working on his mouth with varies tools. Paul slowly closed his eyes and allowed his mind to drift under the influence of the sweet smelling anesthesia gas. He only heard the sounds tools scraping on his teeth. The water tool, suction sounds and the occasional tapping sounds from the keyboard as Dr Preston made notes. Then as Dr Preston started to clean deeper and probe at Paul’s lower jaw specifically on the left side a distinct sensation jolted him out of is half slumber. His eyes bolted open and he gurgled, a desperate attempt at communication as he actually felt a small jolt of pain as Dr Preston was scraping deeply at this teeth.

Dr. Preston, ever attentive, immediately noticed Paul’s distress, and shut off the suction tool with her foot and put down her tools on the tray, a hint of concern in her voice when she spoke. "You felt pain, didn't you, Paul?" she inquired.

Paul managed a muffled gurgle, confirming her suspicion. "That's what I thought," she murmured, her gaze flickering to the X-rays displayed on the computer screen. Paul couldn't see much of the new X-ray details, but he noticed her circling a spot on screen with a styles pen. Returning her attention to him, Dr. Preston spoke, her voice serious. "Paul, I think it's best if we pause the deep cleaning for now. There are some issues with your teeth that need attention that I would like to discuss, based on what you’re new X-rays showed me."

A wave of uneasiness washed over Paul as Dr Preston said these words. What problems did the X-rays show her ! The urgency in Dr. Preston's voice and words issues sent a shiver down his spine. What exactly lurked beneath the surface of his seemingly fine looking teeth? Restrained in the dental chair, his mouth completely numbed, and drugged with gas he was completely at Dr. Preston's mercy. The "extra procedures" she'd mentioned long ago seemed to suddenly loom larger with each passing moment. What was he in for next he thought. All these thoughts tumbled in his head while above him Dr. Preston had launched into a detailed explanation of his dental woes from his X-rays.

Her words were distant uncomprehending mumblings as Pauls mind went through an internal panicked struggle. On one hand the thought of being under the control of the stunningly beautiful alluring Dentist DrPreston was attractive. Add in how sexy she looked in her green medical surgical attire and tight surgical gloves caused him to feel very aroused and also confused. However the other side of him dreaded the news from his X-rays, and any possible extra procedures he may require.

He was truly starting to regret responding to the Ad he saw at Starbucks in the first place. Did he truly need money this bad and was it worth all this, as it seemed like he was not getting to get any money. His teeth were getting fixed for free true but the overall issues with his teeth just seemed to keep multiplying.

While Paul had all these internal thoughts, and struggles. Dr Preston continued to talk and turned and tilted the computer screen so Paul could see it from his position in the dental chair. She then bent down and unclipped the suction tool from Paul’s mouth.

Dr Preston then started to talk again but Paul was still not listening and continued to internally panicking about seeing his new X-rays. He closed his eyes tightly and tired to not think about them. He then felt a cool slippery feeling against his face. He slowly opened his eyes to see Dr Preston peering directly down at him leaning over her stool with both surgical gloved hands cupping his face gently. “Paul Paul are you hearing me?” “Paul can you hear me” she repeated it more loudly with a small amount of concerning, sounds from behind her surgical face mask. Paul took a moment to enjoyed the feeling of her surgical gloved hand touching his face. The feeling of the latex gloves felt stimulating on his skin he only wished he could also smell them as well but sadly the sweet smelling gas stopped that.

He then fully opened his eyes and refocused on Dr Preston who now pulled down her surgical mask below her chin. Exposing her face that was flushed and slightly red from wearing the surgical mask, but was smiling warmly down at Paul.

She could see that he was clearly enjoying the feel of her surgical gloved hands cupping his face. He enjoy the gloves a moment longer then nodded as best he could and gurgled “I’m ok” Dr Preston gave him a warm smile, and gently stroked his face with one hand before she pulled up her surgical mask again snugged it against her nose and protective glasses.

“Thank you Paul I know this is a lot but you’re doing great.” “Please try and be calm for this next part” These Dr Preston said gently as she clicked a key on the keyboard “are you new X-rays from the full peri-apical we did” Paul’s stomach lurked and did backflips he must have gurgle “that can’t be right” At least 3 times in his dazed state. All he could see was red, yellow & orange dots covering his X-rays. Along with many other red circles on other teeth and a large section of notes on the side. That showed teeth codes and more details. He had looked at this teeth this morning before coming for the deep cleaning, and while he felt some sensitivity in places it could not be this bad.

Dr Preston saw Paul gurgling something incoherently to her several times as he viewed the new peri-apical X-rays, and he started to visibly struggling in the dental chair against the restraints. He started trying to thrash his body and head in the dental chair to somehow shake himself free. Dr Preston sitting beside had been worried that showing him all the work that he needed done on his teeth would be too much for him right now. She mentally was glad she had prepared him with the full gas anesthesia mask, and restraints in case he panicked or tried to leave.

She got up and quickly adjusted the anesthesia gas flow to the high. Pauls body began to be affected by the sweet smelling gas, and he slowly stopped struggling in the dental chair as the gas pulled him into a dreamy blackness. Dr Preston continued to monitore the anesthesia gas levels behind Paul for several minutes ensuring that the flow and levels were stable. She decided that she wanted Paul to be sedated for a few more minutes in order to ensure he would be calm and allow her a moment to think over things. While he was fully sedated she checked that the nasal mask was still secured properly to his face. She then checked all the other restraints again to ensure he was still secure. She then sat down on stool and inserted a suction tube in the back of Pauls mouth to ensure his breath was unobstructed. While she did this she decided she needed to give Paul some special pain relief at the end of his appointment today. She needed Paul to want to come back again she had so much work she wanted to do on Pauls teeth and she preferred Paul to willing want to come back for these procedures.

She had planned for the possibility of Paul refusing at some point possibly but she also truly wanted no needed him to want to come back. He truly was the perfect practice patient, and as she looked down at him and stroked his face gently she did muse he was a pretty cute guy. She mused on these issue for a few minutes seated beside Paul who dreamily gurgling while sedated. Periodically she checked that the suction tube was still properly in his mouth and also kept monitoring the high anesthesia gas levels. Everything seemed fine Paul’s pulse was fine by her check, and his pupils were showing no concerning issues. He was taking well to the anesthesia sedation which was a good sign for the future so she had nothing to worry about.

After about 35 minutes she had a plan of action, and judged that she could keep him calm, and took the suction wand out and then slowly turned down the gas flow so Paul could come out of the sedation slowly. Paul meanwhile had been floating on a Black Sea and had been seeing Dr Preston in her sexy surgical attire or so he thought but unconsciousness is a funny thing. Slowly the black dreams faded and he found himself again in the dental chair staring up at a bright surgical light. He blinked and slowly turned his head as much as the head harness would allow. Dr Preston was sitting close beside him with one surgical gloved hand resting on his chest.

“I’m very sorry I had to sedate you so suddenly Paul but you can’t struggle like that again. You could hurt yourself or the equipment trying to move like that.” “I’m going to help you fix all the issues with your teeth, but you need to stay calm” “I know it’s a lot to take in but I’m going to take care of you your my patient and I’m your dentist” she paused for a moment to let her words sink in for him.

“Now Paul if you’re a little bit calmer I’m going to turn the gas down again so we can talk ok.” Then I can explain the work that we need to do ok. Dr Preston got up and adjusted the gas level again and slowly Paul could feel the affects of the gas weak as she did so and gave a gurgled “ok”.

Doctor Preston pulled down her mask for a sec smiled and said “thank you Paul” she then picked up the suction wand and adjusting its head a little and wedged it in Paul’s mouth close to the back. “This will help while the spreader is in and while we talk about your teeth ok Paul” she said this is her most comforting and soothing voice.

“Ok Paul first off they are mostly just cavities so please don’t panic ok” Dr Preston said “I’m very good with filling

cavities” she highlighted Paul’s X-rays with a styles pen “first you have 5 cavities on your lower jaw Paul 3 on the right side of your mouth 2 are on your first and second molar and a third one is on your second pre molar” She then picked up a dental pick and soothing said “I’m going to pick at the cavities gentle so you can feel them ok ?” Dr Preston picked at the 3 spots on the right and even with the numbing and slight gas Paul could feel them ! He made the most noise when she picked at the final one on his second molar. “Yes Paul that one is big in my cleaning I observed a lot of decay in the enamel of your tooth, we will need to take care of it now or it will be a problem ok” Paul gurgled agreement. “Alright than Paul I’m going to drill and fill that cavity now so that we can than continue with the deep cleaning ok” After that one it dealt with you will feel better ok”

Dr Preston without saying another word got up and adjusted the anesthesia gas level to high “breath the gas deeply Paul I want you fully sedated while I drill this cavity it’s a big one ok” Paul’s eye fluttered open and closed as the sweet smelling gas became stronger. He saw through the haze Dr Preston had selected a drill tip from the tray and attached it to the drill on the tool stand. She then picked it up and gave it a test spin the sound echoing ominously in the room. Then Dr Preston leaned toward him with the drill posed. “Let the gas take you Paul” Dr Preston cooed softly. “You won’t feel a thing I promise” Paul felt himself slipping away under her soothing voice. The last image he saw before his eyes closed and the gas took him into a sweet blackness was Dr Preston closing on Paul’s spread open mouth the drill already spinning in her tight surgical gloved hand. He could almost image it starting to drill his sensitive rotten tooth chipping away at the dead enamel as he slipped into complete blackness.

End part 9


bech23 4 weeks ago  
The dental fetish guy 1 month ago