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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 14: Charting a New Path

She returned with her daughter that evening and it was the first time for the four of us to be together. My son and I had gone to the nearby grocery store in the early afternoon to restock my refrigerator and to get the necessary ingredients for a spaghetti with meatballs dinner. I started the sauce in the afternoon and baked bread in the early evening for the dinner. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to get another box of spaghetti noodles so that we had plenty for the four of us. When she and her daughter arrived, I asked if she could go the the grocery store only a half mile away and get some spaghetti noodles for us. She was stunned by that request. Her previous husband would never ask her to do such a thing (much less let her?). I had an inkling of how controlled she felt in her second marriage and I never expected this sort of reaction from her. She did go, however, and return.

The dinner and our time together provided a sort of preview of how a blended family might interact. But this was an initial getting to know one another gathering. I think I offered to let them stay the night but my new lover declined and they drove back to Chapel Hill. She knew my schedule with my son in my joint custody agreement with my ex-wife (who wasn't my ex yet. After Catie died, the urgency of completing the divorce proceedings wasn't as pressing, even though we had completed the mandatory one-year separation).

The next few weeks were suddenly very different for me. This relationship that had started nearly two months prior made a quantum leap to a higher sexual energy level. This 39 year old woman that I was now sexually involved with had been married twice. The first time after she and her high school boyfriend eloped in South Carolina during their first semester at college. It wasn't a marriage that lasted more than a few years before they divorced.

Her second marriage lasted longer. She had married someone else who had also been divorced and had a daughter from his previous marriage. The two of them had a daughter. But like Catie, she had gotten involved with someone who was "controlling." Unlike Catie, she was married to him and her rebellious tendencies manifested itself in a number of ways until she finally left him and told him that the marriage was over when he wanted to move (back) to Atlanta. His first wife and daughter, as well as his parents still lived in Raleigh and other family members lived in central North Carolina. So, even though he moved to Atlanta, he had family reasons to return to central NC to see his daughters and other family members.

Which is why my new lover declined to stay at my house when I offered it to her/them. The next weekend for us to be together was Easter weekend and her ex-husband was returning to North Carolina for the weekend to see his daughters who, as half-sisters, got along quite well. He was also there to see his mother and father and it also provided an opportunity for them to spend time as grandparents and grandchildren. The one thing she didn't want her daughter to be telling was she and her mom had stayed with me at my house. It was also the reason why she didn't let me spend the night at her condo (yet). She wasn't ready for what she perceived would be the flack from her ex-husband.

That meant that my new lover would be without her daughter all weekend. My son was going to spend the weekend with his grandparents (my ex-wife's parents) and the cousins that were going to be spending the weekend with them. That meant I would be without my son on the same weekend. We made plans to go to Charleston, South Carolina for the weekend to leave on Friday and come back on Sunday. We decided to take her car rather than mine: a Fiat Pininfarina Spider convertible. It was nominally a four-seater in name only (our children could fit in the back seats but I wasn't sure about adults. It would be very cramped; particularly with the top up). Fortunately , it had a luggage rack on the trunk deck if we needed it.

During the week, I came over to her condo on Monday and Wednesday evenings which were the nights I didn't have my son. Her daughter liked my son and hoped we would get together again soon. After her daughter went to bed and was asleep, my lover and I went to her bedroom and continued to explore each other sexually. It was during this early stage that anything anal was off limits (at least for the moment). That was a disappointment.

At the end of our sexual interludes, I would get dressed and drive back to my home.

Her ex-husband arrived Thursday night to pick up his daughter. Schools were out for Good Friday so there weren't any school issues. I don't remember if she told her ex-husband where she was going or with who. I did tell my ex-wife, just in case she needed to contact me. She knew where I was going to stay because she and I had stayed at the same hotel just five years earlier.

Maybe that was a mistake on my part because my new lover and I had a different relationship to Charleston. Mine was related to the work I had done in Charleston in addition to the visit my ex-wife and I had taken six months after our son was born when we stayed at this hotel on the Ashley River. My new lover had a different relationship to Charleston born out of her family ties to South Carolina and the South Carolina coast (Low Country).

In the months prior to this trip, we had had the same kind of conversation about how my marriage dissolved after my son was born as I had with Catie. Looking back, Catie didn't seemed to feel "threatened" or insecure about our relationship in the context of my soon to be ex-wife. Catie and I had gotten to the point in a couple of months where we felt that we belonged together and to each other. This relationship didn't feel like that at all. And unlike Catie, she seemed concerned about what would happen if my ex-wife decided she wanted back into our marriage relationship. As unlikely as that seemed, I told her the same thing I had told Catie: at some point there would be a point of no return where I wouldn't consider it. Catie and I had already reached that point. This woman and I had not. She was looking for some limits from me. I was unwilling to impose them and she really couldn't understand why.

My telling her that she was free to choose whatever she wanted to do with me; how, if any, restrictions she wished to place upon herself and her conduct with me was entirely her choice was not the answer she was looking for. I had expanded my view of the limits of love and relationship through my experiences with Catie and it had given me a different perspective on my ex-wife's choices. Although the hidden infidelity in the marriage hurt, I had always held the position that if my circumstances and relationships hadn't changed and my ex-wife realized that her original choice about and with me were correct, then I would be willing to re-engage in the marriage. If she was this insecure about my not yet ex-wife for whom there seemed little hope that we would get back together, I surely wasn't going to tell her about all my exploits with Catie and the residual relationships that were part of the orbit that Catie and I travelled.

All of this conversation was going on as the weather turned rainy as well approached the Charleston area and it was looking like this might not be such a great weekend together. No matter what, I was not going to impose limits on who she was being or who she could or couldn't see (that's one thing she wanted me to do and I just refused. I knew that she had been sleeping with her first husband while married to her second when things were going awry. She wanted me to tell her that she couldn't do that. I told her that she could do that (whether or not I told her she couldn't) because the choice is always hers. For me it was "simple." Just choose!

In the end, we agreed that if my ex-wife wanted back into my marriage or if she wanted to sleep with me again and I agreed to let her (which would reset the mandatory separation time), I would tell my new lover about it rather than trying to conceal it. I could agree to that. She felt still felt uneasy that I wouldn't "impose" the same requirement on her. After that. I found myself being cautious about what I shared from my previous life with my wife or anyone else. I still felt like I was on parallel tracks; the life I had as a result of being with Catie and the life I was was establishing (or picking up again?) as a result of Catie's death.

With that, we arrived and checked into the hotel and went to get some dinner once we placed our luggage in the room. I had eaten at this nearby restaurant several times when in Charleston. I didn't make a big deal out of one of the locals telling my ex-wife and I about it. Rather, I offered up the fact that "the locals" sometimes know the best places to go (in this case for seafood). For example, there was this little restaurant in Jacksonville, Florida that some local had told us about that had the best scallops....

We arrived back at the hotel and rode up the elevator. At this stage of the game, I was quite prepared for a sexless evening and maybe for the rest of entire trip. After all, I had endured more than four years of a nearly sexless marriage after my son was born and I had been sexless for another year up to the time that Catie and I met. If this relationship fell apart as a result of our discussion on the way to Charleston, I certainly wasn't going to be unpleasant. I would be gracious about it. She could sleep on her side of the bed, I could sleep on mine. As I undressed, I told her that if she wanted to go back to North Carolina in the morning, we could leave and go back.

"Do you want to do that?" she asked.

"No, I'm just offering it to you as an option," I said.

"Why would I want to do that?" she asked.

"I just don't want you to feel like you're stuck here with me all weekend if you'd rather not be here with me," I said.

This was unlike any conversation that she ever had with a man. Certainly, not one she had with her ex-husbands. We concluded by affirming that we wanted to be here...together...all weekend. I finished getting undressed and got into bed. She went into the bathroom for a couple of minutes. Then, when she came out she got into bed with me, snuggled up to me and gave me a kiss. found that my cock was hard, and jumped my bones by getting on top of me and riding me.

We had a very long sexual session the rest of the evening and well into the early morning before we drifted off to sleep.. It was quite different from the long session on my waterbed and the "short sessions" in her bed at her condo. We probably tried every sexual position that we knew. No anal sex. I delivered most of the oral sex. If we were keeping track of how many orgasms we had, we lost count because it didn't make any difference because it felt so good. We slept late and it probably was around 10:00 AM when we woke up. After saying good morning to each other with a smile on our faces, I got up and went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. She followed after I was done and then came back to bed. The size of the wet spot(s) that had formed from all our sexual activity was impressive. She commented on how much cum was still dripping out of her when she sat on the toilet.

"There's more where that came from," I said.

She was more than ready to receive all I could give her. She lay down on her back, spread her legs while she drew her knees up while sliding her feet along the bed. I got between her legs on my knees and lowered my face to her vagina, sliding my tongue along her labia and vulva lips to taste my cum and her juices. It wasn't a long oral session because she was ready to take my cock inside her. She reached down to guide me in while I "hooked" her legs with my arms and then further rolled her back so her feet were over her head and mine, the back of my knees on my shoulders. Similar to when she would sit straight up on me, this was one of the deepest penetration positions we could share.

I was giving her a steady pace of stroking/pounding in this position, the head of my cock reaching and pressing against something. I thought the top of my glans was rubbing over and past her cervix but I couldn't be sure. But there was also some "resistance" or something I was pressing against at the end of each stroke. It didn't hurt me and it wasn't "bending me" in any appreciable manner. She also wasn't feeling pain as she also helped hold her legs in place, occasionally grabbing her ankles.

Suddenly something "broke" and I plunged in deeper. It startled both me and her. I stopped for a moment and asked her if she was okay, if she was hurting. It didn't seem possible that I was going deeper than I had gone before. But it felt like it to both of us, like something had "opened up." Whatever it was we both liked it. We were lost in the ecstasy of the moment and we didn't hear Housekeeping knock on the door. It seems I forgot to either place either the chain or the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. She unlocked the door (we didn't hear the door unlock) and opened the door to see us on the bed. Her on her back rolled back so that legs were up in the air against my shoulders. Me on my knees, cantered forward; my arms and hands wrapped around her thighs so that I could penetrate her as deeply as I could.

I don't know how long she stood there watching us or how much she saw. But, she came pretty far into the room and we were hard to miss more than a few feet into the room. We both became aware of her when she (finally) said "I'm sorry" and started to quietly back out of the room. Without missing a stroke I turned to her, smiled, and looked her in the eyes and said "I hope it is as good for you as it is for us." She smiled back and backed out of the room quietly closing the door behind her. We burst out laughing and continued fucking. As I got closer to cumming and got longer and larger, I kept going deeper and deeper into her. My lover was now in a state of almost continuous orgasm (something I've found is difficult to "deliver" because it takes the proper angle, rhythm, and right circumstances to have it happen). Finally, with those last strokes before cumming, I pressed in as deeply as I could and held still so that we could both feel the spasms of my orgasm.

We held this position for several minutes after the last of my spasms had subsided and all that was left was whatever semen was dribbling out of the end of my cock. She wanted to lower her legs back onto the bed and I helped her legs slide off my shoulders and down my arms so she could place her feet flat on the bed. As was my practice, I stayed on top of her and in her vagina for as long as I could over the next 5-7 minutes. I didn't stroke at all or try to keep myself inside her by trying to maintain a partially erect state while my refractory recovery was in process. We both felt wonderful as kissed and played with each other's face and hair.

Neither one of us said anything about the Housekeeping staff coming into the room and seeing us. For the moment, it was just part of the experience. Finally, I slipped out of her with a big gush that she could feel running down her butt crack.

"I'll get a towel," I told her and I got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom. When I stepped in and turned on the light, I noticed the blood on my penis. I grabbed a washcloth, too, and wet it.

"You aren't starting your period?" I asked from the bathroom.

"No, why?" she asked.

"Because I have blood on me," I said as I swabbed my cock with the warm, wet washcloth. She sat up to look at the sheet as I came from the bathroom with the washcloth and towel and could see the bloodstained semen that had already run out of her and onto the sheets. There wasn't a lot of blood and certainly not as much as my experience with sex during a menstrual period, but it was definitely a bloody mess. She wiped herself with the washcloth. The combination of blood and semen was visible on the washcloth. However, it didn't look like she was still bleeding and nothing hurt inside as far as she could tell.

"Maybe you fully lost your virginity or maybe your second virginity," referring to the sudden plunge I took into her. I knew her daughter had been delivered by C-section and so nothing as large as a baby had travelled down through her cervix and vagina before. She got up off the bed to survey "the damage." I got another clean washcloth and wiped up as much of the bloodied spot as I could and then pulled the sheet back to look at the mattress pad. The stain had penetrated the sheet to the pad as well.

"They," referring to Housekeeping, "are not going to be happy about that," she said.

"I'm sure this isn't the first time they've seen or dealt with something like this," I said. We didn't dwell on it. Instead, we got into the shower and got cleaned up. We were still concerned about her bleeding inside and whether we needed to do something. But from what we could tell after her shower was if there was any bleeding, it had stopped. She had some absorbent pads and tampons with her in her travel kit bag. She used one of the pads to give any indication of continued bleeding before we considered going to lunch. Just the slow dribble of semen laced with a bit of blood that we had already seen. It didn't look like a hospital visit was in order for the moment.

We got dressed to go out into the world. We went to the elevator and I told my lover I'd be back in a moment as I went around the building on this level to see if the same housekeeper was around. She was. She didn't recognize me (I was clothed, right?). I told her what room we were in and that we were leaving for a little while. She immediately became apologetic for walking in on us the way she did not wanting to look at me directly. I told her it was okay and I really hoped she enjoyed watching us "because we were having a really good time and were oblivious" to her until she said something.

"You probably could have watched us for five to ten minutes and we wouldn't have noticed," I said, giving her a wink.

"Anyway, I wanted you to know we made a bit of an unexpected bloody mess of the sheets before you go in and we're really sorry about that," I said. "This for you for the extra work we might have caused you." I handed her a $20 bill.

"Thank You," she said.

"No. Thank You," I replied and I turned to walk back around to the elevator.

"Where did you go?" my lover asked.

"I gave our housekeeper a $20 tip for the extra work we created for her, " I said.

She smiled as the elevator arrived and we rode down to the Lobby. I don't remember where we ate lunch but we ended up down in the historic district between East bay Street and King Street. We did a short walking tour of some of the historic houses and went down to The Battery at the end of East Bay. The azaleas were in full blossom in Charleston and the gardens were gorgeous.

We arrived back at the hotel several hours later. The room was cleaned, the sheets and towels replaced, even the mattress pad. We checked to see if there was still bleeding. The good news was there was no apparent bleeding. Whatever we had "popped" hadn't continued to bleed.

There was a restaurant on North market Street where we wanted to go to for dinner. I hadn't eaten there before, but my lover had. It was the weekend of the NCAA Basketball Tournament Final Four and the last ACC Team was Duke versus Kansas we were at the restaurant whole the game was being played and we could see it on the televisions that were in the bar (nothing like today's televisions). Duke beat Kansas to play in the Monday night championship game.

After dinner and walking around just a little, we drove back to the hotel. We undressed each other and this time we put a towel under us, just in case. I got on the towel and the bed on my back and she got up on top of me and slowly and gently rode me. I was noticeably deeper inside her than we had experienced previously. Whatever I had opened up gave access to a deeper level inside her. It was a slow, gentle ride. It wasn't going to be a marathon session. Rather, it was going to be one of those sessions where she would cum multiple times and bring me over the edge to cum inside her. She stopped a couple of times to see if there was any blood. There wasn't and so she slipped me back inside her and she rode on. My orgasm finally arrived and she settled down on me to feel each pulse fire into her. A gentle squeeze of her breasts took her over the edge one more time.

She laid down upon me while I was still inside her and we fell asleep this way under the sheets. Sometime later, she rolled off me and beside me with her arm and leg draped over me. We woke up several times times during the night. Sometimes it was her who woke up and then got me hard and erect to wake me up because she wanted me inside her again. Other times I'd position myself to work my way into her (e.g., spoons position with me behind her). I had read or heard that age 39 is the sexual peak for women and she was certainly demonstrating that. There was the still the occasional tinge of blood but nothing like the first time we saw blood.

We finally had that last intimate fuck before we knew we had to get cleaned up and prepared to drive back to North Carolina. It was a gorgeous sunny morning and we (reluctantly) packed and prepared to leave. It would be a convertible top-down day. Just before we left, there was a knock on the door from Housekeeping. It was the same young woman from the previous day standing there when I opened the door. I told her that we'd be checking out in just a few minutes.

"You be good to each other and have a blessed Easter," she said.

It was Easter Sunday.

"We have been," I said, giving her a knowing look. She smiled and turned away.

"You have a blessed Easter, too," I said and included her name.

I had noted her name on her name tag. It may have been a holiday and gor her it was just another workday. I left her a short thank you note and a generous gratuity.

We drove through the historic district and down to The Battery where the Cooper and the Ashley Rivers meet. People were dressed up in the Easter Sunday finest clothing headed to church and then there were the tourists, like us. A few minutes in the park and the drive out on East Bay Street and we were on our way back to NC. For as difficult as the beginning of our visit to Charleston was, we were in the sexual afterglow of our weekend together and she had the reminder as my cum continued to drain out of her.

We drove home taking a different route as she wanted to show me that areas of South Carolina and North Carolina where she grew up. We went to the cemetery where her father was buried and found his gravesite. And we drove up to the some of the small towns where she lived and grew up near the border of the two states. We needed to get some gasoline and we stopped at a local gas station / convenience store in one of these small towns. This was before gas pumps became much more sophisticated where you'd go inside to prepay for your gas (cash or credit card) or tell them you were filling up and they'd ask for an approximate amount so that they could put a prepay hold on your card. There were two young women in the store behind the sales counter. So, when I went into the store and left my credit card, I told them how much gasoline I though it would take to fill this Fiat.

While I'm standing there pumping gas, my lover said something about when the young woman from housekeeping walked in on us and what a sight we must have been with her legs over my shoulders, her feet overhead or crossed behind my neck and me pounding away at her. She said "I can't believe you said 'I hope it is as good for you as it is for us!' You didn't miss a stroke and just kept on going!"

"What better thing to say? I didn't want to yell 'Get Out' at her. She was there, and I hoped she was enjoying the show."

"You gave her quite an eyeful the way you were fucking me."

It was at that moment that we realized that the two young women behind the counter in the store were listening in on us. We could see them react through the store window. I looked up above the gas pumps. In addition to the video camera that was mounted above the gas pumps, there was also a weatherproof speaker that could also be used as a microphone to talk back and forth from the registers at the sales counter.

"I think we just made their day," I said.

I went in to the store to get us some snacks and something to drink and to have them charge my credit card and to get my receipt. They could barely contain themselves, as I was now aware of the sound of the vehicles passing by on the street. Yes, they had heard what she and I said.

"I hope it was good for you, too," I said, as I signed the receipt. "It was quite a show." I said goodbye and turned to take my purchases. As we drove away, I waved at them.

When we got back to Raleigh, she made a phone call to her ex-husband's parent's house in Raleigh so she could pick up her daughter and take her home. After a few minutes of hugging and kissing and not really wanting to break away, she got in her Fiat and drove away. I went back into the house to reflect upon what had happened over the weekend and more.

In subsequent conversations, she was still concerned about my not-yet ex-wife. But the sexual fun we had over the weekend at the hotel in Charleston overshadowed that. That previous night where she had waited for me at the airport was not a fluke. And more interestingly to her was that her friend and my coworker had no idea about my sexual interests or capabilities. I kept it strictly professional at the office.

My new lover knew that my ex-wife and I had stayed there at the same hotel in 1981. But, she didn't know all the details other than she was distracted all weekend by being away from our son which cut into our intimacy. I was glad I hadn't shared anything about what we had done in the spring of 1981 beyond the G-Rated sightseeing. And she also knew that I stayed there for business, as well, so the concerns about staying at the same hotel weren't as much an issue as what she thought my ex-wife might come back for...our sex life.

I still wasn't sure about the durability of THIS relationship and I still had a number of loose ends to sort out. But as I drifted off to sleep that night in my waterbed, I had a jumbled set of feelings to deal with.