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Dr Trebor’s fantasy backstory

Trebor’s Summer in Ireland with Aunt Clara and his Cousins


Aunt Clara was a widow, Uncle Jack having gotten mixed up with “the troubles” leaving her with two sons in their 20’s who had already flown the nest to OZ (slang for Australia) in search of jobs in a better economy, and twin daughters 2 years older than then 12 year old Trebor. Clara was determined that order would prevail in her house enforced by the paddle, and while Trebor was under her purview the rules and consequences were no different for him. The first infraction happened with two days of his arrival when the girls were showing Trebor around their small town went to the Pub to get some food and sodas, nothing unusual at all by local standards. Well Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you’d think Old Nick had made a personal appearance himself for the hell that hailed with aunt Clara! Upon return to the house Clara had somehow gotten wind of this escapade and announced in a white hot fury all would be properly throttled for this! The girls immediately understood the implications of their mother’s declaration, but Trebor was clueless. Into to parlor they all want with Clara behind brandishing a 4 inch wide 1/4 inch thick pice of wood with a handle end. Aunt Clara set a armless chair in the center of the room and proceeded to sit on it. And said, “You know the rules and the consequences so down with you now, Saoirse you first assume the position.” Saoirse raised up her skirt and laid over her mother’s lap white panties exposed. Aunt Clara pulled down her panties to the girls knees exposing her naked bottom. Her sister Molly shrieked, “Mom no you can’t not in front of Trebor!” Aunt Clara shot back, “Well maybe a good heap of red faced embarrassment to match the red bottom you’ll be getting is just what you girls both be needin’, besides the young man will soon be learning the the cost of his complicity! Smack, smack, smack went the paddle 12 times. Saoirse , the oldest by a few minuets, something she tried to lord over her twin sister Molly, was a tough girl and a veteran of the treatment barely made notice as her bottom took a a quite pink hue. As Saoirse got upright from her mother’s lap she was facing Trebor and slowly pulled up her panties looking Trebor straight in the eye as she did. Trebor red faced and feeling oddly titillated from Saoirse’s exposed bottom, and Saoirse apparently shamelessly displaying her young lightly pubic haired mons to Trebor, (sort of a FU to her mom I’ll bet) as Trebor red as a beat at this point, averted his eyes. All right Molly down you go. Not wanting to face Trebor faced away from him, but that left an unobstructed view of her bottom, especially as Aunt Clara pulled her panties to her knees. The view of Molly’s bottom had Trebor gulping as he had his little first peek of vaginal lips since Molly’s legs were not tight together. As Aunt Clara administered the paddle to Molly’s bottom, smack, smack,smack, reddening her with cheeks. The left young Trebor further confused and embarrassed his feelings as he was aware of his penis getting quite hard with little room for hiding in the shorts he was wearing. Saoirse ever the sly one took notice of Trebor’s “bulge” and, out of her mother’s view put her had up to her mouth to stifle a giggle as she pointed a finger towards Trebor’s “problem with a sly smile. Molly, not as stoic as her sister, whimpered a bit by the end. And Trebor got even more of a show of Molly’s nether area as she dis mounted and pulled up her panties.

Aunt Clara the announces ominously, Trebor you’re no better down the come and over you go. Well once the shorts were down there was no hiding the bulge. Aunt Clara shrieked my go Trebor look at you, I believe the devil has gotten in you. Aunt Clara pulled down Trebor’s boxer shorts and his erection snapped in attention in full view with Trebor trying to cover it with his hands. Smack, smack, smack, hands at your sides you man. Girls come here I want you to see what the devil looks like when he gets into a man. Molly and Saoirse tried to hide their giggles behind their hands looking at Trebor, naked, red faces, and erect before them. Aunt Clara directed,” Over you go young man and will paddle the devil right out of you if that’s what it takes.”

And over Aunt Clara’s lap Trevor did go, and she had hiked up her dress so Trebor was lying across her bare legs with his erect penis now between her thighs as the paddling began. Smack, smack , smack..and Ouch ! Cried Trebor as he began to squirm in Aunt Clara’s lap. Now for years years Trebor had wondered,theorizing a probable answer, about what mixture of Catholic guilt, fear, and unmet need caused the following behavior for Aunt Clara and the events that left a life long impression on Trebor and his first experience of sexual arousal with another involved.

Aunt Clara reacted to all this and Trebor wiggling in her lap as she paddled him by squeezing her legs together tightly around Trebor’s erect penis, shouting, “Stop wiggling you naughty boy” as she rained down the paddle on Trebor’s virgin bottom, and (Unconsciously?) rhythmically, squeezing her thighs together around Trebor’s, now leaking penis. Poor Trebor didn’t know where he was experiencing hell or heaven, it was all just completely unexpected and overwhelming to say the least. It was all jut too much for our poor boy and he experienced his first ejaculation form the massage action of Aunt Clara’s thighs and poured out his spunk all over her socks and shoes. Aunt Clara was more than completely aghast, pushing him off her lap shouting, “You nasty, nasty, naughty boy, you will be dealt with.” Aunt Clara, still shouting as she ran out of the room to the bath, to, “clean off hat boy’s sin” slamming the bathroom door behind her. (And only some gutural noises were heard shortly from within.)

The girls stood gaping a the scene of cousin Trebor on his hand and knees on the floor, ass exposed and his penis only starting to go flaccid. And two years the elder than Trebor, and with a rumor and a bit of experience with the boys had an inkling of what they had just witnessed, enough to feel more of a bit of arousal than pain from the paddling. Predictably Saoirse the bold one went over to Trebor to help him up, commenting on the redness of his bottom, as Trebor turned away to hide his penis for the girls view. “Well now Trebor,” Saoirse commented, “You sure got yourself into quite a spot with mum and your backside may not want to be sittin’ for a bit now. I suspect a good bit more a somethin’ be comin’ yer way from ma quite soon.”

Then they heard Aunt Clara exit the bathroom mumbling and saying something about seeing Father Coughlin right away as the front door slammed. Saoirse teased as Trebor finished zipping his shorts, “Hey Trebor you looking quite manly for a 12 year old, they must feed the boys better in the states.” and the girls snickered and laughed together, with Trebor red faced and totally tongue tied.

Molly said to Saoirse sort of being her hand, “ya know mom may give him a good washin’!”

This comment elicited a squeal of laughter from Saoirse, “You may be right! Hey Trebor I’ll bet Ma is gunna give you a good washin’!” And laughed gleefully, “And we’ll probably get to watch!”

Trebor uncomfortably asked, “ What to hell do you mean, a washin’!” Realizing that he probably didn’t want to know, or experience one.

Saoirse said, “Surely you noticed the red bag, tube and black nozzle hanging by the tub, it’s for an enema. We get them when Ma decides we need them, or sometimes where she get’s it into her crazy head she can wash the sin and evil out of us.” Molly now teased, “Yeah like the time she caught Saoirse with a boy with his hand up her shirt feeling her boobs!” Saoirse tried to give her sister a wack with her hand, but Molly pulled away laughing, and Saoirse gave her the finger.

Later that afternoon the 3 had returned to the house, Aunt Clara swept in in a blustering fury, muttering, “I’ll be gettin’ the devil out of that boy.” Then she yelled, Trebor upstairs now, and into the bath…. Saoirse, Molly you two.. now.

Trebor reported but was quite worried about what might transpire.

The sisters knew what was likely up, and figured that Father Coughlin ad advised Ma that a couple of 2 quart soapy enemas should go a long way to washing the devil out of the boy. It was a prescription he also applied to girls, as they had experienced, and appeared to be the favorite prescription of Father Coughlin’s for “getin’ the sin out”, something the sisters had joked about as likely including regular applications to the Father’s cook & house mistress.

Ma insisted the boy drop his pants and underwear and kneel head down on the bathroom floor. Trebor was too surprised and confused to resist her frantic shouting at him as being a “nasty boy” who was going to “get it”.

Saoirse started to protest, “ Ma Christ ya cant..” but was cut off by Ma commanding “You girls are to stay here as a witness to his humiliation and punishment. Molly fill the bag to the top hot and add ivory flakes before you do it.”

Ma took a bristled hairbrush and began applying it vigorously to poor Trebor’s bare bottom proclaiming, “Nasty, dirty boys need to be taught a lesson, smack, smack, smack…” and on it went until Molly offer Ma the nozzle, having filled the bag. “Molly, Hang the bag high on the shower, there will be no mercy of anything slow here.” As Ma dipped the nozzle into some Vicks vapor rub and thrust it into Trebor’s anus, causing him to jump a bit, they exchanged glances knowing that the Vicks was a special punishment and unlike the usual use of petroleum jelly, would go more than just a menthol tingle and likely feel rather burning in Trebor’s bottom.

Trebor protested, “ Uggh you’ve got to stop I’m getting cramps, I can’t hold anymore!! Please” Ma did not relent, she held onto the nozzle to make sure it did not prematurely come out, and only pushed it in deeper. The first cramps mercifully passed and Trebor was filled with the entire 2 quarts. “The pressure on Trebor’s prostate and left him quite unfortunately erect, something in this situation he was deeply unpleased about and was trying to mentally will it down.

After what seemed like an eternity of holding it, Ma commanded, “now get up and sit on the john and empty. With the nozzle still in his bottom, Trebor got up hoping to get to the toilet and bend down hiding his erection. But he had to turn around to di that and that’s when Ma spied it.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, such wickedness look at you! Girls I need you to see this! This is was naughty nasty men look like when the devil get’s in them. Go ahead Trebor show them what you do! Show they how you play with you nasty thing, now I’m gunna warm your backside so you won’t be sitting down for a week.”, she hissed at him maliciously. “Now I say!!< and she picked up the hairbrush and gave his ass a righteous smack.

Trebor more than shocked and almost delirious from the past proceedings, was stimulated into action but that and complied and though beyond embarrassed, started stroking his erect member. His ass was red, and getting redder for Aunt Clara’s hairbrush, and his butt hole burned from the Vicks as did his balls cock from the vicks leaking down. At this point his cock was so hard it hurt….. but it didn’t take long for him to sort a generous stream of seaman onto the bath mat.

The girls was mesmerized by seeing a man masturbating in front of them and both became quite aroused and red faced by the proceedings, Ma seemed to be breathing a bit heavy, whether from her fury, or her own very unsanctioned and sinful arousal, one just couldn’t tell.

Ma directed the girls to clean up and told Trebor after empting, he was confined to his room and best be found there or more consequences would surely follow. Ma then left quickly going down the hall still mumbling in an agitated voice, locking herself in her room for some “undisturbed prayer.”

The girls joked, and shamelessly giggled about what part of the rosary elicited those moans that occasionally emanated from Ma’s locked room, undisturbed, “prayer sessions”!

Trebor sat on the toilet emptying his bowels for a bit. Saoirse couldn’t resist poking at him a bit further as said, “So Trebor that’s how you wank is it? A real artist you are with your Willy…” and Molly cutting her off, “God Saoirse give him a break now will ya! When have you ever been humiliated like that in front of a boy? So come on you’re probably more of a slut than he is!” Saoirse, just laughed and said, “It’s Ok Trebor you have a nice Willy….” And both girls had a good laugh, though they both had a bit wet panties A bit later privately, there would be frisky fingers applied breathlessly recalling the scene with Trebor.

Poor Trebor, this experience of embarrassment and humiliation was rather burned into Trebor. Rather than loosen his Irish Catholic guilt around sex, this experience (and others dolled out by his Aunt Clara that terrible summer) only exacerbated his guilt and confusion around anything sexual. He regretted expressing his initial enthusiasm about making the trip. It was years before he could really process what had happened to him and understand the kinks he had unwittingly acquired from his upbringing and experiences as a youth. Eventually during college he would meet two enlightened and inhibited Swedish women who would help him, and become profound influences in his life.