Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Full Mouth X-ray Time

Chapter 6 Full Mouth X-ray Time

Dr. Preston's smile turned into a beaming and delighted smile that lit up her whole face, and made Paul smile to see her so delighted. At him being ok to talk next steps "I’m so glad you asked," she replied, her eyes twinkling. "First things first, we need a clearer picture. These initial X-rays were a good start, but for some areas, particularly around the roots, and in the back of your mouth.”

“I would like a deeper look. We'll schedule you for a full set of peri-apical X-rays, focusing on those trouble spots." She gestured to the newly marked areas on the screen. "Once we have that complete picture, we can talk about a proper treatment plan. We'll prioritize the most urgent issues like cavities, and teeth health first. Then we can tackle the wisdom teeth, in a way that's manageable for you." She leaned in conspiratorially. "And who knows, maybe I can throw in a few pain-management exercises to make the process a little more… enjoyable."

Paul couldn't help but chuckle and try to not feel flustered at that last comment. Dr. Preston's confidence, even bordering on audacity, was strangely comforting. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be the dental nightmare he'd envisioned. "Sounds like a plan, Dr. Preston," he said, a hint of hope coming to his voice. "Let's get started on fixing this mess." Paul said, a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of anticipation bubbling in his stomach. "Sounds like a good first step. Can we schedule those peri-apical X-rays first? Then, is the deep gum cleaning and scaling next?"

Dr. Preston's excitement was palpable. She ripped off her surgical mask, the smile on her face practically contagious. "Absolutely, Paul!" she exclaimed, clapping her gloved hands together. "I'm so glad you're on board! Don't worry, it is a lot to take in, but trust me, the peri-apical X-rays will give us a complete picture. Once we have those, we can talk about scheduling your deep cleaning."

Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "And Paul, this is still part of are little 'arrangement' we discussed

During are text remember?” “So don't you worry about a thing, financially speaking. Consider yourself my practice patient.” “It might mean a few extra procedures here and there, to perfect my technique.of course!” “But will talk about that later” she said quickly.

Paul wasn't thrilled about the idea of being a "practice patient," especially those (extra procedures) but before he could voice any further concern, Dr. Preston was already moving. With practiced ease, she peeled off her green surgical gloves and began removing the rubber bib and restraints. A whirring sound filled the room as she pressed a button, raising the chair until he was sitting upright beside her on the stool.

Dr. Preston, then pulled up a digital calendar on the computer screen. Saturday afternoon was displayed, with Paul's name clearly marked. Beside his name were the words "peri-apical full mouth X-rays." Next to that was a blank space labeled with a question mark.

"So, Paul," she chirped, her voice full of energy, "what are your plans for the rest of the day? And what does your Sunday look like? We need to figure out when to schedule the deep cleaning next." Her eyes darted towards the blank space on the calendar. "Maybe Sunday afternoon? Or perhaps ..." she trailed off, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "you'd be willing to stick around a little longer today?"

A battle raged within Paul. Glancing at the digital clock, he saw it was 3:30 pm. Saturday wasn't jam-packed, but a part of him hesitated about diving straight into the full peri-apical X-rays. However, Dr. Preston's infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist. He couldn't deny a certain thrill seeing her in the surgical gown and latex apron. The added pull of seeing her in more latex gloves adding another layer of intrigue.

Dr. Preston, sensing his indecision (and secretly eager to explore the hidden landscapes of Paul's mouth to plan her "extra procedures"), decided to sweeten the deal.

"The peri-apical X-rays are a breeze, Paul," she assured him, her voice brimming with reassurances. "You just stand in a machine, and it scans your entire mouth. Easy as pie!" This did sound significantly less invasive than being restrained in the chair. Plus, the lack of anesthesia (and the black nasal mask looming in the corner) was a definite plus.

Taking a deep breath, Paul surrendered to her bright smile "Alright" he conceded. "Let's do the peri-apical X-rays now. Then we can chat about the next steps."

Dr. Preston's smile could have lit up the whole building "Fantastic news!" she exclaimed, a triumphant note in her voice. With a flourish, she changed the calendar entry for Saturday afternoon from a question mark to "Confirmed - Peri-apical Full Mouth X-rays." "Come on, Paul," she beckoned, her eyes sparkling with a hidden eagerness "Follow me!"

Paul rose from the chair, a wave of relief washing over him. No more restraints, no more looming drills. But a strange pang followed, a flicker of disappointment that the intense intimacy of the dental chair with Dr. Preston was over, so soon. He quickly shook his head, dispelling the thought. This was about his teeth, not some weird medical nurse fantasy. He gave his head a brisk shake, and turned to follow Dr. Preston. She was already shedding her latex apron and surgical gown, peeling it off in one practiced motion before dropping it into a nearby bin. The discarded surgical gown landed with a soft thud, a stark contrast to the playful swish of her hips as she hung the green latex apron on a hook by the door. Her movements were efficient, yet somehow alluring.

The next scene was burned into Paul’s memory forever! Doctor Preston paused at the door and lifted her skirt till Paul was given a full view of her stocking tops & garters connecting to her garter belt and most importantly a full view of her white satin panties with the outline of view mound on display. Paul’s breath caught in his throating seeing the beautiful and sexy Dr Preston adjusting her stockings and giving him a front view of her pantie covered sex was causing him to become very aroused. After finally adjusting her stockings till she was satisfied Dr Preston straightened dropped her skirt back in place with a practiced flick.

she met his gaze with a smile that could only be described as smouldering. “Now that everything is properly adjusted” she said in a sultry voice “Follow me, Paul," she chirped, her voice light and playful. Her nurse's skirt swished as she walked, the sound of her shoes echoing softly in the sterile hallway.

Following her lead, Paul found himself walking down a side corridor, the walls painted a calming shade of blue.

They arrived at a glass door emblazoned with the words "X-ray Unit" in bold Black lettering. Pushing the door open with a gentle swish, Dr. Preston revealed a room filled with fascinating machine. In the center stood a tall, imposing unit. A circular sensor, vaguely resembling a futuristic halo, rotated around a central stand where Paul presumed he would position himself.

“Ah, here we are," Dr. Preston announced, her voice echoing slightly in the small room. "This is where the magic happens." She gestured towards the central unit. "This is the panorex machine. It takes a panoramic X-ray of your entire mouth in one shot. Quick and painless."

Paul approached the machine, eyeing the circular sensor with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. While it looked less menacing than the dental chair, the whole experience was still unfamiliar. "What do I need to do?" he asked Dr. Preston.

A playful glint sparked in her eyes as she delivered a light swat to his backside. "Go on, stand in the central area, Paul," she instructed with a mischievous grin.

As Paul moved towards the designated spot, Dr. Preston's hand darted towards a box of gloves mounted on the wall. With practiced ease, she pulled out a pair of vibrant purple latex gloves. The way she slipped them on, snapping the cuffs with a satisfying click, drew Paul's gaze. The vintage blue uniform, the crisp white apron, and now these bold purple gloves – it all added a layer of unexpected allure to Dr. Preston.

A soft laugh escaped her lips as she caught his attention. "Seems like someone's captivated," she teased, her voice a musical lilt. She retrieved a plastic mouth guard from another box and approached Paul. "Open wide, please," she instructed.

Paul complied, feeling a faint blush creep up his neck as she gently inserted the mouth guard. She then guided him into position, his chin resting comfortably on a designated plastic support within the central area. Finally, she grabbed a lead apron hanging nearby and draped it over his shoulders, securing the straps with a practiced motion.

"Alright, Paul," she said, her voice firm but reassuring. "Hold still now." With a swift tap on a few buttons on the machine's control panel, she exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Alone with the humming machine, Paul couldn't help but replay Dr. Preston's playful touch and the sight of her gloved hands. This bizarre dental journey was becoming more intriguing by the minute. He took a deep breath, trying to quiet his racing heart. 'Just a quick X-ray,' he thought, forcing a smile. 'Then back to discussing your questionable teeth with Dr. Preston.' But a strange anticipation simmered beneath the surface, a feeling he couldn't quite define. Perhaps it was the looming prospect of Dr. Preston's 'extra procedures,' or maybe it was just the thrill of the unknown. Either way, Paul was undeniably captivated by the unconventional dentist and the unusual path his neglected teeth had led him on.

The machine whirred to life, the circular sensor embarking on its slow, methodical journey around Paul. It completed three full rotations, one direction then the other, before finally emitting a louder beep and falling silent. On cue, Dr. Preston reappeared, another pair of those captivating purple gloves snapping onto her hands.

"Alright, Paul," she announced, her voice cheerful. "Open up wide."

Paul straightened, complying with her instruction. Dr. Preston efficiently removed the plastic mouth guard, tossing it into a designated bin labeled "Used Mouth Guards - To Be Cleaned."

"There you go," she declared triumphantly. "All done!"

Paul blinked, surprised by the swiftness of the procedure. "Really? That's it?"

A peal of laughter escaped Dr. Preston's lips. "Told you it would be painless and easy," she chimed, a hint of amusement sparkling in her eyes.

Relief washed over Paul, tinged with a touch of self-consciousness for his earlier apprehension. The whole experience had been far less intimidating than he'd anticipated.

With a practiced flick of her wrist, Dr. Preston discarded the gloves into a nearby biohazard bin. "So, Paul," she chirped, her voice brimming with renewed enthusiasm. "You mentioned wanting to schedule your deep gum and teeth scaling appointment?"

The ease of the X-ray had bolstered Paul's spirits. "Absolutely," he agreed, feeling a surge of unexpected optimism. "Why not?"

"Oh, that's splendid to hear, Paul!" Dr. Preston exclaimed, her smile widening even further. "Follow me then, let's get you squared away!"

Dr. Preston led the way out of the X-ray room, her black seamed stockings swishing enticingly with each step. They retraced their steps down the narrow hallway, this time turning right and heading towards the end. A door marked "Consultation Suite" came into view.

Dr. Preston pushed open the door, entering with a graceful flourish. She settled behind the desk, the short skirt of her uniform swirling around her as she sat. Two computer monitors dominated the desk, one facing her and the other angled towards the patient chair.

"Have a seat, Paul," she gestured, her voice softening.

As Paul sank into the chair, the computer whirred to life. With practiced ease, Dr. Preston pulled up his profile and displayed the recent X-ray results. "Periapical - Pending" the screen read, a single letter "P" next to it.

"That just means the results aren't quite ready yet, Paul," Dr. Preston explained. "But," her voice took on a more business-like tone, "we can certainly schedule your deep gum and teeth scaling treatment. That way, we can assess those five potentially problematic teeth in more detail."

Paul frowned slightly, certain it had been three teeth earlier, but decided not to question it. "Well, you've been wonderful, Dr. Preston," he offered, feeling a newfound appreciation for her care.

A dazzling smile lit up Dr. Preston's face at the use of her preferred title. "I'm happy to help, Paul," she replied, her voice full of warmth. “How about tomorrow, Sunday? What time works best for you?"

Dr. Preston's smile widened further as Paul readily agreed to the Sunday appointment at 11 am. She entered the details into the calendar with a flourish, the entry now reading "Paul (Full Deep Gum & Teeth Scaling) - Booked."

"Excellent!" she exclaimed, beaming at him. "Looking forward to seeing you then, Paul. And of course, I'll have the full results of the X-rays by then as well."

Dr. Preston rose from her chair, ushering Paul out of the consultation suite. As they walked, an eager glint flickered in her eyes. Her mind was already abuzz with the work she had planned on Pauls teeth she was so happy to have found the perfect practice patient.