Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Arriving for the Deep Clean

Chapter 7- Arriving for the Deep Clean

Sunday arrived and Paul arrived ten minutes early for his appointment. He found himself outside Dr. Preston's begining to feel familiar victorian house once again. A mix of emotions swirled within him – apprehension about the upcoming procedure, a strange thrill at being under Dr. Preston's control in the dental chair again, and a flicker of arousal at the thought of her in medical attire and latex gloves.

He debated the ethics of his attraction, a tangled mess of a medical fetish and Dr. Preston's undeniable allure and beauty. Pushing those thoughts aside, he would focused on the practicalities. What exactly would this "deep gum and teeth scaling" entail? And what secrets would the periapical X-rays reveal about his neglected teeth?

Reaching the front of red brick building, a pink sticky note caught his eye on the brass plaque reading "Dr. Samantha Steel, Dental Surgeon." On the pink sticky note scrawled in Dr. Preston's now familiar handwriting that was playful and unmistakably feminine. "Please come on in, Paul, and go to the waiting area! Dr. Preston." It had a cheeky little heart doodled beside Paul’s name.

Paul with a wry smile, opened the door and entered, the familiar antiseptic scent of a dental office filling his nostrils. He passed by the coat rack, sinking into a comfortable chair, and occupied himself with a game on his phone. The air crackled with a nervous anticipation – a charged mix of both thrill at seeing Dr. Preston again and the worry about the upcoming deep clean procedure.

Suddenly, he could hear footsteps coming from behind the surgery door. The door swung open to reveal Dr. Preston, a dazzling smile lighting up her face. "Hi Paul, so nice to see you again! Ready for your deep gum and teeth scaling?"

Her beauty, accentuated by the crisp lines of the classic navy blue nursing uniform with the white apron and black belt, hit Paul like a wave. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her shapely legs encased in the black seamed stockings. Or how her nurses uniform gave prominence to her large chest. A knowing glint flickered in Dr. Preston's eyes – she'd noticed his fascination with her dental uniform and other aspects the previous day, perhaps confirming her suspicions about his medical fetish.

"Please go on in Paul," she purred, a subtle sway in her hips as she turned and gestured towards hallway beyond. The scent of her intoxicating perfume, laced with the dental antiseptic air, sent a shiver down his spine as he passed her. "Straight ahead, Paul," Dr. Preston directed, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "We'll be in the same room as yesterday, for your X-rays and the check-up. “Dental surgery 2."

Paul walked down the calming blue hallway, past the 3 smaller dental suite rooms, his heart pounding against his ribs. He was headed for the same surgery room – the scene of both his apprehension and a strange, newfound desire. As Paul approached the surgery 2 door a question came to him he was queries about. "Hey Dr. Preston," he called turning partial back towards her, "This office is surprisingly large. Your house doesn't seem big enough to hold it all."

Dr. Preston, was just closing the door to the waiting area, turned around with a smile. "It is quite spacious, isn't it?" she replied."There are three small, dental suites mostly for cleanings, and minor procedures. Then we have this larger room,equipped for more complex dental surgeries. Finally we have the fully-fledged surgical operating room for major procedures. Additionally we have the X-ray room, and the consultation suite you've already seen them. We even have a small on-site lab."

Paul whistled in appreciation. "Wow, this place is incredible! Dr. Samantha Steel must be serious about her work in dental surgery."

Dr. Preston's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her eyes. "Oh, she was..." she began, quickly correcting herself, "I mean, is very serious about her work in dental surgery."

Paul shrugged off her slight slip of the tongue, he had not seen the flicker of that something else in her eyes. He pushed open the door to Dental Surgery 2. The room was dominated by the large dental chair, an imposing presence in the center of the space. It seemed Dr. Preston had been busy prepping for his arrival. The computer terminal sat beside the chair, flanked by two dental tables.

The first table, attached to the chair by a mobile arm, held an array of dental instruments – picks, scrapers, various mirrors, and probes – all gleaming in the sterile light. The second table, suspended from the ceiling by the clever mobile track system, was currently positioned off to the side, its tools covered by a green surgical cloth. However, Paul could see the instrument tray attached to the first table held more than just the usual water gun and air wand. Several unfamiliar tools glinted under the light, their purpose unknown.

But the most noticeable change was the anesthesia machine was now positioned directly behind the chair. The black nasal nose mask with its straps lay draped on a stand, ready for deployment. The sight of it sent a shiver down Paul's spine.

Just then, he felt the warmth of Dr. Preston's presence behind him, a hint of her perfume filling the air. "Don't worry,Paul," she cooed, her voice calm and reassuring. "I'll explain everything thoroughly as we go. Besides, we have all afternoon." Her words did little to quell the knot of apprehension forming in his stomach. The prospect of the deep cleaning was daunting enough, but the sight of those unfamiliar tools and the looming anesthesia machine made him wonder exactly what Dr. Preston had planned.

These thoughts all flashed through Paul’s head as he sank into the dental chair, a wave of anxiety washed over him now that he was in the chair. The deep cleaning and scaling were concerning, but his true concern lay with the results of the periapical X-rays, the looming unknown of the X-ray results created a far greater source of worry. The initial X-rays hinted at a multitude of problems, and his mind fixated on the potential consequences.

Suddenly, the sound of latex snapping pierced the air. Dr. Preston stood before him, another pair of those captivating vibrant purple gloves adorning her hands. "Alright, Paul," she chirped, her voice carrying a hint of forced cheerfulness, "Time to get you strapped in."

"Strapped in?" Paul blurted, a jolt of panic shooting through him. "I don't think that's necessary, Dr. Preston. I can definitely sit still."

Dr. Preston's smile faltered for a moment, a steely glint flashing in her eyes. Ignoring his protest, she walked over towards a bin mounted on the anesthesia machine and reaching inside, pulled out a set of white leather restraints. There was one long strap, presumably for his legs, another for his neck, and two smaller ones for his wrists.

Paul instinctively tried to rise, but Dr. Preston was quicker. She stepped over and placed the pile of restraints on his chest, holding him down with surprising amount of force. "Paul," she began, her voice dangerously calm, "I understand you're nervous, but don't make this difficult. I've dealt with plenty of uncooperative patients."

She leaned in, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. One gloved hand stroked his cheek, sending shivers down his spine. "Besides, Paul," she purred, "I have other ways to help you manage any discomfort you might experience." The implication hung heavy in the air, leaving Paul speechless.

For a stunned moment, Paul lay frozen after her words. While he was Dr. Preston clipped the neck restraint onto the chair, securing it snugly around his neck. He could no longer lift his head, effectively pinning him to the chair. With practiced efficiency, she repeated the process with his wrists and legs, his protests muffled by the sudden restriction.

"This is for your safety, Paul," she explained, her tone now devoid of sweetness, replaced by a cold medical authority. "You might move around during the procedure, and I can't risk you hurting yourself or damaging the equipment. Considering I'm performing this solo, I need all my focus on you."

Clapping her hands together, she announced, "Time to get gowned and gloved up!" With a flourish, she discarded her purple gloves and rolled a stool beside the chair. A click of a button sent the chair lowering, and Paul found himself staring up at the imposing dental surgical light overhead, that was currently switched off.

He heard rustling behind him and strained his neck to turn and see Dr. Preston pulling her long, dark hair into a tight bun. A green surgical cap was opened and she secured her hair in it with a practiced motion. A delighted laugh escaped her lips. "I'll be right back, Paul," she chirped, a dark glint in her eyes. "Just relax and stay put, alright?"

With that, she left the room, leaving Paul tightly restrained a prisoner in the dental chair, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. The deep cleaning and scaling were the least of his worries now. Dr. Preston's cryptic words and domineering demeanor sent a wave of cold fear through him. He was trapped, completely at her mercy.

Trapped in the dental chair, Paul resigned himself to waiting. He had fruitless tested the restraints, confirming Dr. Preston's words – escape was impossible. His mind raced with scenarios, each one more unsettling than the last.

The sound of returning footsteps sent a jolt through him. As the door open, Paul gasped. Gone was the alluring Dr. Preston in her vintage dental nurse's uniform. In her place stood a formidable figure in a full surgical attire– tight green scrubs, a crisp green surgical gown emphasizing her curves was over that, and a green surgical mask was concealing all but her piercing green eyes. Only her bare hands broke the sterile medical image.

Dr. Preston stopped before him, her voice devoid of its usual playful lilt. "What do you think, Paul?" she inquired, executing a slow twirl that caused the surgical gown to momentarily billow around her legs.

Paul swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper. "Very Impressive," he managed, a mix of arousal and trepidation warring within him.

Dr. Preston seemed to relish the effect this caused, a knowing glint visible in her eyes. She moved to the previously covered second dental tray table, and pulled it over positioned it directly over Paul's chest. From of the first tray she grabbed a white package that sent a shiver of excitement down his spine when he read what it was. (Green) sterile surgical gloves - extended cuff. With practiced ease, she opened the packet and donned them, the deliberate snap of the second glove echoing ominously in the room.

The sight of Dr. Preston, fully transformed into a commanding surgical figure, towering over him, did little to quell Paul's rising panic. He mumbled a barely audible "I guess" in response to her question about his readiness he add not really heard.

Dr. Preston seemed to sense his apprehension. "Don't worry, Paul," she said soothingly, her voice regaining a touch of its former sweetness. "We'll go over the peripheral X-ray results midway through the deep cleaning. Just trust me, alright? Just leave everything to me."

Clapping her gloved hands together, Dr. Preston declared, "Alright, then! Let's get started, Paul. Are you prepared?"

With a flourish, she yanked away the surgical drape, revealing the second dental tray and its unsettling contents. An array of large needles, a menacing mouth expander, cotton gauze, Q-tips and an assortment of unfamiliar instruments lay before him, glinting under the harsh light. A jar labeled "oral numbing" offered a glimmer of hope, quickly extinguished by the sight of other, more sinister-looking tools.

The sterile display did nothing to ease his growing anxiety. As Dr. Prestons gloved hand reached towards the second tray, its contents glinting under the harsh overhead lights. Paul's breath hitched in his throat. This was no ordinary cleaning. Paul found himself increasingly overwhelmed. He was in over his head, trapped in the Dental chair, and at the complete mercy of Dr. Preston, whose seductive facade had given way to a chillingly professional demeanour This "deep clean" was shaping up to be far more than he'd bargained for.