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The Sexual Pleasure retreat


Doctor Keiran finished the entry onto the computer and grabbed his stethoscope from his desk.

"Ok Callie, so this is going to seem very long winded but the stethoscope examination is a vital part of my assessment and it tells me a lot about your body so please bear with me"

Callie gasped as he undid the last of the ties on her gown, allowing the fabric to fall to her waist, exposing her full C cup breasts. Embarrassed about the sudden exposure, Callie quickly pulled the fabric back up, defensively covering herself.

Keiran pretended he hadn't noticed and just continued with the exam. Callie would need to get comfortable with being exposed soon enough but he would auscultate her respiratory zones first.

"Lean forward and take a deep breath for me...."

He placed the ear buds into his ears and Callie did as he requested, nervously sucking in air and slowly exhaling as from left to right, Keiran moved the diaphragm across her back. He continued working down her body in the classic step ladder pattern, repeatedly tapping and listening to the hollow respiratory sounds he picked up through the stethoscope.

"Your bronchial tree sounds nice and clear, you have no respiratory issues I take it?"

"No, my breathing is fine"


He raised the back of the examination couch to a 35' angle and offered Callie a pillow.

"I'm going to need to listen to your chest now" he said gently. "If you could just lower your gown and lay back and relax"

Callie took a deep breath and allowed the fabric to drop, the gown was now just covering her thighs and neatly trimmed pubic triangle. Seemingly oblivious to her semi nudity, Keiran resumed auscultation and placed the head of the stethoscope just above her breast bone. He began listening intently, slowly moving the diaphragm across her chest.

Callie felt embarrassed that her breasts were exposed, especially because typically, her nipples immediately began to react and harden, the areola crinkled and swollen in response to the cool air and the doctors touch.

She tried hard to control her breathing. Callie could see her chest rising and falling, her breasts quivering with each inhalation. Her heart beat felt like it was pounding in her chest. He was so close to her now, his face, only a few inches away, was etched with concentration as he studied the inner workings of her heart.

The examination continued slowly, the end of the stethoscope was lifted again, only to be repositioned under her breast, his fingers brushing against her sensitive nipple as he placed the diaphragm against her ribcage in order to assess her apical pulse tricuspid valve.

After a while listening. Keiran rose and walked over to the desk, retrieving a different stethoscope which he placed around his neck.

"This stethoscope will be better as it gives a clearer sound for assessing the valves and arteries in your groin - they play a vital role in your sexual functioning - but first, I will have a listen to your bowels."

The doctor could see that Callie was uncomfortable with his announcement but it was necessary that he pushed further with intimate questions if he was to help her in anyway.

"You mentioned in your questionnaire that you suffer with occasional constipation. When did you last have a bowel movement?" He shot her an amused look as her face turned red. This woman really needed to loosen up!

"Err... Two days ago"

"Hmm, Ok, I'll be checking in on that tomorrow, we may have to do something about it"

He looked serious for a moment and his expression made Callie feel even more exposed and vulnerable, especially when Keiran began palpating her stomach, his fingers probing her abdomen deeply which was slightly uncomfortable for Callie.

It was however only a quick check before he resumed auscultation, placing the bell of the stethoscope on her stomach and he continued to listen to her bowel sounds. If he had been concerned about the discomfort his abdominal exam had produced, he didn't show it.

Callie was almost starting to relax but then he snapped on a pair of gloves and moved lower with the stethoscope. She tensed as he placed the diaphragm into the crease of her groin and then asked her to part her legs slightly.

For Callie, this was both embarrassing but also his touch was arousing. Keiran was obviously aware of her body's reaction but he said nothing and continued to place the stethoscope over several areas on her mons and spent a short while palpating a sensitive area on her inner thigh which made Callie squirm.

Callie was relieved when the examination came to an end and he pulled off his gloves, noisily discarding them into the metal clinical waste bin.

"Well done Callie, you can get dressed now. We can resume this tomorrow. This is a sennakot tablet to help you go, take it tonight with a big glass of water. You can pick up a rectal thermometer from reception and start recording your basal rate for me. I've scheduled your next appointment for 10am tomorrow so I will see you then.


isitfull 2 months ago 1