Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Extreme Deep Cleaning Begins

Chapter 8 - Extreme Deep Cleaning Begins

Dr. Preston was now completely ready for Paul’s deep teeth cleaning. She adjusted her surgical gown a little on her lap the rustling of the gown combining with the hum of machinery in the room adding to the medical drama that was unfolding. She started by reaching over to the second tray and unscrewing the top off the white jar of oral numbing gel. Each sound seemed to echoing slightly in the room to Paul or maybe it was just the tension combined with anticipation of what was to come. She grabbed a Q-tip, dipping it lightly into the jar, and leaned over Pauls mouth "Alright, Paul," she announced, her voice calm and professional, "open very wide please. I'm going to apply some oral numbing gel to your gums to help make the injections easier” It should make everything a bit more comfortable as I insert the needles and help you feel almost nothing during the deep clean."

Paul cleared his throat, his voice raspy with nervousness. "Dr. Preston," he croaked, "isn't it usually a dentist who administers needle injections? I've never seen a dental hygienist do them before, and I'm a little..." he trailed off, hoping his nervousness wouldn't be misconstrued as defiance or questioning her abilities.

Dr. Preston paused, a small laugh escaping her lips, the sound muffled by her surgical mask. "Don't worry, Paul," she reassured him, a hint of amusement still in her voice. "I have extensive training in this area, along with a few other additional dental specialties. Consider it a bonus with me I’m almost a one stop dentist for you.” “Trust me, I won't inflict any unnecessary pain. Now please open wide”

Paul complied, slowly opening his mouth wide. Dr. Preston meticulously swabbed four distinct areas along his gum line with the numbing gel, using a fresh Q-tip each time. A faint coldness settled on those spots, a harbinger of the impending full numbness to come. Dr Preston then hit a switch with her foot, and the powerful surgical lamp overhead blazed to life. She adjusted it slightly positioning it for optimal illumination on his mouth before picking up the first of the large dental needles. "Keep your mouth open nice and wide, Paul," she instructed.

He did as instructed, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. Dr. Preston approached slowly and cautiously, one green surgical gloved hand reached in and started to gently massage his gum while the other held the needle poised. In a slow, controlled motion, she inserted the first needle into his mouth. A pinprick of discomfort was followed by a steady pressure as the numbing agent flooded his system. The process was repeated three more times, each injection adding to the growing numbness enveloping his entire mouth.

By the fourth injection, Paul could feel his entire mouth succumbing to a pleasant complete numbness. Satisfied with her work Dr. Preston discarded the last used needle and gentle felt his mouth thoughtfully. "Hmm, it’s looking good, Paul," she noted. "The numbing should be kicking in nicely. While it takes full effect, let's get everything else prepared."

He watched with a growing sense of alarm as she rose from her stool and headed behind him towards the anesthesia machine. "I-I think the numbing should be enoughhhh," he slurred, his speech already thickening and distorting from the numbing injections.

Dr. Preston, however, remained unfazed. Her voice, now devoid of its usual playful lilt, took on a very distinct medical professional edge. "No, Paul," she countered loudly, her words laced with true authority. "Your care and comfort is paramount.” “You have several sensitive cavities, remember? This deep cleaning will be thorough, and I need you fully compliant so I have complete access to examine every corner of your mouth."

Before he could protest further, she materialized above him, the black nasal mask in her gloved hand. With practiced ease, she secured the nasal mask over his nose, and buckled the straps behind is head securing it fully to his face. She leaned close, her beautiful green eyes meeting his from above her surgical mask. The complete effect was very beautiful and mesmerizing to Paul. "You're my patient, Paul," she stated firmly, stroking his cheek gently with a gloved hand. "And this will be a very lengthy session, and as your dentist, I insist you be very relaxed and comfortable." With that, she turned and hit a button turning on the anesthesia machine and starting the gas flow. Immediately Paul smelled a sweet scent filling his nostrils. He tried to shake his head and fight the sweet smell but the mask was firmly attached to his face and he slowly succumbed to the gas.

Dr. Preston adjusted the controls, on the anesthesia machine for a few moments monitoring the gauges and flow. “Let the gas take effect Paul” she cooed softly. As Paul felt a wave of relaxation wash over him. Dr Preston then reappeared by his side, resuming her position on the rolling stool. "Don't worry, Paul," she soothed. "You won't be completely asleep. I need you conscious to confirm things as I proceed."

Picking up an unfamiliar instrument – a mouth spreader that looked vaguely menacing – she gently nudged open his numb and loose mouth, and placed the mouth spreader in. She then clicked it open wrenching his mouth wide open, and pressing down against his tongue rendering his tongue immobile.

After it was put in place Paul tried to speak but an odd thing happened no sound emerged. Dr. Preston saw his struggle and immediately looked over to him and said “Apologies, Paul," she explained. "But this mouth spreader keeps your tongue depressed down so it’s out of the way during the deep cleaning."

The realization dawned slowly with the gas affecting his thoughts that with the combination of the numbing, gas and the mouth spreader he was rendered completely mute. Dr. Preston then picked up and placed a pair of sunglasses over Paul’s eyes to shield them for the bright surgical light. Finally she hit a button on the computer and the rooms lights dimmed significantly. The surgical light intensified, casting a harsh glare upon him.

The only other source of bright light came from the computer screen displaying his new X-rays he thought and a white space he assumed for notes. Unfortunately due to the angle Paul could not see what the new X-rays revealed.

"Alright, Paul," Dr. Preston announced, her voice laced with a hint of what might have been excitement, as she donned a pair of protective glasses with magnifying lenses. Clapping her gloved hands together, she declared, "Let's start your deep cleaning!"

Paul could only muster a small gurgle in response, trapped and at the mercy of the beautiful Dr. Preston, whose demeanor had shifted from alluring to a professional, yet oddly enthusiastic, surgical Dentist.

Dr. Preston settled into her stool, adjusting its position and the computer terminal for easy access. With a practiced ease,she maneuvered the two dental trays, into final position one close to Paul's head and the other hovering near his chin. He squeezed his eyes shut, conjuring a vivid mental image: himself, strapped to the dental chair, adorned with restraints. A gas mask obscuring part of this face, and a mouth spreader holding his mouth wide open, with the beautiful Dr. Preston leaning over him in full surgical regalia. The scene was a bizarre mix of thrilling arousal and sheer worrying terror.

Dr. Preston wasted no time, grabbing the first set of dental picks and mirrors. With practiced efficiency, she began scraping and examining Paul's front teeth. Each scrape was followed by a meticulous inspection, the water gun spitting targeted bursts to clear away any debris or blood exposed by the scraping tools. Occasionally, a specialized tool joined the party, its purpose unclear to Paul. She'd scrutinize his teeth with a mirror, then turned and tapped away at the computer keyboard,recording her observations in the digital notes section. He could see only a glimpse of notes on the screen, offering no clues about the nature of her notations.

Methodically, she moved on to the left side lower side of his mouth, the routine of scraping, spraying, and cleaning continuing unabated. A new tool entered the fray – a humming water gun like instrument that unleashed a torrent of high-pressure water, it sending shivers through Paul's teeth and gums. The increased flow of water, coupled with the mouth spreader, made breathing difficult. His gurgling noises alerted Dr. Preston, who immediately halted the water torture and picked up an instrument that had a strange contraption. An angled hose with an odd clamping part to it.

"My apologies, Paul," she said, her voice a muffled whisper through the mask. "The spreader and water must be making it harder to breathe. This high-suction device will continuously remove the water, allowing you to breathe easier." With a gentle touch, she secured the hose to his mouth and the gurgling subsided as the suction kicked in. Despite the numbness and drowsiness, Paul could sense a shift in Dr. Preston's demeanor – a touch of genuine concern beneath the professional mask.

Armed with the water gun device and a dental pick, she resumed her cleaning odyssey, focusing on his lower teeth. While he felt no pain, a strange stinging sensation pervaded his mouth. He knew, with certainty, that without the numbing and anesthesia gas, the deep cleaning experience would be excruciating. He wondering how long this deep clean would go on for and what else was in store for him and his teeth.