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Sally And Sam

Sally and Sam are sitting together waiting there turn. About half the class has been through the process and have been released to their folks at the school or are waiting for the next run over. Sally has noticed that they have all come out rubbing their butts. Some are rubbing both sides of their butt. And quite a few show red eyes or other signs of crying.

She is getting nervous. She has always hated shots and was a little scared to go through it alone. She was 18 and even though the doctors would let you have your exams without a parent present once you were 16, she had always brought Mom or Dad back with her. It was embarrassing to have to be naked in front of them, but no matter how big she tried to be with shots, it always made her fill safer if they were in the room with her.

Sam has been her rock since their two families had moved to Green Valley about 3 years ago. When they first moved here she had very upset to learn that her new pediatricians took rectal temperatures on all their patients. (Her old one had switched her to oral thermometers at 12. Well, most of the time.) Even worse, her folks had decided to go back to rectal temperatures at home too to match what the doctors did. (OK, maybe the fact that she hadn’t always been the best with using an oral thermometer had contributed to their decision.)

It had made her feel like she was being treated like a child and she had not responded very maturely to this. OK, she had thrown a hissy fit. More than one. Sam, however had taken it with good grace. He had pointed out that their old doctor still did rectal temperatures on more than half their sick visits and that at least Valley Care tried to protect their privacy. No more half open exam room doors or getting weighed in your underwear in the hallway.

He had told her that throwing a fit like a little kid would just get her treated like a little kid. And acting more reasonable would get her treated that way. And Damn him, he had been right. She had even come to appreciate the Valley Care way of doing things.

In the last couple of years, their friendship had turned romantic and while not officially "steady" they were comfortably boyfriend and girlfriend now.

"Sam, I'm scared. Did you see Tommy? You could tell that he had been crying. I've never gotten shots with out mom or dad and I think this is a bad one. Could you come back with me? I don't want to face it alone."

Sam thought for a moment, knowing what was likely to happen and said. "Sure, I will hold your hand for the shot if you hold mine. If they will let us, that is. You know that we will be ummmm exposed, right?"

"Oh thank you! You know how scared of shots I am. And I don't mind if you see me and I'll even look the other way when you get your temperature taken and stuff."

Sam pats her hand, "You don't have to, but thanks for saying you will."

Nurse Lisa grabbed Sally's form and reserved one of the exam rooms that was being reset. Lisa felt a little protective of "The Trio" and tried to always be the nurse for them. They had put Sally in the middle of the pack because she was scared of shots. They didn't want her to have to wait too long and get worked up, but they didn't want her to scare the others if she was a screamer. She walked over to let Sally know that she would be next.

"Hey Sally. You are going to be up next as soon as the exam room is ready. Sorry but you are going to get one of the fun exam rooms with Dr. Kate."

"Oh, that's OK. Dr. Kate is nice, but could I ask a favor? I've never been back alone and it looks like I'll be getting a scary shot. Can you take me and Sam back together? I really need someone to hold my hand."

Lisa considers for a second. They are both 18 and Sam has been a steadying influence on Sally. "You two do know that you are going to be undressed? Below the waist and not just for temperatures?"

The two teens both shook their heads yes. Sam spoke up, "We know. And well ... we haven't you know ... but we have been ..... to the moonlight skinny dipping at Miller's pond so we have seen each other. It will help Sally stay calm and I think it will help me too."

"OK, I will ask Dr. Kate. If she agrees, I will bring you both back together. But no complaining about undressing."

Lisa explains the situation to Dr. Kate who shrugs. "Well they are both 18 and Sam's a good influence on Sally. I was kind of worried about her. Get Sam's form too and get them both ready for me to examine."

Grabbing Sam's form, she goes back out the two. "OK you two, come on back with me." Lisa takes the two teens back to one of Dr. Kate's exam rooms and turns to them. "OK, Sally undress down to your bra, panties, and socks. I'll get Sam's sample and then he can undress while I get yours."

As she swabs the back of Sam's throat, Sally undresses. After she is done with Sam, they reverse places as she takes as sample from the bra and pantie clad Sally. This is followed by a quick weigh in for the two of them.

Finally, Lisa pulls out a pair of rectal thermometers and starts to prepare them. "OK, to save some time I want to get both of your temperatures at the same time, so I want you two to drop your underwear and bend over the exam table, side by side. Feet a little bit a part."

Both Sally and Sam turn a little red at this but they did ask for it. Sam drops his boxers and bends over the table, his chest resting against it. Sally takes a deep breath and follows suit. She feels a little tingle as she feels Sam's warm hip against hers.

Lisa sits on the doctor's low stool and wheels it over to the exam table. She has seen Sam like this a few times for shots and has taken Sally's and Sam's temperature many times but this is first time that she as seen them together on display like this. Sam's anus is more visible so she starts with Sally. She parts Sally's buttocks places the thermometer against her anus. When it relaxes she slides the thermometer in to half it's length. With her other hand she inserts the thermometer into Sam's rectum. Then, glancing at the clock, she puts one hand on each teen's bottom and settles to wait.

"So you have been sneaking into Miller's pond for skinny dipping?"

"Ummmm, you're not going to tattle to our folks are you?" Sam asks.

"No drinking?"

"Drinking and swimming? No way!"

"OK, then, I won't snich."

A couple of minutes Dr. Kate walked in, shaking her head at the sight of the two teenagers bent over the exam table.

Lisa pulls out both thermometers and says, "Pull them up. Both have normal temps Dr. Kate. 99.2 for Sam and 99.4 for Sally. Their weights are in the chart and I'll take the samples back to the collection point."

"Let's start with you Sally. Sit up on the table please. Sam you can have a seat on one of the chairs." Kate says as she takes out her otoscope. She makes quick work of checking Sally nose, throat and ears and then feels her jaw line. She follows this with a quick listen to hear and lungs. "Unhook your bra and lie back dear."

Sally reaches back and unsnaps her bra, lying down carefully to avoid exposing her breasts. Dr. Kate says, "Lift up", and then slides her panties down to her knees revealing a neatly trimmed bush. Sally blushes at this but notices that Sam is politely looking at the other wall.

Dr. Kate then feels Sally's lymph nodes starting with her neck and moving to her armpits and the sides of her breasts. Finally she spreads Sally's legs a bit to check in her groin. Satisfied she palpates Sally's abdomen checking for tenderness.

"OK you can pull up Sally. You don't have any signs of mumps yet so I think that we can just do the preventive dose for you. Go ahead and switch places with Sam so I can check him."

Sally quickly pulls up her panties and goes over to the chairs while Sam hops up on the table. "I'm ready Dr. Kate. Thanks for letting us do this together. "

"Don't thank me yet Sam. I saw you watching the wall. Sally might not be so proper." Dr. Kate says with a wink as she starts repeating the exam she gave Sally. After finishing with his head and chest, Sam hears what he has been nervous about. "OK, Sam I have to check to see if your testicles are swollen. Stand up and step out of your boxers." Kate says as she is putting on gloves.

Sam stands up with his back to Sally and slips out of his underwear, leaving them on the table. He is a little nervous. He has seen Dr. Kate a couple of times when he was sick. He even had a house call from her once where she took his temperature. But only Dr. Sarah has done a genital exam on him. He just hopes that he doesn't embarrass himself.

Dr. Kate smiles as notices Sally sudden interest in a cartoon poster on the wall. "Move your legs a bit more apart Sam." Out of habit, she does a visual inspection of Sam's genitals. She hasn't done a genital exam on him before, but he looks normal for his age. Seeing that he is starting to get a bit of an erection she tries to distract him as she is feeling the lymph nodes in his groin. "Has Dr. Sarah taught you to do your monthly testicle self exam Sam?"

"Yes, Dr. Kate. The first day of every month. She told me how important it was." Sam says as he feels Dr. Kate palpating his testicles.

"Good Sam. At your age that is even more important than breast exams are for Sally. We're all done here. You can put your boxers back on. I hope that wasn't to embarrassing."

"Not too bad ma'am." Sam said as he was pulling his boxers back on.

"You're pretty good too. I don't see any sign of the mumps yet, so we will go with the preventive dose for you too. One of the nurses will be back in with your shots shortly." and with that she left. Sam and Sally sat quietly holding hands and waiting.

A few minutes later Nurse Lisa returns with a small basin containing their shots. "OK. Who wants to go first?"

Sam steps up and walks towards the exam table preparing to bend over. "Let me go first. I'll show you that it's not too bad Sally. Sally why don't you get on the other side of the table. You hold my hand Sally and I'll hold yours."

"OK Sam, but this is a big shot, kind of like an antibiotic, so I need you to lie down on the table to take all the weight off your leg. Why don't your slide out of your boxers and lay on your side facing away from me. Bend your knees a little."

Sam got into position, noticing that this exposed his penis to Sally. No matter, she was too nervous starting at the needle. "Hey there, look at my eyes not my butt Missy." Sam said causing Sally to laugh as Lisa cleaned off spot on his right buttock.

"Try to relax Sam, the more you relax, the less it will hurt. Big stick in 1 - 2 - 3" And Sam felt a sharp stabbing in his butt. "OK, needle is in, this is the ouchly part." Said Lisa as she pushed the thick medicine in.

This was definitely a bad shot. About as bad as the one he got for strep throat last year. Sam let out a couple of "och och"s and gave Sally's hand a little squeeze, but didn't scream or cry. As he felt Lisa withdraw the needle and declare all done, he said to Sally, "Well that definitely hurts, but I have had worse."

Lisa cleaned a little blood off of the wound and put on a band-aid. She rubbed the site a bit before pulling up Sam's boxers and helping him to sit up. She was proud of how Sam was handling it. Not lying to Sally, but not panicking her either.

"Now take a little walk around the room while I get Sally ready. You should try to work that muscle as much as you can today and tomorrow."

She directs Sally to get up on the table and asks, "Can you hold still on your side or do you need to lay face down?"

"I'll think that I better lay face down", she said. She pulled her panties down below her knees, not caring about exposing her self and then rolled over on her tummy, holding Sam's hand tightly. Sam put his other hand on her thigh, helping to hold her in place.

"OK, try to relax" Lisa said as she cleaned Sally's right cheek. And then using her left arm to put pressure on the girls back, she pinched the cheek and said "Big stick" With that she swiftly darted the needle into the girl's buttock. Sally gave an "Eep" and held on to Sam's hand, but did not move.

"Now comes the owy part" Lisa said as she started to slowly push the think medicine in. "That wasn't the owy part?" Sally though as she started to feel burning pain start to spread out from the needle. She gave a little sob and some tears started flowing, but she concentrated on Sam's hand and relaxing and not moving. After an eternity Lisa withdrew the needle, put on a band-aid and gently massaged her acking bottom.

"All done. Do you need to blow?" Lisa asked holding out a tissue. Sally sat up gingerly and took the tissue, blowing out her nose.

"Thanks, that was tough. I don't know if I could have stayed still without you and Sam." She said as Lisa helped pull up her panties.

"I know these shots are painful, I just hope I'm still welcome at the summer BBQ." Lisa said with a smile in her eyes.

Sally reached out and gave her a hug. "Always." she said.

"Always." Sam said, "You have always looked out for us way back to when you were our sitter. I'd hug you too if I wasn't in my underwear."

Wiping away a little tear, Lisa said, "You two kidos get dressed now and go walk around the waiting room for a while. The bus will take you to the school to meet your folks in about a half hour."

With that Sally and Sam got dressed and went out to the waiting room and put up a good front despite a bit of limp.


RTmemories 2 months ago  
poorly patient 2 months ago  
Bob47 2 months ago