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An Unexpected Lesson

Kevin and Terry meet nurse Abigail

The size of the anal beads surprised Kevin. Not that the 24-year-old had any point of comparison. This was the first anal sex toy that Kevin had ever examined, let alone the first set of anal beads. They had been advertised online as a standard size, no previous experience necessary, but, now that he felt the firm rubber between his fingers, he wondered whether he would be able to fit them into his ass. Before investigating further, he checked that the door to his room was firmly shut. Kevin lived in a two-bedroom apartment, and, though his roommate, Terry, usually wasn’t home until much later in the evening, the old doors in the apartment had a habit of creaking open at the least convenient times.

Kevin had grown curious about anal play after reading about the pleasures of prostate stimulation. Testimonials online boasted about achieving “super orgasms” and reassured those curious about being on the receiving end of anal sex that there was nothing gay about taking something up the ass. Still, Kevin felt a bit of embarrassment as he undressed, lay down on his back, and began to lubricate the string of rubber beads. Anal beads were not the most obvious choice for someone new to ass play, but Kevin had been drawn to them because prostate massagers and dildos reminded him of penises. Even if he didn’t think that playing with his ass was gay, he didn’t need any reminding that it could be.

Kevin focused on his breathing as he pressed the first slippery bead against his asshole. He was surprised when the bead slid into his ass with little effort. The sensation was interesting. Not painful, but not immediately pleasurable. The eroticism came primarily from the novelty of the sensation. He pressed a second bead in, then a third. The movement of the string of beads inside of him created a pleasant fullness. When he tugged lightly on the string, the internal sensation made his cock jump.

Kevin gripped his now hard cock as he continued to toy with the beads. The diameter of the rubber balls increased with each bead, and he strained to insert the fourth ball. He winced when the thick ball finally squeezed past his sphincter, but the temporary discomfort quickly passed. The combination of internal stimulation with the familiar pleasure of stroking his hard cock was wonderful. He grew close to cumming. To prolong this newfound fun, he released his cock and played with the beads, focusing on their movement deep in his ass. After a few minutes of wiggling the beads buried in his ass, he couldn’t resist and started stroking harder. As his orgasm approached, his asshole spasmed, making the balls feel enormous. Hot ropes of cum splashed against his chest.

Kevin lay panting for a moment before opening his eyes and looking down at the mess he had made. The milky puddle of hot cum cooled on his chest. The first order of business was removing the beads from his ass. He tugged at the string. Nothing. He pulled harder. His asshole stung, and he paused, mopped up some of the cum that coated his torso, and gave the string another tug. The balls were stuck.

The online advice that he had read prior to this exploration stressed the importance of relaxing, but Kevin was finding it difficult to relax. What if he couldn’t get the balls out? What if someone discovered him like this? The first pangs of panic contrasted sharply with the enjoyment that he continued to feel as he wiggled the beads around inside of him. The more agitated he grew, the more firmly his asshole held the string of beads.

Just then, Kevin heard footsteps approaching the front door of the apartment. The door to Kevin’s room stood opposite the front door. Could it be Terry, his roommate? If Terry entered, only a thin wooden door would separate Terry from Kevin, who was naked, smeared with cum and lube, and currently trying to dislodge a string of rubber beads from his sore asshole. The lock on the front door of the apartment unlatched. Kevin pulled. Nothing. The front door clicked open.

“Kevin?,” Terry called out as he entered. “You home?”

Kevin and Terry had only lived together for six months. They hadn't known each other before becoming roommates, and their relationship was more like that of friendly co-workers than good friends.

“Yea, hold on. One sec.”

Kevin’s nervous tone failed to hide the fact that something was up. Terry correctly guessed that maybe he had walked in on Kevin jerking off, though he could not have imagined the incriminating scene that lay behind Kevin’s door.

As Terry waited outside Kevin’s door, the door to Kevin’s room began to creak open, as the old doors in the apartment sometimes did of their own accord. Terry reached out to catch the knob but accidentally knocked the door completely open. Kevin froze. Terry saw everything: Kevin lying on his back, a towel underneath him, a bottle of lube on his bedside. Cum dripped down Kevin’s chest and reflected the afternoon light. A little rubber tail protruded from Kevin’s ass. The whole scene burned itself into Terry’s memory before he grabbed the doorknob and slammed the door closed.


“I need your help,” Kevin shouted through the closed door.


Terry pressed his ear to the door.

“I think I need to go to the emergency room.”


“There’s something stuck.”

“Are you serious?”

“Can you drive me right now?”

“Are you fucking with me?”

“I wish. Give me a few minutes. I’m freaking out, and I need you to take me seriously right now.”

Terry didn’t know whether to pity his roommate or laugh. He remained on the other side of the door and overheard Kevin call a nearby clinic to explain his predicament. Terry’s thoughts returned to the image of Kevin’s slick cock and partially dilated asshole. He had been curious about anal exploration himself, but he had been too chicken to try it, partially out of a fear that what was now happening to Kevin might happen to him. Sure, Terry had seen naked men before in locker rooms, but he had never seen a guy right after he had cum. The feelings were intense and confusing. Kevin emerged from his room wearing a t-shirt and loose-fitting basketball shorts, interrupting Terry’s daydreams.

“I need you to drive me to the clinic and never bring this up again. I’m serious.”

Terry nodded. Of all the thoughts going through his head, the most surprising was the realization that he was a little turned on.


When the receptionist at the clinic received Kevin’s call, she knew exactly which staff member should take the case: Abigail. Abigail’s training in sexual health issues made her the go-to person whenever a patient came in with a particularly “sensitive” situation, whether an STI scare, injuries sustained in the heat of the moment, or a nervous question about the safety of some ambitious sexual act.

Though she would never admit it, Abigail also held a special, less professional interest in the erotic embarrassment of young men, especially with issues involving their asses. She often fantasized about the tremor in a young man’s voice as he whimpered while she thoroughly examined his ass. During such examinations, she frequently checked in with her patient, encouraging him to discuss the sensations he felt as she probed.

Meanwhile, Kevin lay on his stomach in the back seat of the car. Sitting down felt too uncomfortable with the beads trailing out his ass. When Kevin and Terry entered the waiting room, Terry noticed a slight bulge in the back of Kevin’s shorts where the tail of the anal beads hung out. The receptionist at the clinic discreetly confirmed Kevin’s identity, and, moments later, Abigail entered the waiting room to gather Kevin.

Terry couldn’t help noticing Abigail’s attractive figure, and Kevin would have checked her out as well had he not been anxiously wondering what the forthcoming procedure entailed. The nurse appeared to be in her late 30s. Her tight scrubs hugged her pert breasts and round ass. She wore her dark hair pulled back into a bun, and a pair of glasses contrasted against her pale skin. Abigail was surprised when she saw not one but two men waiting for her. Both were cute, she thought, and both wore just the kind of nervous expressions that she adored. She quickly devised a plan to involve them both in this afternoon’s examination.

“Hi Kevin, I’m Abigail. Would you like your partner to join you in the exam room?” she asked, looking towards Terry. The confidence in her voice was soothing, even if her question embarrassed Kevin. He blushed.

“No, that’s actually my roommate. I needed a ride.”

“Oh, a ‘roommate.’ Whatever your preferred term, why doesn’t he come back with us.”

Kevin and Terry were too taken aback by the confidence of Abigail’s brash insinuation to protest. Truth be told, Abigail assumed that the two weren’t romantically involved. Still, most men who came into the clinic with something stuck up their asses were not entirely forthcoming about the circumstances of their predicament. As a sexual health educator, it was her duty to dispel stigmas and help people open up to what felt good. Too many young men were entirely closed off to the potential of prostate pleasure. Or that’s how she rationalized her provocation as she eyed these two painfully straight young men and wondered what she might unlock in them. If her patient’s roommate had driven her patient to the clinic with something up his ass, then they were already involved with one another, she reasoned. Just how far that involvement would progress would depend on how susceptible they would be to Abigail’s suggestions. She looked forward to finding out.

Kevin and Terry followed Abigail to an exam room. Terry took a seat in a chair. Abigail handed Kevin an exam gown.

“Let me or your ‘roommate’ know if you need help putting it on.” Abigail pronounced the word “roommate” as if it were a euphemism.

Kevin thought of protesting, but he was desperate for this whole ordeal to be over. He pulled down his shorts and underwear in one delicate gesture. The faint white residue of cum and lube was visible in his black boxer briefs. He quickly put on the gown, glad to have some very temporary privacy.

Abigail busied herself at the sink washing her hands and gathering her tools. She placed a large tube of lubricant, an imposing pair of metal forceps, a rectal speculum, a lubrication applicator, and a stainless steel medical basin on an examination cart, then plucked a pair of latex exam gloves from a dispenser on the wall. She stretched the cream-colored latex gloves over her hands and glanced back at Kevin.

“The opening should be in the back, not the front,” she explained.

She helped a humiliated Kevin correct the gown. Before Kevin had put the gown back on, all in the room noticed that his cock wasn’t entirely soft. The beads pressed against his prostate as he moved around, and he couldn’t help how his cock responded. Kevin also couldn’t stop wondering what it would be like to feel this pretty nurse toying with the beads.

“Ideally, I’d like you to lie on your back, but I recognize that might not be very comfortable. Please bend your arms and lean over the table.”

Kevin did as she said. Abigail sat on a rolling stool and parted Kevin’s ass cheeks to get a better view of the protruding beads. She positioned herself so that Terry would have a full view of the proceedings, then began inspecting Kevin’s ass. Kevin could feel the nurse’s hands gently touch his ass and pull the end of the string. He let out a gasp.

“The good news is that your anal beads are still accessible. Do you experience any pain when I attempt to dislodge them?”

She pushed the beads back in, then pulled out a bit to test how firmly Kevin’s ass was gripping them and to covertly stimulate Kevin’s prostate. Her patient began to move in time with her rhythm, humping slightly.

“Not really, just a little sore. And stuck.”

She tugged more firmly and saw his asshole grip against the large bead closest to his sphincter. Kevin winced. Abigail pushed back her stool and tugged off her gloves.

“I’d like you on your back. Let’s use the stirrups and see if we can get you positioned more comfortably. I might need your friend’s help to get you on the table.”

Abigail extended the stirrups. She then asked Terry to help her lower Kevin onto his back. Kevin’s cock had become partially erect and poked against the front of the gown. Terry stared at the tented fabric while he lifted and positioned Kevin’s legs according to Abigail’s instructions. There was no real need for Terry’s help, but Abigail wanted to get them accustomed to each other’s touch.

Lying on the exam table, Kevin stared up at the ceiling. Abigail and Terry got a clear view of Kevin’s asshole and the offending string of anal beads. The scene was framed by the gown, which draped over Kevin’s crotch. Kevin could feel the cool air on his balls, and his partially erect cock, now more hidden, pressed against the fabric of his gown. He felt ridiculous letting Terry watch him in this vulnerable situation, but the strange agenda of this nurse intrigued him.

“Now can you explain to me what happened?,” Abigail asked. She pulled on a new pair of latex gloves with an extended cuff, then ran her fingers around Kevin’s anal ring very lightly. Both her patient and his asshole remained tense. Removing the beads would be no problem if she could get him to relax, but she wanted to maintain the tension up a little longer.

“I was… um… exploring a bit, and I got these up inside me, and now I can’t get them out.”

“Was this your first time exploring?”

“Yeah. First time down there.”

“You used plenty of lubricant. Your anus is free of lesions or tears. I see some redness, but we should be able to remove these without any pain.”

Abigail turned to Terry.

“Were you part of this exploration?”

“No,” Terry stammered. “No, I mean, I saw him when it was over. Before he came here.”

“When it was over? What do you mean.”

Terry was quiet. Abigail could smell the dried semen and had a good guess what “over” meant, but it was enjoyable to play these games with these two young men. And it seemed like they were enjoying the games as well.

“When I uh, finished. Finished masturbating,” Kevin admitted. He kept his head back. It was easier to address the nurse when he wasn’t facing her directly.

“Did you masturbate in front of your friend?”

Abigail teased the imaginations of the two men, planting images in their heads, and stoking a growing desire.

“What? No, I… I panicked when it was over, and Terry drove me here.”

“I see.”

She turned back to Kevin.

“Why don’t you take some deep breaths, and I’ll see whether I can extract the beads without using a rectal speculum. A little extra lubricant and some deep breathing should be effective. After these are removed, I’d like to provide some pointers on safe play, so that you two don’t have to come back to the clinic after your next ‘exploration.’”

Terry was shocked. Why did she insist on their sexual partnership? At the same time, he recognized that the whole scene was arousing. Was his anger just a defense against his surprising curiosity? If nobody objected to him being there, he was eager to see what the extraction looked like. This attractive nurse was now actively stimulating his roommate, and he wondered what it would be like for him to be on the exam table. Maybe Kevin wouldn’t mind sharing his toy.

Abigail spent a few minutes massaging Kevin’s asshole before reaching for the lubricant applicator. With one hand, she began dispensing the thick lubricant onto Kevin’s asshole, while, with the other hand, she pressed the lubricant around the bead string and into Kevin’s asshole. The procedure was pleasurable, and Kevin felt his penis hardening. He was thankful to have the gown covering his cock. Abigail stopped her massage and tugged on the beads again. Kevin tensed. Even with the additional lubricant, the beads remained stubbornly in place. Abigail had a bold idea.

“So you said that your body tensed after orgasm, correct? Well, some stimulation might help your body relax.”

Abigail pushed Kevin’s gown further up, revealing Kevin’s fully erect cock, and drizzled some lubricant on his hard cock. Kevin looked down and watched as she returned the applicator to her tray, then wrapped her gloved hand around Kevin’s penis. The room was silent. Terry couldn’t believe his eyes. Kevin could hardly think at all. All admired the sight of Kevin’s thick penis, now shiny with medical-grade lubricant.

“Just relax for me, ok? We can stop at any point.”

The wet rustle of Abigail’s stroking filled the otherwise silent exam room. As Abigail had anticipated, Kevin’s asshole relaxed. One ball slipped out, bringing her patient’s attention back to his ass and causing him to tense again.

“Excellent. Just focus on my hand and let your bottom relax. You’re doing great.”

She tightened her grip and slowed her strokes, then glanced back at Terry to see how he was responding to the spectacle. Terry was startled when Abigail looked back at him and instinctively covered his lap, where a hardon had become visible through his jeans. She had judged correctly. They were both enjoying this. Now to take it a step further.

Kevin lost himself in the sensation of nurse Abigail stroking him, and another bead plopped out of his ass. Again, he tightened. He could feel an orgasm beginning to build. The steady motion of the nurse’s hands plus the pressure of the remaining two beads inside of him was intense. Abigail sensed that Kevin would soon cum. She let go of his cock and let it flop against his chest.

“Terry, could you help me? I need to catch these beads as they exit Kevin.”

She picked up the forceps and placed the basin beneath Kevin’s ass. The ruse didn’t make sense—she could have easily extracted the beads with one hand—but she needed to give the two a reason to explore the curiosity she had been kindling between them.

“Help?,” Terry asked.

Terry’s mouth felt dry. Kevin remained silent, and Abigail correctly interpreted Kevin’s silence as his consent.

“I need you to keep your friend relaxed. Plus, it’s useful for me to explain this to you in case either of you find yourselves in this kind of situation again. Grab a pair of gloves. You have nice big hands. I think a size large should fit.”

Terry nodded and followed Abigail’s suggestion. He wanted to be closer. He wanted to touch and feel what was happening. His hands were sweaty, and he struggled to put on the gloves. Abigail stared at the visible erection in Terry’s pants, not even trying to disguise her pleasure at the scene she was orchestrating. Terry noticed Abigail’s leer, and she gave him a knowing smile.

“His penis is well lubricated. You can put your hand around it. Stroke lightly, like it was your own.”

Kevin propped up his head and watched. Terry looked Kevin in the eyes as he wrapped his gloved hand around Kevin’s cock and held it there, both of them getting used to the sensation. Kevin shuttered. Terry’s hold was firmer than Abigail’s. Terry could feel the heat of Kevin’s cock through the thin latex of his glove. Meanwhile, Abigail lowered her stool slightly, got a good hold on the beads with the forceps, and made sure that Kevin could feel the basin beneath him.

“You can begin Terry. I’m all set.”

Terry started to pump his hand up and down, bashfully at first. Of course, Terry had masturbated plenty of times, and, though he had never touched another man’s throbbing organ before, he knew instinctively what would feel good and how to read Kevin’s reactions. He brought his hand up to the crest of Kevin’s cock before lowering his fist down. Kevin pumped into Terry’s slick hand. With just a few movements, Terry could feel a pressure building in Kevin’s cock. It was intoxicating to feel Kevin’s orgasm build. Terry gripped Kevin even more tightly. Kevin felt shame and exhilaration as he submitted to Abigail’s suggestions. His roommate’s stroke felt so authoritative.

Abigail knew that it would be easy to get the final two beads out, but she wanted their release to coincide with Kevin’s orgasm, something she was certain would come soon. She could feel herself growing wet watching the two young men hesitantly explore one another. She loved seeing Terry’s grip grow more confident. They no longer needed her instructions. Kevin squirmed on the exam table. It wouldn’t be long now. His asshole spasmed in anticipation of his orgasm, and Abigail tugged on the beads. One rubber ball popped out between Kevin’s orgasmic contractions, then another. Just as Kevin’s ass was finally free of the anal beads, his cock exploded with a geyser of cum.

All watched Kevin spray semen all over his body and the exam table. Terry’s steady strokes continued until the spurts had subsided and the final bits of cum dribbled onto Terry’s hand. The two looked at one another, speechless. Abigail let the beads drop into the metal basin, breaking the silence. Terry let go of Kevin’s cock.

“Good job. Kevin, how are you feeling?” Abigail asked.

Her patient stared at Terry, then back at her.

“I can see that your partner enjoyed himself,” Abigail said. She smirked and looked back down at Terry’s boner.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. As a medical professional and advocate for sexual health, you’re both learning how to explore safely. Terry, you can have a seat, I’d like to help Kevin clean up. I’d also like to provide you both with some advice on how to safely engage in anal exploration. Terry, I’d like to demonstrate on you. It looks like you’re interested.” She flicked her gaze down to Terry’s hard cock. “And I think Kevin’s rectum needs some time to recover.”

Kevin and Terry remained quiet. Abigail used a warm washcloth to clean Kevin’s stomach, then allowed him to sit up. Kevin could feel the slickness between his ass cheeks. He looked over at Terry, who stared at the floor. Neither could fully process that they had just engaged in their first gay sex act. It would be strange to process what had happened after they left, but their afternoon at the clinic was far from over.