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Views: 628 Created: 2 months ago Updated: 2 months ago

The Sexual Pleasure retreat

Rectal temperature

"Ok Callie so I want you to lay face down on the couch for me. You'll soon see rectal temperatures are not all that bad"

Very reluctantly Callie moved herself into the position. She felt very much out of her comfort zone, she really didn't want her bottom to be looked at never mind anything stuck into it.. but at the same time, the words of the receptionist, Hannah still echoed in her head. 'your doctor... Keiran. Do whatever he tells you to, you won't regret it, I promise'

Doctor Keiran was right at her side now and she felt him slowly undoing each of the ties that secured her gown closed, his fingers brushing her thigh and then moving up her hip as he did so. Eventually she felt the doctor lift the fabric that covered her bottom and then cool air hit her lower back and thighs.

"Beautiful panties, but they will need to come off I'm afraid"

Callie said nothing, preferring to lay there hiding her face in her hands as he gently eased the silk and lace over her hips and down to her mid thigh. Behind her came the unmistakable sound of latex stretching and releasing as the doctor snapped on a pair of gloves.

"It's going to feel cold first, then you will feel my fingers.... Then the thermometer. Just relax. It's really not so bad"

Callie tensed as the doctor pulled apart her bottom cheeks and the cool air tickled her exposed anus.

"Relax Callie, I haven't touched you yet. This is just my finger and some lubricant"

The lubricant felt freezing as he applied it and Callie held her breath as his finger began to slowly and lightly brush back and forth across her perineum several times, over her tight puckered hole.

After a while, the doctor started to apply gradual pressure, watching intently as his finger began stretching her hole slightly, then releasing before exerting the same pressure all over again. Callie was mortified! His touch was turning her on and oh my god, she was getting wet and he hadn't even touched her with the thermometer yet!

It was too much for Callie. Shamefully, she tensed and her bottom hole slammed shut. At the same time, his slippery finger had pushed it's way inside her, her vice like sphincter clamping his finger in place.

"How are you feeling Callie?"

What? Seriously? Callie couldn't believe he was asking her that. Wasn't it obvious?

"Your finger... It's... It's in my arse!!!"

"Relax. Tell me what it feels like Callie"

"Errr... it's errm.. it feels kind of wrong but sort of nice too."

He pulled his finger free and Callie took a deep breath. Her bottom was now pulsating madly. Every nerve was now alive and alert to sensation.

The doctor held up a glass thermometer and showed it to Callie and she watched as he applied a liberal amount of thick glutinous lubricant, coating one third of the rod and the pear shaped silver bulb at the end.

"Relax now Callie. The thermometer is going to go inside you now... Tell me what you feel as it touches you...."

He held her bottom cheeks apart once more and Callie moaned as the cold hard glass rod touched her puckered ring. Could she really tell him what she was feeling? She didn't really know what to say.

"Err... It's cold and hard.. it feels strange" The thermometer continued to push through her ring.

"Good girl. Just a few minutes now whilst that registers... "

It seemed like an eternity as Callie lay there, her bottom exposed with the thermometer sticking out. She clenched her bottom, trying to make up her mind about the new sensation as Callie felt the doctor wiggle it gently, pulling it in and out several times before seating it inside her.

It was a strange ticklish sensation but not at all as unpleasant as she had first thought. Eventually Dr Keiran moved behind her again and Callie felt him slide the thermometer free from her back passage.

"We're all done with that now. Your temperature is normal. Callie gasped as he wiped the lubricant away from her bottom and pulled off his gloves, discarding them with the wipe into a metal bin which opened with a clank.

Slowly, Callie sat up, her mind slow to process what had just happened and how it had made her feel. Her bottom still felt strange, kind of like it had remembered the violation. Dr Keiran was entering something onto his computer, seemingly oblivious to Callie's inner turmoil. He smiled as she stood to pull up her panties.

"Please don't fasten the gown just yet. I need to do a full stethoscope examination and check your major veins and arteries before we complete for today."


Girlypete 2 months ago 1  
Bob47 2 months ago 1