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Dr Trebor’s fantasy backstory

Part 3

Meeting Astrid

Trebor was at his usual Saturday night pub to meet u[p with Josh to discuss and recover from the week’s work studying. This week he had a killer bio-chemistry exam that burned a couple of late nights cramming for. In walks Josh surprising Trebor by being accompanied by a tall statuesque blond girl. Though it was not unusual for others to tag along, he did notice an extra big smile on Josh as he introduced Elsa with a bit of a wink in Josh’s direction as they sat down and ordered beers. Trebor could easily see why Josh was rather taken by this vivacious young woman from Sweden, also a student at Fordham who was there studying nursing. Josh and Elsa had met while both were studying in the campus library, Josh had been looking up material related to researching the history of Anti-miscegenation law, for a class. Elsa, being a liberal progressive Swedish woman, a feminist for sure, was happy to help Josh about a cause she was passionate about. She strongly felt that the government should not be concerned about what goes on in your bedroom, and anyone else invited for that mater. She couldn’t believe what unenlightened and prudish attitudes were so common in the USA. Josh laughed about it with her, and told her not expect to find any of naked co-ed saunas he understood were common in Sweden. Elsa, said, “ Oh you Americans are so uptight, the body should be free, and enjoying the pleasures of the body with whomever you like shouldn’t be such a big deal the way it is here. Trebor having heard talk like this from Elsa was intrigued and a bit titillated by her talk, but mostly felt embarrassed and totally out of his depth. She did find interesting rapport discussing medicine with Trebor and decided he was “cute” and intelligent and decided to bring along her Swedish friend Astrid the next weekend.


Little did Trebor know it but his life was about to become far more full and complicated. Meeting Astrid would open him up in ways he had not considered open to him based on his upbringing and past. The next Saturday night when Trebor arrived at their usual pup there Josh and Elsa were already there, and Trebor slipped into booth seat dumping his book loaded backpack next to him. He say a third beer on the table and was about to pick it up when a voice came from behind him protesting, “Hey wait a minute that’s my beer!” Trebor turned to find a full figured brown haired beauty with captivating bright hazel eyes looking directly at him. Trebor felt something akin to an electric shock course through his body and was tongue tied for a long moment, before turning red faced and blurting out an apology and, moving his backpack under the table, offering her a seat. Holding his gaze for a bit longer, she slid into the booth seat next to Trebor, and squeezed his leg saying it’s OK, we’ll get you one, smiling.

Well the say there is such a ting as “Love at first sight”, and while that may be debated, the certainly is no debate about attraction at first site, and there was palpable electricity between Trebor, the tall lanky Irish lad, and Astrid a compatibly tall and buxom Swedish girl. And Elsa took note, as she knew her friend deeply from childhood years together in Sweden, she could immediately tell Astrid was a bit “taken” by the young med student. Astrid was studying psychology with a specialization in human sexuality. When she explained her course of study to Trebor, she couldn’t help but notice him blush a bit about the sexuality part, something she thought was cute, and fodder for later exploration. When the evening broke up after some shared stories and laughs, about profs and classes, Astrid made the first move (and a good thing, Trebor was too reserved or shy to do it!) and invited Trebor to get a break for studding at home and join her Wednesday for a pizzas and study night at the place she and Astrid shared, Josh also welcome of course. Trebor said he had a lab until seven thirty so couldn’t make it until eight, if that’s Ok? Astrid replied, No problem, I don’t get it until seven anyway. Josh said he’s probably make it but would have to see.

On Wednesday Elsa greeted Trebor at the door saying Astrid’s in the shower she’ll be out in a few minuets, but if you need the bathroom it’s as the shower is around the corner of the bath. Trebor put down his book bags and said, “Elsa is it really OK, I do need to go…”, Elsa answered laughing, “Trebor you are so funny , we’ll have to loosen you up I thing, yes, yes, go ahead relieve yourself…. “ and turned towards the kitchen walking away saying to herself, “Americans… everything is such a big deal….” Trebor opened the bathroom door and saw the sink and toilet, but only heard the shower running as it was located behind the turn of a tiered wall. He relieved himself ad was about to exit when a voice form the shower area called out, “Elsa , hand me my towel please it’s on the sink.”, and when receiving no reply after a few seconds, :It’s OK I’ll get it..”, and before Trebor could manage a discrete exit, from around the corner emerged Astrid dripping wet and fully naked, shaking her wet hair, and looked at Trebor and said questioning, “?Towel please?” A surprised and scarlet faced Trebor picked up the towel and scarlet faced handed it to Astrid, who was apparently nonplused and quite unembarrassed, like this encounter was nothing special. She commented while first drying her hair a bit, unabashedly looking him directly in the eyes, “My, my Trebor, it’s OK don’t be so embarrassed, In Sweden friends, family, and even strangers sauna in the nude all the time, so naked bodies are common and not something to be embarrassed about. I would have that as a medical student this would be nothing special. “ Trebor stammered out, “Ahh, sorry, ah, I mean, you are quite beautiful and ahhh…” Cutting him off with a giggle Astrid now turning her back to him and drying a leg haired up on a bathroom stool said, “Well I’m pleased that you find my body pleasant to you, now go help Elsa and I’ll be right out.

Trebor managed a smile, having taken a full view of Astrids beautiful buxom body her generous breasts, lovely hips, the full curve of her lovely bottom and legs, and the surprise of the lack of any pubic hair, displaying her vulva with out any cover. A picture of feminine beauty rather burned into Trebor’s mind at this point, as he exited the bathroom and pulled the door shut.

Elsa was busy in the kitchen taking the pizza from the oven, she always liked to make it from scratch. “Is Josh joining us?” Trebor asked Elsa. Se wasn’t sure as he left a maybe message last night. Than after a brief knock, and without waiting for a reply the door opened and Josh entered in a flurry of sorry, here’s a bottle of Prosecco and laid down his book bag, saying “Ahh not too late then, great I’m famished!” The 4 sat down for pizza some salad and tea and coffee, there would be no drinking Josh’s offered bubbly tonight, on a study night before some had exams this week as all of them were already burning the candle hard and they would be liable to nod off after a drink. After clearing the table the books and tablets came out and the serious work began, with breaks for more coffee and the bathroom.

After a few hours of work Josh and Elsa retired to the couch and shortly progressed from deep kissing to some groping and moving but clothed hips. Astrid noticed Trebor was getting a bit annoyed and somewhat distracted by the PDA, and Astrid suggested let’s go to my room I have a large desk. They both moved into Astrid’s bedroom, a spacious room for most apartment standards, especially students. I had a double “platform “ bed, large dresser, a closet, a couple of sturdy looking straight backed wooden chairs and a mission style 6 foot long oak table, softly lit with an antique green glass “bankers lamp” on its paper strewn surface. Astrid pulled over the second chair to the desk, and shuffled her papers in a pile to the side to make room for Trebor and the notebook he had been working in.

Astrid commented to Trebor while doing this, “ Trebor, Elsa and Josh were getting into a bit of fun and your seemed a little annoyed so I thought you might be more comfortable here. Trebor gave Astrid an embarrassed looking side glance and mumbled , “Ah.. thanks.”, opening he’s notebook staining into it, to avoid making eye contact with Astrid. Astrid moved behind Trebor and began to massage his tightly knotted shoulders. While not exactly unwelcome touch, Trebor did have some issues accepting and relaxing into an experience that was rather foreign to him. Trebor continued working while Astrid continued to massage his shoulders. Trebor then put down his pen and let Astrid continue, she has talented hands he thought, and uncharacteristically began relaxing into it. Astrid softly said, “Trebor I was not trying to embarrass you in the bath earlier, and neither are Elsa and Josh. You seem a bit unsettled by bodies, but surely you feel differently with your girlfriend or sexual partner.” Trebor was mute, tongue-tied about sex when the subject ceased to be clinically medical and became personal, frozen because of embarrassment of still being a virgin, despite what ever he would call those dark humiliating experiences that summer in Ireland at his Aunt’s. Astrid sensing a new wave to tension warmly offered, Trebor there is no person in the world you could find who is more safe and understanding than me to talk about something I sense that is hard for you, and may be holding you back. You can trust me and my discretion. Like your medical studies, this is the area of my interest and study, human relationship and their expressions and intimacies including the sexual area. What is it that…” Astrid did not get a chance to finish her thought. A combination of his tiredness, the hour, a satiated belly, Astrids warm expert touch, and a especially her soft reassuring words, cause a brief break in his armor, and he blurted out his secret, “I am still a virgin.”

“Oh Trebor..” Astrid softly cooed continuing her massage for Trebor’s shoulders, “I’s OK, yes maybe frustrating that the right opportunity hasn’t found you yet, but nothing to ashamed of. Too many people were raised to feel guilty about their own bodies and their completely natural needs, and the physical expressions of intimacy and love have often been enjoined against and used cynically for social and even political control. There is considerable sad history of all this. It’s clear that while your family’s raising you and their culture has brought many beautiful things, other parts stand in the way for a more full experience of life, without unnecessary guilt. Trebor when we first met I think we both felt something between us, no?”

Trebor turned and seated, looked up at Astrid’s face and into her hazel eyes, just nodded his head.

Astrid gently ran the fingers of her right hand through Trebor’s hair and softly down ha cheek saying, “I don’t know if we will become more than special friends, but I think I can help you Trebor. Do you want that?” Trebor smiled looking into her eyes and nodded a few times, conveying the assent he was feeling but was still impeded from speaking in words out loud.” Astrid bent down and lightly kissed Trebor. Trebor leaned up to meet Astrid with an increased feeling of passion, kissing her more deeply.

Astrid took Trebor’s hand and led him to sit next to her on her bed. Trebor neither know what to expect, not how to proceed, relieved to let Astrid take the lead on whatever was about to transpire.

Astrid took Trebor’s hand in hers and said looking him directly on the eyes, “The first part is to get you over your embarrassment and fear of the naked body. Until you can become comfortable in your body you will not be fully able to be comfortable with a partner’s body. And as I know for my Swedish culture, this is not solely about sex at all, it’ is about accepting and embracing the human form in all its diversity. So Trebor if you want to try with me, here are the rules for tonight. I will undress until I am completely naked, going first is easier me be (said with a little giggle) and then you will do the same. We will stand in front of each other end look at each other, all parts, everywhere, I will the turn around and you can look at me other side, the you will do the same for me. OK? Are you up for this experience together?”

Trebor a bit nervously considering the surprise turn of events, stammered out, “ Ah .. yes Thank you Astrid. But what if I ….” Astrid cutting off Trebor said with a bit of a sly giggle,” Yes Trebor it’s is OK and natural if you feel things and become physically excited, that is completely ok, but not the main goal for us right now.”

Astrid stood in front of Trebor and began to remove first her jeans, and stepping out of them next began unbuttoning her blouse a button at a time, from the top looking directly at Trebor. Trebor was feeling his throat going dry and nervously fidgeted with his hands as he intently watched the unwrapping before him. Blouse off Astrid was down to her bra, panties and socks. She first removes her socks sitting on the bed, that standing unhooked her bra and let it slide off. Not pausing she said her panties down and kicked the off.

Trebor was mesmerized by the bold buxom beauty of her body, full breasts and hips, taller and most being a Swede, definitely Trebor’s type , nota skinny girl.

Astrid allowed the pause, knowing that this was something he needed to have, then said, “OK, now your turn Trebor.”

Trebor removed his kakis and socks first, then pulled his polo shirt off, only the boxers remained, but he was a bit aroused and had a partial erection already and was embarrassed about removing his boxers.

Astrid cajoled, “Come on down with the shorts, now.” With a bit of a giggle.

Trebor awkwardly complied, his partially erect penis springing forth as it cleared the elastic waist band, and feeling his cheeks warming hoping he was not sporting an obviously red face.

“Now I want you to sit next to me on the edge of the bed.” Astrid instructed.

Trebor sat down and Astrid joined him so chose that her thigh was touching his. Both turned b bit to look at each other, and Astrid’s hand gently caressed hi face and a finger gently traced his lips. Trebor now also tho he’d Astrid’s hair and cheek. She bent in and kissed him lightly on the lips. Trebor responded with a deeper kiss and caressing her hair.

Astrid broke off, pushing Trebor down on the bed instructing him, “Come lie next to me.”

They lay next to each other kissing and touching each other head and shoulders. Trebor aware that now quite erect, hip penis was bumping in to Astrid’s lower tummy, and that he was becoming quite aroused from all this.

Trebor caught up in his budding passion reached for Astrid’s breast.

Astrid brushed his had away and sat up and taking Trebor’s hands in hers said, “Not this time Trebor, I would like to be your first, if you want that, but not tonight. That should be special and not rushed because it’s late and we both have a busy day tomorrow.

Trebor, awash in a complex mix of feelings, desire, embarrassment, and excited by Astrid’s apparent offer of more, managed to say, “Yes, I would like that, ah to share that with you very much.”

Astrid was aware of how aroused he was, hard to miss it’ insistent protruding, and she asked, “Trebor what do you do when you are alone and so aroused?”

Trebor was frozen by the question, my god is she really asking if I masturbate, he wondered frantically to himself.

Astrid seeing his terror at the question offered, Trebor I pleasure myself alone also, as I’m sure you must. Tonight let’s do this together, and you can watch me. I’ll enjoy watching you pleasure yourself.

Trebor was shocked and hesitant, but after a minute of watching Astrid fondle her breast with one hand and sitting in the chair legs spread and touching her kitty, obviously enjoying, he began stroking his exceptionally hard penis. I t was so wild of an experience for him, Astrid boldly, unashamedly looking him in the eyes. His excitement predictably soon peaked with an orgasm releasing a considerable amount of cum he directed to his leg, not wasting to make a big mess! Astrid rose too a nearby hand towel and needling down in front of Trebor lightly kissed mim, and wiped up the wetness from his leg and penis.

They kissed again, then Astrid said, “Better get dressed and back to your place for some rest before tomorrow’s classes. Maybe this weekend we might find a few dedicated hours of alone time, text me.” She offered smiling.