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Toilet Training Attempt

Toilet Training Attempt

Even when I was 4 years-old, I had a hard time potty training. At bedtime, my mommy would always put a diaper on me before putting my pajamas on. She uses cotton diapers and a pair of clear plastic pants with snaps on both sides of

the legs to keep my jammies from getting wet. She was very concerned that at my age, I still needing to wear diapers at night. After all, diapers were only for babies! But she resolved to keep me in diapers until they were consistently dry. I guess she found it easier to wash diapers than bedsheets. This went on for a while, but finally she said enough is enough, and started spanking me if my diapers were wet in the morning.

I still remember the helpless feeling I had; waking up in the morning and knowing that it was only a matter of time before mommy would come to check my diapers and find them wet... and then turn me over in bed and spank me while she scolded! After the spanking, she would then change my diapers and make me wear them for the whole day. In one of my favorite fantasies, I'm a little boy who is having trouble being potty trained, and mommy needs to take severe action:

One day, my mother comes into my room and smells something. "What's that smell?" she asked as she looked at me. "Did you go poopy in your pants again?" I nod my head.

She folds her arms and looks sternly, "Well, messy pants, when are you going to start learning to use the potty?!" I shrug my shoulders. "You don't know, eh? We'll see about that!" She grabs me by the hand and takes me into the bathroom. There she takes my pants and soiled underpants off and cleans me up. "Oh, God! Look at this mess you made!

Don't you know that only babies go poopy in their pants!"

She walks over to the closet and pulls out a clean diaper and some safety pins. "I guess you need to be in baby diapers."

"Up you go," she says as she sets me on the changing table and fastens the diaper on me. Then she holds up the soiled underpants and says, "Naughty, naughty little boy, look at what you've done! I'm not standing for this anymore!" "Are you gonna spank me, mommy?" I meekly ask. She toys with me, "Well, I don't know. Do you want mommy to spank you?" I shake my head No. "A good fanny warming might be just what you need. You know what they say mommies should do with their naughty little boys: 'nip 'em in the butt!' Do you want to go over mommy's knee for a little butt nipping?'" I shake my head No. "Are you sure? A sore fanny might also help you remember not to go potty in your pants.

Can you remember not to go potty in your diapers without a spanking?" I shake my head Yes. "Promise me you won't go potty in your diapers!" "I promise mommy," I answer. She shakes her finger at me as she says, "Well, we'll see. But if you break your promise and go potty in your diapers, mommy will pull them down and spank your bare butt but good!

Do you understand me?" I nod my head in understanding. She put a clean pair of pants on me and set me down off the changing table. "Well OK then, I'll let it go this time. But next time I'm not going to be so lenient with you!"

Well, it wasn't long before the next time. I guess the saying that promises are made to be broken is true. Suddenly and without warning, wet and warm pee-pee went streaming into my diaper. There was no way to get out of this one. I knew my mother would eventually find out what happened and then I'd be in big trouble. Eventually, she came into the room where I was playing to check on me and noticed me grabbing my pants and pulling on them.

"Johnny, what are you doing?" she asks. She saw my expression, and got very suspicious. "Nothing, mommy?" I answer. "Nothing, eh? Do I have to check your diapers myself?" I don't answer, but lower my head in shame. The expression on my face was clear!' "I see. Come here and let me see!" "Are you gonna spank me, mommy?" I ask. "If you went potty in your diapers, mommy promised you a spanking!"

she says. I start to cry, "Please mommy, don't spank me!"

"Crying like a baby isn't gonna help you now. I said 'Come here!'" she yells.

I walk over to her while pouting with my diapers

crinkling as I walk. "That's a good little boy. Let mommy see what you did in your diapers!" When I am close enough she grabs me by the arm and turns me around. "Did you go poopy in them?" she asks as she pulls the back of my pants

and diaper back and checks my bottom. "Nope. Did you go pee-pee in them?" she asks as she turns me back around and reaches her hand down the front of my pants. She feels the wet diaper, and then looks me straight in the eyes. "Well, your diapers are soaking wet! You went potty in them after all, didn't you?" she says. "Yes, but I'm sorry!" I apologize. She folds her arms in disgust and says, "You're sorry, eh? Like you were sorry this morning when you went poopy in your pants! You've made mommy very angry at you.

You'll be sorry after I'm through with you! I warned you what would happen if you went potty in them! Now mommy's gotta pull down your pants and spank your bare bottom long and hard until you cry like the baby you are!" my mother says. "But mommy," I whine, "do you have to?" I ask. "Yes, mommy has to! We've tried everything else; scoldings, threats, diapers. Now we're gonna try spanking! We've dilly-dallied long enough. You need mommy to be more severe with you!" she said resolutely. "Go get mommy's hairbrush and bring it to me!" "The hairbrush," I yell, "No mommy, please.

I don't want a spanking with the hairbrush!" I plead. She pulls out a chair and sits down on it. "Well, you should have thought of that before you peed in your diaper! Now do as your told, before I go get daddy's strap and use that on you instead!" "Yes, mommy."

I go into the bathroom and bring out mommy's hairbrush. It is a large solid wooden brush that mommy uses for spanking only when I've been really bad. I come out into the living room with it. "Come here, young man!" I walk over to her and she grabs me by the arm when I'm close enough.

She takes the brush from me and sets it on the floor.

"Mommy's gonna blister your little fanny good!" She unfastens and unzips my pants and pulls them down to my knees. Then she unpins the soaking wet diaper and pulls it off of me. "You're getting this spanking on your bare bottom! I'm not taking any more chances with you! You've gotta learn not to go potty in your pants!" She picks up the brush and takes me across her knee and begins to spank real hard with the back of her hairbrush.


SPANK! SPANK! the brush is applied firmly to my bottom.

Finally mother stops and picks me up, my bottom throbbing and red. "There now, are you gonna be a good boy? Hmm? Are you gonna be a good boy for mommy and tell her when you need to use the potty?" I nod my head, yes. "Well, just to make

sure you're gonna be a good boy, I think mommy needs to keep you in diapers for a while, just to make sure." She then proceeds to diaper my little bottom, and promises another spanking if I mess them again. Now, 25 years later, I can think of nothing more exciting than those diaperings and spankings over my mommy's knee.