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The Sexual Pleasure retreat


When Callie arrived at the health suite the following morning, she was met by nurse Joanna and ushered through to a different room. The room was dominated by several strange looking medical machines.

"Please undress fully and put on this gown. You can place your clothes in this basket."

With that, the nurse left the room giving Callie time and privacy to undress. Callie was just folding her clothes when there was a soft knock at the door and the nurse returned.

"The Doctor has requested an MRI scan and an EEG so we will get those done before you go through to see him today, please take a seat"

Callie was mildly surprised but she didn't complain and the nurse began to stick several wired pads to her scalp which were then connected to a monitor. In no time at all, the assessment was underway and the nurse completed several tests. There was a series of clicking and buzzing noises and Callie was also asked to close and open her eyes at various intervals before laying down on a special machine where lights intermittently flashed and flickered.

After the EEG, Callie was taken to the MRI scanner. It was hot and stuffy inside and sounded somewhat like an automatic washing machine but nothing was painful and the tests were completed fairly quickly. She was then brought through to Dr Michaels treatment room, with the nurse carrying her basket of clothes and handing some paperwork to the doctor before leaving again.

"Thank you for that Callie, today is going to be all about routine tests. It's going to involve a fair bit of poking and prodding to begin with but it will get more interesting for you later on, I promise, and it will be very useful in working out the best ways to help you."

He smiled warmly and placed an arm around her upper back. Callie already recognised that this was something the doctor did when he was preparing to spring something invasive or painful on her so what he said next didn't come as a huge surprise. What was surprising was that Callie felt excited and maybe a little aroused about the prospect.

"I will need you back in the gyno chair with your feet in the stirrups please"

Callie felt a strange mixture of embarrassment, arousal and nervousness. The doctor watched her intently, his gaze intense but curious. Did he know how she was beginning to feel? She followed his instructions and positioned herself in the chair, watching as the doctor took a seat between her legs and pulled a rolling trolley closer.

"So I'm going to begin with just a simple pap smear Callie and I will also take a few swabs. Just relax "

He guided the speculum inside her and slowly began to open the blades. Callie winced and held her breath. The stretch wasn't painful but it was slightly uncomfortable.

Keiran passed the cytobrush into her cervix and rotated it several times before dropping it into a liquid cytology pot he had ready. He then completed the swabs, swiping what looked like a large cotton bud around her vagina. It was all finished very quickly and Callie wondered why she had previously balked at the prospect of having a smear.

The doctor loosened the screw and slowly slid the device out of her. Callie lay there, as, in reaction to the sudden emptiness, her vaginal muscles began contracting lightly as they tried to return to their former unstretched state.

Callie wondered what would be happening next and she watched as the doctor moved around the room, demonstrating quick organised efficiency, the tails of his white coat flapping as he opened several drawers and cupboards, in order to retrieve items he would need for her next test.


Patientlywaiting 1 month ago 2  
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Freya Stein 1 month ago 2