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The Sexual Pleasure retreat


After the 'thermometer emergency' had been resolved, nurse Joanna helped Callie into a gown and prepared the first of her enemas for the doctor. "Are you comfortable enough honey?" She cooed softly, helping Callie move into the left lateral position and placing a thin blanket over her hips before hanging the two litre bag on a stand.

"The patient's ready for you doctor"

"Thank you Nurse, I will also need some Cyanocobalamin and Calciferol preparing when you can"

"No problem"

Whilst the nurse had been preparing the enema, Keiran had been reviewing the results from Callie's blood work that had been sent across from the lab. Like many of his patients, she had a B12 and Vitamin D deficiency which he would need to address but he would get Callie's enemas done first.

"Better get a temperature reading first and foremost Callie." He winked at her and held up a new thermometer playfully "Don't worry, I'll keep track on where it's going... Little bit cold now, just relax..."

Callie held her breath as Keiran lifted the blanket and gently slid the thermometer through her tight puckered hole, he kept his hand on her bottom, holding the little rod in place for several minutes before removing it and making a note of her temperature on her chart.

"Enema nozzle going in now, just relax"

The nozzle was much bigger than Callie expected but, even though her hole was a little tender from the speculum, it felt very pleasurable as it made its way inside her. Callie had never had an enema before and she felt quite nervous about what was to come.

"Ok Callie, so I'm going to start the flow now"

Keiran opened the clamp and immediately, warm water began to slowly flow inside Callie. She could feel the gentle movement of the liquid entering her and it felt surprisingly good initially, then a painful cramp, tore through her abdomen causing her to cry out.

"Ooohh I need to go"

Keiran slid the little clamp across the tubing and stopped the flow. Gently, he began to rub her stomach until the cramp subsided.

"Ok, a little bit more for this time and then you can go and release"

Since it was her first ever enema and she was also very full, Callie was only able to take a small amount before cramps over took her again. Administration of this first enema was a delicate balance which saw Keiran stopping and starting the flow continuously. Keiran knew not to push it, Callie's comfort was paramount. He was satisfied when Callie had taken just under half of the two litre bag with this round and after helping her to the toilet, he left her to void in peace.

"Ok Callie, I need to do a quick exam now and see what's going on back there. Did you have a good result on the toilet?"

Callie blushed and nodded. From her place on the exam table, she watched as the doctor pulled on a clean pair of gloves and squirted some lubricant onto his fingers as he walked towards her.

"Just let your legs fall open for me"

Callie's vagina had seen a lot of action today, the doctor seemed to be using it as some kind of detour for understanding what was going on in her back passage. She winced as Keiran plunged his fingers into her again and then began deeply palpating her stomach for a few minutes and Callie was relieved when at last, he removed his hand again.

" Yes, you still have several hard solid lumps back there so I want to get a higher volume enema into you now."

He informed her, pulling his gloves off and discarding them into the clinical waste bin before grabbing a new pair

"I'm also going to use a different nozzle, this one has two balloons which inflate, one is internal and one external. It's a snug comfortable sensation which it makes it easier to retain the enema."

Callie felt him lubing her tender bottom hole once more and then some pressure as the nozzle slipped inside and began to expand, gently stretching her from inside her bottom hole. Seconds later, the external balloon was also filled and the doctor gave a tug on the whole device, demonstrating how secure it was before opening the clamp so that the water began to slowly fill her.

Almost immediately, Callie knew there was something different, there was a warming sensation that began to grow in intensity, it continued to stimulate her bowels, irritating and tingly although not painful.

"I want you to take the full two litres this time Callie. I've added some soap this time to give you a deeper cleanse"

The water continued to flow, this time the cramping was more intense and Callie moaned and shifted uncomfortably during times when it was particularly intense, with the doctor slowing the flow and rubbing Callie's swollen stomach deeply several times during the administration.

Eventually Callie felt something shift inside her and the urge to go became desperately intense. The doctor deflated the nozzle and Callie shot to the toilet like an olympian in first place. It took a while for all the water to leave her body but once she returned to the treatment room, Callie felt wonderfully light and marveled at the slimness of her stomach. However, she was soon to discover that the doctor was not finished with her yet!

"For your final enema, I want to get the water in as high as possible. We will be using a colon tube which will really give you a thorough clean....."


GlovedFun 1 month ago 4  
Freya Stein 2 months ago 4